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Lesson video

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Hi, everyone.

My name is Ms Voyle, and welcome to this reading lesson.

Where we will be exploring character relationships in "The Firework-Maker's Daughter." For this lesson, you need this copy of "The Firework-Maker's Daughter" by Philip Pullman.

Pause the video and get your copy now.

Great, now I know you have it with you.

During this lesson, you need to be listening and looking carefully.

You need your book ready to refer to and read.

And there will be tasks where you need somebody to talk to.

I hope you're feeling excited.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is I can discuss the relationship between Lila and Lalchand.

Here are our key words.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn.





Good job.

Well done.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

Conflicting describes when two or more things are in disagreement or opposition to one another.

Stereotype refers to a generalised and often unfair or untrue belief about a particular group of people or things.

To defy means to openly resist or refuse to obey.

And using inference means to draw conclusions from clues within the text.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be revisiting and reading the story.

And in the second part, we will be discussing Lila and Lalchand's relationship.

So let's begin with revisiting and reading the story.

What do we know about "The Firework-Maker's Daughter?" It is a quest narrative written by Philip Pullman.

A quest is a long or difficult search for something.

The protagonist in the story is a girl named Lila, who is the daughter of a firework-maker.

The story is set in an unknown location, but it is heavily influenced by Southeast Asian culture.

There are clues that imply the story is set in Indonesia.

Let's recap Chapter 1 of "The Firework-Maker's Daughter." Lila's mother died when she was little, so she was raised by her father Lalchand.

He was a firework-maker and taught her many skills.

Lila wanted to become a firework-maker too, but her father didn't think that was right for a girl and wanted her to focus on finding a husband.

Lila visited her friend Chulak, who was a servant to the King's talking white elephant named Hamlet.

He shared his plans to run away with Hamlet.

Lila expressed her sadness at not having the most important secret for making fireworks because her dad wouldn't tell her.

Chulak said he would find out.

Chulak visited Lalchand and convinced him to share the secret.

The special ingredient existed inside a volcano named Murapi.

It's now time to read the next part of the opening, so you need to have your book ready with you.

Pause the video and make sure you have it.


Read pages 15 to 17 at the beginning of Chapter 2 of "The Firework-Maker's Daughter." Pause the video to read this section now, and when you have finished reading, come back and press play.

Welcome back.

I hope you really enjoyed reading the beginning of Chapter 2.

Let's check your understanding of what's happened.

How did Lila feel when she discovered her father had told Chulak the secret? A, excited.

B, furious.

Or C, nervous.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is B.

Lila was furious when she discovered that her father had told Chulak the secret instead of her.

True or false? Lila felt betrayed by her father.

Pause the video and select your answer now.

That is true.

Well done.

Can you justify your answer? A, he wouldn't let her follow her dreams but told Chulak the secret instead.

Or B, he lied to Lila and told her that she knew everything about fireworks.

Pause the video and select your justification.

The answer is A, Lila felt betrayed by her father because he wouldn't tell her the secret so she could follow her dreams, but he told Chulak instead.

Well done.

How does Lila respond to finding out the secret? A, she confronts her father.

B, she runs away from home to go on her quest.

Or C, she persuades Chulak to go on the quest for her.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is B.

Lila responds to finding out the secret by choosing to run away from home and go on her quest to discover it.

Well done.

It is time for a talk task.

Reflect on the beginning of "The Firework-Maker's Daughter." Share your opinions and discuss them.

Likes, what did you enjoy about the story and why? Dislikes, was there anything that you didn't enjoy? And puzzles, was there anything you found surprising or confusing? Pause the video and discuss with your partner now.

It was so interesting listening to all of your different opinions.

Let's share some of the answers I heard.

For likes, what did you enjoy about the story and why? I heard, "I am inspired by Lila because she has big dreams for herself and is showing determination to achieve them!" That is true.

It doesn't seem like she will let anything hold her back from becoming a firework-maker.

And that is really inspiring to read about.

For dislikes, was there anything that you didn't enjoy? One person said, "I felt frustrated for Lila when her father emphasised all of the things she didn't know about fireworks." That's understandable.

At this point in the story, Lila was feeling really proud about the fireworks she'd invented.

And, all of a sudden, her father started reminding her of everything she didn't know.

At this point in the story, the reader might sense a shift in Lila's emotions.

And it might have made you feel sad too.

And for puzzles, was there anything you found surprising or confusing? A few people said, "I don't understand why Lalchand isn't being supportive of Lila's dreams. Why can't a girl be a firework-maker?" Well, that is a fantastic question and, luckily, we are going to be able to answer it in the next part of our lesson.

Well done for your partner talk.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson, where we will be discussing Lila and Lalchand's relationship.

Lila and Lalchand have conflicting views on her future.

Conflicting means in disagreement or opposition.

Lila wants to be a firework-maker just like her father.

Lalchand and does not want Lila to be a firework-maker.

He wants her to focus on finding a husband instead.

Let's check your understanding.

How would you describe Lila and Lalchand's views on her future? A, similar.

B, matching.

Or C, conflicting.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is C.

Lila and Lalchand and had conflicting views on her future.

Well done.

Why does Lalchand not want Lila to be a firework-maker and to focus on finding a husband instead? Pause the video and discuss this question with your partner.

In the story, Lalchand says that Lila should not be a firework-maker and focus on finding a husband instead because that is more appropriate for a girl.

Lalchand's views on Lila's future are a stereotype of traditional views on the role that girls and women should play.

What does stereotype mean? A stereotype is a fixed image of a particular type of person or thing.

In the past, women were not allowed to do the same jobs as men and didn't have a lot of the same rights.

It was traditionally believed that the role of women was to be a wife and a mother.

Although this has changed in many parts of the world, some people and cultures retain these traditional views.

Let's check your understanding.

Why did Lalchand want Layla to focus on finding a husband? A, he thought she would make a good wife.

B, he wanted there to be a wedding and a celebration.

Or C, he had stereotypical views of the role a girl should play.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is C.

Lalchand wanted Lila to focus on finding a husband and not do firework making because he had stereotypical views of the role a girl should play.

Well done.

How did Lila respond to her father's views about her future? Pause the video and discuss with your partner.

Lila didn't believe that being a girl should stop her from being a firework-maker.

She wanted to challenge the stereotype of the role that girls and women should play.

This involved her defying her father's wishes in order to pursue her dreams. Let's check your understanding.

How did Lila respond to her father's views? A, she respected his wishes and followed his ideas.

B, she defied her father and challenged stereotypes of girls.

Or C, she persuaded her father to change his mind.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is B.

Lila responded to her father by defying him.

And decided she wanted to challenge the stereotypes of girls and the roles that they should play.

She did not believe that being a girl should stop her from being a firework-maker.

Well done.

Using inference skills can help us to draw greater conclusions about a text, building our understanding of it.

Inferences are not explicitly written as part of the story.

They are the meaning that we draw from the words in the story.

We do this by searching for clues within the text.

And asking ourselves, what does this clue tell me? Exploring Lila and Lalchand's interactions can help us make inferences about their relationship and how it is central to the plot of the story.

Let's check your understanding.

How can we make inferences about Lila and Lalchand's relationship? Select two of the following answers.

A, search for clues in their interactions with one another.

B, retrieve exact words they said to one another.

C, consider the character's emotions and feelings.

Pause the video and select your answers now.

The answers are A, search for clues in their interactions with one another.

And C, consider the character's emotions and feelings.

Doing these two things will allow us to make inferences about their relationship.

Well done.

It's time for a talk task.

And you need the book to read as well.

Pause the video and make sure you have it with you.

Great, now you're ready.

Read the last paragraph on page five and the first paragraph on page six.

Discuss the following question.

How did Lila and Lalchand's relationship change when they discovered their conflicting views? Your sentence starters are.

I think they felt.


And, I think they became.


Make sure you use the conjunction, because, to justify your answer.

Pause the video, read this extract and discuss with your partner now.

Welcome back.

You made some brilliant inferences about Lila and Lalchand's relationship.

I'm going to share a couple of the answers now.

"I think they felt more distant from one another and like they didn't really know the other person anymore because they were shocked by their different views and it says they felt like strangers." This is a great answer.

Because it's used a clue from the text, the word strangers, to infer that they felt very distant from one another.

The other answer I heard was, "I think they became resentful of each other because they both wanted different things, but they just stopped talking about it and buried their feelings." This was a brilliant inference.

Resentment is a negative emotion that can build when you feel forced to accept or do something that you don't want to.

Now, the story doesn't say that they felt resentful towards one another.

But it does describe how they stopped talking about their different wishes for Lila's future.

And so a reader might infer that resentment builds between these two characters.

It's time for your final task.

And it is a talk task and you need the book to read again.

Read the letter that Lila leaves for her father on pages 16 and 17.

Discuss the following question.

How do we know that Lila and Lalchand's conflicting views are central to the plot of the story? Your sentence starters are, Lila writes that.

And, I think this will result in.

Pause the video, read the extract, and discuss with your partner now.

Well done for your partner talk.

Let's take a look at a couple of the answers I heard.

"Lila writes that she is going on the very quest that her father does not want her to.

She is openly defying her father and says that she will probably never see him again.

This creates a huge problem." This person identified that Lila's decision creates a problem, which is going to be a big part of the plot of the story.

Somebody else said, "I think this will result in Lalchand being really upset or angry at Lila.

Maybe he will try to stop her or go after her.

I wonder whether they will resolve their conflict and what Lila's future will look like." This was a great answer too because it considers how Lila's decision to leave on her quest will impact her future.

Well done for your fantastic partner talk and exploring the relationship between Lila and Lalchand.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

Using inference can help us to draw greater conclusions about Lila and Lalchand's relationship.

The relationship between Lila and Lalchand and is central to the plot.

Lila and Lalchand and have conflicting views on her future.

Lalchand's views are stereotypical of traditional ideas around the role that girls and women should play.

Lila wants to challenge stereotypes for girls and she defies her father in pursuit of her dreams. I hope you enjoyed reading the next part of the story in this lesson.

And exploring how crucial Lila and Lalchand's relationship is to the plot of the story.

I've really enjoyed teaching you.