
Lesson video

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My name is Mr. Tazzyman, and I'm really looking forward to learning with you today.

I hope you're sat comfortably because we are ready to start.

Here's the outcome for today's lesson.

By the end, we want you to be able to say, I can explain why a part can only be defined in relation to a whole.

Here's the key words, whole and part.

I'm going to say them and I want you to repeat them back to me, so I'll say my turn, say the word, and then your turn and you repeat it back.

My turn.


Your turn.

My turn.


Your turn.

Let's have a look and see if we can define these words, so we know what they mean.

The whole is all the parts or everything, the total amount.

A part is some of the whole.

You can see a bar model there that shows those definitions.

The whole stretches all the way across both of the parts.

It's the top row.

It's made up of those two parts.

Here's the outline for today's lesson.

Explain why a part can only be defined in relation to a whole.

The first part of the lesson, we're gonna cover the fact that a part is always smaller than a whole, and in the second part of the lesson, we're gonna look at how the whole defines the parts.

Let's get going with the first part.

In this lesson, you will meet Alex and Sam.

They're gonna help us by discussing some of the prompts that you see on screen, and they're gonna answer some of the questions as well.

They have some great discussions, and we can learn a lot just by looking at what they're talking about.

Okay, let's go for it.

Alex and Sam think about parts and wholes.

They start with a double-decker bus.

Sam says, "If the bus is the whole, then the window is part of the whole." Alex says, "If the bus is the whole, then the wheels are part of the whole." Then they look at a flock of different birds.

Sam says, "If the flock of birds as the whole, then the chickens are part of the whole." And Alex says, "If the flock of birds as the whole, then the blue bird is part of the whole." Next, they look at months of the year, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

Sam says, "If the year is the whole, then December is part of the whole." Alex says, "If the year is the whole, then spring is part of the whole." He's identified three months that make up spring, March, April, and May.

Okay, let's check your understanding so far.

Here is a house.

Can you name a part by completing the sentence below? If the something is the whole, then something is part of the whole.

Pause the video here.

Have a go and I'll be back in a moment to reveal what we thought.

Welcome back.

How about this? If the house is the whole, then the door is part of the whole.

Who thought of that? Or we could have had the roof is part of the whole.

Anybody think of that one? Or we could have had the window is part of the whole.

Who got that? You might have had lots of different answers for the parts, but the house was the whole.

Sam and Alex investigate parts in relation to wholes.

They decide to do some generalising.

Really important skill in maths that.

They put the wholes and parts into a table.

Whole, parts.

There's the bus.

And Sam says, "We chose windows and wheels as parts of the bus," so they put those in the table.

Alex says, "We chose chickens and a blue bird as parts of the flock." "We chose December and spring as parts of the year," says Sam.

So what can we say about parts and wholes? What do you notice? Have a look at that table.

What do you think when we go from a whole to a part, what do we notice? Hmm.

Okay, well, let's see what Alex and Sam thought.

Sam said, "All the parts are smaller than the wholes," and you can see on screen there that that isn't necessarily true for the window and the wheels of the bus, but that's because we've zoomed in on them, so we can see them easily.

Alex says, "There are always two or more parts.

We couldn't have said bus as a part of the bus." Okay, let's check your understanding of those bits of learning.

Tick the correct statements and cross any incorrect statements.

A part is always smaller than the whole.

There are always two or more parts.

There are only ever two parts.

Tick the correct statements and cross any incorrect ones.

Pause the video here and have a go at that.

Okay, welcome back.

Let's see.

A, a part is always smaller than the whole.

If you think about it, if it wasn't, it would mean that we could actually say the whole as a part of it.

We could say the bus as part of the bus.

Let's look at B.

Correct, there are always two or more parts.

We might not always list all the parts, just like we didn't for the house in the last check for understanding, but there are always two or more.

The bottom one, there are only ever two parts, is incorrect.

Okay, let's look at your first practise task.

Number one, complete your own table of parts and wholes by filling in the gaps in the table below.

You should choose two or three parts.

You can see in the left column there we've got whole, we've got a bicycle, a fish, and a week, but the parts boxes are blank.

You've got to fill those in with two or three parts.

Here's number two.

For each of the following statements, state always, sometimes, or never, explaining your answer.

That's really important.

That's what good mathematicians do, they explain.

A, a part can be a whole.

C, a whole is made up of two or more parts.

And D, a part is smaller than a whole.

Okay, pause the video here.

Have a go at these practise tasks, and I'll be back shortly to give you some feedback.

Good luck.

Welcome back.

Here's the table that you had to complete.

Let's mark that to begin with.

We had wholes of a bicycle, a fish, and a week.

We'll start with a bicycle.

Here are some of the parts that we recognised.

Wheels, pedals, handlebars, frame, stand, saddle.

There's six there.

You only needed two or three, but remember you might have picked out some different parts.

Let's do the fish.

Mouth, fins, scales, gills, eyes.

Now let's look at a week.

Any days of the week.

You could have also included maybe something like the weekend or the working week, which means Monday to Friday.

Alex says here, "There's lots of answers here, so you might have some other responses." I'll ask you to pause a video now and discuss any other responses, just to check that you've got the idea.

Okay, welcome back.

Let's move on to looking at number two.

Here, we had to state always, sometimes, or never.

For A, it said a part can be a whole.

That's never true.

A part can be used as a whole, but then stops being a part.

B, two wholes make a part.

Sometimes you can have more than two parts making a whole.

C, a whole is made up of two or more parts, always.

"Or more" is the critical part here.

It allows for lots of parts.

And then D, a part is smaller than a whole, always.

If a part was bigger, it would be the whole.

Okay, we're ready to scoot on to the second part.

The whole defines the parts.

Here is Sam's piggy bank.

Sam says, "If my piggy bank is the whole, the tail and body are parts of the whole." Alex says, "If your piggy bank is the whole, the coins inside are parts of the whole." Sam says, "What happens if I add money? I want to put 20 pence made up of two 10 pence pieces." "I'm not sure," says Alex.

"Is the 20 pence a whole or a part?" What do you think? Hmm, that 20 pence, it goes in, does it become part of the whole or not? Let's see what they thought.

Sam says, "Well, before I put the coins in, I can say if 20 pence is the whole.

The 10 pence pieces are parts of the whole." "Yes," says Alex, "You're right, because they aren't yet part of the piggy bank.

They're not inside." Sam says, "If I put them inside, the whole changes.

The whole is now the piggy bank." Alex says, "So we can say if your piggy bank is the whole, then the two 10 pence pieces are part of the whole." Sam says, "So what changed before and after I put them in?" What do you think changed? "The whole" says Alex.

"Before, the whole was 20 pence, but after, it was the piggy bank." Sam explores this further by drawing a flowchart.

"If 20 pence is the whole, then the 10 pence piece is part of the whole.

If the piggy bank is the whole, then 20 pence is part of the whole." Have a go at checking for your understanding here.

Draw in the correct coins in the gap in this flowchart.

Crucial clue here from Sam.

"If 12 pence is the whole, then the 10 pence piece is part of the whole." Pause the video here and have a go at drawing the correct coins in.

Welcome back.

Which coins did you draw in? Let's see if you got it correct.

There they are, a 10 pence and a two pence, totaling 12 pence.

Sam and Alex look at a world map.

Sam says, "If the world is the whole, Europe is part of the whole." Alex says, "If the world is the whole, the UK is part of the whole." "Hang on," says Sam, "I thought the UK was part of Europe." What do you think? Hmm.

Alex replies and says, "It is, but we said that the world was the whole." "I see," says Sam.

"If the world is the whole, then France is part of Europe, which is part of the world." Alex says, "If the world is the whole, then the UK is part of Europe, which is part of the world." This time Alex draws a flowchart.

"If Europe is the whole, then the UK is part of the whole.

If the world is the whole, then Europe is part of the whole." "Wow," says Sam.

"Each step zooms out." "Oh yeah.

So zooming out is like changing the whole." "Yes, which then changes the parts within the whole." "Would that work for zooming in as well?" asks Alex.

"Let's try it.

If the world is the whole, then Europe is part of the whole.

If Europe is the whole, then the UK is part of the whole." "It works," says Alex.

"So zooming in and out is changing the whole, which then gives us the parts." Time to check your understanding.

True or false, a part can never be a whole? Pause the video here and have a think about that.

Welcome back.

What did you think, true or false? It was true.

Okay, here are two justifications for why it was true.

A says, if a part becomes a whole, then it is no longer a part.

B says, a part is never big enough to be a whole.

Which of those do you think justifies that statement being true? I'll give you a few moments now to think about that, so pause the video.

Welcome back.

Let's see which of those was a better justification.

A, if a part becomes a whole, then it is no longer a part.

Sam and Alex look at some vehicles and make some statements about parts and wholes.

Sam says, "If the vehicles are the whole, the van is part of the whole." Alex says, "If the vehicles are the whole, the cars are part of the whole." Sam says, "Our wholes were both the same.

How can we vary the whole? I can only see vehicles." What do you think? How could they vary the whole? Hmm.

Well, let's see what they came up with.

Alex says, "What about using one of our parts we've already said?" "Ah, okay.

If the cars are the whole, the black cab is part of the whole." "Yeah, perfect.

So how can we tell if something is a part or not?" Sam says, "To know if something is a part, we have to know the whole." "The whole defines the part." Okay, let's check your understanding.

Choose always, sometimes, or never for this statement.

A counter is a part.

You can see it there on the screen, a green counter.

Is that always, sometimes, or never true? Pause the video and have a think.

Welcome back.

What did you think, always, sometimes, or never? That's sometimes true.

Here's Alex to tell us why.

"It is sometimes.

It depends on the whole.

The whole defines the part.

If you have two or more counters, then the counter is a part." Sam and Alex play a game called parts and wholes.

Sam chooses a whole and Alex replies by selecting a part of that whole.

"I choose our classroom as the whole." Alex says, "If our classroom is the whole, the walls are part of the whole." Then Sam has to use Alex's part as the next whole and so on.

All their answers use the same sentence.

So Sam says, "If the walls are the whole, the displays are part of the whole." "If the displays are the whole, the learning posters are part of the whole." If they can think of five different items, they win.

Sam says, "If the learning posters are the whole, the key words are part of the whole." "We did it.

We found five," says Alex.

Okay, here's your practise tasks for the second part of this lesson.

For number one, you need to complete the flowchart with an appropriate whole or part.

There's the flowchart, and there's a missing item in the middle.

You've also got some sentences underneath those different parts, and they've got some missing words in them.

If two pence is the whole, something is part of the whole.

If a piggy bank is the whole, something is part of the whole.

Now be careful with the coin there.

You need to look closely to see what is the value of that coin.

Number two, have a go at playing parts and wholes with somebody.

The example here is to remind you how to play and the sentence to complete is below.

So this was the example that we saw Alex and Sam play.

They went from classroom, to walls, to display, to learning posters, to keywords.

They were zooming in.

And the sentence to use is just below there.

Okay, I'm gonna ask you to pause the video now, so you can have some time to complete those tasks, and then I'll be back in a little while with some feedback.

Good luck.

Welcome back.

Let's give you some feedback.

Here's number one where we had some bits to complete.

First of all, the sentence.

If two pence is the whole, a penny is part of the whole.

You can see that the coin there was 1p, it was a penny.

In the middle, the drawing should have been two pennies.

If a piggy bank is the whole, two pence is part of the whole.

Alex helped us a bit here by saying, "Remember, it can't be a two pence coin, because we already know that part of the 2p is a penny." So for those of you who drew a two pence coin, that's the reason why that wouldn't count as an answer.

Okay, pause the video here to discuss anything you might need to, and then I'll be back in a moment to feedback on question two.

Welcome back.

How did you get on with this game? Here was one of Alex's games.

He played it with Sam.

Started with a school bag, went to a pencil case, went to a pen, went to the nib, and went to the ink in the nib.

Really zooming in by changing the whole each time and thinking of a new part.

Okay, I've really enjoyed learning today.

Here's a summary of a lot of the things that we have learned about.

A whole is made up of parts.

A part is always smaller than a whole.

A whole is made up of two or more parts.

To identify a part, we first have to know the whole.

My name is Mr. Tazzyman, and I've thoroughly enjoyed learning with you today.

I hope to see you again soon in another maths lesson.
