
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone.

My name is Ms. Voyle, and welcome to today's lesson where we are going to be understanding humanity's response to the Iron Man in chapter two of the story.

For this lesson, you need the 2005 Faber & Faber edition of "The Iron Man" by Ted Hughes.

Pause the video and get your copy now.


Now I know you have the book with you.

During this lesson, you'll need to be listening and looking carefully and there'll also be tasks where you need somebody to talk to.

I hope you're feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is I can understand how different characters respond to the Iron Man and why.

Here are the key words for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn.

Your turn.

Humanity, response, emotions.

Great job.

Well done.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

Humanity is the term used to describe human beings collectively.

A response is a reaction to something.

And emotions are strong feelings that result from a person's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be recapping and summarising chapter two of "The Iron Man", and in the second part, we will be understanding humanity's response to the Iron Man.

So let's begin with chapter two of "The Iron Man".

What do we know about "The Iron Man"? It is a fiction text written by the English poet and author Ted Hughes.

It belongs to the genre of science fiction, which involves imaginative and futuristic concepts linked to science and technology.

The protagonist in "The Iron Man" is a robotic giant named the Iron Man, and Ted Hughes conveys a mysterious atmosphere in the opening chapter of "The Iron Man".

Let's summarise the opening chapter of "The Iron Man" first.

The Iron Man stood on the very edge of a cliff in the middle of the night staring out at the sea below him.

The Iron Man fell off the cliff and crashed onto the beach below.

His body broke apart and his parts were scattered all around.

One of the Iron Man's hands found one of his eyes and he gradually reassembled his body.

He was just missing one of his ears.

The Iron Man's attention was drawn back to the sea.

He walked deep into the ocean until he disappeared under the surface of the waters.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false: the opening chapter leaves the reader with many questions about the Iron Man and the plot of the story.

Pause the video and select your answer That is true.

Well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer.

A, the Iron Man is an unfamiliar life form and the reader does not know much about him.

Or B, the Iron Man speaks a different language.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is A.

Well done.

The Iron Man is an unfamiliar life form and the reader does not know much about him.

We do not know what language he speaks yet.

You have now read chapter two of "The Iron Man".

At the beginning of chapter two, a new, important character is introduced.

Do you remember the name of this character and how they're connected to the Iron Man? Pause the video and discuss with your partner.

Hopefully you were able to recall that the character introduced at the beginning of chapter two is a young boy named Hogarth, who is the son of a farmer.

While Hogarth is fishing, he senses the presence of someone and begins to feel scared.

Then he spots the Iron Man on top of a nearby cliff.

Let's check your understanding.

What is the name of the important character introduced at the beginning of chapter two and who is he? A, Hogwart, the Iron Man's friend.

B, Hogarth, the son of a farmer.

Or C, Howard, a local farmer.

Pause the video and select the correct answer.

The answer is B.

Well done.

The name of the character introduced at the beginning of chapter two is Hogarth, who is the son of a farmer.

I am now going to summarise the events from the beginning of chapter two of "The Iron Man".

Listen carefully.

Hogarth spotted the Iron Man in the distance and was terrified.

He returned home as quickly as possible to tell his parents.

Hogarth's father retrieved his gun and went in search.

He encountered the Iron Man, but safely escaped and made it home.

The following morning, the residents of the farms awoke to find all of their machinery missing or half eaten.

They then found huge footprints and knew it must be the Iron Man.

They followed the clues and realised he had gone into the sea.

Let's check your understanding of the beginning of chapter two.

Put the following events in order from one to four to show the chronology of events at the beginning of chapter two of "The Iron Man".

A, Hogarth's father encountered the Iron Man, but safely escaped.

B, the farmers found clues that let them know it must be the Iron Man.

C, Hogarth returned home and told his parents about the Iron Man.

D, the farmers found their machinery missing or half eaten.

Pause the video and number these one to four now to show their chronology.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

One, Hogarth returned home and told his parents about the Iron Man.

Two, Hogarth's father encountered the Iron Man, but safely escaped.

Three, the farmers found their machinery missing or half eaten.

Four, the farmers found clues that let them know it must be the Iron Man.

Well done by showing your knowledge of the chronology of events at the beginning of chapter two.

It's now time for us to summarise the events from the rest of chapter two of "The Iron Man".

Listen carefully.

The farmers developed a plan to dig a humongous hole and lure the Iron Man towards it to trap him.

They waited for days, but he never came.

One day when trying to trap a fox in the hole, Hogarth finally saw the Iron Man again, who was eating wired fencing in the fields.

Hogarth lured the Iron Man towards the trap with the sound of clinking metal.

The Iron Man came gradually closer and crashed into the hole.

The farmers rallied together to fill the hole with earth and bury the Iron Man.

Let's check your understanding of the rest of chapter two.

Put the following events in order from one to four to show the chronology of events in the second half of chapter two of "The Iron Man".

A, the farmers dug a hole to trap the Iron Man, but he never came.

B, Hogarth lured the Iron Man with clinking metal and finally trapped him.

C, the farmers were overjoyed.

They buried the Iron Man in the hole.

D, one day Hogarth spotted the Iron Man eating wire fencing.

Pause the video and number these one to four to show their chronology now.

Let's go over the answers together.

One, the farmers dug a hole to trap the Iron Man, but he never came.

Two, one day Hogarth spotted the Iron Man eating wire fencing.

Three, Hogarth lured the Iron Man with clinking metal and finally trapped him.

Four, the farmers were overjoyed.

They buried the Iron Man in the hole.

Well done for showing your knowledge of the chronology of events in the rest of chapter two.

It's now time for your first task and it is a talk task.

Discuss the following questions with your partner and refer to chapter two to support you.

Use evidence from the text to support your answers.

One, how did the farmers feel about the Iron Man eating all of their machinery? Refer to pages 15 and 16 for this question.

And two, how did the farmers feel when they found out that the Iron Man had been successfully trapped? Refer to pages 23 and 24 for this question.

Pause the video and discuss with your partner.

Welcome back.

Well done for discussing these questions and referring to the text to support you with finding your answers.

Let's take a look at what I heard.

For question one, how did the farmers feel about the Iron Man eating all of their machinery? The farmers felt very angry about it and they also felt determined to stop him.

And for two, how did the farmers feel when they found out that the Iron Man had been successfully trapped? The farmers felt overjoyed and relieved about the Iron Man being trapped.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson where we are going to be understanding humanity's response to the Iron Man.

We know that the farmers were incredibly angry about the Iron Man and the havoc he wreaked on their land.

They were then relieved and overjoyed when he was buried.

We are now going to consider the deeper emotions behind humanity's response in order to understand it.

Humanity is a noun that refers to human beings collectively.

Let's understand the reason behind humanity's feeling of anger.

What impact was the Iron Man's actions having on the lives of the farmers? Pause the video and have a little think.

Let's consider the Iron Man's actions first.

He was eating the farmer's machinery.

Now, what impact did this have on the farmers? This threatened their livelihoods.

They rely on their land in order to live.

Livelihood refers to a person's way of meeting their basic needs, for example, food.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false, the Iron Man's actions had a positive impact on the farmer's lives.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is false.

Well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer.

A, the Iron Man's actions were an inconvenience, or B, the Iron Man's actions threatened the farmer's livelihoods.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is B.

Well done.

The Iron Man's actions threatened the farmer's livelihoods.

Let's continue to understand the reason behind humanity's feeling of anger.

Why did the farmers feel the only way to respond was by causing the Iron Man harm? Pause the video and have a little think.

Let's consider the Iron Man's character.

He is an unfamiliar life form that does not function the same way as them.

So what impact would this have on the farmers? They did not understand the Iron Man or know how to communicate with him.

This may have led to them feeling that the only way they could respond was by causing him harm to stop him.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false, the farmers did not understand the Iron Man or know how to communicate with him.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is true.

Well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer.

A, the Iron Man was an unfamiliar life form that did not function the same way as them, or B, the Iron Man was not a farmer like them.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is A.

Well done.

The Iron Man was an unfamiliar life form that did not function the same way as them.

Anger is a response that often has other feelings and emotions beneath it.

What emotions do you think the farmers might have been experiencing as a result of the following? So the impact on the farmers was their livelihoods were being threatened and they did not understand the Iron Man or know how to communicate with him.

Pause the video and have a little think about what emotions you think they might have been feeling as a result of these things.

Hopefully you inferred that beneath their anger, the farmers were experiencing fear and confusion.

Let's check your understanding.

Which of the following emotions can we infer that the farmers were feeling beneath their anger? A, comfort.

B, fear.

C, confusion.

D, excitement.

Pause the video and select the correct answers.

The answers are B and C.

Well done.

We can infer that beneath the farmer's anger, they were feeling fear and confusion at what was happening as a result of the Iron Man's actions.

We know that Hogarth was happy when he successfully managed to lure the Iron Man into the trap.

The farmers felt relieved and overjoyed when they discovered the news because they felt safe again.

We are now going to consider how Hogarth felt at the end of chapter two after the Iron Man had been buried in the hole.

Pause the video now and reread the last paragraph of chapter two on page 24.

Welcome back.

Well done for rereading that last paragraph of the chapter.

Let's check your understanding now.

Which of the following statements is true? A, after the Iron Man was buried, Hogarth's emotions shifted.

B, when the Iron man was buried, Hogarth's emotions stayed the same.

Or C, when the Iron Man was buried, Hogarth felt the same way as the farmers.

Pause the video and select the correct answer.

The answer is A.

Well done.

After the Iron Man was buried, Hogarth's emotions shifted.

It's now time for your final task.

Refer to the last paragraph of chapter two on page 24.

Consider and discuss the following questions.

How did Hogarth's feelings shift from humanity's general response and why do you think Hogarth's feelings changed? Your sentence starters are Hogarth's feelings shifted from, towards.

And I think Hogarth's emotions changed because.

Pause the video and discuss these questions with your partner.

Make sure you refer to the text to support your answers.

Welcome back.

Well done for having fantastic discussions about these questions.

I really enjoyed listening to all you had to say.

Let's take a look at a couple of examples of the answers I had.

For question one, how did Hogarth's feelings shift from humanity's general response? Sam said, "Hogarth's feelings shifted from joy and happiness towards sorrow and guilt at the situation." And for question two, why do you think Hogarth's feelings changed? Alex said, "I think Hogarth's feelings changed because he began to feel empathy towards the Iron Man and because he felt responsible for trapping him." Both of these answers used evidence from the text.

Well done for your hard work discussing and understanding humanity's response.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

In chapter two of "The Iron Man", a character named Hogarth is introduced and he encounters the Iron Man.

The Iron Man is responsible for eating the farmer's machinery, which threatens their livelihood and sense of safety.

Humanity's response to the Iron Man is one of anger and the farmers develop a plan to trap and bury him.

We can infer deeper emotions of fear and confusion beneath humanity's angry response, and Hogarth's emotions shift to sorrow and guilt after the Iron Man is buried as he feels a sense of empathy and responsibility.

I have really enjoyed teaching you this lesson, and I hope you have enjoyed learning.