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Hi everyone.

My name is Ms. Pantow.

And I'm really excited and glad you decided to join me on this science lesson.

So our lesson today is going to be focusing on the positive things that humans can do to help protect our environment.

So we're going to be focusing on reforestation and recycling.

Now don't worry too much if you're not too sure what they mean, because that's what we are going to cover in our lesson today.

Our lesson today is part of our bigger unit of learning on living things and the environment.

Let's get started with the lesson as we've got lots of learning to do today.

So the outcome for our lesson today is, I can describe the positive impact of reforestation and recycling on the environment.

So here are some key words that we're going to use in our lesson today.

So what I'd like you to do is pause the video here and talk with your talk partner about the different keywords and I'd like you to practise reading out the definitions to each other.

So we've got reforestation, recycling, reuse, landfill, and environmental scientist.

Great reading, everybody.

Well done.

So our lesson today is split up into two parts.

The first part of our lesson is going to be focusing on reforestation and we're going to be learning about what it is.

And the second part of our lesson, we're going to be focusing on recycling.

So let's get on with the first part of our lesson.

So Laura says, "I read online that humans are having a negative impact on the environment." Andeep says, "Yes, I heard that we are causing problems by creating rubbish and destroying the habitats of animals and plants." So we can see an image here of lots of rubbish and these are destroying the habitats of living things around us.

Laura says, "Does everything humans do have a negative effect on the environment?" What do you think? So pause the video here and have a think with your talk partner.

Do everything that humans do have a negative impact on the environment? What do you think? Great.

So Andeep says, "I wonder if there is anything humans can do to have a positive impact." So, do you know how humans can have a positive impact on the environment? So we're quite aware of unfortunately some of the things that humans do can have a negative impact on the world.

But actually, do you know of any positive things that humans can do and the impact that it has on the environment? Great ideas, everyone.

Well done.

So reforestation and recycling are two ways in which humans can have a positive impact on the environment.

So do something good for the environment.

Laura says, "I have heard of recycling, but what is reforestation?" Andeep says, "I have heard of deforestation, which is when trees are cut down to make space for farming or to use the wood for other purposes.

Maybe reforestation means the same thing."" Do you know? So pause the video here and I'd like you to think really carefully about the word "reforestation." Now we can see on the screen here that deforestation and reforestation have a prefix at the beginning of their words.

Now a prefix is letters at the beginning of a word.

So we can see that deforestation has a "de" in front of it and we've got reforestation, which has "re" at the beginning.

So do we know what reforestation means? Have a think.

Great guesses, everybody.

Well done.

So, reforestation is used to restore forests that have been damaged or destroyed by humans or wildfires.

So we've got two images here, and the first image here is showing us the damage caused by humans cutting down trees.

So we can see here right at the base, we've got the tree had been chopped off where the trunk is, but actually we can see in the distance where there are some trees, and hopefully those are not going to be cut down, but they may be.

And we can see on the right hand side here, there's lots of damage caused by a wildfire.

We can see that there's lots of burnt wood, and we can see that the condition of the soil is really, really poor.

Let's do a check of our learning.

Which of these can have a positive impact on the environment? A, deforestation, B, reforestation, or C, recycling.

Which one do we think? Brilliant.

There's actually two answers here.

So reforestation and recycling are two things that can have a positive impact on the environment and they are controlled by humans.

Let's move on.

So reforestation is when forests are regrown in areas that used to be populated by trees.

So we can see here that new trees are being planted.

So before that, there may have been trees a long time ago, but they may have been cut down, but now, new trees have been planted there.

Andeep says, "People can plant new trees to replace those that have been removed or have died." How does this have a positive effect on the environment? So I'll pause the video here and have a think with your talk partner.

What is the impact of having more trees planted or new trees planted? What's the impact going be on the environment? Brilliant.

Well done.

So planting more trees provides habitats for animals, like birds and squirrels, and gives other animals such as deer and bears, a place to live and find food.

So this is just one of the positive impacts that having and planting more trees will have.

In addition to this, trees would help to provide food, as well as giving some animals shelter from predators.

Moving on, planting more trees helps to keep the air clean, and trees help to remove gases from the air that can be harmful to the environment.

In addition to this, trees give shade and help to keep our planet cool.

This helps to stop the air around Earth from getting too hot, which is important for all living things.

So reforestation is carried out by a variety of people and groups who care about the environment.

Many countries have programmes to plant trees to improve the environment, and environmental organisations, as well as local community groups, come together to plant trees in their neighbourhoods, parks, or nearby forests.

So I know in my local area there's lots of new trees that have been planted, and that's a fantastic way to show reforestation happening.

Let's do a quick question to check our learning.

True or false? Reforestation is when trees are removed to make space for farming or to use the wood for other purposes.

Do we think this is true or false? Brilliant.

The answer is false.

But we now need to think about why.

So why do we think this statement is false and can you change it so that it is true? Great, so we know that reforestation is when forests are replanted, often in areas that used to be populated by trees.

Super job, everybody.

Well done.

So let's move on to the first task of this lesson.

So what is reforestation? Who do you agree with? So we've got two children here who are giving us their explanations of reforestation.

I would like you to tell me who you agree with.

So let's read through the definitions first.

So Laura says, "Reforestation is when new trees are planted in an area that is now empty.

This is often to replace forests that have been destroyed or damaged." Andeep says, "Reforestation is when trees are removed from land, which is then used for a different purpose, such as building houses or for farming." I would then like you to think about the second question.

How can reforestation have a positive impact on the environment? So I'd like you to do the first part of the task is figure out who is correct, Laura or Andeep? And then the second part of the task, I'd like you to answer the question.

So pause the video here and have a go at this task.

We'll talk through the answers really soon.

Off you go.

Super work, everybody.

Well done.

So, Laura was correct with her definition of reforestation.

So let's just read it again.

So, "Reforestation is when new trees are planted in an area that is now empty, this is often to replace forests that have been destroyed or damaged." The second part of the task was to answer this question, how can reforestation have a positive impact on the environment? So let's read this example answer.

Reforestation can help to make the air cleaner because trees help to remove gases that can be harmful to the environment.

Planting more trees provides more homes for animals as well as giving them access to the things that they need to stay alive.

They provide shelter for animals, helping them to avoid predators.

Trees provide shade and help to keep the land cooler.

And this is important because too much heat can be bad for plants, animals, and people.

Well done, everybody, for completing this task.

I know there's quite a lot to think about in terms of the positive impact that reforestation can have on the environment, but I'm so impressed with the work that you've done so far.

It's big well done.

So we finished the first part of our lesson where we've learned all about reforestation, and so we're now going to be learning all about recycling.

Now humans can have a positive impact on the environment by recycling.

Lucas says, "Recycling is when you use less of things.

Izzy says, "Recycling is refusing to buy or use unnecessary things." And Alex says, "Recycling is when we leave waste to rot." What do you think? What do you think recycling is? Have a discussion with your talk partner.

Brilliant work, everyone.

Well done.

So when we recycle, we collect and sort our rubbish instead of throwing it away.

And we can see different coloured bins here.

So depending on where you live, you might have four different bins, you might have three different bins, and some different colours might mean different things.

The waste materials are then taken away and converted back into raw materials to be used in creating new products.

We can also make sure we sort our rubbish into the correct bin.

It'll be sent away to be recycled.

And here is an example of a pencil sharpener, which is actually made from recycled materials.

Luca says, "I have heard that they can make pencil sharpeners from recycled CD cases and play equipment from recycled clothing." So what will happen is that materials are recycled instead of being thrown away into the bin as usual.

And then the recycled materials are then used to make something else.

Let's do a check of our learning.

What is recycling? Is it, A, throwing rubbish away, B, when items are changed into something new to use, or C, burying rubbish in the ground? Which one do we think is correct? A, B, or C? Brilliant.

The answer is B.

So recycling is where items are changed into something new to use.

So we can also reuse some of the items we would usually throw away.

Can you think of any items that you could reuse? So think carefully to things you have in your classroom, to things you have at home.

Are there any items that you could maybe reuse, but maybe you could reuse it for a different purpose? Excellent ideas, everybody.

Well done.

So when we reuse objects, this means we use them again, and sometimes for a different purpose.

So we can see an example of a plant pot made from a reused newspaper.

So I did this exactly with my class.

So we were planting for a project in our STEM week.

And so instead of using plastic plant pots that would be not good for the environment, we actually recycled some newspaper and we made them into a cylinder shape, and we planted our plants in there, and that was much better for the environment, and we actually reused the newspaper.

So it was much better for the environment that projects that we did.

Have you used any other examples of items that you've reused? Maybe you can think about trying to use some more things.

Why is it important to reuse and recycle our rubbish when we can? What do you think? So recycling and reusing objects can prevent rubbish going into landfill.

But what is a landfill? So pause the video here and I'd like you to have a little think in your head on your own, and then I want you to share your ideas with your partner and then everybody else in the group.

What is landfill? Brilliant ideas, everyone.

So landfills are places where we get rid of waste by burying it in the ground.

This has a negative effect on the environment, and we can see an example of a landfill here.

So unfortunately it's also ruining the beautiful country landscape that we can see.

So all of that there that we can see is all rubbish that people have thrown away instead of recycled.

landfills can pollute the soil and groundwater and have a negative impact on plants and animals that live nearby.

So this landfill here can actually damage the habitats of lots of different living things in the surrounding area.

Let's do a check of our learning.

What can help to prevent rubbish going to landfill? A, repeating objects, B, reusing objects.

C, recycling objects, or D reporting objects.

Which one do we think is correct? Brilliant, well done.

So reusing objects and recycling them are a fantastic way of preventing rubbish going into landfill, having negative impacts on the environment.

Let's move on.

Lucas says, "How do we know about different ways that we can have a positive impact on the environment?" Izzy says, "There are scientists who study and find ways to protect changing environments." Do you know what they're called? So do you know what these scientists are called? Have a think with your talk partner.


Well done.

So this type of scientist is called an environmental scientist.

An environmental scientist is like a detective for nature, working to protect changing environments.

Environmental scientists test the health of soil.

They also test air and water to make sure that they are clean and safe for us to breathe and drink.

Environmental scientists learn about different plants and animals to understand how they live and what they need to survive.

They find answers to problems creating new ways to prevent waste and pollution in the environment.

Let's do a check of our learning.

What do environmental scientists do? A, develop new materials.

B, study and research different medicines.

C, find ways of protecting the environment.

Which one do we think is correct? What do environmental scientists do? Excellent.

They find ways of protecting the environment.

So let's move on to the next task.

So I would like you to research an objects that has been made from recycled materials, and how does this benefit the environment.

So some examples might include a recycled paper notebook or recycled metal bicycle.

So I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go at this task.

These are two examples, but there's lots of other things that I'm sure you can find that can be made from recycled materials.

But I'd also like you to really think about how it benefits the environment.

So pause the video here, have a go at this task, and I'm really looking forward to hearing about the research you've done about the different objects.

Off you go.

Excellent research, everybody.

Well done.

So let's look at an example here.

Lucas' example.

He used the recycled paper from the notebook.

So notebooks can be made from paper that has been used before.

It is pulped and turned into new sheets of paper.

Using recycled paper means that fewer trees need to be cut down to make new paper, and this helps protect forests and the animals that live there.

So I know at school with my children, we all use recycled paper for our notebooks where we do our maths, English, science lessons, all of the books that we use, the paper that we write on is actually recycled and that's much better for the environment.

Another example, Izzy's example, she used recycled metal bicycle.

Bicycles can be made using metal from old cars and appliances.

This metal is melted down and reshaped into parts for new bikes.

And this helps to save natural resources because we don't need to dig up and use new metal from the Earth.

So it's using metal from different purposes, melting it, and making it into something new.

Another example might be a T-shirt.

So T-shirts can be made from recycled plastic bottles.

The bottles are cleaned, melted down, and spun into threads that can be made into fabric for clothes.

Recycling plastic bottles into T-shirts helps reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in the ocean or in landfills.

Did you get any of the examples or did you use some different ones? Well done by having a good go at this task, everyone.

So we've come towards the end of our lesson.

So let's do a summary of our learning.

So we've learned that positive impacts on environments can include reforestation and recycling.

We've learned in our lesson today that reforestation is when forests are regrown in areas that used to be populated by trees.

And when we recycle, we collect and sort rubbish instead of throwing it away.

And these items get changed into something new.

Environmental scientists are constantly studying and finding ways to protect changing environments.

So in our lesson today, we focused on changing environments, but actually things that humans can do that are positive for the environment.

For example, reforestation and recycling.

And there are little things that us as humans can do every single day in order to help protect our environment and the living things on it.

A huge well done to you all for your work today.

I've been so impressed with all of your work.

I hope you have a great rest of the day and I'm sure I'll see you really soon in the next lesson.
