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Hello and welcome.

I'm Mr.Telfer and I'm going to be your design and technology teacher for your next few lessons.

We're going to look at food technology.

We're going to explore a range of different ideas and we're going to get some practical work in as well.

Okay? So have a positive attitude and let's go.

So for this topic, we're going to look for catering for needs and our first lesson, we're going to be introducing the idea of what influences our choices.

For this lesson you're only going to need a pen and paper or exercise book, We keep it simple for now.

Sorry and what we're going to be exploring in this lesson, we're going to be looking at factors that influence our food choices, the importance of a healthy diet, the functions of food and also how our lifestyle can impact the food choices that we make.

The key words for today, are factor which we could say several times already, which means the circumstances or the influence.

The function, which refers to the purpose of an object or the way that an object works, What it's for.

Nutrition, is when we're talking about a process of providing our body with nutrients and vitamins and minerals for it to stay healthy and to grow.

Diet, is the food that a person chooses to eat because of their wants, their needs or their values.

Healthy, We know that's to be fit and to be well.

Consume, that means what we eat or ingest and impact, means the influence or the effect of a situation or the decision.

So if I choose to do something, what is the impact of that? So what impact is my decision make, that makes sense? Excellent.

Now we're going to talk our first area, which are factors that influences our food choices.

Okay So let's imagine that it's a lunchtime.

You could be at school.

You could be at home.

You could be in the city doing your shopping wherever you are, you're going to have a range of different options of food that you could be eating.

what kind of things would influence your choice? Shout some ideas out.

Yup Could be the price.

could be a portion size.

Could be the texture or the taste of the food.

Yes all these things will be factors to why you would or wouldn't, choose to eat your food.

Now what I would like you to do, is think about yourself and your family, think about the food you have at home or what you would eat if you went out and think about what factors would affect your choices.

Okay? Hit the pause button write your list down and then when you've finished, we'll continue.

Welcome back.


So some of the idea that you may have come up with, prices and offers got a little bit bargain, allergies, if you've got allergies to certain foods, you will not buy them.

Dietary requirements, again, you might want to eat a certain food for a certain nutrition.

Value, desire to be healthy, flavours and textures, your culture, so you might want to buy food that you identify with, discount, that's my, that's my thing, cooking skills, you know, some people are really really good cooks and can experiment some people can't really cook that well So they'll keep their food quite basic and lifestyle.

Again, we'll talk about that later on as well and brand loyalty, so some people may only shop in a certain shop and buy certain food or concern, drinks, et cetera, et cetera.

Okay? So all of these are factors that influence our food choices.

Let's work on to look on a social and personal practise.

Our sensory appreciation guides us on the food choices that we make as well.

So tightening them hasn't been smelled but not something tasty that will determine whether we like or dislike a food.

So that's a personal factor.

A social factor could be based upon a trend at the time or recommendation.

So if someone says, Mr Telfer, go to that restaurant and try to option A, B and C, that would be a recommendation, which is a social factor.

Also, if I took part in veganary in January, for example where my diet would change to a non-meat vegetarian diet that would also be me doing a social trend.

Makes sense? Good.

So based on that, quick question, our senses play a vital role in food decisions that we make.

True or false.

Correct, that's right.

It's true.

So like we said, our nose and our tongue, can detect thousands of tastes thousands but also, you got to think about, once you start eating that food how it feels in your mouth as well.

Some people don't like the texture of certain foods.

I don't mind personally but yeah these are the things that help us make a decision whether we like or dislike or accept or reject some food.

When we talk about economic factors, we're talking about people's finances and budgets throughout the country or throughout the world, people live on different budgets.

Some people have access to higher end stores, where they can buy name brand products, they can buy finer ingredients, they could buy premium select cuts of meat Whereas some of us will shop in cheaper stores, We'll buy own brand products and we'll bargain hunt as well.

One good thing about it, you can bargain hunt three for two great deal.

Religion and culture also has an impact on the food choices that some people make.

Can we think of some examples some religions, that may impact the food choices that we make.

Press pause, write your ideas down and then we'll check back in a moment.

Welcome back and let's look at some of the religion or cultures we could have chose.

We could have looked at Rastafarians, you could have looked at Judaism, Hinduism or Islam.

Now rastas tend to have a vegan diet which means they won't eat any food from an animal or any animal products, eggs, milk, et cetera, et cetera and we eat an ital diet which means our food has to be organically grown and we will not eat any processed food, okay? In Judaism, the community won't eat any food that is not kosher.

So that is their diet.

They have to have a kosher diet and any meat that they eat, has to be killed in a certain way, which is according to the Jewish laws.

Now Hindus, they are not more vegetarians, they do eat meat, some of them but they will not eat beef.

There because in their religion, the cow is a sacred animal so they will not eat beef and lastly, if we're looking at Islam they follow a strict law about what food they can and cannot eat and how it is prepared and how it is cooked and you may have seen it in a store as well When you go around, that you'll see meat that has to be prepared in a certain way and advertised as halal meat.

You might have seen this in some restaurants as well where they have a certificates in meat service halal.

Okay? So that's how religion and culture could impact choices as well and there's loads more plenty more out there in the world.

Health factors, definitely play a part in the choices of food that we make.

Now some people suffer from allergies or low tolerances to different types of food.

I have a low tolerance to dairy, cows' milk, gives me a, it's a problem but what I want to do now, is just have a moment and think about what kind of foods do you think people commonly allergic to.

Shout out some of your answers.

Yeah nuts is definitely one and that could be airborne as well.

Dairy, milk, cheese.

Seafood, shellfish.

That's a good one.

Very, very common as well so again, these are things that determine whether we would or wouldn't choose to eat certain foods.

Okay? Now remember looking at ethics or talking about ethics already.

That's when we have some people who really consider where their food comes from and one of those key words, the impact of their food on the world or the environment that we're living in.

So some people will only eat fair trade or they choose to buy fair trade, which means that farmers in other countries get paid well and looked after, we could buy local produce, which means we're saving on a few miles.

You grow your own fruits and vegetables.

You know we'll be saving ourselves from pesticides and germs and bad labour.

Free range eggs, I buy free range eggs because I want my chickens to be nice and healthy running around, that gives me a good egg rather than the more being cooped up and you know, giving me bad foul eggs because they're in poor conditions and buying food seasonally as well.

If we buy food, when it's grown at the right time we don't have to import things from abroad which then gives us food miles.

So imagine me buying some food from America, it's going to take two weeks to get to England.

Then it's going to be a week on the shelves.

It's already three weeks old by the time I get it.

That's not very fresh.

Okay, So now let's do a task.

The first thing I want you to do is disassemble meal.

Now by disassemble what I mean we're going to do is deconstruct or break it down into its standard components or in this case, its ingredients, okay? The meal we're going to look at, is the beef lasagna.

Now, what I want you to do is pause the video, write the list of all the things that we can break it down into and then remember coming back we'll check our answers and we will look at how we're going to alter or modify the meal.

All right, guys.

So what we should have been able to do is break our meal down into these standard components.

We've got the beef mince, which is this main filling, the tomato sauce, the beef stock which is going to give it its flavour and some texture, some moisture sorry.

You've got to pasta sheets, lasagna sheets as it were, the white sauce, which is dairy and also we are going to have our favourite thing, cheese Lots and lots of cheese.

Okay? Now what I want you to do is think about the areas we've looked at and use those to modify our ingredients.

So remember, we've got ethical reasons.

We've got religious reasons or factors, economic factors and health factors.

I want you to choose one of those areas and list as many things we could do to modify our ingredients to make it suitable.

Press pause now, write your list and when we come back we exchange our answers.

Welcome back.

Now, if you picked an ethical change, these are some of the things you could have chose.

You could have added locally grown produce to your ingredients.

You could make sure you're using a British farmed beef, that way we know that the foods have to go through certain standard checks or you could remove the meat and make it suitable for a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet.

Now does anyone know what a lacto-ovo vegetarian is? No? Okay, so what it is, they will eat produce from an animal, so they'll eat the eggs and they'll drink the milk but they won't eat the meat because they believe that is an oculti.

So they'll take the natural things from the animal but they will not eat the meat, okay? So that's their ethical reasons.

For religion changes, if anyone chose religion.

We could have made sure our meat was halal or kosher.

You could have used a meat substitute so we could have used quorn or soya or seitan or we could make it organically vegetarian.

So we make sure that everything's grown.

There's no pesticides and someone else like a rasta could eat it, gladly.

Those of you who chose about or chose the economic factors, again, we could use seasonally grown vegetables, So when something is grown in season, it's better for the economy, it's better financially.

You could buy meat from the butchers, which makes that a bit cheaper and we also know it's special meat and for the sauce, we could make our own sauce.

You know, rather than spending two three pounds on sauce in a jar, you could spend a pound on some tomatoes, put a bit of peppermint, smash it up, pack your own sauce.

For those of you who chose health factors, You could definitely substitute the dairy in the sauce or substitute cheese and you could use plant-based sauces.

Now I drink oat milk I drink almond milk as well.

So we could've used something like that or vegan cheese.

I don't like vegan cheese and for celiacs, you've got an intolerance, you could use gluten-free pasta sheets to help them out.

That makes sense everyone? Well then if you've got those answers, keep going.

Welcome back.

So now we're going to look at the function of food and the importance of a healthy diet.

Some of you may have already heard of the eat well guide before.

It's a recommendation that suggest to us how much food we should actually be eating from different food groups for us to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, which is important.

While I'm here let me ask you a question.

Do we need to achieve a healthy balance with every meal that we eat in a day? True or false.

Right it's false.

I mean, we can't always get it right.

You know, if we go to a fast food restaurant or the drive thru, we're not saying we're going to get a balanced meal but we should aim to get a couple of balanced meals throughout the day or at least throughout our week.

Okay, make sure we do that.

So now we're about to look at the function of food.

This is the eat well guide and like I said earlier is suggest to us how much food we should be eating from different areas.

Now 38% of our plate should be our carbs.

So this is our potatoes, our breads, our rices, all of the starch carbohydrates and that's what we provide our body and our brain with the fuel and the energy it needs to get through the day.


13% of our plate should be our protein.

So that could be on meats, fishes.

Pardon me, sorry.

If you're a vegetarian, it could be your beans and your pulses, lentils, So on and so forth and what these, what proteins does for us, it helps us to grow and repair our muscles and our fibres in our body as well.

So think about a bodybuilder, He will have a high protein diet.

40% of our plate is supposed to be fruits and vegetables.

Now you might know this song, fruit vegetables keep us alive.

Always remember to eat your, okay so remember to eat five pieces of fruit and vegetables a day and what that would do would give us the vitamins and the minerals to help support our immune system which is really, really important nowadays.

Next we're going to look at dairy and alternatives.

So that could be your oat milk, your almond milk your soy milk but what these do they give our the nutrients to improve our strength of our bones, our teeth, our nails.

So, you know, we want them to be strong and healthy.

Definitely I like it and oils and spreads.

So a little bit of butter, a little bit of fats like avocados and what that does, it provides our body with energy as well to keep us burning but also protects our organs on the insides to keep us a bit warm as well.

It was about as polar bear love a fat never hurt nobody.

Now bear this in mind, What I'd like you to do next, is complete your own eat well guide.

So think about how much goes into each section.

So for example, fruits and veggies, you remember that I was 40%.

I want you to put that in the right place and just identify its function.

So give yourself vitamins and minerals and help our immune system.

Okay? So pause the video and I'll check back with you in a moment.

Welcome back guys, we're making excellent progress.

Let's keep it going.

Now I just want to quickly share these eight tips for healthy eating with you.

Which you're going to use in your next task.

Okay? So tip number one.

I want you to base your meals on high fibre and starch carbohydrates.

I want you to make sure you include in loads of fruits and vegetables in your meal.

Make sure you're eating more fish.

I know some people don't like fish but it's really good for your skin, your hair, your nails, the eyes and just cut down on saturated fats and sugars.

Definitely eat less salt, also to make sure we stay active, you know maintaining a nice, healthy weight.

I want us to make sure that we are drinking a lot more water, staying hydrated and not getting thirsty, it's really bad and lastly, I want us to make sure that we do not skip breakfast because it's the most important meal of the day but many many people skip breakfast.

I make sure I get mine.

I love my breakfast.

Now bearing these things in mind, what I want you to do now is pause the video and I want you to create a leaflet or a poster, explaining each one of these eight tips but I want you to design it for someone who is younger than yourself.

Think about a child in infant school.

So probably seven, eight years old.

Keep the information simple.

Keep the pictures nice and bright.

Once you've finished this, we'll come back and we'll do our last test.

Welcome back everyone.

Doing really well for your first lesson.

Now, lastly, what I wanted to just think about is how our lifestyle can impact our food choices.

So when we're talking about lifestyle, we're talking about what someone does throughout their day.

So if I gave you me as an example, I wake up super early, five o'clock in the morning.

I make sure I have a breakfast, before I then go to the gym and train and then come back and have another high protein breakfast part two.

I make sure I have a decent lunch, usually including my fishes and my grains and then fo my evening meal, I'll make sure that I'm having seafood again or some fish with vegetables, loads and loads of vegetables, in between that snacking, I might have some nuts and fruit and veg Not love it, veg is a lie Okay? But that matches my lifestyle, it suits me.

It suits what I'm trying to achieve.


So I'm going to give you three people to look at right now.

We could look at a child, who is probably five, six, seven years old.

We could look at a teenager, probably someone like yourself or an elderly person, like your grandparents or your uncles or aunts, whoever I don't know.

Okay? Now thinking about or using an eat well guide, I want you to design a healthy meal for one of these people.

Thinking about their lifestyles and thinking about their needs.

Okay? So if you look at the child, that's someone who's still growing up, very active.

they're going to need strong teeth and strong bones to help them grow.

they're going to need some kind of insulation, you know protecting the insides so they don't bash themselves and no one wants blood food.

So you need something nice and colourful to encourage them to eat and experiment and to try things.

Now a teenager, You still growing up again, still very active he might be walking to school or riding their bike to school.

some of you like to sleep in you can be a bit late after you miss your breakfast.

They have lunch at school which isn't always the best lunch in the world and on your way home, you might go to the store or to the chicken shop and you know buy some fries or some kind of fast food which is convenient on your way home.

An elderly person, think about it.

They might have false teeth.

They want something soft and moist that they can chew and swallow easier.

Sorry, excuse me.

They might need some kind of high nutritional value, so they don't want to just eat noodles.

You need to give them some kind of food that's going to help them with the calcium in their bones.

Do you remember the getting older? Their bones are going to get weaker naturally So we need to help them keep them strong.

and we need to make sure that they've got a lot of vitamins, minerals in their diet to help boost the energy and boost the immune system to keep them going.

Like, so just think about one of those and design their healthy meal.

If you want to do an extension in design to help a meal for another one, go for it.

That would be brilliant Pause the video and complete that task and I'll see when you get back.

Right guys.

So well done.

We've reached the end of lesson one.

If you want to share any of your work that you've completed, please, please please get a parent or a responsible adult to share your work online at Twitter, tag the Oak National and #learnwithOak.


I'll see you again soon.

Take care and goodbye.