
Lesson video

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Hello, everyone.

Welcome back to another maths lesson with me, Mrs. Pochciol.

As always, I can't wait to learn lots of new things and hopefully, have lots of fun.

So, let's get started.

This lesson is called "Explain how many 500s and 250s 1,000s is composed of", and it comes from the unit "Column addition, subtraction with four digit numbers".

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to explain how many 500s and 250s 1,000 is composed of.

Let's have a look at this lesson's key words, compose, multiples, and division.

Let's practise.

My turn, compose, your turn.

My turn, multiples, your turn.

My turn, division, your turn.

Fantastic, let's have a look at the definitions of these keywords.

The composition of the whole is the way in which it is made.

For example, in this context, we will look at equal parts of the whole.

A multiple is the result of multiplying a number by another whole number, and equal divisions refer to equal spacing on a number line or a scale.

These definitions are really going to help during our learning today.

Let's have a look at our lesson outline.

In the first part of our learning, we are going to explain how many 500s 1,000 is composed of.

And in the second part of our learning, we are going to explain how many 250s 1,000 is composed of.

So, let's get started with exploring 500s.

In this lesson, you are going to meet Sam, Sophia, Izzy, and Lucas.

Sophia creates a bar model and asks Izzy how she could complete it.

Izzy notices that the whole is 1,000 and we are partitioning it into two equal parts.

She knows that each part must be 500.

How did you know that though, Izzy? Izzy explains how she knew that there were two 500s in 1,000.

Izzy knows that 5 + 5 = 10 and 50 + 50 = 100.

So, she knows that 500 + 500 = 1,000.

She used the relationship between those numbers to help her to work this one out.

Well done, Izzy.

Izzy and Sophia tell us what they know from the bar model.

So, what do you know? We know that 500 + 500 = 1,000.

We also know that 1,000 - 500 = 500.

Because our parts are equal, we can also say that double 500 is equal 1,000 or half of 1,000 is 500.

We could say two times 500 = 1,000, but we could also say 1,000 divided into two equal groups is equal to 500.

Look at all those facts from that one bar model.

Well done, Sophia and Izzy.

I'm very impressed.

While searching through the math cupboard, Izzy and Sophia find this weighing scale.

Hmm, I wonder what this has got to do with our learning.

We can see that this scale has 1,000 on it, but what are the missing numbers? There are two equal parts between zero and 1,000, one, two.

So, we can see this is 1,000 divided by two is equal to 500.

So, we know that each part must be worth 500.

So, this point right here is worth 500 grammes.

If this one is worth 500 grammes, what must this one be? Hmm.

Let's see.

What do we already know that can help us? We can see this as one more part, which is 500.

So, one more part than 1,000 is 500, which is 1,500 grammes.

Well done, if you said 1,500 grammes.

When looking at the scale, Izzy notices something.

She notices that we are actually, counting in multiples of 500, if each division is 500.

So, let's practise counting in multiples of 500.

0, 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000.

Well done, some lovely counting there, Sophia.

If the arrow was pointing here, how many more grammes would we need to add to reach 2,000? Hmm.

How are we gonna work that one out? Sophia suggests that we can start here and count in multiples of 500.

500, 1,000.


So, we would need 1,500 grammes more to make 2,000.

So, we would need 1,500 grammes more to reach 2,000 grammes.

Well done, Sophia.

Some lovely counting there.

Over to you then.

Izzy records her count in multiples of 500.

Can you count to fill in the missing numbers? 0, 500, 1,000, mm, 2,000, mm, 3,000, mm, 4,000, 4,500, 5,000, and mm.

Pause this video.

Have a go at filling in those missing numbers.

Remember we are counting in multiples of 500, and come on back when you're ready to see how you've got on.

Welcome back.

Let's have a look at those missing numbers then.

0, 500, 1,000, 1,500, because that's 500 more, 2,000, another 500 more would be 2,500, 3,000, 3,500 is the missing number there, 4,000, 4,500, 5,000, and 5,500.

Well done to you, if you've got those missing numbers correct.

Izzy noticed a pattern when she was completing this task.

She noticed that we always count something in 500 and then the next thousand.

Yes, 1,500, 2,000, 2,500, 3,000, the next thousand.

Well done, that's really going to help me with my accounting, Izzy.

Thank you so much.

Izzy and Sophia now look at a bar graph on the school website that shows the number of hits on their website each day.

How many hits did we get on Tuesday, Sophia? Sophia notices that Tuesday's hits are shown by the blue bar.

It reaches in between 1,000 and 2,000.

Can you see? But what does that mean? How many hits were there on Tuesday? Izzy notices that each 1,000 has been split into two equal parts.

So, each part must be 500.

Sophia suggests that they should add them on to help them read the scale a little bit more easily.

500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000.

What's 500 more? What's that next one gonna be? 2,500.

Now, they can easily see what Tuesday reaches up to.

We can see that it reaches up to 1,500.

So, that means that they had 1,500 hits on Tuesday.

That's a lot of hits on the school website.

Well done.

Izzy now wants to know what was the total number of hits on Monday and Tuesday? So, let's have a look.

There were 1,000 hits on Monday and 1,500 hits on Tuesday.

So, to find how many hits there were all together, they need to add 1,000 + 1,500, 1,000 and 1,500.

1,000 more than 1,500 is 2,500.

So, that means there were 2,500 hits in total on Monday and Tuesday.

Well done, Izzy.

I love how you used your knowledge there of adding 1,000.

Wow, Izzy, I love how you mentally added 1,000 and 1,500 there.

I'm really impressed.

Well done.

Now, Sophia would like to know what was the difference between the number of hits on Monday and Tuesday.

Again, we can see Monday had 1,000 hits and Tuesday had 1,500 hits.


So, what's the difference? We know that the difference is the result of a subtraction.

So, 1,500 subtract 1,000 is equal to 500.

So, the difference between the number of hits on Monday and Tuesday was 500 hits.

Well done, Sophia.

Again, some really good mental strategy there.

Over to you then with Task A.

We are going to continue to practise this counting in 500 and reading scales that include 500s.

So, while at the arcade, Sophia, Lucas, Sam, and Izzy play the Hook a Bear game to win more tickets.

Each bear that they hook is worth 500 tickets.

We are going to count in multiples of 500 to find out how many tickets each child has won.

Part two is then to have a look at the leaderboard that shows the current top five scores on the Hook a Bear game.

You can see that we are looking at a graph now.

A, how many tickets did Aisha win, B, what was the total number of tickets won by John and Alex, and C, how many more tickets did Jacob win than Andeep? So, you need to use your graph reading skills there to help you to work out the numbers for each child and then complete the calculation.

So, pause this video, have a go at counting in your multiples of 500 and reading the graph and calculating, and then come on back to see how you've got on.

Welcome back.

Let's have a look then at part one.

Part one was to count in our 500s.

Are we ready? Let's see how many tickets Sophia has won? 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 2,500, 3,000 tickets.

Goodness me, that is a brilliant score, Sophia.

Well done to you.

Let's have a look at Lucas then.

How did you count your bears, Lucas? Lucas noticed that two 500s are equal to 1,000 so he can count his bears even quicker.

1,000, 2,000.

Wow, that was speedy counting.

Well done, Lucas.

Let's have a look at Sam then.

Sam's got a lot of bears there.

1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, and she has one more bear.

So, what would that next count be? 4,500, because it's 500 more.

Well done, Sam.

4,500 tickets, wow.

And finally, Izzy, how are you going to count your bears? 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, and 1 more bear, which is 500 more, 3,500 tickets.

Well done to you, if you correctly worked out how many tickets each child won.

Now, let's have a look at this leaderboard then.

First question was, how many tickets did Aisha win? So, we're gonna have a look at Aisha.

We can see that Aisha's bar goes all the way up to here.


So, what's that point on our scale? We know that it's in between 5,000 and 6,000, which we know is 5,500.

So, we can see that Aisha won 5,500 tickets and that's not even the highest score.

Goodness, well done, Aisha.

B, what was the total number of tickets won by John and Alex? Let's have a look then.

John, we can see won 5,000 tickets and Alex won in between 4,000 and 5,000 tickets, which we know is 4,500.

5,000 + 4,500 is 9,500 tickets.

All we had to do there was add the thousands, 5,000 + 4,000 is 9,000, and then 500 more is 9,500.

Well done, if you got that one.

And C, how many more tickets did Jacob win than Andeep? Let's have a look then.

Jacob has won 7,500 tickets and Andeep has won in between 6,000 and 7,000.

I know that that is 6,500 tickets.

7,500 subtract 6,500, we know that, that is 1,000 tickets difference.

So, Jacob must have won 1,000 tickets more than Andeep.

Well done to you for completing Task A.

Let's have a look at the second part of our learning.

Explain how many 250s 1,000 is composed of.

So, you might be able to use our learning from learning cycle one in this one to help you.

Sophia creates a bar model and asks Izzy how she could complete it.

Izzy can see that the whole again is 1,000, but we are partitioning it into four equal parts.

So, each part is 250.


How did you know that, Izzy? Izzy explains how she knows that 1,000 is composed of four equal parts of 250.

25 + 25 = 50.

So, 250 + 250 = 500.

Therefore, I know that each 500 can be split into two equal parts of 250.

Wow, I love that you use what you've just learned, Izzy, to help you to solve this.

I'm very impressed.

Well done, Izzy.

Yes, so four equal groups of 250 is equal to 1,000.

While searching through the maths cupboard, Izzy and Sophia now find this weighing scale.

Looks a little bit different to the one we've just seen, but what is different? We can see that 1,000 is on the scale again, but the parts look different to before, there's more of them.

There are four equal parts between 0 and 1,000.

One, two, three, four.


So, what does that mean each division is worth.

We can see this as 1,000 divided by four, which we know is 250.

So, each part is 250.

So, this point here is 250 grammes.

If that one is 250 grammes, what would this one be? Hmm.

We can see that this is one more part than 1,000, which is 250.

So, 1,000 + 250 = 1,250 grammes.

Well done, if you spotted that.

Izzy now looks at the scale.

We've noticed that we are counting in multiples of 250 now not 500, and each division is 250.

So, you know what's coming.

Let's practise counting in multiples of 250.

We are going to start at zero and count in multiples of 250.

Are we ready? 0, 250, 500, 750, 1,000, 1,250, we know this pattern now, 1,500.

So, this one must be, 1,750, 2,000.

Well done.

If the arrow was pointing here, how many more grammes would we need to reach 2,000 grammes? Hmm.

I think we can use the same strategy as before.

We can start here and count on to 2,000, but this time we're not counting in 500, we are counting in multiples of 250.

Are we ready? 250, 500, 750, 1,000, 1,250, and we've reached 2,000.

So, that means we need 1,250 grammes more to reach 2,000.

Well done, some brilliant counting there Sophia.

Sophia now records her count in multiples of 250.

Can you fill in the missing numbers? Pause this video, find those missing numbers, see if you can notice a little bit of a pattern.

Come on back once you've completed all the missing numbers.

Welcome back.

Let's have a look then at those missing numbers.

0, 250, 500, 750, 1,000 So, I want 250 more.

So, that's 1,250, 1,500.

I can see a pattern emerging now.

1,750, 2,000, 2,250, 2,500, and 2,750.

Well done, if you managed to complete all of those missing numbers.

Sophia noticed the pattern.

250, 500, 750, repeat before arriving at the next multiple of 1,000.

Well done, Sophia.

That's what I was using to help me find those missing numbers.

Izzy and Sophia now find the hits on the school website for Wednesday and Thursday, but the graph looks a little bit different.

How many visits did we get on Thursday, Sophia? I've added the steps of 500 to help us already.


There's more steps in between.

1,000 is now split into four equal parts.

So, each part is actually worth 250.

Sophia now adds on those parts to help her read the scale.

Ah, now you've added that, Sophia.

We can see that Thursday goes all the way up to 1,750.

So, that means there was 1,750 hits on Thursday.


Again, a very busy website.

Izzy again now wants to know what the total number of hits on Wednesday and Thursday were.

We can see that on Wednesday we had 500 hits and on Thursday we know we had 1,750 hits.

So, 1,750 + 500 will give us the total number of hits.


How are you gonna work this one out, Izzy? We could count in our multiples of 250 from 1,750.

So, 1,750, 2,000, 2,250.

So, the total number of hits on Wednesday and Thursday was 2,250.

Well done, Izzy, I love how you counted on using your multiples of 250 there to do your addition.

Well done.

Sophia now wants to know what was the difference between the number of hits on Wednesday and the number of hits on Thursday.

We know that finding the difference is the result of a subtraction.

So, unlike Izzy who just added those numbers together, we are now subtracting the two.

1,750 subtract 500 is equal to what? How are you gonna work that out, Sophia? Sophia knows that 500 is the same as two counts in multiples of 250.

So, she's going to count backwards from 1,750.

1,750, 1,500, 1,250.

So, the difference between Wednesday and Thursday was 1,250 hits.

Well done, some lovely counting there again, Sophia.

Over to you then with Task B.

It's your turn to count in your multiples of 250.

The children play on the Skeeball machine.

The highest scoring hole was worth 250 points.

The red balls represent how many times each child scored 250 points.

Counting in your multiples of 250, can you find out how many points each child earned altogether? And part two, the children also play The Pick n Mix Challenge.

If they weigh out 1,750 grammes of sweets exactly, they get a bag for free.

Each of them has one turn.

A, how many grammes of Pick n Mix has each child picked, and B, how many grammes away from 1,750 grammes was each child? So, pause this video, have a go at part one and part two and come on back when you're ready to continue the learning.

Welcome back.

I hope you enjoyed counting in your multiples of 250 there and seeing how much Pick n Mix the children managed to weigh out.

Should we have a look at how you got on? Part one then, counting in multiples of 250 to find out how many points each child earned altogether.

Come on then, Sophia, let's count yours.

250, 500, 750, 1,000, 1,250, 1,500.

You earned 1,500 points.

Well done.

Lucas spots a more efficient way to count his.

He knows that four 250s are equal to 1,000.

So, he can see that he has 1,000 points here, because he is got four balls, 1,000.


Again, a really efficient way of counting there, Lucas.

Well done.

Sam's got loads again, so she's going to use Lucas's strategy of counting four at a time.

1,000, 2,000, and then she's got two more at 250.

So, what's that? That's 500 more.

Two 250s are equal to 500.

So, that's 2,500 points.

Well done, Sam.

And finally, Izzy, 250, 500, 750, 1,000, 1,250 and 1,500 points.

The same as Sophia.

Well done, Izzy.

And well done to you if you got those correct scores.

Let's have a look at part two.

Part two, how many grammes of Pick n Mix has each child picked? Our scales all have divisions of 250.

Sophia has one more division than 1,000.

So, she's got 1,250 grammes.

Well done, Sophia, you have.

Lucas notices that he's got one less division than 1,000.

So, that means he must have 750 grammes.

Sam's going to count on from 1,000, 1,250, 1,500.

She has 1,500 grammes.

Oh, so close.

Let's have a look then, Izzy.

Izzy's going to count back from 2,000, 1,750.

Yes, she's done it.

She has got 1,750 grammes in her bag.

That means that she's the winner and she gets a free bag of sweets.

Well done, Izzy.

So, let's have a look then.

How many grammes away from 1,750 grammes was each child? Let's have a look.

Sophia's going to count on from 1,250 to 1,750.

250, 500, Sophia was 500 grammes away.

So close, Sophia.

Lucas, let's have a look.

How many grammes were you away? 1,750 subtract 750 is equal to 1,000.

So, Lucas, you were 1,000 grammes away.

Should we check? 250, 500, 750, 1,000? Yeah, you are quite far away, Lucas.

1,000 grammes away.

Sam, let's have a look.

Sam's only one division away, so that means that she's 250 grammes away.

That was so close, Sam.

You were really close to winning there.

And Izzy, here she is.

She got 1,750 grammes.

So, that means that she was zero grammes away, because she got her Pick n Mix for free.

She got it right.

Well done to you.

And well done to you for completing Task B.

Let's have a look at what we've learned today.

There are two 500s in 1,000.

There are four 250s in 1,000.

Knowing how many 500s and 250s 1,000 is composed of helps us to interpret scales and measures.

Thank you for all of your hard work today.

I hope you're feeling a lot more confident in counting in multiples of 250 and 500 and can see how this skill can really help us when we are looking at measures and scales.

Thank you for joining me and I can't wait to see you again soon.
