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Hi there.

Welcome to today's history lesson with me, Miss.


This lesson is all about one particular aspect of the Ancient Greek civilization.

In this unit, we are thinking about what is the most significant legacy of ancient Greece.

So for this lesson, we are going to look at famous Ancient Greek philosophers.

If you're not sure what a philosopher is, don't worry, because you'll definitely find out today.

Let's make a start on this lesson.

By the end of the lesson today, you will be able to name some of the important Ancient Greek philosophers, and you'll be able to describe their legacies in the modern world.

Let's begin by looking at some key words.

These are key words that you will hear a lot in today's lesson and that you will soon be able to use yourself when you are talking about Ancient Greek philosophers.

The first word is philosophy.

Can you repeat philosophy? Good.

Second, we have philosopher, you've already heard that one, so can you say philosopher? Great.

Then we have morality.

Can you say that one? Yes, that's right, morality.

Then we have reasoning.

Can you say reasoning? That's it.

And finally, we have legacy.

Can you say legacy? Well done.

Don't worry if those words are new and you're not sure what they mean.

I'm going to go through them with you now before we get into the lesson.

So let's start with the first keyword that was philosophy.

Philosophy is the study of the nature of life.

That's a very broad description.

We'll find out a lot more about philosophy as the lesson continues.

A philosopher is someone that studies philosophy.

That makes sense, doesn't it? Okay.

Now, morality, this is a bit tricky, and again, we will look at it later on as well.

Morality is the inner beliefs that we all have about what is right and what is wrong.


Our next keyword was reasoning.

Reasoning is coming to a conclusion about something using facts.

So you take what you know and you use that to reach a decision.

That is called reasoning.

The last key word was legacy.

Legacy is a long lasting impact or influence of a historical event, action, person, or group of people.

So in this unit, we are thinking about the legacies of the Ancient Greek people.

Today we're going to have two parts to the lesson.

We're going to begin by looking in some more detail at philosophy itself by asking the question, what is philosophy? Later on, we'll be thinking about the famous Greek philosophers.

Let's get started then.

At school, we learn lots of different subjects.

For example, history, english, maths, and science.

Philosophy is another subject that people can choose to study.

Philosophy is another subject that people can choose to study.

Today, most people who begin to study philosophy do so when they are older at high school or university.

The study of philosophy actually began in Ancient Greece when some of the most important and influential philosophers in history started to share their ideas.

The word philosophy actually comes from an Ancient Greek word philosophia, and that means love of wisdom.

Now, I hope you've been listening closely.

We're going to just have a brief pause and focus on what we know so far.

So here's a multiple choice question.

Where did the study of philosophy first begin? A, Ancient Egypt, B, Sumer, C, Ancient Greece.

Ready? Was it ancient Egypt? Nope.

Was it Sumer? No.

It was Ancient Greece, option C.

Ancient Greece is where philosophy began.

Andeep is here saying that he can think of other subjects that ends in the same letters as philosophy, P-H-Y.

He can think of photography and geography.

They're both very interesting things to study.

Can you think anything else that ends in P-H-Y? Now, unlike maths and science, philosophy isn't a subject that is based on factual knowledge.

In philosophy, there are many questions, but there are often no agreed or definite answers.

Instead, there could be many answers to the same question because different people can have different opinions about the same thing.

The kind of questions that are considered in philosophy are questions about the nature and meaning of life.

The subject of philosophy encourages us to think more deeply about what is right and what is wrong or what is good and what is evil.

Knowing what is right and what is wrong is called morality.

Lucas has made a good observation here.

You may have heard people talk about the big questions.

Questions that are to do with morality are often referred to as big questions.

Let's have a quick check on our learning so far with another multiple choice question.

I'm going to read four questions.

Listen carefully and decide which of them do you think is an example of the kind of big question that would be studied in philosophy.

Question A, what is the capital city of England? Question B, how many sides does a triangle have? Question C, is it ever okay to not tell the truth? Question D, when was Queen Elizabeth II crowned? Have you decided? Okay, good.

The best way to figure out which of these is a philosophical question is to ask yourself whether or not each question is answered by a fact or not.

Option A is looking for the capital city of England.

That is a fact.

Option B is asking for the number of sides in a triangle.

That is a fact.

Option D is asking for the date when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned.

They are all facts.

Option C asks a big question.

Option C asks if it is ever okay not to tell the truth.

That is the kind of question that would be studied in philosophy.

Well done.

Today, the subject of philosophy can be studied by anyone.

Sofia is giving us a great fact here.

Did you know that in 2022 in the United Kingdom there were more than 70,000 people who studied philosophy at university? It's very popular.

Some people spend their whole lives studying philosophy and reasoning with moral questions.

Well, none of this would be at all possible if it weren't for the very first philosophers from Ancient Greece.

The popularity of philosophy today is an important legacy of the Ancient Greek civilization.

Let's try some more activities now using our new learning.

Here is another multiple choice quiz question.

I want you to choose A, B, or C.

What is an important legacy of Ancient Greek philosophy? A, that it inspired other school subjects.

B, the popularity of philosophy today, or C, that it reminds us of the Ancient Greeks when we study it.

Which of those is an important legacy? Have you chosen? Good job? Did you choose option B? Well done.

The legacy is that philosophy remains a very popular choice for studying today.

Time for an activity about philosophy.

I want you to write your own definition of what philosophy is.

To help you to do that, you should try to include where philosophy comes from, the name used for people that study philosophy, the type of things people study in philosophy, and how it is an example of a legacy of the Ancient Greek civilization.

Pause the video now while you complete the activity.

All done? Great.

You have some excellent ideas.

Here's my example.

Philosophy is a type of subject and is studied by philosophers.

The study of philosophy first began in Ancient Greece.

When people study philosophy, they look at big questions and morality.

The subject's popularity today is an important legacy from the Ancient Greeks.

Did you include those facts in your definition? Well done.

So we know what philosophy is and we know where it started.

So now I think it's time to move into the second half of our lesson and find out more about the Ancient Greek philosophers themselves and see what their personal legacies are.

In most parts of Ancient Greece, it was only the boys that were allowed to go to school to be educated.

The Ancient Greeks put great value on knowledge.

The goddess Athena was the goddess of wisdom, and the huge Parthenon Temple in Athens was dedicated to her.

Therefore, it was seen as very important for the boys to have a good, thorough, well-rounded education.

That education included studying mathematics, public speaking, poetry, and of course learning how to read and write.

After their education, some boys took on a trade or went into the army.

They may have become farmers, seafarers, or merchants.

Some boys, however, continued their studies as an adult.

So instead of taking on a trade, they dedicated themselves to learning all they could about a subject like philosophy.

Knowledge was often passed from teachers directly to their students, and many of their students then went on to become teachers.

Three of the most important Greek philosophers were called Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Socrates was Plato's teacher and Plato was Aristotle's teacher.

That's right, Jacob.

So Plato learned from Socrates, and then later Aristotle learned from Plato.

Have you been listening closely? Let's stop for a quick challenge.

Who passed knowledge to who? I want you to put the philosophers in the correct order between the arrows, starting with the first teacher.


Finished? The first teacher was Socrates.

Socrates taught Plato and then Plato taught Aristotle.

Well done.

The picture here is what we believe Socrates looked like.

Socrates was one of the earliest first known philosophers of Ancient Greece.

He encouraged the people around him to start thinking more about the type of society that they wanted to live in and to think more deeply for the first time about morality.

For the Ancient Greeks who were a civilization that had spent many years fighting in wars, and they'd always lived according to fixed rules, this new way of thinking that Socrates was suggesting was seen as very strange and exciting, and it wasn't long before many other Ancient Greeks wanted to join Socrates and become philosophers themselves.

This shows that Socrates left an important legacy because he inspired the next generation of Ancient Greek philosophers, and his thoughts are still studied and continue to inspire philosophers today.

This photograph shows a bust of what we believe Plato may have looked like.

As you just heard before, Plato was the student of Socrates.

He further developed on the ideas that Socrates taught him.

He later went on to become a teacher himself.

Plato had many ideas about how societies like the Ancient Greek city states, for example, should be run or governed.

An important legacy of Plato's work is that his ideas have helped to shape the way many governments around the world are run today.

This photograph is a bust of what we think that Aristotle probably looked like.

As you heard, Aristotle was Plato's student, and Plato was Socrates' student.

So by the time we get to Aristotle, he's not only building on Plato's ideas, he's also building on Socrates' ideas.

So we have the legacy of Socrates passing his knowledge to Plato, and then Plato passing his knowledge to Aristotle.

Aristotle's most famous idea is about logic.

Logic is about working out something new based on facts that we already do know are true.

In other words, we're using our reasoning to come to a conclusion about something.

Aristotle's way of solving problems has also left an important legacy because his methods are still used to solve problems today.

In fact, I bet that you have used logic in this lesson without even realising it.

Let's put on your learning about Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle to use with a quick activity about them.

Here are the three philosophers.

I want you to match each philosopher to their ideas.

Okay? Pause the video now and complete the activity.

All done? Great.

Let's check the answers together.

So first of all, we have Socrates.

Socrates encouraged people to think more deeply about their society and morality.

Socrates' student was Plato and Plato developed ideas about the ways governments should run.

Then Aristotle was Plato's student.

Aristotle developed ideas about logic and using reasoning to work things out.

Did you match them all up correctly? Well done.

Time for one more activity now.

This is a note making activity.

I want you to add facts about each Ancient Greek philosopher to the table.

At least one of the facts you provide must be about the philosopher's legacy.

You can use your knowledge from this lesson, but you can also use books or look online or speak to other people if you are unsure.

Pause the video now while you complete the activity.

Finished? Wonderful.

Let's look at some examples together.

Here's what I wrote about Socrates.

Socrates was teacher to Plato.

He encouraged people to think more about morality and society they lived in, and his legacy was that he inspired other Greek philosophers and continues to inspire philosophers today.

For Plato, I wrote that he was the student of Socrates and that he became a teacher to Aristotle.

I also wrote that he had ideas about how societies should be governed.

For his legacy, I wrote that he shaped how many modern governments are run.

Finally, we have Aristotle.

He was the student of Plato.

He had ideas about using reasoning and logic to solve problems. His legacy is that his method of solving problems is still used today.

Did you include ideas like those in your table? Great work.

That brings us to the end of our lesson today.

So let's have a quick review of everything we've covered.

We know that philosophy is the study of some of life's big questions.

Philosophy started in Ancient Greece and some of the most important Ancient Greek philosophers were called Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, all of whom have left lasting legacies in the modern world.

Socrates was the philosopher who encouraged the Ancient Greeks to think about morality and how their society should work.

He inspired many other philosophers that followed him.

Socrates' student Plato was interested in how states should be governed, and his ideas have helped to shape governments today.

Then Plato's student Aristotle used logic and reasoning to solve problems. His ideas still help people to problem solve today.

Join me again for another exciting lesson about the lasting legacies of the Ancient Greek civilization.

Bye for now.