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Hello, my name is Ms. Chorekdjian.

I'm so excited to be learning with you today.

I'll be helping you with your geography lesson.

We are going to have such a great time learning together in this lesson.

Let's start our learning journey.

Welcome to today's lesson from our local area unit called "Where Do We Go To School?" This lesson is called "Field Work: Autumn in the School Grounds." You'll be learning about and using geographical vocabulary to identify seasonal signs in the school grounds.

I've used examples from my school to help you think about your own.

Some of the learning is brand new, but I'm here to help you.

This links back to previous learning you might have done exploring your school as a special place and finding key features of your school grounds.

I'm really excited to get started.

I hope you are too.

The key words we'll be using today are weather, seasons, and fieldwork.

We'll be learning more about them throughout our lesson.

Let's do my turn, your turn.

Weather, weather.

Seasons, seasons.

Fieldwork, fieldwork.

Well done.

I want you to be using these keywords throughout our lesson.

Every time you or your partner uses a keyword, I want you to give yourselves a thumbs up like this.

These are the learning cycles that we'll be working through together in today's lesson.

First, we'll be learning about what seasons are.

Then we'll be learning about the signs of autumn.

I'm really excited about today's learning.

Let's get started.

Weather describes the current state of the sky and the air outside.

It could be cloudy or raining.

The weather could be cold or hot.

It could be snowing or windy.

These are all examples of the weather outside right now, but it can all change within minutes.

It could be sunny or hot and then suddenly become really windy and cold or even start raining.

We can describe the weather using these words.

If it's raining, we could say rainy.

We could say light or heavy rain.

If it's sunny, you can describe it as hot or warm.

If it's cloudy, you can say it's grey, dull, or overcast.

If it's windy, we can describe it as gusts of wind or strong wind.

Have a read through all of these words and think about describing what the weather is like outside your classroom right now.

Pause the video and have a go at describing the weather.

Good job.

I'm sure you've described the weather outside your classroom really well using these keywords.

Let's have a little check here.

What is weather? Let's think about this question.

What is weather? Is the answer A, the current air and sky outside? B, how hot or cold it is over a month? C, a period of time when the air and the sky are the same? Pause the video now and think about the answer to this question.

Did you answer A? That's correct.

The weather is the current air and the sky outside.

Now we know what weather is, let's move on to seasons.

Seasons show us how the weather changes over a year.

There are parts of the year when it's warmer and parts when it's colder.

The length of daylight also changes between seasons.

We have some really long days and some really shorter days where it gets dark quicker.

There are four seasons in a year.

Can you name them? Have a think and discuss with your class.

You can pause the video now and think about the name of the four Seasons.

Did you get all four seasons? They are autumn, winter, spring, and summer.

Good job.

Do you know which season we're in right now? Have a think with your partner or your class and tell me which season we are in right now.

How did you get on? Did you say autumn? Well, that's right.

The season we are in now is autumn.

Let's all say that together.

The season we are in now is autumn.

Well done.

All four seasons can be observed over time in the school grounds.

That means you could spot them all from your playground or your classroom window all at different parts of the year.

As we said now.

we're in the season autumn.

We'll be completing field work to investigate the weather in autumn.

These pictures give you clues as to some of the signs that we'll be looking for and we'll talk more about them later in the lesson.

Let's have another little check now.

What are our seasons? Complete this sentence.

Seasons, A, change every day.

B, show us how the weather changes over a year, or C, are when the weather is different every day.

Pause the video and complete the sentence.

How did you get on? Let's answer this question together.

Seasons show us how the weather changes over a year.

The correct answer was B.

Well done if you got that right.

You can give yourselves a thumbs up.

Now that we've checked our learning about what seasons are, let's remind ourselves what the four seasons are.

The four seasons are autumn, winter, spring, and summer.

Let's say that sentence together.

The four seasons are autumn, winter, spring, and summer.

Good job.

It's now time for our first task.

Describe the weather today.

You can do a drawing or you can write some of the geographical vocabulary that we talked about earlier to describe what the weather is like outside right now.

Also write down the name of the season we are in.

Pause the video and have a go at task A.

How did you get on? Here is an example of the weather that's outside right now.

The weather today is rainy.

There's some sun.

It's cloudy.

It's a bit overcast as well as cold and windy, and I've also written the season that we are in now, which is autumn.

I hope you've enjoyed looking at my example, and I'm sure that you've done a really good job yourself and drawn and described the weather outside.

Well done for your hard work.

Let's continue with today's learning.

Now we are going to be thinking about the signs of autumn.

The season we are in now is called autumn.

What does autumn look like and feel like outside? The leaves might be changing colour.

You might see fruit and vegetables like pumpkins and butternut squash ready to harvest, and you might see conkers on the school playground.

The months of the year that fall into autumn are September, October and November.

So those are a few brief signs that we've talked about.

Let's go through the signs that we are in autumn in more detail.

Here are some pictures to help you think about the signs of autumn.

Pause the video and discuss what these pictures could be telling us about the signs of autumn.

You could discuss them with your partner or with your class.

You could even do a think-pair-share activity.

Pause the video now and have a go.

Let's think about what these pictures could be telling us.

Here are the signs of autumn.

Did you discuss the leaves on the trees changing colour? Did you discuss fruit and vegetables ready for harvest? The harvest festival is also celebrated in the autumn.

Did you talk about trees dropping seeds? Did you talk about temperatures starting to get colder? Did you think about maybe seeing some frost outside like on these berries? Did you discuss that the days will start to get shorter and in October the clocks go back? Well done.

I'm sure that you had a good discussion about the signs of autumn.

Let's go through the signs that we are in autumn in a little bit more detail.

Signs that we're in autumn include the leaves changing colour, so they could change to yellow, orange, red, and brown.

Some leaves might even turn purple.

You might experience cooler temperatures like the first frost.

You might see that there's fruit ready to harvest.

Blackberries, elderberries, apples, pears, raspberries, and rhubarb.

Like I mentioned, you might see seed dispersal from trees, seeds like acorns, conkers, pine cones and sycamore seeds.

And the days might get shorter.

So we've already talked about cooler temperatures, so it also gets darker, and it's a time that you might need to start thinking about wearing coats, gloves, hats, and scarves as we approach winter and the temperature gets even colder.

Let's have another little check here.

You can choose three of these answers that complete the sentence.

The signs of autumn are, A, leaves changing colour, B, seed dispersal, C, hot, sunny days, or D, there is fruit to harvest.

Pause the video now and think about completing this sentence.

How did you get on? The signs of autumn are leaves changing colour, seed dispersal, and there's fruit to harvest.

Well done if you said A, B and D.

Good job.

You can give yourselves a thumbs up.

Writing down what we see is called recording observations.

Geographers record observations by taking notes, drawing pictures, making models, or adding information to maps.

We observe and record changes in weather.

Here's a weather chart that I completed with my class.

We recorded the temperature and used geographical vocabulary to describe the weather and drew some pictures of the weather on that day.

We recorded the weather from May to June.

Why did we do this? Pause the video and think about why we might record the weather.

We record the weather to notice patterns, decide what to wear, like a thick coat or a light coat or a raincoat.

We might also wear gloves and a scarf if it's really cold, or we might wear a T-shirt and a sun hat and apply some sun cream if it's really hot.

Recording the weather also lets us think about what activities we can do.

If it's raining, we can stay inside, or if it's dry and sunny, we can be outside like going to the park or the beach.

Today we'll be completing fieldwork outside looking for the signs of autumn.

You'll be recording your observations with photographs and notes and drawings similar to the weather chart that I showed you earlier.

Now because we are completing fieldwork outside, you've got to remember to be safe and make sure you look out for tree roots or hanging branches.

You've got to make sure you don't pick anything off of trees and you have to make sure you stay with your group at all times.

It's now time for task B.

You've got to look for signs of autumn and fill in this table.

It asks you to look for signs of autumn, like recording what the weather is like, noticing if the leaves are changing colour or if there's fruit to harvest, or if you can see tree seeds.

Take photos or draw pictures.

Write down your observations of what you see.

Pause the video now and complete this activity.

I'm sure you had a great time outside looking for the signs of autumn.

Here's my example of the table that I filled in when I did my observations outside.

I could see that the the weather was cooler.

I could feel that temperature in my body and I could feel the drizzle on my face.

The leaves were red and brown.

I could see blackberries and some acorns.

And here's an example of my drawing that I did.

So I've drawn some leaves and I've drawn some drizzle with some wind, and there's the ripe blackberry that I could see in the school garden.

I could also see the leaves turning red and feel the drizzle on my face.

I could see some acorns and frost and notice that the days were getting shorter.

So there's the observations that I've recorded as well.

I'm sure you've done some fantastic drawings and you've recorded some really interesting observations of the signs of autumn too.

Well done.

I hope you've enjoyed completing fieldwork today.

Give yourselves one last thumbs up.

Well done.

We've now come to the end of the lesson.

Let's just go through a summary of the learning that we've completed together today.

We've learned that weather describes the current state of the sky and the air.

We learned that seasons are a period of time when the weather patterns are similar.

There are four seasons in a year.

Autumn, winter, spring, and summer.

We can use fieldwork to investigate the signs of autumn.

You also recorded some observations today and made notes about what you could see and feel outside.

You've been fantastic today.

Well done for joining me and sharing your learning with me.

See you next time for more geography Lessons soon.
