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Equipment requiring safe usage.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hello, and welcome to what is our seventh lesson in the design and technology textiles unit of work.

My name is Mr. Wicken.

And as always, it's fantastic to see you here in our lesson today.

In today's lesson, we're going to learn about how we can use all the different tools and equipment to start to manufacture our mobile phone protector, and how to do it accurately, so that what we are manufacturing fits the end product.

So let's have a look at today's learning objectives.

Now, before we go into the learning objectives, as always, if you haven't yet done that intro quiz, can you pause the video here now, and go and get that done for me? Okay, now that's done, let's have a look at what we're going to learn about in today's lesson.

The first thing we're going to learn about is actually how to be safe when using the equipment which we are going to use in today's lesson.

It's really important that I know and you know how to use that equipment safely, so that we can avoid any injuries and any hurt coming from what we're going to be making.

Once you've done that, we're going to look into actually then, how to correctly mark out our fabric, and what we need to go through to ensure that happens.

Then we're going to actually use the equipment to cut the fabric out, and we need to make sure that when we're cutting out again, we're being safe.

And that will link back to our learning that we're going to start with in today's lesson.

And then as always, we're going to finish off the lesson with the exit quiz, just to conclude all that fantastic learning you will have done in today's lesson.

Now we need to be successful, and to be successful, we need to make sure we've got the correct equipment.

There's quite a few different bits of equipment for today's lesson.

So you need to make sure that you're following along with this.

And more importantly, because some of the equipment is quite dangerous.

Please, please, please, whenever you're using some of these bits of equipment, which I'll say in a moment, you need to make sure that we're doing so you are doing it under the supervision of your parent or carer.

Just in case anything happens, we need to make sure that you're safe at all times.

So the equipment you're going to need today is a pair of scissors, be it a normal sort of paper scissors, or if you've got some fabrics, this is fantastic, but it doesn't matter which one, either will work.

You need a pencil or some chalk, and you'll see why chalk, I'm saying that in a little while.

Fabric, now again, the fabric is going to be really crucial here because this is what we're going to be using to manufacture your mobile phone protector.

We're then also going to need some bits of paper.

And that is just loose paper.

If you want to take them from an exercise book that you've got, that hasn't been used, fantastic, that's fine.

But again, we're going to need some bits of paper and also some straight pins.

And again, like with the scissors, we need to make sure that when you were using those straight pins, that you are being supervised and being credibly careful because they can be quite dangerous.

So, if you want to pause the video here now, go and get those bits of equipment, and then we'll carry on.

Okay, now you've got the equipment.

Let's have a look at today's key words.

So we've got two key words in today's lesson.

And as always, I will start saying one of them, and then you'll repeat it.

So the first one is manufacture.

So let's say that together, manufacturer.



Excellent, well done.

So manufacture is just another way of saying of us making an object or a product that actually uses different tools and equipment that have been given to us to use, to manufacture that item.

So manufacturer is just another way of saying making something, but it's more a professional term for that making of something.

The other word that is key for today's lesson is pattern.

So let's say it together.




Excellent, well done.

The pattern is something that's going to be really crucial for our success in today's lesson.

And it's basically a model or a design layout to help and guide us when we are cutting out the different shapes on the fabric.

This is sort of a template, another word, template that could be used to help us be far more accurate when we're cutting on the pieces of fabric.

And any sort of fabric, a designer and textiles manufacturer will use a pattern to layout on to a piece of textile's fabric and then cut around it to ensure that what they're cutting out is correct and accurate.

So with those key words looked into, let's go into our first learning objective for today's lesson.

So our first area of learning in today's lesson which is going to be absolutely fundamental throughout this whole lesson, is how to be safe when using those different bits of equipment we've just looked into.

Now, we need to think about a couple of things when we are talking about the safety precautions when using the equipment.

It is vitally important that whenever you are doing any type of practical work, in this situation for a textile space product, that we are being safe at all times.

If we are not safe, then we are going to cause ourselves or somebody around us harm.

And we really don't want to do that.

So to avoid any injuries or any hurt that we can bring to ourselves or somebody else, we need to make sure that whenever we are manufacturing a product, we are thinking and being aware of any risks or dangers that might be present when using the different bits of equipment.

So if we think in today's lesson, we're thinking about the scissors, we're thinking about the straight pins.

Those kinds of things can be quite dangerous if used incorrectly, or even if we are using them correctly.

But we might be a bit lackadaisical in some areas, we need to be aware of what the risks are, so that we can take the correct steps to ensure that we are safe, and so is everyone else.

Now, what I want you to do to start with is there's a worksheet on the website I'd like you to use, to actually complete, which is all about the different bits of equipment that we're going to be using in our textiles-based lessons.

You need to identify the potential hazards when using those bits of equipment.

Because if you identify those hazards, you and me can be aware of the possible dangers when using those tools and equipment.

Make sure that when you are identifying those hazards, you are discussing what can be done to ensure that then people are protected.

So yes, you've identified what the hazard could be, but then you've actually gone on to say, "Right, if we do this, "this is going to protect the person from any harm." This is the worksheet and there are three different bits of equipment.

So scissors is the first one.

And then you need to identify what the hazards are, and how we can be safe when using them.

Needles is the next one.

Again, what the hazards are and how we can be safe with using the needles.

And we've obviously used the needles in a previous lesson, so we have some understanding there already.

But again it's always good just to refresh that old memory.

And the other one which we're using in today's lesson is the straight pins, and again, what are the hazards? And how can we be safe when using them? So these are three key pieces of equipment that some we've already used, some we are using in today's lesson, and in fact, all three of these we're definitely going to be using over today and our next lessons, areas of learning.

So it's really important that we identify those hazards and know how to be safe.

So pause the video here now.

Go and get the worksheet.

Have a look at the different bits of tools and equipment that we're talking about.

So the scissors, the needles, and the straight pins.

And I want you to identify when looking at those bits of equipment, what are the potential hazards when using them? And more importantly, how can we put into place some safety measures to ensure that nobody does get hurt? So pause the video here now, go and get identifying hazards, and we'll get back into the practical once that's done.

Welcome back, and I hope by going through that safety worksheet, you're now able to identify what the possible hazards are with those three bits of equipment.

But more importantly, you now know how to ensure that there are no risks, hopefully, when using, because you put into place the safety measures so that nobody gets hurt when using them.

So now let's move on to our second area of learning, which is how to correctly mark out on a piece of fabric.

Now, we've got our final design that we created in our last lesson, which is great.

And we're going to need to bring that back to our memory.

If you haven't got it to hand, you can go and get that in a moment, because we're going to need to use it to help manufacture our pattern.

Now that was one of our key words in today's lesson, the pattern, so that is our template, our design, that we're going to create, which we're then going to place onto the fabric to mark around and then cut out.

This is going to be really important for this process, because actually by manufacturing the pattern, we finally get an idea and a really good understanding as to what our design is going to look like, for real, with the actual sizes from the pattern itself.

Now patterns are usually made from paper, or some card.

And the reason for that is because actually the paper is quite a lightweight material that you can put onto the fabric.

It won't damage the fabric, first of all, but also you can use that piece of paper to easily draw on all card onto the piece of fabric that you're choosing.

The other reason why a pattern is made from papers is because it's cheap.

Actually, by having that cheap pattern, it means that if you make any mistake, you can get rid of that pattern and then do another one quite quickly and quite easily out of paper.

The other thing that we're going to need to add in, and this is the first time we've spoken about it, is when we're creating our pattern, we need to incorporate something called a seam allowance.

And a seam allowance is just basically something that we add into the design of any piece of textile based product to allow for the stitching to be sort of hidden away.

So we don't have the raw edge of the product on show.

By actually having this seam allowance is allowing us to put in the seam going around our design, which then allows it to be a much stronger design, but not right at the very edge of the product, that we can then hide different parts of the seam away from people when you've got the finished product.

Which we'll see, and as we go through it, we'll explain in more detail.

So we need to make sure that the pattern is made from paper, but also we've got a seam allowance when we are creating that pattern as well.

Okay, so let's go and have a look at how we actually make our pattern.

So to make the pattern, we're going to do the following.

Before we actually get into drawing the actual pattern that we're then going to take and put onto the fabric, what I've done before, and I would highly recommend that you do this is I've made a little prototype, a little test version of my mobile phone protector.

So I've used the actual sizes for the mobile phone protector that I've said in my final design.

And I've just created a very rough sort of model of what actually I'm wanting to make.

And the reason why I've done that before I've made the actual pattern, before I've cut any piece of fabric, is so that I can be sure that the sizes are the correct sizes, but also if I take my mobile phone and I actually put it inside my little model, I can see if it actually fits quite nicely.


And the flat goes over the top, and it will do as I originally wanted.

And that's something I would strongly recommend you do before actually making your patterns themselves, and cutting them out of the fabric.

Is have a little play and make a little model out of paper, very rough, I've only stuck this together with some Sellotape.

You can use glue, it's up to you.

But it just gives us a clear idea as to whether this is all going to fit together, and these are the right sizes.

Now I'm confident that the sizes are correct.

What I'm going to do is I'm going to use a piece of paper to actually manufacture my pattern from to then cut out and put onto the fabric to then cut out the actual piece of fabric.

So I've got my mobile phone and I'll put that to one side.

And what I'm possibly going to need is a ruler and a pencil.

And I'm going to then have to hand over my prototype model that I've got here, or I might have my final design, it's up to you, whichever one you're going to find easiest.

Then what I'm going to create is I'm going to create my pattern.

So I know that from one side to the other, from here to here, is about 17 centimetres, but there was something that I specifically said just a moment ago, that we need to factor in, what was that thing? Correct, it was the seam allowance.

We need to think about the seam allowance.

And there was a specific measurement I said for the seam allowance, what was it? Excellent, 10 millimetres or in other words, one centimetre.

So I'm actually going to add on one centimetre, technically, to each side of this.

So I'm going to add on another centimetre going all the way round.

So instead of it being 17, I'm actually going to take it to 19, because what that's going to mean is I'm going to have 17 in the middle, but I'm going to have a centimetre at this end to allow for the seam allowance, and I'm going to have a centimetre at this end, to allow for the seam allowance as well.

So if I draw on my straight line to start with, here we go, and I'm going to go up to 19, there we are.

And what I've done is I've then allowed, by having an extra centimetre at this end and an extra centimetre at this end, of allowing for that seam allowance to go into it.

Then what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a curve.

Now I know that the depth of the curve should be about 11 centimetres.

So I'm just going to halfway down, I'm just going to put a little dot, there we are, just so I know roughly where to create the curve from.

And what I'm going to do is from there I'm going to freehand, because I've got a curve, and it's up to me how I want this curve to look like.

And it's the same for you.

You draw it however you see fit, okay, for your design.

You are the designer.

What I'm doing is I'm creating the pattern, the template, so to speak for my mobile phone holder, okay? And what I've done by allowing that extra centimetre you can see already that I've got this seam allowance going all the way around for the actual stitching that we're going to do in a later lesson to take place, and then we can hide it away as I will show you in a future lesson.

Now, the only other thing that we need to create for me, is I've got this flat that goes over the top that then holds the phone in place.

So again, what I would do is on here, I would then draw that flap on the piece of paper, ready to then cut out, to then take over to the fabric, to place on the fabric, to then cut out around the fabric.

The other thing I need to be aware of is I've got one of these here, but actually I'm going to need two, because I've got the front part, if you have a look, front part here, and I've also got the back part here.

So I'm going to need two of these patterns.

Okay, ready.

Now you could use the same one.

There's nothing wrong with that but actually it might be sensible to have the two, just so that you have got two different cutout patterns ready to use.

Make sure they are the same shape, and they are the same sizes, but it is important that you have those just to be able to create what we are going to make out of fabric.

So with my pattern drawn on the piece of paper, what I've then gotten to do is cut the different pieces of the pattern out.

So I've got three different pattern pieces, okay? I've got the front, I've got the back of my design, and I've also got the flap that will go over the top of the actual opening, where the phone's going to go into, which will make my actual mobile phone protector.

So you need to go and draw out all the different parts to your actual mobile phone protector, like I've got here, separate, okay? Basic laid out pieces, because we obviously haven't stitched anything together yet.

And then you need to get those drawn and cut out from the piece of paper, so that we can then take these and then transfer them over onto the piece of fabric to then cut around them on the fabric, to then obviously start the manufacturer of our phone protector.

So what you're going to do now is you're going to pause the video and you're going to go and create your pattern from pieces of paper to allow us to then cut those patterns out of the actual fabric we want to use.

Remember, when you are creating these patterns that you are allowing for that seam allowance to enable us to be able to stitch together and ensure that we haven't got the stitching on the very raw edge of our design when we come to manufacture, and put this all together in a future lesson.

So be careful when you're using the equipment to create your pattern, please be safe.

Remember when you're using the scissors, make sure you've got your parent or carer with you, just to ensure that if anything does happen, somebody is around to help and support you.

But pause the video, go and get creating your pattern.

Good luck, see you in a little while.

Welcome back.

And I hope you got on really well with creating your patterns for your actual final design.

And are now ready to move on to the next step.

And which is our third and final learning objective for today's lesson, which is how to cut out the fabric safely and more importantly, accurately.

So we've got our pattern now created.

We've made sure that we've added in that seam allowance.

We've made sure that we've got all the different components for our mobile phone protector ready to place onto the fabric, to then be able to cut out around it.

We need to ensure now that we have that fabric to hand as well.

If you haven't got that fabric, make sure you get it.

You can pause the video here, just to go and get it ready for what we're going to move on to.

When we are cutting out a fabric, there are some really important things that we need to remember.

The first one is that when we are placing the pattern onto the fabric, that we aren't placing that pattern on any parts that are folded over.

So we need to make sure that it's nice and flat and smooth, the fabric, so that when we are cutting it out it's not going to have any creases or any folds that when we suddenly take that fabric out it suddenly gets larger, which obviously then means we're not following to the sizes that we were originally following too.

The other thing is we're now going to use those straight pins to actually fix the pattern onto the fabric, to allow us to cut out around it with a good level of accuracy.

And that's really important.

This level of accuracy is so crucial because obviously if things aren't accurate, then it's not going to work when we come to stitch it together.

So let's go and have a look at how we successfully cut out our pattern from the fabric.

So now we're going to start actually fixing our pattern to the fabric.

So here, what I've got is in the background, I've got the patterned fabric that I'm going to use, which is this nice sort of lilacy polka dot print pattern.

Just my personal choice.

It's up to you what you want to use.

Remember if you haven't got access to actually sheets of fabric, then by all means, please reuse any old bits of clothing or fabrics that you've got at home that actually you were going to throw away anyway.

Perfectly adequate, they'll do a really good job for what we are intending for this finished product.

What I've also got is my pattern that I cut out earlier in the lesson.

I've also then got my fabric scissors ready to use.

I've also got some straight pins, but I've actually got some chalk, and I'll talk about the chalk in a little while, as to why you might want to use that as well.

So what I'm going to do is I'll put my scissors to one side, and the chalk for the time being.

The straight pins I will keep close by to hand, okay? And what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my first piece, so I'm going to like this bit of my pattern.

So that's the flat that's going to go over the top of the opening so that it holds the phone in place.

And what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my straight pins and I'm going to use the straight pins to fix the pattern in place.

Now, please, when we're using the straight pins, please, please, please be careful, because they are sharp, and they can hurt you, and I don't want you to get injured.

We've obviously looked at what the health and safety is around this earlier in the lesson.

So we need to make sure we're recalling that learning now to ensure that we're safe.

So what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my fabric.

And again, I'm making sure that behind it, there is no curves or folds or whatever to unfortunately, sometimes ruin the work.

But what I'm doing is I'm fixing the pattern to the fabric.

So if I turn it over, you can see that the straight pin has gone through this side and come back out on this side so that it's holding the pattern in place.

And I will carry on with my straight pins going round the piece of the pattern, just fixing in at key points, the pattern in place so that it's not going to fall out when it comes to me cutting it out.

Now you might find that actually you don't necessarily want to use the straight pins, which is perfectly fine, and that's where the chalk comes in.

What you can do is you can use the chalk, if you want to, to draw around the pattern like so, and it should, if I just do a very quick line there, you can just about see the yellow is showing up, but I find sometimes that the chalk doesn't always show up clearly on the fabric.

So it isn't always a sensible use for this.

Hence the reason why I'm showing you the straight pins, because actually they're going to be far more accurate, because you can easily work around them.

So I'm just going around fixing into place my pattern to the fabric.

And when I'm happy that it's fixed in place, what I'm going to do, I think I'll put one more up in this corner, just so that that's all fixed in nice and tightly.

Make sure again, that the fabric is flat underneath.

There are no folds or creases, because again, that could ruin the piece that we're cutting out here.

And I would say I'm quite happy that that is now fixed into place, ready for me to take my fabric scissors to cut out.

So when we are using the scissors, again, please, please, please be careful when we're using the scissors, because it is dangerous and they can easily hurt you.

But I'm going to take my fabric, and I'm just going to very carefully, and very slowly cut along.

Now it can get a little bit fiddly when you are cutting it off, but you'll notice I'm going along the edge of the paper.

I'm not cutting into the paper.

I'm cutting along the edge of the paper where my pattern ends, and then I'm going to rotate the fabric round, and I'm going to carry on cutting down this length of the pattern.

And I'm going to keep going nice and slowly and carefully.

I don't want to rush, I want to take my time.

I want to keep cutting out the pattern shape as I have designed it.

And what I'm going to do is I will go around all of that and my other pieces of the pattern design, and then those will be my pieces of fabric cutout, ready for us to start stitching them in the next lesson.

So I've pinned on all of my patterns and I've now successfully gone and cut out all the different bits of fabric for my mobile phone holder, ready for me to start stitching together in the next lesson.

So you can see if I just peel back the pattern, you will see underneath, the piece of fabric that has been cut into the shapes.

If I take that last straight pin out you will now see that I've got the piece of fabric cut, ready to use for the actual stitching.

Same with the semi-circles, if I take the last straight pin out, you can see the fabric has been cut, ready to use for our next lesson when we start stitching together.

And that's what you need to do with your pattern now is to fix it on and then cut out the different bits from the fabric that you're using.

So pause the video here now, go and get your patterns fixed on to your chosen pieces of fabric.

Get cutting them out very carefully.

Remember, please, please, please be safe when using those scissors.

And then once we've got those cut out, we're ready for our next lesson, which is going to be where we stitch them together.

So good luck, take your time.

Please be safe and I'll see you in a little while.

Welcome back.

And I hope you got on really well with fixing your pattern to your fabric and then cutting out the fabric ready for us to then in our next lesson, start stitching those pieces together.

Really well done with that.

I hope you've enjoyed it and had lots of fun.

And that's it for our lesson today.

Thank you so much for being here as always.

We've learned a great deal.

We've learned how to be safe when using different pieces of equipment, such as the needles, the scissors and the straight pins.

We've then learned what a pattern is.

And you've then gone and created the pattern for your actual mobile phone protector.

And then lastly, we've then taken that pattern, fixed it to our chosen pieces of fabric, and we then cut out those bits of fabric using that pattern that you've designed.

What a lot of learning we've done in today's lesson.

I would love to see the work that you've created.

And if you could get your parent or carer to take some photos, and if they're happy to upload them online, that would be great.

Just remember to make sure that they use #LearnwithOak.

I look forward to seeing you in our next lesson, where we get starting to stitch it all together.

Take care, bye-bye.