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Hello, everyone.

My name is Mr. Brown, and I am your teacher for today's English lesson.

And it is a really exciting one because we are going to be learning about two incredible people that played a huge part in the history of medicine and hospitals.

They are Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.

And you will be learning all about them to prepare you to be able to write a report on them.

So, today, we're generating information about these two incredible women.

Let's get started.

And the outcome for today's lesson is, "I can generate knowledge of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole to use in a non-chronological report." The key words which will help us with our learning journey are, Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole, Crimean War, soldiers, and doctress.

Let's say those together.

My turn, then your turn.

Florence Nightingale.


Really good.

Okay, next important person, Mary Seacole.


Well done.

Crimean War.



And the last one, doctress.

Great work.

Okay, here's the lesson outline for our lesson generating knowledge of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole for a report.

We will focus first on Florence Nightingale, and then we will move our learning on to looking at Mary Seacole.

So let's start with Florence Nightingale.

Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in Italy, but moved to England with her family when she was still a baby.

And you can see that picture.

You've got Italy, which is in green, and then a large arrow to show you the direction that she moved in, from Italy to the United Kingdom, and to England in particular.

She was born in the Italian city of Florence, and was named after the city.

Her parents had such an affectionate relationship towards the city.

They liked it so much that they named their daughter Florence, after the city, which is why she's called Florence Nightingale.

Now, from an early age, she loved to read books and study.

She eventually decided that she wanted to become a nurse and devote her life, which means spend her life doing this, devote her life to helping people.

However, many people, including her own family, thought Florence shouldn't become a nurse.

They thought that she should get married and be a wife and a mother.

But Florence was determined.

She wanted to devote her life to helping people.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false.

Florence Nightingale's family wanted her to become a nurse.

Is that true? They did want her to become a nurse? Or is that false? They did not want her to become a nurse? Pause the video and decide true or false now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you've got the right answer.

Florence Nightingale's family wanted her to become a nurse? False.

They did not want her to become a nurse.

They wanted her to have a family, to become a wife and a mother, not to become a nurse.

But Florence was determined.

After Florence finished training as a nurse, she set up a hospital in London.

It was clean, organised, and hygienic.

She made sure all the nurses were trained, and that the hospital was regularly cleaned.

Now, this may seem obvious to us now, but at the time, hospitals were definitely not the clean, organised and hygienic places they are today.

Florence Nightingale was one of the pioneers, which means one of the people that pushed for this to happen.

One of the people that started this trend of hospitals being clean, and hygienic, and organised.

Certainly, as you'll see, as we learn more about the Crimean War, when she went to the Crimean War, this was a time when she revolutionised the way that the hospital was being run out there.

Now, in 1853, a war broke out in Crimea, with France, Britain, and the Ottoman Empire, which is known as Turkey now, all fighting against Russia.

The war broke out because the countries involved all wanted control of Crimea, because it would give them more land, more power, and more money.

The war was devastatingly violent.

Over the three years the war lasted, around 300,000 people died.

This is an incredibly large amount of people, very hard for us to be able to imagine the amounts of people there.

But 300,000 people is roughly, if you think of Wembley Stadium, which is the biggest stadium that we have in the United Kingdom, it is roughly three times that.

So when you watch a football match, or a concert, or something at Wembley Stadium, and you see the thousands of people, it would've been three times that for the amount of people that died in the Crimean War.

So a very, very sad part of history.

But a part of history that Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, as you will see, are involved in.

Let's check our understanding.

Which three countries was Russia fighting in the Crimean War? Is it A, Great Britain, B, the United States of America, C, France, or D, the Ottoman Empire, known as Turkey? Which three countries was Russia fighting in the Crimean War? Pause the video and choose the three correct answers now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you manage to find the three correct answers.

Well done if you said Great Britain, France, and the Ottoman Empire, Turkey.

The United States of America were not involved in the Crimean War.

Due to all the fighting, the hospitals in Crimea were full of injured men.

The people fighting in a war, are called soldiers.

So we could say the hospitals in Crimea were full of injured soldiers.

The soldiers in Crimea were not well looked after in the hospitals.

There were very few nurses to take care of them.

Standards of hygiene were poor, and there was no proper medical care.

This again, will seem very unbelievable for us to think about a hospital that would not have lots of nurses, and be hygienic and clean, but this was the case.

Now, many of the soldiers became sick from the terrible conditions in hospital.

There was dirt and blood on the floors.

Soldiers were lying on the floors due to a lack of beds.

So there wasn't even enough beds for all the soldiers to have a bed each.

Bedsheets were bloodstained, so the bedsheets were not clean.

There were low levels of medical equipment such as clean bandages.

So if you have a cuts or a wound, then you would wrap it in a bandage, and they didn't even have enough clean bandages.

The drains were blocked and sewage was overflowing.

So that means, the contents of the drains were coming up through the toilets and through the drains, and overflowing.

So the smell, as you can imagine, would've been horrendous.

Rats would run around the hospital and on wounded soldiers.

So the soldiers that didn't have a bed would be lying on the floor with rats scampering all over them.

Filthy rats that might have contained diseases themselves, scampering over the injured soldiers who were on the floor.

The food was old, mouldy, and often contained maggots.

So they didn't even have fresh, healthy food to eat.

And there was very few nurses.

And those there had very little medical knowledge or experience.

So they weren't trained to the level that they needed to be.

Now, Florence was desperate to travel to Crimea to help care for the soldiers in hospital there.

Now, she did this.

She took a team of 38 nurses with her.

And after a long journey, they arrived in Crimea.

Now, Florence was shocked at the awful conditions of the hospital.

Florence started making changes to improve the hospital straight away.

Let's check your understanding.

Florence Nightingale went to Crimea on her own.

Is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide for yourself now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you found the right answer.

Did Florence Nightingale travel to Crimea on her own? No, she did not.

It is false.

She travelled with a team of how many nurses? 38.

Well done.

38 nurses were in Florence's team.

Florence Nightingale made many changes to the hospital in Crimea.

She swept and scrubbed the floors.

She ensured all soldiers were in beds with clean sheets.

She added new medical equipment such as bandages.

She had the drains unblocked.

She cleaned the whole hospital and got rid of any rats.

She ensured the food was fresh and healthy.

She brought with her nurses with knowledge and experience, and trained those who needed to be trained.

So many changes that she made to that particular hospital.

Florence even made sure to look after the soldiers at night.

She would often be seen patrolling, which means walking up and down and checking that everyone is okay.

Patrolling the hospital at night, carrying her lamp to help her see.

She became known as "The Lady with the Lamp." And this is still a name that people call Florence Nightingale today.

Florence's incredible work made her famous.

The Lady with the Lamp used her influence to turn nursing into an important job and make hospitals better.

Florence even started a nursing school at St.

Thomas' Hospital in 1860, and wrote books so that nurses could be properly trained to do their job.

Florence made such a difference to nursing that she was given many awards.

Today, we remember her by awarding nurses who give the best care in times of war and peace, the Florence Nightingale Medal.

So she has an award, a medal named after her.

That's how important she has been to nursing.

Let's check our understanding.

What was Florence also known as? Was it The Nurse with the Broom, The Lady with the Lamp, or The Woman with the Bandages? What was Florence also known as? Pause the video and decide the correct answer now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you remembered what was Florence known as? Well, it was not The Nurse with the Broom, even though I'm sure she did lots of sweeping.

And it was not The Woman with the Bandages, even though I am sure she had many bandages.

It was The Lady with the Lamp, because when she was patrolling the hospital at night, she always carried her lamp to help her see, and the soldier started to give her the nickname, "The Lady with the Lamp." Well done if you said B, The Lady with the Lamp.

Time for a task.

I would like you to write a list of some of the important changes that Florence Nightingale made to improve the hospital in Crimea.

A list of changes that Florence made to improve that hospital.

What did she do? Here is a list of some of the things that she saw when she arrived.

Blood and dirt on the floors, soldiers lying on the floors due to lack of beds, bedsheets were blood stained, low levels of medical equipment, the drains were blocked, rats would be running around, the food was old, mouldy, and contained maggots, and there were very few nurses that had the adequate amount of knowledge and experience.

So this is what Florence had to deal with.

Your job is to write a list of what she did.

What she did to improve it.

So I suggest you work your way down this list and think, okay, there was dirt and blood on the floors.

So what did Florence do? Soldiers were lying on the floor because there weren't enough beds.

So what did Florence do? Over to you now.

Time for you to write a list of some of the important changes that Florence Nightingale made to improve that hospital in the Crimean War.

Pause the video and write your list now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see how you got on.

Okay, some of the things that Florence did, she swept and scrubbed the floors.

If you put, swept and scrubbed the floors, I think you should give that a big tick.

Well done.

She ensured all soldiers were in beds with clean sheets, so there wasn't going to be any more soldiers lying on the floor.

She added new medical equipment such as clean bandages, something so simple, but something that would've made such a difference.

She had the drains unblocked, so there wasn't that awful smell anymore.

She cleaned the whole hospital and got rid of any rats.

She ensured the food was fresh and healthy, very important, and she bought with her nurses with knowledge and experience, and trained those who needed to be trained.

So many important changes that Florence made.

Well done if you managed to get some of those on your list.

Okay, it's time to move on from Florence Nightingale to look at Mary Seacole.

Mary Seacole was born in Jamaica in 1805.

Now, Jamaica was part of the British Empire, which meant that Britain ruled over the island.

This meant that it was almost like Jamaica was part of Britain.

Now, Mary's mother was a doctress, and through her, Mary learned how to become a doctress too.

But what is a doctress? A doctor is a female doctor.

Now, this is a word that we do not use anymore, and instead, we use the word doctor for both men and women.

So, now, if you go and see a doctor, it could be a male doctor or a female doctor.

A doctress is not a word that we use anymore, but when Mary Seacole was alive, it was the word that was used.

True or false.

A doctress was the name for a female doctor.

Is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide for yourself now.

Welcome back.

Let's see if you got the right answer.

I am sure you did.

A doctress was the name for a female doctor.

That is true.

Well done.

Doctress was the name for a female doctor.

When Mary was visiting England, she heard about the horrors of the Crimean War.

She heard that thousands of people were dying, and that the hospitals in Crimea were unhygienic and disorganised.

Mary didn't want to standby and do nothing, so she volunteered to travel to Crimea and work at a hospital to help care for the injured soldiers.

So we're starting to see a similarity, aren't we, between Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole? Both women incredibly brave to want to travel to a war, to a war, to be able to help people, to be able to care for them.

These two incredible women put themselves in danger for others.

A big important similarity.

However, even though she volunteered, the Army turned her down.

They did not let her join the group of nurses they were sending to Crimea to help the wounded and sick soldiers.

So what did Mary do? Mary would not let this stop her, and she used her own money to travel the incredibly long journey to Crimea.

And it took her three months.

Not three days, not three weeks, three months.

Such a long, long journey.

And that's because they didn't have planes that could fly people across.

And she had to go all the way from Jamaica in the Caribbean across to Crimea, which was in Europe.

So a very, very long journey.

But another example of just how committed, and she paid for herself.

But another example of how committed and devoted Mary Seacole was to being able to help people.

Let's check your understanding.

How long did it take Mary Seacole to travel from Jamaica to Crimea? Was it A, three days, B, three weeks, or C, three months? Pause the video and see if you can find the correct answer now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you were right.

It did not take three days.

It did not take three weeks.

Mary Seacole's journey from Jamaica to Crimea took three months.

Well done if you said, C.

When she arrived in Crimea, Mary Seacole set up a hospital to care for the soldiers.

She called the hospital, The British Hotel, and it was only two miles from the frontline where the soldiers were fighting.

So even though it was a hospital, she called it The British Hotel.

Now, The British Hotel was clean and well organised.

Many sick and injured soldiers went there for treatment.

And the hotel even sold food and drink to the soldiers too.

Mary Seacole even travelled to and from the battlefields on the frontline, so she could help transport injured soldiers back.

She also cared for them on the frontline as well if they needed immediate medical care.

Another example of just how incredibly brave she was.

Many people thought this, that she was incredibly brave.

Why do you think this was so brave? Take a moment.

Have a think.

Why do you think this was so brave of her? If you want to, you can pause the video and share with a partner.

I believe that this was so brave of her because she risked her own life.

It would've been incredibly dangerous for anyone to travel to the frontline.

This is where the main fighting is happening.

The most dangerous place you can be.

And she went to that place.

Most people would move away from that place.

But she went to that frontline, to those battlefields, to help those injured soldiers.

Incredibly brave.

Let's check your understanding.

Mary Seacole travelled to and from the battlefields to help wounded soldiers.

Is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see.

Congratulations if you said, true.

It is true.

She did travel to and from the battlefields to help wounded soldiers.

Well done if you said, true.

After the war, Mary returned to Britain, but had no home and was in poor health herself.

The British people heard of Mary's good work and they wanted to help her.

So they held a fundraiser to raise money.

Mary Seacole was also awarded medals for her bravery and hard work.

So, again, another similarity between Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale.

They both received medals and awards for the hard work and bravery that they had shown during the Crimean War.

In 1857, a book was published about her life.

"The wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands," was an autobiography.

I think we might have to do a "My turn, your turn" for this huge word.

I'll go first.


Well done.


Now, an autobiography is the life story of a person, written by the person themselves.

So, Mary Seacole wrote the book, "The Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands," it was her writing about her own life.

Now, this was the first autobiography written by a Black woman in Britain.

So, it wasn't just another autobiography, it was an autobiography that made history.

The first Black woman to write and have her autobiography published.

So that means people could go out into a shop and buy it.


Let's check our understanding.

What did Mary Seacole write in 1857? Was it A, a children's story, B, a newspaper article, or C, her autobiography? A, B, or C? Pause the video and decide now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you were right.

What did Mary Seacole write in 1857? Well, well done if you said C, it was her autobiography, which means a book written about someone's life by that person themselves.

Time for a task.

I would like you to answer these questions to demonstrate your knowledge of Mary Seacole's life.

The three questions are, "Mary Seacole was born in which country?" Number two, "What was the name of the hospital Mary Seacole set up in Crimea?" And number three, "What did Mary do in Crimea that was extremely brave?" Your job is to simply answer these questions using the knowledge you have just gained on Mary Seacole's incredible life.

Pause the video and answer question one, two, and three now.

Welcome back.

Let's see how we might have answered these questions.

So question one, "Mary Seacole was born in which country?" The correct answer is Jamaica.

Well done if you said Jamaica.

Question two, "What was the name of the hospital Mary Seacole set up in Crimea?" Well, the name of the hospital was The British Hotel.

Well done if you said, The British Hotel.

And three, "What did Mary do in Crimea that was extremely brave?" Well, she did lots of things, but the thing that was so brave was to travel to and from the battlefields to help the soldiers.

The most dangerous place in the Crimean war, and she travelled to and from those battlefields.

Well done if you manage to answer those questions correctly.

Let's summarise our learning from today's lesson.

Florence Nightingale was a nurse during the Crimean war.

Florence helped to train nurses and make hospitals cleaner.

Mary Seasole was born in Jamaica and was a doctress.

And Mary Seacole went to the Crimean War and set up a hospital called, The British Hotel to look after wounded soldiers.

Excellent work today.

I am sure that you have gained so much knowledge on these two brave, incredible women.

I will see you again very soon.