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Hello, my name is Mrs. Mehrin, and I'm so excited to be learning all about different diets for different people.

Let's begin.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit Healthy Eating.

Your learning outcome is I can respectfully ask questions about the diet choices of others.

Now, I know that learning can sometimes be a little bit challenging, but that's okay because it just means that we are going to work really hard together, and we're going to learn some fantastic new things.

Let's begin.

So here are your key words for today's lesson.

Now, I am going to be referring to these throughout today's lesson.

However, if you find it helpful, you can pause the video here and you can jot these down.

Off you go.


Well done.

So our lesson is split into two parts today.

Let's begin with the first part, different diets.

So the children are eating lunch at school, and Sofia says, "Today I am eating pork sausages.

They are my favourite." What is your favourite food? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

However, if you need a little bit longer, you can pop the video on pause and you can come back once you are ready.

Off you go.


Well done.

So I would have to say my favourite foods are either pizza or I love biryani or samosas as well.

Now, Aisha says, "I don't eat pork sausages because I am a Muslim.

And people who follow the Islamic faith don't eat foods that contain any pork.

I am having a jacket potato and beans instead." Andeep says, "My family are Sikhs.

Many Sikhs choose to follow a vegetarian diet.

We don't eat any foods that contain meat or fish.

Our gurdwara has a kitchen that only serves vegetarian food.

They make the most delicious dishes." And here we have a picture of everybody sat together in a gurdwara enjoying their lovely vegetarian food.

Sam says, "My sister eats a vegetarian diet.

She chooses not to eat meat.

She prefers not to eat it because she's worried about animal welfare and knows that eating a lot of meat is bad for our planet." Now who do you agree with? Andeep says says, "The only reason that people don't eat meat is for personal, reasons such as wanting to protect the environment." Sofia says, "Some people choose not to eat meat, but this can be for different reasons, such as their religion, their own personal choice, or trying to help the environment." And Sam says, "People all eat the same foods, therefore they have the same diets." So who do you agree with? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

So Sofia is correct.

Some people choose not to eat meat, but it's for different reasons.

So some might be personal choice or maybe they don't like the taste of it.

Some people, it's for their religion, and some people are trying to help the environment.

Now, Sofia says, "My little brother is allergic to nuts." What does the word allergic mean? Do you know? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So allergic means that he can't eat any food containing nuts, for example, if you are allergic to nuts.

If he does, then it makes him feel very unwell.

He gets a red rash and can find it hard to breathe.

He has to take some medicine if this happens.

So if people are allergic to food, it means that their body reacts to the food.

So for example, Sofia's brother gets a rash on his face.

Some people get swollen lips or a swollen tongue and they have to use something called an EpiPen.

Some people get a mild reaction.

So for example, with me, if I eat pineapple, sometimes my hands start to itch and I get a little red rash on my hands.

So it's nothing really serious, but it does make me feel quite uncomfortable.

But people who are allergic to foods, you can sometimes have quite severe reactions where it might mean the person has to go to hospital or you might have milder reactions like mine.

Now Sofia says, "At lunchtime, he has a packed lunch at school so he can be sure that there are no nuts in his food, and the school asks other children not to bring in food containing nuts to help to protect him." And that might be the case at your school as well.

So you might have a no nuts policy at your school, and lots of schools have this policy to try and protect those children who have an allergy to nuts.

Because with an allergy to nuts, sometimes you don't just have to eat them.

Sometimes if somebody has some nuts and they open the bag or they open the packet in the same room as you, you could have an allergic reaction from that, and that's called an airborne reaction.

So Jacob's sister and dad are in this picture here, and Jacob says, "My little sister is allergic to cow's milk.

She used to cry a lot, get a tummy ache, and a rash when she drank it.

Now she has an alternative milk made from oat." So it's a different option that Jacob's sister can have now so that she doesn't have to drink cow's milk because it made her feel unwell and it gave her an allergic reaction.

So let's do a quick check-in of your learning so far.

True or false, some people cannot eat certain types of food because these foods can make them unwell.

Is that true or false? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

The answer is true.

Now why is this? It's because some people are allergic to different foods such as nuts or milk.

Now some people have life long health conditions where they need to monitor their diet more closely.

So these are things that are going to stay with them for the whole of their life.

Now, do you know any of these? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So some people have a health condition called diabetes.

This means they have to check the levels of sugar in their blood throughout the day and night.

And some diabetics take a medicine called insulin to help with this.

And some people wear a monitor that helps them to keep track of their blood sugar levels.

And some people have a health condition called celiac disease.

This means they can become unwell if they eat foods containing gluten, and they must avoid eating foods like bread and pasta, which it has high levels of gluten in them.

Now, which of these are health conditions that mean people need to monitor their diet more closely? Is it A, celiac disease, B, sugar, C, gluten, or, D diabetes? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

The answers are A and D, celiac disease and diabetes.

So here is your first task for today and it says, discuss what different foods you or your family eat as part of your diet.

Are there any foods that you don't eat? And if so, why don't you eat these foods? Now remember, you need to be respectful when discussing the reasons why different people eat different foods, because everybody has different reasons for why they might eat certain things or might not eat certain things.

So I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go at doing that.

Off you go.


Well done.

So Izzy says, "My sister is allergic to milk.

She can't eat any foods that contain milk, such as cheese or butter.

She drinks soya milk instead." And Alex says, "My grandma has diabetes.

She has to regularly check her blood sugar levels.

She tries not to eat foods that have a lot of sugar in them, like cakes and sweets." And my mom, just like Alex's, has diabetes, and so did my granddad as well.

So I have always seen them checking their blood sugar levels and taking insulin to help them to control it.

Now, like Aisha, I'm a Muslim, which means that I don't eat pork.

However, I do eat all other meats.

Now we are onto the second part of our learning today, which is choosing what you eat.

So some people like to keep fit and choose a diet that will help to keep their bodies healthy.

They may choose to eat more of some types of food and less of others in order to have a balanced diet.

And using the eatwell plate is a fantastic way to ensure that you are getting a balanced diet.

Now, true or false, some people follow alternative diets for health and fitness purposes.

Is that true or false? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

The answer is true.

And the reason for that is some people choose to eat foods that will help to keep their bodies healthy.

So Lucas says, "My school dinner is made up of lots of different food, but I'm not sure what they are.

How do I know if I'm eating the right balance of different foods?" Do you know what could Lucas do to help him? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

If you need a little bit longer to think about it, you can pop the video on pause, and you can come back once you are ready.

Off you go.


Well done.

So Jun says, "If you know the ingredients of the food you eat, then you can make choices based on your diet." So what are ingredients? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So ingredients are the foods that I use to make a particular dish.

So this chicken curry has lots of ingredients.

It's made up of chicken, onions, spices, tomatoes, coconut milk, salt, oil, lime, and rice.

Now, Lucas says, "I really don't like onions, so perhaps I will choose something different to eat." Jun says, "The ingredients of this cake are sugar, butter, eggs, lemon, and flour." Andeep says, "I don't eat food with eggs in for religious reasons, so I will choose a different dessert." Now, true or false, it is not useful to know the ingredients of the food that we eat.

I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


The answer is false, and that is because we can make choices based on our diet if we know the ingredients of the food that we eat.

Now, here is your second task for today, and it says use secondary sources to research the ingredients in each of these dishes.

Who would this food be suitable or unsuitable for? So I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go at doing this.

Off you go.


Well done.

So in a Waldorf salad, the ingredients are walnuts, grapes, apples, lemon, mayonnaise, yoghourt, celery, and lettuce.

And Alex says, "This salad is suitable for vegetarians because it does not contain any meat.

However, it's not suitable for people with nut allergies because it contains walnuts." It also wouldn't be suitable for somebody with a dairy allergy because of the mayonnaise and the yoghourt.

So in the pepperoni pizza, we have flour, tomatoes, cheese, pepperoni, onions, and water.

And this food would not be suitable for vegetarians or for people who don't eat pork because it contains pepperoni.

It would not be suitable for people who have celiac disease because it contains flour.

Now the second task is to plan a meal for someone from a particular group, ensuring that all food in that plan is based on what that person does or does not eat for various reasons.

So you might want to think about people that have celiac disease, or diabetes, or Sikhs, or Hindus, or Muslims. So you can think of any particular group that you like and make a meal for them, and ensure that all the food in that plan is based on what the person does or doesn't eat for various reasons, but also try and keep it healthy.

You can use the eatwell plate for some inspiration as well.

So I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go at doing that.

Off you go.


Well done.

So Laura says, "I have planned a meal for my friend Andeep who is vegetarian.

I would give him a vegetable bolognese with spaghetti, onions, tomatoes, peppers, and vegetarian mince.

For dessert, I think he would like a fruit salad with grapes, apples, oranges, strawberries, and mango." That sounds absolutely delicious, and I really love how Laura has been so respectful of her friend Andeep, and made a delicious meal for him.

Now we are onto the summary of our learning today.

So different people have different diets.

There are many different reasons why people have different diets.

These include religious, environmental, health, or personal reasons.

Some people are allergic to foods or have lifelong health conditions where they need to monitor their diet more closely.

Knowing the ingredients of the food you eat allows you to make choices based on your diet.

Now you have worked really hard today, and I'm so proud of your fantastic work and for being so respectful of different people's diets and the reasons why they choose to eat or not eat certain foods.

Well done.