Welcome back students, I'm Mrs. Bayley and this lesson is on direct speech: moving dialogue tags and using pronouns.
So for today's lesson you will need a pen and some paper, you will also need to make sure that your brain is switched on.
Before we begin just take a moment to ensure that you have removed any potential distractions such as your mobile phone.
You could turn your phone off or put some silent and a way out of sight.
Perhaps, in a drawer.
Before we start the main tasks, I'm just going to talk you through what are we going to do on the lessons today.
First of all we are going to recap on last lessons learning on dialogue tags.
Then we are going to look how to use pronouns in dialogue tags.
After that you have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the new learning.
Then you will apply the rules you have learned to a piece on your own writing.
And finally, as always we will end with an exit quiz.
Let's recap on dialogue tags, dialogue tags that introduce, direct speech and dialogue tags that follow direct speech.
So we are going to start off with a bit of a recap check point.
Which of the following is punctuated correctly? As an extension task, I want you to think about How you know? So maybe you can recall some of the rules from last lesson.
So, I would like you to pause the video, read the options and write down which sentence you think has been punctuated correctly.
Is it A, B or C? Pause your video and write down your answer now.
Absolutely fantastic if you chose B, but don't worry if you didn't guess it right because we are going to remind ourselves of the rules now.
So, when a dialogue tag introduces direct speech, a capital letter is needed at the start.
You also need to remember that when a dialogue tag introduces direct speech a comma is needed after the dialogue tag before the open inverted commas.
Let's have a look it what that looks like.
So, for example in this sentence, Ben said "I'm hungry", which you see that a capital letter has been used at the start.
We can also say that there is a comma after the dialogue tag, and that this comma comes before the open inverted commas.
Okay, here's universal check point.
Which of the following is punctuated correctly out of this options? So you noticed that in this options the dialogue tag follows direct speech some just, testing your knowledge of dialogue tags that follows direct speech.
So, you're going to pause the video in a moment you're going to read the different options and you're going to tell me which one you think is punctuated correctly.
As an extension task I what you to think about how you know that? Try to recall some of the rules from last lesson if you can.
So pause the video and complete the activity now.
Absolutely fantastic if you selected option A very very well done, but please don't worry if you got it wrong we will remind ourselves of the rules now.
When a dialogue tag follows direct speech the rules changed.
A comma is needed after the direct speech and before the close inverted commas, that is a comma remember not a full stop.
The second thing to remember is that a capital letter is not needed at the start of the dialogue tag if you are using a pronoun.
So let's have a look what that looks like, so here's an examples, let's look at the first one, "I'm hungry," he said.
You can see that a comma has been placed after the direct speech but before the close inverted commas.
You can also say that the pronoun "He", has not been given a capital letter.
So that is what we do when the dialogue tag follows the direct speech.
However, I've included another example as need to show you that, you will you will still need to used a capital letter if you using a proper noun.
So if a name is being used you still have to use capitalised we always capitalised names, we always capitalised proper nouns.
Okay Now, I would like you to demonstrate your understanding by doing the following activity.
For this task I would you like to re-write each sentence using the correct punctuation.
I've completed the first one for you as an example.
So, have a look.
First sentence, a, in that grey there Mum said do you want some help.
It it doesn't have the correct punctuation.
So I've re-written it.
Mum said comma open inverted commas do you want some help question mark close inverted commas.
I would like you to pause the video now and rewrite each of those sentences one to three using the correct punctuation.
Do that now please.
Very well done students.
Fantastic! How did you get on? What I've done here is, I put the punctuation marks in certain parts in dark grey to make it easy for you to mark.
So what I want you to is is to pause the video and I would like you to tick and fix your work.
I have near direct speech rule for you.
If a person said more than one sentence, put everything they said inside the inverted commas.
But to this point we've been looking at single sentences of direct speech.
But if there are two sentences or more said together, it all goes inside the inverted commas.
And you are going to have it go demonstrate using your understanding of that.
For each picture, I would like you to write down who was speaking and what each person said.
Remember to include all the speech inside the inverted commas.
Write down your answers.
The first one has been started for you.
So, It says number one Sam said comma open inverted commas.
So that just needs finishing off.
So I would like you to pause your video and write down who was speaking and what each person said using the correct punctuation.
Do that task now.
Fantastic! Very well done for doing that very well done.
How did it go? Please take a moment to pause the video and mark your work to collect any mistakes you have made and if you have made a mistakes please do not worry coz' that is the best way to learn.
The best way to learn is by making mistakes and and learning from them so don't you worry about that.
So pause the video and mark your work now.
So, it's time to bring back to dialogue tags one more time before we move on to pronouns.
So here we go, here's the task.
I would now like you to choose ONE of these sentences.
I would like you to rewrite the sentence so that the dialogue tag follows the direct speech.
You can see that in each of these sentences the dialogue tag comes first but I would like you to choose one of these sentences and to rewrite it so that the dialogue tag follows the direct speech.
Now, as an extension task.
You could think about the following.
These are the sentences from the previous slide but I've changed the proper nouns, I've changed the names to pronouns.
If I have kept the proper nouns in there what you have to do to your writing? So that is it.
Just next, think think about as as a as an extension task.
But just to repeat the instructions.
I would like you to pause the video and rewrite each of these sentences so that the dialogue tag follows the direct speech.
So think about how you punctuate those sentences.
Fantastic works students! Brilliant! How did it go? Did you remember to include your comma before the close inverted commas? Did you remember to use a lower letter for the pronoun? And the answer to the extension question.
Well, if we where using proper nouns instead of pronouns we would have to use capital letters.
So for example we would have to write the sun is shining.
I'll walk to the shops.
Sam said and Sam would have a capital letter.
So do take a moment to pause the video and tick and fix your work.
Using pronouns in dialogue tags.
As with any other sentence, when writing direct speech, we need to know when to use pronouns so that our writing does not become repetitive or confusing.
Here are some pronouns: He, She, They, It Have a look at this.
The man talked to his daughter.
The man said would you like to get some ice cream? What I would like you to do for this task is I would like you to rewrite this sentences thinking about the following questions.
Can you make these sentences make more sense by removing some of the words and replacing them with pronouns? The second thing I would like you to think about when you rewriting this sentences.
Can you add the missing direct speech punctuation? So, I would like you to pause the video and rewrite the sentences replace some of the words with pronouns and add the missing direct speech punctuation.
Fantastic! Do that now.
Excellent works students! Does your work look a bit like this? So we have the man talked to his daughter.
HE said.
So changing the man to HE in that second sentence there.
Just make it sound less clunky, less repetitive.
And now we should have a comma after said but before the open inverted commas and we should have the close inverted commas after the question mark.
Well done students! And you can pause the video if you need to just to make sure that you tick and fix your work.
Okay we're going to do the same task but with different extracts let's read the extract first.
The man said go and put some sun cream on.
The girl tottered away.
The girl went to the bathroom.
The girl smeared sun cream on her face and arms. The man said that will have to do, I suppose.
I would like you to do the same thing again.
I would like you to rewrite this sentences.
And I would like you to take out some of the words and replace them with pronouns so that it flows better and makes more sense.
I would also like you to add missing direct speech punctuation.
So it the same task again with a different part of the story.
So please pause the video and complete that task now.
You are working so hard students.
Thank you! I must claim out that you have a few options to the pronoun part of the task so do not worry if you have different answer to me.
Though certainly more than correct way of doing this.
As long as it is clear and it make sense.
Your redo will be happy with your pronoun choices but let's have a look at what I mean by that.
So I put.
The man said, "go and put some sun cream on." The girl tottered away.
She went to the bathroom.
She smeared sun cream on her face and arms. Now, you might have just changed one of those so you might have the girl tottered away, she went to the bathroom, the girl smeared sun cream on her face and arms. And that isn't wrong.
So you do have some options with regards to which ones and how many you've changed as long as your writing is clear and make sense and it flows.
It doesn't matter.
However, the punctuation part of this we should have the same answer for that because we need to make sure we will follow those rules.
So let's have a look at the punctuation part.
So, I would like you just to pause the video for a moment and just check that all your punctuation is in the right place.
So pause the video and tick and fix your punctuation.
Well done.
Demonstrating your understanding.
Okay this is a fun round.
Here are a series of check points, so that you can check your understanding of all this new learning.
First check point, which of the following is not an example of a pronoun? Is it A.
She? B.
They? C.
It? Or D.
Said? Pause your video and write down your answer now.
Absolutely fantastic! If you wrote down D.
Let's have little look at why.
Well these are not a pronoun it can stand in place of a noun.
"Said" is actually a verb.
Okay let's look at the next check point question.
Which of the following statements is incorrect? A.
When the dialogue tag follows direct speech, you always use a capital letter.
When the dialogue tag introduces direct speech at the start of a sentence, you should always use a capital letter.
You should consider using pronouns if your writing is becoming repetitive or confusing.
Your punctuation mark needs to be put in before you close your inverted commas.
Now I I would like you to pause the video read those statements again and write down which one you think is not true.
Is it A? B? C? Or D? So do that task now.
Absolutely fantastic if you chose A.
That is not true.
Applying the rules to your own writing.
Are you ready for the final task? I would like you to write one short paragraph about the pictures.
I would like you to include the characters of Soumaya and Anna.
However, only Anna should speak in this paragraph.
I just explain why, that is because we haven't looked at how to include multiple speakers yet.
That is future lesson.
So I want you to include two characters but only Anna speak.
Last because you can see in the picture that that is speech bubble pointing tools Anna so she can say that and she can also anything else that you wanted to say.
There is another thing you need to remember.
In this paragraph writing when you do include dialogue direct speech from Anna.
I want you to position your dialogue tags at the end of your sentences.
So when you do use direct speech I want you to position your dialogue tags at the end of your sentences.
Now if you have a look at the example opening.
You could've start like this.
Soumaya and Anna were playing in the snow.
They were trying to build snowmen.
Then as you can see I just started my first bit of direct speech from Anna.
And as you can see I did not start with a dialogue tag.
I didn't start "I said".
So you could finish that if you like.
Or you could write your own paragraph from scratch.
So you are writing a paragraph base on that pictures.
You can include two characters but only Anna will speak in this paragraph.
And when she does speak you will make sure that the dialogue tags position at the end of your sentences.
Brilliant! I would like you to pause the video and complete that task now.
Absolutely fantastic students! How did it go? Did you put a comma in after the direct speech? And before your close inverted commas? If you used a pronoun in your dialogue tag, did you give it a lowercase letter? But of course if you said, if you used Anna's name and put Anna said you will have to remember used a capital letter.
We always use capital letters for proper nouns.
Okay so take a moment to pause and tick and fix your work.
Okay very well done.
Before you do your exit quiz, I just want to say, thank you so much for your hard work! You have done a fantastic job! If you are able to please take a picture of your work and ask your parent or carer to show it with your teacher so they can see all the fantastic work you've been doing.
And if you'd like, you can ask your parent or carer to send a picture of you work to Oak National Twitter account.
And then I can see your work too.
Well thank you very much for your hard work and don't forget to complete your exit quiz.
Very well done! Thank you!.