Hi everyone, and welcome back.
My name is Bethany Davis and I'm going to be your media teacher for this unit.
So this is lesson two of six.
And in this lesson we're going to be discussing creating digital graphics.
To complete this lesson, you will need access to GIMP And Inkscape.
You will need to download this before proceeding with your parent or carer's permission.
So in this lesson you will be able to describe digital graphic terms. You will also be able to understand different file formats.
You will also learn how to create digital graphics, and recognise legislation of digital graphics.
So what are vector and raster graphics? Vaster graphics are composed of pixels containing colour information.
Whereas vector graphics are composed of mathematical paths and colour information.
So now we're going to move on to talking about raster graphic file extensions.
So as you can see here, we've got the file extension on the left of the table, and we've got the name of the file extension or the programme that creates that file extension on the right.
So firstly, we have.
So this is a bitmap file.
Next up we have.
GIF otherwise known as a GIF.
So this is a graphics interchange format file.
The next app we have.
otherwise known as a JPEG file.
So this is a joint photographic group file.
And then lastly, we have.
PNG which is a portable network graphic file.
So now we're going to move on to talking about file extensions for vector graphics.
So on the left of the table we have the file extension again, and on the right of the table, we either have the name of the file extension or the programme that creates it.
So firstly, we have a.
SVG file.
So this is a scalable vector graphic file.
Next up we have.
So this is a file from Adobe Illustrator.
And lastly we have.
So this is a drawing exchange format file.
So now we're going to move on to task one.
So this is going to be an Inkscape task.
And for this task, you're going to need to create a logo, following the steps detailed in the worksheet.
However, I'm firstly going to do a demonstration of how the task could be completed.
So if there's a section of the worksheet that you do not understand, you can refer back to this video at any time.
And so the first step of this worksheet is to simply open up Inkscape.
Then what you're going to want to do is select the circle tool, which is down here on the side.
Then we are going to be drawing a circle.
So to keep the proportions when we're drawing the circle, we're going to want to hold Control and Shift down while we draw.
As you can see, that creates more of a perfect circle.
If we didn't hold Control and Shift, we can make any sort of oval.
So what we want is a perfect circle.
So we need to hold Control and Shift down while we create it.
So now we're going to go back onto the Select tool and we're going to move the circle into the centre of the page.
So now we are going to adjust the fill and stroke of the circle to change its colour.
So the fill icon is just down here on the left.
And we're going to pick a colour from the list down here.
In the example, we are going to use grey.
You can pick whatever colour that you would like.
Now to set the stroke colour, what you'll need to do is press down Shift and then click on your circle, and then keep pressing down Shift and click on a colour.
So as you can see the outline there has changed to red or we could do green.
For this, I'm just going to do a darker grey.
Again, you can pick whatever colour that you would like.
So next, we're going to add our text for our logo.
The text tool is down here on the left and I'm just going to click on some white space and all in capitals, I'm going to add the text FAB GADGET LTD.
Now we need to bring up the text editing tool to edit our text for the logo.
So you're going to want to click Control + Shift and T or Command Shift and T if you are on a Mac.
And this will bring up the text editor.
So now you can pick whatever font that you would like to use.
You're going to have to click on your text first and then you can scroll through all the fonts that we have here.
It'll give you a preview just here of what the text will look like.
So I think for mine, I'm going to use this text here.
And then I'm just going to click Apply and that'll change the text.
So now we can close our text editor as we are finished with that for now.
So we can just close that with that button.
And then what we're going to do now is we're going to wrap the text around the circle.
So to do that, you need to make sure you have the text selected.
Then you want to press down Shift and select the circle.
Once you've done that, you're going to go to the menu bar right at the top.
You're then going to click text and you're going to scroll down to Put on Path.
So as you can see, that's wrapped the text around the circle.
So now with the text and the circle still selected, don't worry if you have unselected them.
You can simply click on one, press Shift and click on another one.
Then we're going to scroll up to this tool here.
So this is going to flip the selected objects horizontally.
So now as you can see, the text is actually inside the logo instead of outside it.
So now what we're going to work on is increasing the spacing in between the letters.
So firstly, you need to click your text and then you're going to want to click on the Edit Text tool.
Up here we have a space in between letters tool.
So we can add a value in here.
It will increase the space in.
And then play around with this as much as you want until it's exactly how you're wanting it to look.
I think that looks pretty good for now.
So I'm going to leave mine as it is.
So what we're going to work on next is moving our text that is at the bottom of the circle.
To do this, we're simply going to rotate the circle tool.
To bring up the rotate tool, all you're going to do is double click on the circle.
As you can see now, this is the rotate tool.
All you're going to do simply is just rotate the circle until the writing is in the centre at the bottom.
So now we're going to increase our circle size slightly.
So what we're going to want to do for this is select the circle, hold down Shifts that were in a large portion and just drag it.
This is so the text sets inside the circle.
Next step, what we're going to do is change the text colour.
Simply to do this you're going to want to select your text and then select what colour you wanted to use.
I think for this, I am going to maybe use a yellow just so it stands out really nice against the grey that we've used.
So next we're going to create a drop shadow for our text.
So to do this, what we're going to do is we're going to select the text.
We're then going to right click on it and we're going to click duplicate.
So now we have two layers.
Then what we're going to do is we're going to change the colour of this text to a dark grey or black colour.
Then what we're going to need to do is move this layer behind our original text layer.
So to do this, we're going to have to click page down or that will be the FN and down key if you are on a Mac.
So now it's behind and now we want to move the dark layer slightly down so it looks like a shadows.
All you're going to do is press the down key and there we have it.
So now we're going to work on the sun for the logo.
So what, again, we're going to draw a circle and while they're drawing the circle, we're going to hold Command and Shift down to make sure it's in proportion.
So now we're going to align our sun.
So what we're going to do first is select our sun.
And then we're going to hold on Shift and select our larger logo circle.
Now what we're going to do is we're going to press Control Shift A or Command Shift A on a Mac to bring up the alignment menu.
So this is the align menu.
Firstly, this section here, which says relative to, we're going to change this dropdown to be last selected.
And then we are going to click the centre on vertical access and the centre on horizontal axis.
So now as you can see that's perfectly in the centre of our logo.
So now we're going to change the stroke colour of the sun.
We don't want our sun to have an outline colour.
So we're going to remove that now.
So firstly, what we need to do, we can close down our align menu.
We can then also de-select everything we have selected.
Then we're going to select our sun and we're going to hold down shift and select this very last colour option here, this is none.
This is going to be no colour at all for the outline.
As you can see there, it has removed the outline for us and now we are going to colour our sun in.
So obviously I'm going to pick a yellow for this.
Of course you can pick another colour if you want, but obviously as this is meant to be a sun, I would suggest yellow.
Next we can add the gradient to our sun to make it look a little bit more sun like.
So what we're going to do first is we're going to scroll down here on the left and click the gradient tool.
We are then going to select a radial gradient which is this one in the middle.
After this we are going to double click on our sun.
And as you can see here, this has created a radial gradient which does definitely look like a sun.
You can then play around with these arrows as much as you want in order to make it into the sun that you would prefer.
I quite like it just as it is.
I'm going to leave it like that.
But now we are going to, so now we are going to create the lightning bolt for the logo.
So to do this, firstly, we're going to add a square.
So we're going to create the square by clicking on the create rectangles and squares icon.
We're then going to draw a square while holding down Control and Shift to make it a perfect square.
As you can see, this is going to be our square.
So now we'll go to rotate our square.
So to do this, we are going to double click on the square to bring up the rotate functionality, and then we're going to hold down Control and we are simply go in to rotate it and it should be something like that.
And then just like we did with the text, we are going to select our square and then go past object to pass.
So now we're going to turn our square into a triangle.
To do this we are going to select the square.
We are then going to select the edit paths by nodes function.
Then we're going to select the very bottom node here.
I'm actually going to delete it.
And then what we're going to do is we're going to manipulate these two lines into a triangle position.
So as you can see there, we now have a triangle.
So now what we're going to do is we are going to decrease the height of the triangle.
So we're just simply going to select it.
And then we're going to move this up.
So it's more of a long flat triangle.
Now we are going to rotate our triangle.
So what we need to do is we need to select the triangle twice, to bring up the rotate tools.
And we're going to rotate it all the way around so it is in this position.
So now what we're going to do is we are going to duplicate our triangle and then flip it.
So we are going to click on our triangle.
We are going to right click.
And then we are going to click duplicate and on the keyboard, we're going to click V and then we're going to click H.
And then we're just going to use our cursor to move our lightning bolt to shape.
So it's actually in the of the lightning bolt.
Something like that.
Now I'm going to join the lightning bolt shapes together to form one shape.
So we're going to select one.
I'm going to hold on shift and select the other triangle.
Then I'm going to click path and we're going to click union.
This will make it form one shape we can manipulate.
At this point we can change the colour of our lightning bolt.
We can add a gradient, we can change the size and we're also going to position it.
So once you've selected the colour and the size you want, I think I'm just going to do a nice gold lightning bolt.
You're then going to want to bring it into your logo and make sure it is in position.
And you're going to want to size it by clicking shift again.
And just making sure it's the size that you want it.
I think I wanted mine a little bit smaller and then we're going to bring up the alignment tools.
So we're going to do that by selecting it, pressing Command Shift and A or Control Shift and A.
And then we're going to click relative to last selected again.
And then we are going to also then select the centre on vertical and centre on horizontal.
Mine's already pretty central, as you can see.
I'm again going to make mine a slight bit smaller, just so it's not covering.
And then I'm just going to align them again.
Now this is a time where you can save and export your logo.
Feel free to manipulate it more if you'd like.
There's loads of other things you can do.
You can change the circle.
I think if I was going to spend a bit more time on this I would definitely make the circle quite a bit smaller.
And I would probably change the colours a little bit.
Maybe add this to more of a kind of grey colour.
I'd probably increase the text size a little bit.
I'd maybe change the colour of the sun so it was more of a bright colour perhaps.
And then add the gradient again.
You can spend lots and lots and lots of time kind of playing around with this and seeing kind of what you think looks best.
So now we're going to save and export our logos.
Firstly, we're going to click File and then we're going to click Save As.
We're going to save it in a folder that we can find it again later.
And then we're also going to export it as a PNG image.
So again, I'm going to click file.
I'm going to scroll down here to export PNG image and you're going to want to save it to a place you'll be able to find it again and you can change that file just down here.
And that is it.
That is the entire tutorial type.
So now we are actually going to move on to task one, which is Inkscape.
So what I'd like you to do is follow the steps in the worksheet to create a logo for the client using Inkscape as I just demonstrated.
So pause the video now to complete the task.
So now we're going to move on to task two.
So for task two, you will need to create a poster following the stats detailed in the worksheet.
I will again give a demonstration of how this task could to be completed.
So if there is a section of the worksheet that you don't understand you can refer back to this video at any time.
So the first step of this tutorial is simply to open up GIMP.
Then we are going to create a brand new A-four plain document.
You're going to do this by taking control N or Command N if you're on a Mac, then you're going to want to click template and A-four and then press Okay.
Now we have our A-four template.
So now what we're going to do is we're going to add a picture of a lawn as the background.
You're going to need to open a new file by clicking Control and O or Command and O if you are on a Mac and this will bring up the file explorer, and then you need to find where you have saved your downloadable resource for this lesson.
And then when you are you need to select either one of the lawn images.
I'm going to select this one and this will bring up a new tab with that image in.
So now what we're going to do is we're going to select this entire image and we're going to do that by pressing Control and A or Command and A if you're on a Mac.
We are then going to select Edit and Copy.
Then we're going to go into our original A-four piece of paper.
And we're going to do Edit, Paste As and Paste As a new layer.
So now what we want to do is we want to have this layer as the entire background.
So what we're going to do is we are going to select the uniform transform tool and then we're going to select our layer of grass.
And all we're going to do is we are going to drag each corner that it fits the entire page.
Then to save that we're going to select Enter.
So now what we're going to do is we're going to add a picture of a lawn mower.
We're going to do this in the exact same way as we added the layer of grass.
So we're going to click Control O or Command O if you're on a Mac, and then you're going to find the image of the lawnmower that you wanted to use.
So I'm going to go for this one here and I'm going to open that, and then what we're going to do again, we're going to copy and paste this into our poster.
So we're going to select Control A or Command A if you're on a Mac and then edit and copy and then edit and paste as a new layer.
So next step what we're going to do is we are going to remove the background of this layer.
So to do this, we are going to use the erase tool.
So firstly, we're going to select the erase tool.
And then all we're going to do is we are just literally going to erase the background.
As you can see, my brush is quite small.
So this might take me some time.
So what we can do instead is we can actually increase the size of the brush.
So to increase the size, you can see just go be here and press the up arrow.
And this will increase the size of the eraser.
Now you want to be really careful when you get to around the actual law mower image.
You might even want to zoom into the image itself so that you can see a little bit more.
So now that we've done that, we are going to use the position tool to position the lawnmower where we want it on our poster.
So the position tool is just be here.
I think I'm going to position my lawnmower just maybe at the bottom right.
And then I'm also probably going to resize it and I'm going to resize it in the same way as we did with the grass, with the uniform and transform tool.
I'm just going to click on it.
And then what we can do is we can actually resize in proportion.
Obviously we want the robot to be the centre of this poster.
Now what we're going to do is we're going to add another image, which is going to be a relaxing image to remove people's fears about having a home-health robot in their home.
So we're going to do again, we're either going to click Control O or Command O if you're on a Mac.
I'm going to find another image, so we can select either the hammock or the shoes.
I think I'm going to select the shoes.
So I'm going to open that and the same steps again, we're going to click control A or command A, select the image.
We're going to edit and copy.
And then we are going to edit and paste as a new layer in our poster.
Firstly I am going to select the eraser tool and then I'm just going to zoom in, then the same again.
Then we're just going to remove this background as best as we can.
So then once we have erased all that, we can then zoom back out again and then we can position and resize the image as we want it.
So I think I'm going to resize this a little bit.
Just it's a little bit bigger.
So I'm going to use a uniform transform tool.
I'm going to click on this image and then I'm going to resize it.
I think we'll have it about that big perhaps.
So now we're going to add a picture of a manual lawn mower to this poster.
We're going to follow the exact same steps as we followed for the other two.
So now we have this, we're going to then add it to our poster.
And then again, we are going to remove the background.
So I'm just going to place this up here and then I'm going to use the eraser tool.
And I'm just going to remove that background as we have done for the others.
But once you finish erasing it you can then position your image in any way you want.
I think I'm going to resize it.
So it's quite big on this poster.
We are going to add some text to our poster.
To do this, we are going to click the text tool.
And then are you going to click the point at which we'd like the text to be.
The text for the poster has already been given to you in the worksheets.
You can either copy and paste or type this in.
Then you can resize your text box.
You can change the colour of the text.
You can change the font that is used.
You can also change the size.
I think we're going to make this quite a bit bigger.
You can put the text in bold if you'd like.
There's lots of options you can do there.
Now we're going to add a drop shadow to our text or firstly, we need to select it.
Then we need to go to filters.
Then we need to go to light and shadow and then we need to click drop shadow.
So then we need to select what colour.
Obviously I'm going to do a black, then we can add a different opacity and we can also change the size slightly and then we can click Okay.
So now we're also going to add the logo that we created earlier in Inkscape.
To do this again exactly the same method, we're going to click Command or Control and all.
And then we're going to scroll to where we saved our logo.
So you're then going to select our logo and copy it and paste it in to our poster.
Now we won't actually need to delete the background of this as it is a PNG.
So it will have already have a transparent background.
And then we can just select where we want this logo to go.
I think I'd like mine to be quite big and quite prominent on our poster.
While you're creating this poster it's really important to remember that you can move things about at any time.
So if you think something doesn't look quite right anymore you can easily just move it around so that everything can fit.
So I think I'm quite happy with that.
So now I'm going to make sure I've pressed File and Save As and save my poster in a location that I can access it again.
Then you're also going to want to export your poster by clicking file and export as an initial export as a PNG.
So now is your chance to complete the task two which is GIMP.
So I'd like you to follow the steps in the worksheet to create a poster for the client using GIMP.
So pause the video now to complete the task.
So now we're going to move on to talking about the legal use of other people's work.
So copyright is defined as the legal right to control the production and selling of a book, play, film, photograph, or piece of music.
So now we're going to talk about a creative commons licence.
So a creative commons or CC licence is one of several public copyrighted licences that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted piece of work.
As defined a CC licence is used when an author wants to give other people the right to share, use and build upon the work that they have created.
So to legally use other people's work you must use appropriately licenced materials.
You must also credit the creators of the material and also credit the source or the website of where the material came from.
So to find out if a piece of work is licenced under the creative commons licence is actually a website that you can visit that will list all the materials that are licenced under creative commons.
So as a summary for lesson two, in this lesson you learned how to describe digital graphic terms. You also started to understand file formats and created your own digital graphics.
You then also learned how to recognise legislation of digital graphics.
So I hope you really enjoyed lesson two of six of this unit.
There is an end quiz that needs to be completed after this video.
And don't forget to share your work with Oak National with your parent or carer's permission.
And I'll see you in lesson three.