
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...


We need to look at how to stay safe in this lesson.

First of all, a parent or a trusted adult should be with you throughout the lesson.

This lesson should take place indoors.

Ensure there is space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing.

Tie your hair up if needed, and remove any jewellery such as watches, rings, necklaces, or earrings.

Please pause the video now if there is anything you need to do to get ready.

Hello, my name is Mr. Frapwell.

And this is my space.

I'm here to work with you, on a series of 10 multi-skill activity lessons.

Multi skills are lots of different skills that can help us participate in many other activities.

Such as games, gymnastics, dance, athletics, and many more.

In this lesson, we will focus on how we can feel safe, how we can experience success, and best of all, how we can feel happy.

I'm not happy, I'm not even ready yet.

I better get ready quickly.

Here, now I'm ready.

So the equipment required for this lesson, is PE kit, t-shirt, polo shirt, shorts or leggings, structure bottoms, bare feet.

You don't need to wear any socks or trainers.

And some cones.

You'll need at least four cones.

The lesson is structured in four parts.

The first part, is getting our bodies ready for activity.

And we call that the warm-up.

The second part is getting active, and we are going to be walking and running.

The third part is how we can experience success and feel happy.

And the fourth part is the cool-down.

Throughout the lesson, we will be introducing some star words.

The first, is about being safe.

Second, is the warm-up.

The third, is success.

And fourth is happy, and finally cool-down.

On each lesson section, there will be a slide and we will remind you of the star words that we're going to be using in each section.

The first section of this lesson, is about getting our bodies ready for activity.

We call this warm up.

We're warming our bodies up.

We're getting ready for activity.

This is the second of our star words.

We've already had the word safe.

We've made sure that we are safe in this lesson.

But we'll also look about how we can be safe in the warm-up.

For the warm-up, you will need just one cone.

Place it on the floor.

And it is a marker to help us keep walking in the same place.

I can look at the cone, and I'm not moving anywhere I'm walking on the spot.

So a warm-up, just two main things.

Firstly, it can help stop you getting injured while getting your muscles or your body, ready for the activity to follow.

And secondly, it can help you feel more alert, more awake, and that can help stop any accidents because you are thinking more clearly.

I've got two people to help you perform a warmup.

Two people that are going to help me to show low knees and loose ankles.

Next, we are going to get our arms ready for activity.

So elbows are pointing to the front when I bring my arms up.

Roughly around shoulder height.

Again I'm going to enlist the help of my buddies.

For the next part for the warm-up, we are going to combine high elbows, and high knees.

Do it with me.

We're really moving our shoulders, and our hips.

I'm getting ready for activity.

Two people to help me again.

Now we're going to play a game.

If I show the pictures that you can see on the screen, you will perform different actions.

If I show a green person, you will walk.

Low knees, loose ankles.

If I show a red person, then you must stop what you are doing.

Hands by the side, feet together.

And if I show two green people holding hands, then our activity will be twice as hard.

High knees and elbows.

Let's play.

Walking before me, it's just a normal walk.

What's next? A red person, arms by your side feet together.

You ready? What do you think it's going to be? Take your knees up high elbows up.

Did you get it? Here we go.

Knees up high elbows high.

Keep going, you're ready? Did that one stop or slow down? Stop.

Okay, if you want to keep playing that game a little bit more, you can get your parents or your adult who is working with you now, maybe to In the second section of the lesson, we are now going to get active with some more running and walking.

And we're going to have some challenges.

But when we are doing our challenges, we still need to stay safe.

So we are going to learn how we can stop, and keep ourselves safe from running into things.

Let's go.

So what you would've noticed I've put some cones or a cone.

I don't know the cone maybe five or six steps from the other.

You will stop alongside under the cones.

Do it with me, and walk across.

Stop at the end.

Ready? Remember when you stop, arms by your side feet together.

Turn around.

Walk across Pause the video now, and I want you to practise walking across and stopping at the end 10 times.

So well done if you have completed that.

My concern now because of the space and because of the furniture, if we go faster and we going to.

We're all going to do running race soon, we go faster.

By the time I come to stop on the move bump into furniture or bump into whatever furniture you can move out of the way.

So to help us stay safe, I'm going to put another marker down.

I've run out of cones, so I'm going to use a cone.

That will be my slowing down space.

And a pair of shorts at the other end, and that will be in my marker to remind me to slow down and stop by the end and before the furniture.

Two things to help you slow down.


Slow your arms on the legs down at the break point.

In this case my shorts.

But I want you to also use your muscles in your legs, to push into the floor and help you stop.

So watch me, and then you can have a go.

So two things.

I slow my arms and legs down.

I'll use my muscles and push my legs into the floor to help break.

Same as if you are in your mom and dad's car.

When your mum or dad or an adult, or even if you've been on the bus and the driver puts that foot on the brake, the car or the bus will not stop straight away.

It takes time to slow down before it stops.

That is what you are going to practise now.

10 times running across your marked route.

At the marker, white pair of shorts in this case.

Before the end cone you start to slow your arms and legs back and break using your muscles to stop.

Pause, as you go.

So let's have a little recap.

You can help yourself feel safe by.

And only two of the four options are correct.

Option one, getting your bodies ready for activity in a warm-up.

Option two, not listening to instructions.

Option three, not looking where you are walking or running.

And option four, learning how to stop, so you don't run into things.

Two of those options are correct.

Which ones are they? If you need to think, pause the video now.

If you have answered option one and option four, well done, you're correct.

In the third section of the lesson, there are two more star words to look out for.

The first, is about how we experience success.

The second is about how we feel happy.

And all of that while doing more walking and running challenges.

Success, isn't just about being top of the class, It isn't just about coming first in a race or being the best at something.

Success in physical activity, can be just doing the physical activity.

And in completing the tasks in this lesson so far, you have shown your success.

You have been successful.

If you are successful, it can help you feel good.

And if you feel good, you feel more successful.

I've got another way that will help you feel good about yourself, feel happy.

I am going to set you a series of challenges.

And when you complete the challenge, watch my lead, and you will clap.

What I will say, is two with Mr. F.

Ready, ready? And you will.

Clap twice.

Let's practise two with Mr. F.

Ready ready? Welcome.

The first challenge is low knees, loose ankles.

but we're going to do that quite quickly.

So quick walk, 10 times.

Stop at the end.










So maybe you have finished already.

I might've finished ahead of some of you.

It doesn't matter.

Activity, physical activity can make you feel good and you can feel even better with me.

Two with Mr. F.

Ready ready? Well done.

The next activity is high knees, high elbows.

Are you ready? 10.

Remember to stop at the end, and use an arm or wall to slow down.

Let's go.




Keep going.


Five, half way there.




Nine, last one.


Well done.

Two with Mr. F ready ready? Great stuff.

Final challenge.

We will run quickly across this gap between the cones.

It's not a race, I just wanted to try and do it with me.

If you'd beat me, great.

But you are focusing on being safe.

So we slow down and we stop, before we then turn and come back.

Safety first.

Ready? Let's go.

One, stop turn.

Two, stop, turn.

Three, I stop, turn.




Nearly went past that.





That's the final one.

Oh my I acquire a breath.

Listen to the change.

In what I'm doing is make us feel good about ourselves.

Three with Mr. F.

Ready ready ready? One, two, three.

Let's have a small recap.

A true or false question.

Participating in physical activity can help you feel good about yourself.

It can help you feel happy.

Is that true? Or is it false? Pause now if you need a little think.

And if you said true, yes well done.

Participating in physical activity can help you feel good about yourself.

It can help you feel happy.

The final section of the lesson is the cool-down.

And it is also our final star word.

All cool-down means is that we are going to do slower activities to relax our body, from the work that we've done in the lesson.

So were now going to cool down.

With me.

Loose ankles.

If you remember this was the very first activity we did.

Loose ankles.

Knees are already quite low.

That means loose ankles.

And your breathing should feel easier, and your body starts to cool down.

So thank you ever so much for working with me today, learning about being safe, learning about success, and feeling happy.

I look forward to working with you next lesson, where we'll be looking at how you can improve your stability, or balance when you are moving.

Two with Mr. F.

Ready ready? Thank you.