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Lesson video

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Hello everybody.

My name is Ms. Afzal and I am really delighted to be with you today, that's because we're going to be doing some handwriting and that's one of my favourite things to do.

So I hope you're ready.

Hope you're feeling good.

I hope you've got some paper, a pencil, a great deal of enthusiasm, because we are gonna have a great time together.

Let's get into it.

The outcome for today's lesson is I form the letters C, A, D, O, G and Q.

We have got a few keywords in today's lesson.

Let's go through them.

My turn, your turn.

X-height letter, ascender, anticlockwise direction, descender, diagonal line.

Great stuff.

Loved hearing those.

Make sure we listen out for them, let's look out for them, let's think about them, let's be curious about them throughout today's lesson.

So today's lesson has got two parts to it.

In our lesson formation of C, A, D, O, G and Q, we will start by forming the lowercase letters C, A and D in print and next we'll be forming the lowercase letters, O, G and Q in print.

Let's get started.

Can you remember why it's important to warm up your hands before handwriting? It's because our hands and our wrists get stronger when we exercise them, just like any muscle in our body.

So making your hands and you're wrists stronger will help you to hold your pencil in the tripod grip.

It will help you to have fantastic handwriting and to enjoy and feel comfortable when you do your handwriting.

Let's have a go at the finger touch warmup.

I'll go first of all, and then it will be your turn.

I'm going to imagine I've got a little bit of Play-Doh here on my thumb and I'm just gonna touch that Play-Doh with each of my fingers.

So this is the finger touch warmup, and I can go backwards, it can go back in the other direction, forward and backwards.

I'm gonna take my other hand.

Imagine I've got a little bit of Play-Doh there, and I'm gonna just touch the piece of Play-Doh with each of my fingers going the other way, so you can just go back and forth in each direction.


Now it's your turn.

Are you ready? Take whichever hand you want to begin with and imagine a little bit of Play-Doh there and you're just gonna touch the Play-Doh with each of your fingers, each of your fingers is stretching out, reaching down and touching that Play-Doh and you can go in the other direction.

Try with your next, your other hand, there's your little bit of Play-Doh, so you're gonna touch it with each of your fingers.

You can go back in the other direction.


Should we do something really fun, both hands at the same time? There's your bit of Play-Doh.

Let's go.

So we're gonna touch the bit of Play-Doh.

We're gonna go back the other way and we're gonna speed it up.

Do you wanna try that? Speeding it up a little bit in one direction.

The other direction.

What fun.

Next we're going to have a go at the wiper wrists warmup.

This is really gonna help our wrists and is gonna be good for our imagination, 'cause we are going to imagine that we are in some kind of vehicle.

So we could be in a car or a bus or a van or whatever you like something that has windows and we're imagining that it's raining really hard and we don't want that rain to get in the way of us seeing clearly through the windows, so we are going to be wiping the windows with these wipers, windscreen wipers.

Who knew that our hands could be really effective windscreen wipers.

So let's just do this.

Let's keep wiping away that rain.

And now it's your turn.

Are you ready? Get your hands up your windscreen wipers and let's go.

Oh my goodness, it's raining so hard.

We really need to get this rain off of our screens so we can see clearly, and so that we can get to school or the park or the library or wherever is our favourite place to go.

Well done.

Great job.

Can you see these letters on your screen? The C, the A and the D.

What do you notice about them? Pause the video while you tell somebody anything and everything you can notice about these letters.

Did you notice that all of these letters are lowercase formations in print? And letter C and A are x-height letters.

That's one of our, those are some of our keywords.

So let's just think about that.

What's that mean? X-height letters.

What it means is those letters sit between the x-height line and the baseline.

Those are x-height letters and the letter D has an ascender.

An ascender is the part of the letter that reaches above the x-height line.

So whatever goes above the x-height line is an ascender and there it is, we can see that ascender there.

What else do you notice about these letters? Hmm, what are those little dots they're telling you? Those are showing us the starting points.

So the letters C, A and D, they all have a starting point, which is just below the x-height line.

and the letters C, A and D are all formed by going around in an anticlockwise direction.

Hmm, what does that word anticlockwise mean? Well, let's think about clockwise.

Clockwise means a clockwise direction is the way that the hands of a clock turn, they move in a clockwise direction.

So anticlockwise means the other way, so the opposite of a clockwise direction.

And letters A and D finish with a lovely flick on the baseline.

Why is that quite satisfying to make the little flick? I dunno.

Okay, it's time to have fun.

It's time to form letters in the air.

I will go first then it's gonna be your turn.

All right, I'm gonna get ready form my C.

I start, can you remember where? Just below the x-height line, and I'm gonna go in which direction? Can you remember? Yep, it's anticlockwise.

Well done.

So I'm gonna go anticlockwise touching the x-height line, keep curling around down to the baseline and I finish just above the baseline.


Lemme try that again.

I start just below the x-height line and I go anticlockwise, x-height line down to the baseline and finish just above the baseline.

Ooh, that felt good.

Are you ready to feel this good by forming the letter C? Let's go.

Ready? Just below the x-height line, anticlockwise, keep curling around, down to the baseline and a bit more, lovely.

Again, start just below the x-height line.

Let's go anticlockwise, curling around.

Keep curling, keep curling.

Oh, really great.

Let's do one more.

Let's go.

Anticlockwise, keep curling around down to the baseline.


I'm enjoying all of those Cs.

You've done a great job.

Well done everyone.

Next it's time to form letter A in the air.

I will go first and then it'll be your turn.

Do you remember where to start? Yep, you got it.

Just below the x-height line.

Do you remember what direction? Yes, well done again.

It's anticlockwise.

Let's go.

So I'm gonna go anticlockwise.

So I'm literally forming a C, first of all is what I'm doing.

It's like I'm forming a C and then I'm gonna keep going back up to the x-height line, all the way down to the baseline and flick.

Very, very nice, very satisfying.

Let me show you again.

I start just below the x-height line and I curl around anticlockwise.

Keep going down to the baseline, all the way up to the x-height line, down to the baseline and flick.

It is your turn.

Get your fingers in position, just below the x-height line.

Let's go.

Curling around anticlockwise down to the baseline, up to the x-height line, straight down to the baseline and flick, again, anticlockwise, down to the baseline, x-height line, straight down and flick.

I like those A's, really, really looking nice and finally, it's time to form the letter D.

I will go first, then you'll join in.

Are you ready to watch? I am starting in the same place that I started the other two, which is just below the x-height line and actually it's a little bit, well it's kind of quite similar to how I formed letter A.

So let's see.

I'm gonna go anticlockwise, down to the baseline and but this time I keep going up above the x-height line, all the way to the ascender line and then down to the baseline and flick.

Let me show you again.

Start just below the x-height line, curl around anticlockwise, down to the baseline, all the way up to the ascender line, down to the baseline and flick.

Are you ready for your turn? Let's go.

Start just below the x-height line, curl around anticlockwise, down to the baseline, all the way up to the ascender line, down to the baseline and flick.

Again, start just below the x-height line, curl around anticlockwise, all the way up to the x-height line.

Oh, sorry, all the way up to the ascender line, down to the baseline and flick.

Okay, for your task, I would like you to practise forming lowercase letters, C, A and D.

First of all, go over the grey examples.

Next, try using the starting dots and remember they each start in the same position just below the x-height line.

Finally, complete one line of each letter independently on your tramlines.

Enjoy every letter.

Stay focused and I'll see you when you're finished.

Pause the video here.

How did you get on with forming the lowercase letters C, A and D? Did you start just below the x-height line for every single one? Did you go round in an anticlockwise direction for every single letter? Did you keep your pencil on the page for each letter? Did you enjoy them all? That is the most important thing always.

Circle your best ones and celebrate and now it's time to look at forming lowercase letters.

O, G, and Q in print.

Are you ready? They're about to appear.

Here they are, here's the O, here's the G, here's the Q.

Take a good look at them.

Mh, eying them up from every angle.

What do you notice about these letters? Pause the video and tell someone nearby.

All of these letters are lowercase formations in print.

They all have a circle between the baseline and the x-height line.

The letter O is an x-height letter.

Do you remember? Remember that was one of our keywords, x-height letter means it sits between the x-height line and the baseline, that is its home and the letters G and Q have descenders.

That's the part of the letter that reaches below the baseline, and there they are, they're the descenders.

What else do you notice about these letters? Anything else that's standing out for you? Take a look at those little dots on the screen.

Is that giving you a clue? All these letters have a starting point that is just below the x-height line.

The letters O, G and Q are all formed by going around in an anticlockwise direction.

Let's think about that.

What does anticlockwise direction mean? That's one of our keywords.

So let's think about, let's start with clockwise direction.

So think about the way that a clock, the hands of a clock turnaround, that direction is called clockwise.

So anticlockwise is the other way.

The opposite way to the way that a clock turns, clock hands turn rather.

The letter G has a curl up at the descender line and letter Q has a diagonal line to the side at the descender line.

So let's think about diagonal line.

Hmm, what does that mean? Well, a diagonal line is not a vertical line, which is like this.

It's not a horizontal line, which is like this.

It's somewhere in between a diagonal, kind of tilts or slants.

It's time to have fun.

It's time to form letters.

Okay, this is gonna be great.

This is quite a special letter to form, I feel, the letter O, there's nothing quite like it.

All right, I'm gonna go first, my turn and then your turn.

I'm gonna start, do you remember where? Yep, just below the x-height line.

I'm gonna go in which direction? Yes, I'm going anticlockwise.

Well done.

I'm gonna go anticlockwise, I touch the x-height line, keep curling around, down to the baseline and then I just join up the circle.

So that's it.

It's a circle.

It's, there's something quite beautiful about forming a circle.

Let's try again.

Let me show you one more time.

Just below the x-height line and we're just curling around down to the baseline.

There's my lovely circle.

Where is your circle? Let's go.

Are you ready? Just below the x-height line, let's go curling around, down to the baseline, back up to where we started.

One more, start just below the x-height line, curl around, down to the baseline, back to where we started.

Look at all of those wonderful Os, oh my goodness, I love them and now it's time to form the letter G in the air.

I'll go first then it'll be your turn.

I'm starting where? Yep, just below the x-height line.

I'm going which direction? Yes, I'm going anticlockwise.

Well done.

I'm going anticlockwise, touch the x-height line, down to the baseline, then I go back up to the x-height line, I go all the way down to the descender line and I finish with a curl up.

Let's try that again.

I'll start just below the x-height line.

I'm going anticlockwise down to the baseline, back up to the x-height line, all the way down to the descender line and curl up.

It is your turn to form a lower case letter G, let's go.

Start below the x-height line, anticlockwise, down to the baseline, back up to the x-height line, all the way down to the descender line, curl up, lovely.

One more, anticlockwise, down to the baseline, back up to the x-height line, all the way down to the descender line and curl up.

Oh wow.

Goodness me.

I like the Gs and now it's time to form the letter Q.

I'm going first, then you're gonna join in.

Hold your horses while I get ready to show you the letter Q.

Where do I start? Yep, just below the x-height line.

What direction? Yes anticlockwise.

Let's go, I'm going anticlockwise, down to the baseline, back up to the x-height line, all the way down to the descender line, and then a diagonal line off to the side.

That's nice.

Let's try again.

Anti-clockwise, down to the baseline, up to the x-height line, all the way down to the descender line and then a lovely little diagonal.

That's fun.

Are you ready? Let's go.

Q, anticlockwise, down to the baseline, up to the x-height line, down to the descender line, and a diagonal to the side.

One more, anticlockwise, down to the baseline, back up to the x-height line, down to the descender line, and a diagonal to the side.

Quite, quite terrific.

Great job everyone.

And now it's time for your task.

I'd like to practise forming lowercase letters, O, G and Q.

First of all, go over the grey examples.

Next, try using the starting dots.

Remember, they all start at the same place, just below the x-height line and finally, complete two lines independently on your tramlines.

Enjoy every letter.

Stay focused, have fun.

I'll see you when you're finished.

Pause the video here.

It's good to be back with you.

How did you get on? I am curious.

How did it go forming lowercase letters, O, G, and Q? Did you start each one just below the x-height line? Did you go around for each one in an anticlockwise direction? Did you add the diagonal line for the letter Q? Did you remember your curl up for the G? Did you enjoy the simplicity, the roundness of the O? I hope so.

Circle your best one of each and celebrate.

Good job team.

In our lesson formation of C, A, D, O, G and Q, we have covered the following.

The letters C, A, D, O, G, and Q are all formed by starting just below the x-height line and going around in an anticlockwise direction.

The letters A, C and O are x-height letters.

Letter D has an ascender.

Letters G and Q have a descender.

Really, really well done everybody.

I love your focus.

I love how you threw yourself into forming these letters, these x-height letters, these letters with ascenders, descenders, curl ups, diagonal lines, flicks, roundness.

It was all going on and you were here for it.

That's just wonderful.

I'm looking forward to seeing you at next lesson.

Bye for now.