
Content guidance

Exploration of objects

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hi everyone.

My name is Ms. Panchal, and I'm really excited and glad you decided to join me on today's science lesson.

So our lesson today is going to be focusing on changing environments and we're going to be looking particularly at waste creation and how that impacts the environment, but also we're going to be thinking about pollution as well.

So our lesson today is part of the bigger unit of learning on living things and the environment.

We've got lots of learning to do today.

So let's get started.

So the outcome for our lesson today is I can describe some negative effects of waste creation and pollution and suggest to some ways to reduce it.

So we're going to have a look at some key keywords that we are going to come across in our lesson today.

So I'm going to say the words so we can practise saying them, environment, impact, waste, pollution, and industry.

Now can you pause the video here and can you practise saying those words out to your partner? When you finish practising , click play.

Excellent job everybody.

Well done.

So with these words here, you've got the definitions.

So what I'd like you to do now is pause the video here and read out the definition to your partner.

If you'd like to label your partner A and B and take it in turns to read out the definitions of the different keywords, click play it when you're ready to continue and we'll start the lesson.

Super job everyone.

Well done.

So our lesson today is split up into two parts.

So we're first going to think about the impact of waste creation and pollution, and then the second part of the lesson we're going to focus on reducing waste creation and pollution.

So let's get on with the first part of the lesson today.

So Aisha's class have been learning about how human actions can cause environments to change.

Aisha says, "I have learned about how deforestation and land management can have a negative impact on living things.

I wonder how else environments can change in negative ways as a result of the actions of humans?" Do you have any ideas? I'd like you to pause the video here, have a little bit of thinking time in your head on your own, and then I'd like you to share your ideas with your partner.

How else can environments change in negative ways as a result of the actions of humans? Have a little think.

Excellent ideas, everybody.

Well done.

So changes in human population can cause environments to change.

Aisha's grandparents have said, "50 years ago when we were your age, there were approximately 4 billion people living in the world." How big do you think the population is now? What I'd like you to do is write down your prediction on a little post-it note.

Keep it to yourself just for now.

Don't show anybody else.

Now, share your prediction with your partner.

Did you have a similar prediction or one that was a little bit different? Well, I can reveal that now roughly.

The human population size has increased and is now around 8.

1 billion people in the whole world.

So we can see over time that the population has increased quite a lot.

Larger populations can create greater amounts of waste and pollution.

So now that there's more people living on our planet, there's more waste and more pollution.

Thousands of people live here in my city.

There are houses, shops, schools, local businesses and factories.

I wonder what happens to all the waste that's created? Do you know what happens to it? Aisha's grandparents say, "We see a lot more rubbish and pollution in the local environment now than there used to be when we were young." Why do you think that might be? So pause the video here and I would like you to have a little think on your own.

Why do we think that there is now a lot more waste and pollution on our planet compared to maybe 50 years ago? Why do you think that's the case? Have a little think on your own, then share your idea with your partner and then share your idea with the rest of the group.

Did you get similar ideas or did you get some different ones? Have a go.

Excellent thinking everybody and well done for sharing your ideas.

So let's do a check of our learning.

True or false, environments can change in a negative way as a result of the actions of humans.

Do we think that's true or false? Super job everybody.

The answer is true.

So we now need to think a little bit about why.

So why do we think that this is true? If you need to have a little think in your head and then share your ideas with your talk partner before we reveal the answer.

So why do we think this statement is true? Excellent, so although humans can make positive changes to help the environment, some of their actions can cause environment to change in negative ways.

Super job everyone.

Well done.

Let's do another check of our learning.

Which of these statements is true? A, smaller populations create no waste or pollution at all.

B, smaller populations create less waste and pollution.

Or C, smaller populations create more waste and pollution.

Which of these statements is true? Excellent, the answer is B.

So smaller populations creates less waste and pollution.

Let's move on.

Some of the objects we throw away as waste can't be recycled.

So they are buried in the ground in landfills where they will slowly break down and decompose.

So we can see on the screen here an image of a landfill site and we can see there's lots of rubbish that and waste left.

And this waste here can't be recycled.

It will end up being buried into the ground to break down and decompose.

Now I know I have a landfill site quite near where I live.

Do you have a landfill site near you? Landfills can pollute the soil and groundwater and cause a negative impact on plants and animals that live nearby.

Lots of the waste we throw away is single use plastic that often ends up in landfills.

Plastic bottles can take 450 years or more to decompose.

Plastic waste is also thrown away as litter.

And this can harm animals that might confuse plastic objects with food.

So for example, in a local river or stream, you may see that plastic has been thrown in there as litter and this can be really harmful to the animals that live in that environment as they may think it's food and try and eat it or they may get stuck inside.

Cars and other vehicles can pollute the environment by releasing harmful gases into the air.

Industry is the companies and activities involved in producing goods for sale, especially in a factory.

Industries can also produce waste and pollution, which can impact living things in the environment.

So here is an example of an industry and industry is involved in lots of companies and activities that produce things that can be sold and those things are particularly created in a factory.

But unfortunately with the production of this also a lot of waste is produced and a lot of pollution is created.

Let's do a check of our learning.

True or false? Positive environmental impacts include waste creation and pollution.

True or false? What do you we think? Super job, everyone.

The answer is false.

But we need to have a little think about why.

So have a think in your head and then maybe share your idea with your talk partner, before we reveal the answer, why do we think this statement is false? Super job everybody.

Well done.

So negative environmental impacts are actions that cause harm and would include waste creation and pollution.

Positive environmental impacts would be good for the environment.

So remember thinking the word negative means bad things, the things that could cause harm, whereas positive things are things that would be good.

Well done everyone.

Let's do another question to check our learning.

Which of these human actions would change an environment in a negative way? So remember we've just said in a negative way, the word negative is referring to things that are bad.

A, using a reusable drinking cup instead of a single use plastic cup.

B, throwing plastic waste on the ground as litter.

Or C, using single use plastic which would take many years to break down.

So which of these human actions would change an environment in a negative way? So in a bad way, have a think.

Brilliant work everybody well done.

So there's actually two of these actions here for this question.

So throwing plastic waste on the ground as litter would have a negative impact on the environment and also using single use plastic which would take many, many years to break down.

So these are two examples of human actions that would negatively impact the environment.

Let's move on now.

Some farmers add fertilisers to their land to help crops grow better and we can see a picture here of a farmer spreading fertilisers all across their crops.

Fertiliser can wash off the land when it rains and have a negative impact on the rivers, lakes, and oceans it runs into.

Some farmers also use pesticides to protect crops from pests.

Some of these pesticides can harm or kill animals including insects like bees and butterflies.

This pollution can stop bees and other animals from pollinating flowers.

So we can see here the actions of farmers using pesticides to protect their crops is actually causing harm to other animals.

Let's do a check of our learning.

Which of these can negatively impact the environment? A, using a car.

B, walking to school.

Or C, using fertilisers on crops.

I'll give you a little clue here.

There's more than one answer for this question.

Brilliant job, everybody.

Well done.

So using a car and using fertilisers on crops are two examples of things that can negatively impact the environment.

Well done everyone.

So let's move on to this task now.

So I would like you to look at these images and explain to a partner how the actions of humans can have a negative impact on the environment.

So we've got dropping litter, using fertilisers on crops, and travelling by car when you could walk instead of driving.

So what I'd like you to do is pause the video here, and if you need to go back over the last few slides that we've done in our lesson to recap on the learning before you start the activity.

Now you might want to write it as a paragraph.

You might want to record yourself explaining the actions of humans and how they can have a negative impact on the environment.

You can do a shared piece of writing with your partner.

Or you can choose another way to display your work.

Click pause here, have a go at the task, and we'll go through some example answers really soon.

Off you go.

Brilliant work everybody well done.

I can see you've worked really, really hard to think about how the actions of humans can have a negative impact on the environment.

So let's go through some answers.

So dropping litter can pollute land, water and the ocean.

Litter can cause harm to plants and animals.

Some fertilisers can run into local rivers and pollute the water causing harm to fish.

And cars and other vehicles can cause pollution by releasing harmful gases into the air.

So you may have discussed some of these ideas or you may have discussed some different ones, but well done by having a good go at this task everybody well done.

So we finished the first part of our lesson where we focused on the impact of waste creation and pollution.

So we're now going to think about what we can do to reduce waste creation and pollution.

So we need to think of some solutions.

Sam says, "I didn't realise that humans could create waste and cause pollution in so many ways." Jacob says, "Individuals can change the way they live to try to reduce the negative impact of waste creation and pollution on the environment." Sam says, "I can't make a difference by changing the way I live because I'm only one person." Do you agree with Sam? Pause the video here, have a little talk with your talk partner.

Do you think just one person can make a difference? Excellent discussion, everybody.

Well done.

So Jacob says, "If every person just did one thing every day to change the way they live, it would make a positive impact on living things and the environment." So I don't understand what Sam is saying.

She's thinking I'm only one person.

I can't make that big of a difference.

But actually she can, think about if every single person on the planet did one thing every day to help protect our planet and help our environment be a better place and a cleaner place.

Then the world definitely would have less waste and less pollution.

Let's do a check of our learning.

True or false? Changing the way I live my life will not help the environment.

Do we think that's true or false? Super job, the answer is false.

But we need to have a little think about why.

So think back to the discussion you've just had with your partner and what I've spoken about in the lesson as well so far.

Why do we think this statement is false? Brilliant, so if everyone makes one small change to improve their own environment by reducing waste creation and other types of pollution, it can have a positive impact on the environment.

So yes, we are only one person in the whole entire world and in the whole population, but actually if everyone did a little bit, then there would be a reduction in the creation of waste and also other types of pollution as well.

So let's move on.

Sam thinks about how she can reduce the negative impact of waste creation on the environment.

Sam says, "I can reduce the number of objects I throw away by reusing them more often.

I can also recycle materials to help cut down on waste." So we've got an image of recycling boxes here.

I can compost food scraps and garden waste to help reduce the amount of waste I produce, as well as create nutrient rich soil for our garden.

So for example, if you are making a delicious vegetable soup, for example, all of the food scraps that you didn't use, it can actually be used as compost and that will support nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

Jacob thinks about how he can reduce the negative impact of pollution on the environment.

Jacob says, "Instead of travelling by car, I can walk or ride my bike for short trips.

This reduces pollution and helps keep the air cleaner.

And I can use reusable bags of bottles and containers instead of single use plastics." So I have my reusable water bottle with me all the time and it's much, much better than using single use plastic bottles.

In addition to that, lots of people, and I know I do this as well, I keep some reusable bags in the back of my car.

So if I go shopping for example, then I can use those reusable bags instead of getting single use plastic bags when I go shopping.

So there's lots of little changes that everybody can do to help the environment.

Let's do a check of our learning.

Which of these things could an individual do to reduce waste and pollution? A, use a reusable bag, B, drop litter, C, recycle.

Which of these things could an individual do to reduce waste and pollution? What do you think? Excellent work everyone.

Well done.

So there are actually two answers in this question here.

So one example of things that someone can do to reduce waste and pollution is use a reusable bag but also recycle as well.

Let's move on.

Sam says, "There are lots of small changes that individuals can make to create less waste and pollution." And Jacob says, "I wonder what changes industry and businesses could make to help the environment." So all the examples we've spoken about are more of a smaller scale, things that we can do day to day as individuals and maybe as a household.

But Jacob's asking and wondering about industry and businesses, what can they do to help the environment? What do you think? Pause the video here, have a little think on your own and then share your ideas with your partner.

What changes do you think industry and businesses can make to help the environment? Super job, everyone.

Well done and excellent ideas.

So industries can change the way that they work to help create less waste than pollution.

An industry owner says, "Many industries in different countries have signed an international agreement to reduce the negative impact caused by humans on the environment.

I have written a company statement to promise to reduce waste and pollution and support environmental projects in the local community." So lots of companies now are trying really hard to reduce the amount of waste they're producing, but also reducing the amount of pollution they are creating.

So it's not just individuals and households.

Actually lots of large companies and industries are working really hard to do this as well, but there's still lots of work to be done.

Some factories are now using recyclable materials to package their products, which creates a less waste.

And some scientists and engineers working in industry are finding new ways to make their products that create less pollution.

For example, they're using less harmful ingredients and more efficient machines and lighting to save electricity.

So as I said, lots of companies are working really hard with scientists and with engineers to think about ways they can still produce their products, but in a much more green way and a way that does not create harm and impacts the environment in a negative way.

Let's do a check of our learning, shall we? How can industry change the way they work to create less waste and pollution? A, use less packaging for their products.

B, make arrangements to make positive changes.

C, send waste they create into landfill.

Or D, wrap products in single use packaging.

What do you think? Excellent work everyone, well done.

So we can use less packaging for their products and make agreements to make positive changes.

So this is focusing on how industry can change and how businesses can change in order to create less waste and pollution.

So let's move on to the next task.

Write down five small changes you will make to your life that will reduce the amount of waste or pollution that you produce.

So pause the video here and maybe you can write them out in sentences or you could create your own poster.

It's completely up to you.

But I'd like you to write down five small changes that you are going to make to your life that will reduce the amount of waste or pollution that you produce.

So pause the video here and complete this task.

Have a think back to all the things we've discussed in the lesson today.

And if you need to go back to see some examples.

Pause the video, have a go, click play when you're ready to continue and we'll go through some answers, off you go.

Brilliant work everyone.

Well done.

I can see you've worked really hard to think about small changes that you are going to make to your everyday life.

Now let's go through some examples.

For example, I will walk to school instead of going in the car at least once a week to reduce the amount of pollution from the car.

Two, I will carry a recyclable shopping bag in my coat pocket so that I don't need to use a plastic bag if I buy something at the shops.

Number three, I will take my recyclable waste home so that I can recycle it and stop it going into landfill.

Number four, I will compost the vegetable waste from my home and garden to stop them going into landfill.

Number five, I will cycle to my friend's house instead of asking for a lift to reduce the number of car journeys.

Now did you get some of these examples too or did you get some different ones? Maybe you can compare your ideas to your partner, but well done for having a good go at coming up with these different changes you can make.

And hopefully you are able to make these changes.

So we've come towards the end of the lesson now.

So we're going to do a recap of our learning.

The environments can change in a negative way as a result of the actions of humans.

Larger populations can create greater amounts of waste and pollution.

The cars we drive, the products we use and the crops we eat can all contribute to pollution in the environment.

Individuals can change the way they live to reduce the impact of waste creation and pollution on the environment.

Industries can change the way they work to help create less waste and pollution.

So in our lesson today we've learned about what waste creation is and what pollution is, how it's created, but also the impact it has on the environment.

Now there's definitely something that all of us can do every single day to help the environment and to make sure it is not negatively impacted by human actions.

So hopefully the different sentences you wrote in the last task there, you'll be able to put some of those into place.

Now, thank you so much for joining me in our science lesson today.

I had a great lesson with you and you've produced some fantastic work.

I hope you have a great rest of the day and I'm sure I'll see you really soon in the next science lesson.
