
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello, everybody.

It's Mrs. Franzsen here.

Welcome to Computing.

I'm so glad to see you.

I'm really happy that you've come to the lesson today.

Let's get started.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to create shapes and change colours to make a digital painting.

Let's go through our keywords for today.

We're gonna use my turn and your turn for this.

That means when you hear me say my turn, I want you to listen really carefully as I say the keyword.

And when I say your turn, you are going to say that keyword nice and loud and proud for me.

And then afterwards, I want you to listen in while I explain that keyword for us.

Okay, you ready? My turn.

Paintbrush tool.

Your turn.

Well done.

The paintbrush tool lets us create colourful marks.

Next word.

My turn.


Your turn.

Well done.

A palette is the set of colours that you can choose from.

Next word.

My turn.


Your turn.

That's great.

Freehand is drawing without the shape or line tools, and we'll see lots of examples of that today.

Well done working on your keywords with me.

In the first part of this lesson, we are going to be learning about changing the colours in a painting programme.

Are you ready? Let's go.

When we make digital art, we can use lots of different colours.

The colour palette is the set of colours that we can choose from.

Did you hear one of our keywords there? What do you think it was? The keyword I said was palette.

The colour palette.

And in the blue box in the middle of the page, you can see this is an example of how the colour palette looks in my painting programme.

I have got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 colours there.

And the big circle is the part where my chosen colour shows.

Colours are selected in the colour palette.

In this example, I'm selecting the colour green to make my blob, and then I'm selecting the blue to make my second blob just like that.

Aisha says, "When I make a digital artwork, I only use my favourite colours." Izzy says, "My favourite colours are orange and purple, but I also used other colours in my picture." What do you think? Pause the video and have a little chat about changing your colours, your favourite colours, and what colours you might use in your digital artwork.

Well done for that chat about changing colours.

When you choose colours, think about what type of picture you are creating.

You should choose colours that you think will look best in the picture.

So some people might make their painting like this first image, but someone else might make their picture like the second image and that's totally fine.

True or false? When creating a digital painting, you must make your colours the exact same as the teacher's.

True or false? Pause the video and have a think about that.

The answer is false.

Why? The answer is false because you can choose colours that you think will look best in your own picture.

All right, we've got a task here today.

Step one of this task is to use the paintbrush tool to paint a pattern.

I want you to choose two colours from the palette.

Then I want you to draw two shapes and I want you to repeat your drawings to make your pattern.

Remember to use undo if you make a mistake.

Part two of this task is when you are both ready, I want you to talk to a partner about your patterns.

Can you describe your partner's pattern? If you would like to, you can describe my pattern instead.

It's time to pause the video now.

It's your turn to go and try this task.

Remember to build your pattern using two different colours and two different shapes.

And then I want you to talk about that with your partner and describe your partner's shapes or you can describe my shapes.

Welcome back.

You worked really hard on that task.

Well done.

The first part of the task was to use the paintbrush tool to draw a pattern.

And here is an example of my pattern and how it looked.

I used two different colours and two different shapes.

Part two of this task says, can you describe your partner's patterns? So Jun said, "You use the paintbrush tool to draw shapes.

Your pattern goes blue circle, orange triangle, blue circle, orange triangle, blue circle." Lucas said, "You chose your colours from the colour palette.

Your pattern is yellow dot, green line, yellow dot, green line." Well done if you used our keywords when you described the patterns, if you used paintbrush tool or if you used palette when you described the patterns.

Part two of this lesson is all about creating a picture in the style of an artist.

Are you ready? Let's go.

Let's learn a little bit about an artist called Henri Matisse.

Henri Matisse was a French artist.

He lived from 1869 until 1954.

Matisse was a famous painter.

He also created collages made from cut-up pieces of paper.

This artwork here is an example of a collage.

It is made from cut up pieces of paper.

Let's look at Matisse's artwork a bit closer now.

I've got some questions for you about it.

The first question says, what do you see when you look at this picture? Do you see a pattern? What type of animal do you think Matisse was thinking of when he made this picture? I've got a clue for you now.

Are you ready to see my clue? Oh, there it is.

It's a certain kind of shape.

I want you to pause the video now and have a think and maybe a chat about these questions.

Matisse had been drawing lots of images of snails before he created this picture.

Can you see the spiral? Just like a snail's shell.

Here's a real life photograph of a snail.

And can you see how the spiral shape in Matisse's picture is just the same as the spiral in a snail's shell? What shapes and colours can you see? How do you think Matisse made these shapes? How could you make these shapes in a painting programme? Pause the video and have a little think and maybe a chat about that.

I'll be here when you get back.

We can use the paintbrush tool to paint our own freehand shapes.

Did you hear some keywords there? I wonder what keywords you heard.

I said the keyword paintbrush tool and I used the word freehand.

Freehand is a new keyword that we haven't used in the lesson yet.

Can you see my example of freehand on the side? Freehand shapes will look different from the shapes made with the shape tool.

So my freehand shape is the first shape on the page.

Can you see how it's a bit curvy and uneven? Freehand shapes will look uneven and usually a bit wobbly.

Can you see the difference between my freehand shape and the shape that I made with the shape tool? True or false? This circle was drawn with the paintbrush tool.

Pause the video and have a think.

The answer was false.

Why? The circle is very even.

Shapes drawn with the paintbrush tool are uneven and usually look a bit wobbly.

Right, back to our picture of Matisse's snail.

If you were to make a digital artwork similar to this, which tools could be helpful? We've got some symbols here that you might recognise.

We've got the fill tool, undo.

We've got the shape tool, the line tool, paintbrush tool, and erase.

Pause the video here and have a think about which tools you would use in your artwork and why.

Well done.

Let's go through these tools together.

The paintbrush tool would help us freehand paint the outline of the shapes.

Can you see how Matisse's shapes are not all straight? They're uneven and a bit wobbly.

So the paintbrush tool would be great for making those.

The fill tool.

The fill tool would help us fill the shapes in with colour.

Your shapes should have no gaps.

The shape tool.

The shape tool could help you to draw the frame of this artwork.

Do you see Matisse's orange square around the outside? You could make that with the shape tool.

Undo could help you to go back one step to fix mistakes.

You are going to design your own animal artwork in the style of Matisse.

Have a little think about what kind of animal you might want to make.

Remember that it's okay if your drawing does not look perfect.

Every time you create a drawing in your painting programme, you will improve.

I've got some examples here of animal artworks in the style of Matisse.

Can you guess what they are? Pause the video here and have a little guess and then I will tell you after the pause.

So my animal artworks here are a butterfly, a tortoise, and a fish.

Well done if you guessed those correctly.

Right, we are getting ready for our task now.

The first part of our task is I want you to create your own animal artwork in the style of Matisse.

I want you to choose your colours from the palette.

Did you hear the keyword there? Palette.

Next, I want you to use the shape tool to draw the frame of your painting.

Then I want you to draw freehand shapes using a paintbrush tool.

Double keywords, I said freehand and I said paintbrush tool.

Well done if you heard those.

And lastly, don't forget, you can use undo if you make mistakes.

When you are finished, give your artwork two stars and one wish.

So this means two stars is two positive things about what you've made, two really good things.

And then the wish is you think of one thing that you would like to improve for next time.

Okay, it's time for you to pause this video now and go and have a try at your animal artwork inspired by Matisse.

I will be here when you get back and don't forget to think of your two stars and a wish because we'll be talking about that after the pause.

Off you go.

Welcome back.

You worked really hard on your artwork.

Excellent work on that task.

Here are some examples of two stars and one wish.

For the two stars for this project, I wrote that I liked the colours that I chose, and I remembered to use undo to fix mistakes.

For my wish, the one thing I would like to be even better next time, I wrote, "Next time, I would like to fill up more of the screen," because very often when you're starting with digital artworks, you sometimes draw them really small and it's important to try and fill up that whole page.

Well done.

You've made it to the end of the lesson.

I'm really proud of all the learning that you've done today.

Let's go through and summarise what we've learned today.

In painting programmes, you select colours from the palette by clicking on them.

Choose the colours that best suit your picture.

The paintbrush tool lets you draw freehand shapes, which are more uneven than those made with the shape tool.

Henri Matisse created collages with paper cutouts.

You can create similar digital art by using the paintbrush tool to paint freehand shapes.

Thank you for learning with me today, you did really well, and I hope to see you soon in another lesson.