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Hi, everyone, it's Ms. Panchal here, I hope that you are well and had a great day so far.

So thank you for joining me for today's science lesson.

We're going to be thinking about all the changes that occur during puberty.

Now we've got lots of learning to do today, so let's get started with the lesson.

So the outcome for our lesson today is, "I can describe changes in humans as they develop through adolescence." Now today in our lesson, we're going to be thinking about some changes that you may be experiencing now, and if at any point you have any questions or would like to talk about anything further, then I suggest you speak to a trusted adult and I'm sure they'll be more than happy to talk to you.

So we've got lots to do today in our lesson, so let's get started.

So we're first going to think about some key words.

Now I'm going to read these words out to you, and some of you may have seen these words before or are familiar with them, and some of you may not be so sure of them, but don't worry because the whole point of today's lesson is going through these words, but also by the end of the lesson, you'll have an understanding of them and what they mean.

So the words are, human, adolescence, adolescent, puberty, and reproduce.

So I'm gonna put some definitions up now, and what I would like you to do is pause the video here and have a read over them yourself.

As I said, some of you may know what these words already mean and some of you might not be so sure, but don't worry 'cause I think that these definitions here give you a good summary.

Click Play when you're ready to continue.

So our lesson today is split up into two sections, so the first part of our lesson is going to be learning all about adolescence and puberty, and the second part is going to be thinking about signs of puberty.

So let's get on with the first part of the lesson.

So, Humans change as they grow from children to adults." Can anyone tell me, what differences are there between children and adults? Have a think.

Great, so there are lots of differences between children and adults, some of them may be height, some may be interests, maybe appearance.

Well done.

So Sam here says, "Adults are taller than children," and Laura here says, "Children are still growing, but adults are fully grown." Jacob says, "Adults can have children of their own." Do you have any other other ideas about how things are different between children and adults? Well done.

So, "The stage between childhood and adulthood in humans is called adolescence," and that was one of our key words at the beginning of the lesson.

So we've got an example here, a diagram, to help us understand that.

So we've got a child, we've got adolescent, and then we've got an adult.

"A human who is at this stage of development is called an adolescent," another one of our key words.

"Adolescence lasts from when humans are around 12 years old until they are around 20 years old.

Every human is different, so many may grow and develop earlier and later than this.

This is normal." So something I would definitely say for all the learning we're doing today, all about changes during puberty, that, yes, there may be some milestones, for example, at 12 years old until they're 20, like on this slide here, but everybody is different and people develop at different rates and at different speeds, so it's important to remember that everybody is unique and that is completely normal, and developing at a different rate to your friends is also completely normal.

And again, if you have any questions about anything that we're looking at in today's lesson, please speak to a trusted adult near you.

So, "Humans go through lots of changes during adolescence.

As well as their bodies, their minds change and develop too.

Adolescents often develop more independence and a better understanding about how others feel." So some of you may have older siblings, cousins, friends, that may be slightly older than you and are in this adolescent stage, and you may have noticed that they think differently, they may act differently, or they may even act towards you differently.

So let's do a quick check of our learning so far.

"Which of these statements about adolescence are true? A.

All humans become adolescents at 12 years old.


Adolescence is the stage between childhood and adulthood.


During adolescence, humans' brains and bodies develop.

Or D, Adolescence always lasts for around 10 years." So have a think back to the learning we've done just in this lesson so far.

Which of these statements are true? Have a think.

Great work, everyone, well done.

B and C are correct.

So B says, "Adolescence is the stage between childhood and adulthood, and during adolescence, humans' brains and bodies develop," and we're going to explore this later on in the lesson.

So, "Human bodies go through lots of changes during adolescence.

The name for this physical development is puberty," another one of our keywords for today's lesson.

So Jun's brother and Jun here, and Jun's brother says, "Have you heard about puberty before? Do you know anything about it already?" So some of you might have an understanding of the changes that happen during puberty and some of you may not know, but please don't worry, because that's what today's lesson is all about.

"The changes that happen during puberty prepare human bodies to reproduce.

By the end of puberty, human bodies are able to reproduce and have babies." So here is an example of a pregnant human, and you may have seen somebody pregnant in your family or in your friend circle maybe, one of your friend's parents.

So let's go through a question to check our understanding.

What is the missing word? "The development stage between childhood and adulthood is called, A, adolescence, B, childhood, or C, puberty?" What do you think? Fantastic work everyone.

The answer is A, adolescence.

Let's move on to the next question.

"The time when the human body changes to be ready for reproduction is called, A, adolescence, B, childhood, or C, puberty?" What do you think is the missing word? Super work, everyone.

The answer is puberty.

Well done.

"For girls, puberty generally happens between the ages of 10 to 14 years old, and for boys, puberty generally happens between the ages of 12 to 16 years old, and puberty happens at different ages for different people.

It is normal for puberty to happen outside of these times," so it's very easy to compare yourselves with people around you, but it's important to try not to do that because everyone develops at a different pace and a different rate.

So let's do a check of our learning.

So we've got a missing word there, "lasts from around 12 years old until around 20 years old." So what do we think that missing word is? "A, adolescence, B, puberty for boys, or C, puberty for girls?" What do you think? Great job, the word is adolescence, so, "Adolescence lasts from around 12 years old until around 20 years old." Good job.

Let's go through the next question.

"Between what ages do boys generally go through puberty? Is it, A, 12 to 20 years old, B, 12 to 16 years old, or C, 10 to 14 years old?" Have a think of the learning that we've just been through.

Excellent, the answer is B, 12 to 16 years old.

Super job.

Now let's go on to the next question.

"Between what ages do girls generally go through puberty? Is it, A, 12 to 20 years old, B, 12 to 16 years old, or C, 10 to 14 years old?" What do you think? Super job, the answer is C, 10 to 14 years old.

Well done, everyone.

So we're going to move on to the first task now.

So task A, it says, "Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

You will need to use each word more than once." So I'm going to read the sentences to you and then I want you to have a think about which of the words on the side fit in.

So we've got adolescence, adolescent, and puberty.

So sentence one, or sentence one, say, "Between the time a human is a child and an adult, they are an.

Their bodies and brains go through lots of changes during." Number two, "The name for the physical changes the bodies go through to prepare for reproduction is.

Happens during." So that's number one and two.

Number three is, "The stage generally lasts from the ages of 12 to 20 years old." Number four, "happens at different times for boys and girls." So what I'd like you to do is write out these sentences and fill in the missing gaps.

If you need to, go back to the earlier slides in the lesson to recap some of the learning to ensure you get the answers correct.

Have a good go and we'll go through the answers really soon.

Well done, everyone, for your work on that task, I know it was a little bit tricky as some of the sentences were quite challenging.

So we're going to go through the answers now.

"Between the time a human is a child and an adult, they are an, adolescent.

Their bodies and brains go through lots of changes during adolescence." "The name for the physical changes the bodies go through to prepare for reproduction is puberty.

Puberty happens during adolescence." "The adolescent stage generally lasts from the ages of 12 to 20 years old." And, "Puberty happens at different times for boys and girls." Super job, everyone, well done.

Well done, everyone, on your work so far in today's lesson.

So we've already learned about adolescence and puberty and we're going to now think about the signs of puberty.

So, "Both boys and girls bodies go through physical changes during puberty.

Do you know anything about these changes already?" So as I said, some of you may know about these changes because of older siblings, older cousins, and some of you may have started to go through some of these changes already.

"During puberty, girls' bodies change shape.

They get taller, their hips get wider, and their breasts grow.

During puberty, girls grow more body hair, particularly under their arms and between their legs." So this girl says here, "I was 13 years old when I noticed hair growing in new places," and this other girl here on the screen says, "I noticed the hairs on my arms and legs grew darker and thicker, then, when I was around 15, hair started to grow under my arms." So remember, everyone develops at different rates.

"For many girls, their hair and skin gets oilier during puberty and this can lead to more spots, called acne, appearing on their skin." So let's do a check of our learning so far.

"Which of these changes that take place in girls during puberty? A, growing taller, B, narrower hips, C, more hair between their legs, D, more hair on their face, or E, oilier skin and hair?" So which of these do you think are changes that take place in girls during puberty? Have a think.

Well done, so there are three different statements here.

So A, growing taller, C, more hair between their legs, and E, oilier skin and hair.

So, "The biggest change for me during puberty was starting my periods," says this girl here on the screen.

"Girls start their periods during puberty," and this is another huge changes within puberty for girls.

"Periods happen because of changes in the womb," and the womb is part of a girl's anatomy.

"Around once a month, women's bodies prepare for growing a baby inside the womb.

During this time, the soft lining of the womb gets thicker," and we can see from the two diagrams here that there is a thicker lining on that second diagram.

"If the woman is not pregnant, this lining isn't needed, so it falls away and comes out of the woman's vagina in the form of blood." So our diagram here shows lining coming away and falling out of the vagina.

"This usually takes around four to eight days to completely leave the woman's body." But remember, all women are completely different, so what's one person may not be the same for another woman.

This girl on the screen here says, "AFter this, my body starts preparing to grow a baby again, so the lining grows again and the cycle starts over, roughly a month later." And her friend says, "This is called the menstrual cycle, and it's different for everyone.

My period lasts a couple of days longer each month than my best friend's does." So again, remember, I know it's very easy to compare yourself to somebody else.

However, everybody develops at a different rate.

So let's do a quick check of our understanding.

"Which statements are true?" So we've got, "A, periods start during puberty, B, All girls start their period at the same age, C, The blood that comes out during a period is from the lining of the womb." So which of these statements do you think is true? Have a think.

Well done, statements A and C are true.

So periods start during puberty, and C, the blood that comes out during a period is from the lining of the womb.

Now we know that statement B is not correct because we've said all girls do not start their period at the same age, it can happen at different ages for different girls.

So we're continuing now to look at the signs of puberty.

So Andeep here is saying, "I think boys and girls go through all of the same changes during puberty." Sam says, "I think they go through some of the same changes." And Jun says, "I don't think there are any similarities between puberty for girls and boys." Who do you agree with? Have a think.

"Like girls, boys get oilier hair and skin.

They also get more body hair, especially under their arms and between their legs.

Unlike girls, boys begin to grow facial hair during puberty." So this is one of the key differences in puberty, changes and signs of puberty between boys and girls.

So, "During puberty, boys' bodies change shape too, but in a different way to girls' bodies." So boys and girls going through puberty all have changes in their body shape, but it's different between girls and boys.

"Boys' shoulders grow wider and their chests grow broader." So this person here says, "Boys' voices get much deeper during puberty.

You will sound very different in a few years' time." And this boy says, "Will my voice change suddenly?" "It usually changes over time.

Sometimes it goes through phases of being croaky or very high-pitched.

This is called your voice breaking." So for boys, when their voice gets deeper, it's not going to be a light switch moment, it's not going to be one day you wake up and it's completely different, this change will happen over time, but remember, everybody is unique and everyone develops at a different rate.

So let's do another quick check of our learning.

"Which of these changes take place in boys during puberty?" Is it, "A, growing taller, B, Narrower shoulders, C, More hair between their legs, D, More hair on their face, or E, Periods start." So have a think back to the changes we've just learned about in terms of boys during puberty and which of these changes take place.

Have a think.

Excellent, well done.

So we've got, A, Growing taller, C, More hair between their legs, and D, More hair on their face.

Excellent work.

everyone, well done, you're doing such a fantastic job so far in today's lesson.

So we're going to move on to the next task now.

So it says, "Complete the Venn diagram with changes that happen to boys and girls during puberty." So in that left hand section there, we've got Boys, so in those sections in those boxes should be things that only happen to boys, and on the right hand side, under Girls, there should be changes that only happen in girls, and in the middle there is changes that happen to boys and to girls.

So I would like you to pause the video here.

Either print this sheet out or you can draw your own Venn diagram.

I would like you to think about the changes that happen in boys and girls and write them down.

We'll go through some suggestions a little bit later on in the lesson.

Off you go.

Amazing work, everyone, well done.

So we're going to go through some example answers, now maybe you got some of these or maybe you got some a little bit different.

So under the Boys section, we've got a much deeper voice, wider shoulders, a broader chest, and facial hair grows.

In the Girls, we've got wider hips, breasts grow, and periods start.

And so for both boys and girls, we've got additional body hair between legs and underarms, body changes shape, oilier skin and hair, and grow taller.

So we can see here that there are some changes that only happen in boys, some changes that only happen in girls, but there are actually quite a number of things and changes that are in boys and girls.

Well done for completing this task everyone.

Fantastic work.

So the next part of this activity is, I would like you to create a poster explaining the changes that take place during puberty for either boys or girls, so you can choose either a poster for boys or a poster for girls.

Your poster should explain the changes clearly so that pupils a little younger than you would be able to understand them.

So you can create your poster in any way that you would like.

You could do it on a piece of paper or you could use a computer maybe.

you could do a mind map, include some pictures, include some fun facts.

It's completely up to you how you design your poster.

If you need to, click back to earlier in the lesson to remind yourselves of some of the changes and the reasons so it helps you to explain them on your poster.

Click back in the video to continue the lesson and we'll go through an example.

Off you go, and I hope you have a great time making a really colourful and informative poster.

Off you go.

Amazing work, everyone, well done.

So here is an example poster and this person has chosen to do a poster on boys, and we can see that they've got a fantastic drawing in the middle and they've labelled some key changes that will happen to boys during puberty.

Was your poster similar or was it a little bit different? Have a look at this example.

Well done for having a go at your poster, I can see you've put a real amount of effort into this poster to explain lots of the different changes.

Fantastic work, everyone, I'm so impressed with your creativity and actually how colourful and attractive you've made your poster as well.

Well done.

So we've come towards the of today's lesson now, so we're going to do a summary of all our learning.


"The stage between childhood and adulthood is called adolescence.

Humans go through puberty during adolescence.

This is when a child's body develops and changes as they become an adult.

Signs of puberty include a changing body shape and more body hair, and boys' voices become deeper and girls start their periods during puberty." Now we've come to the end of the lesson, I would like to say I'm so impressed with your maturity, focus and attention during this lesson.

We went through quite a lot of learning and I'm so impressed with how you've handled all of it.

And as I said at the beginning, if you have any more questions or you're concerned about any of the changes that we've learned in today's lesson, or you just want to find out a bit more, please speak to a trusted adult and I'm sure they'll be more than happy to speak to you and answer any of your questions.

Now I hope you have a great rest of the day, and I'm sure I will see you very soon in the next science lesson.
