Hello, everybody.
Welcome to Computing.
My name is Mrs. Franzsen, and we are going to be doing some learning today, all about technology.
Are you ready? Then let's get started.
By the end of this lesson today, you'll be able to recognise the uses and features of information technology.
Let's look at the keywords for today's lesson.
We're going to do my turn and your turn for this.
So that means I'm going to say the keyword, then I want you to say the keyword, and then I want you to listen carefully while I explain that keyword.
Okay, so first word, my turn, computer, your turn.
That's great.
A computer is a machine that can run programmes.
Okay, here we go.
Next word, my turn, information technology, your turn.
That's great.
Information technology is computers or things designed to work with computers.
In the first part of the lesson today, we will be working on identifying information technology.
Are you ready? Let's go.
A computer is a machine that can run programmes.
What computers have you used or seen in school? You can pause the video now to have a think about that, and maybe share your answer with someone.
Okay, I've got another question for you about these devices.
How are these devices similar? You can pause the video here and have a think about that, and maybe share your answer with someone.
Well done for working on that question and thinking about how these devices are similar.
Let's see some answers for that.
So for these devices, they all have a screen.
They are made out of metal and plastic, and they have buttons.
Well done if you got that right.
How are these devices different? You can pause the video here and think about that question.
How are these devices different? Computers have different parts that we can use to control the computer in different ways.
These could be buttons, keys on a keyboard, a mouse, or a touch screen, so all of these devices are controlled in different ways.
Well done if you thought of this answer.
Computers also have different ways of letting us know what's happening.
So this could be a screen, it could be lights on the computer, it could be sound.
Let's do a little check here.
Which item is a computer? We've got a clock, we've got a lamp, and we've got a tablet.
Pause the video here and think about what your answer could be.
Well done for working on that question.
Which item is a computer? The answer is C, a tablet.
Well done if you got that right.
What are these? Look at these items. For this next part, we are going to be looking at groups of objects, and trying to decide on what the group can be called.
So my first question here are is what are these, and you can see there are three items here.
Let's have a look at what we've got.
We've got some strawberries, we've got some flowers, and we've got a tree.
Okay, so I'm gonna start a sentence here.
My sentence says they are all, and I wonder if you can complete this sentence.
You can pause the video here to work on that if you would like to.
Did you guess what the end of the sentence is? It says they are all plants.
Well done if you got that one right.
Okay, for my next group, it says what are these? And you might recognise some of these things.
We've got a zebra, a fish, and an elephant.
My sentence goes, they are all.
Pause the video here, and see if you can figure out the end of my sentence.
They are all.
Well done for having a think about that.
The sentence says they are all animals.
Well done if you got that one right.
Okay, now have a look at this group.
What are these? They are all computers.
I could hear some people shouting that at the screen at me.
They are all computers.
So even though there are some things the same about these devices and some things different, we call the group of information technology devices computers.
Okay, can you name all of these items? Some of these you might recognise, and some of them you might not.
That's okay.
So I'm gonna give you a minute here.
You can pause the video, and when you come back, we can look at the names of these items together.
Well done for working on these items. Let's look at the names of them.
Okay, we've got camera, laptop, USB drive, tablet, desktop computer, smart speaker, and printer.
They are not all computers, but they are all examples of information technology.
Computers are an important part of information technology.
Information technology is computers or things made to work with computers.
The phrase information technology is sometimes shortened to IT.
So in this lesson, you might hear me saying IT, and IT is often used when people are talking about these kinds of devices.
Okay, let's do a check here.
Which item is not information technology? We've got A, smart speaker, B, a paintbrush, or C, printer.
Pause the video here and see if you could figure out which one is the answer.
Well done for working on this question.
Which item is not information technology? The answer is B.
The paintbrush is not information technology.
Well done if you got that one right.
Okay, we are gonna do a task now.
The task says number one, draw five things that are information technology, and five things that are not.
So you will need to have a good think here.
You can brainstorm and come up with five things that are information technology, and I want you to draw them, and then I want you to think of five things that are not information technology, and you can draw those as well.
Off you go now, and work on the first part of the task, and I'll be here when you get back.
Well done for working on that task.
You might have drawn all sorts of things in this task because there are many things that count as information technology, and there are also many things that do not count as information technology, so you would've need five of each.
For my five, I've got them here on the left, they are the ones that are IT, and on the right, those are the five things that are not IT.
I wonder if you can recognise them.
Let's move on to the second part of the task.
For part two of the task, I want you to label those drawings that you did.
So that means for each picture, I want you to write the name of what that object is, if it's IT or not IT.
Go and pause the video now.
I'll be here when you get back.
Welcome back.
Let's look at labelling the drawings.
So my drawings might be different from yours, but you can see I've labelled each one of my drawings.
So for my labels, we've got smart speaker, tablet, mouse, printer, games console.
And then for the items that are not IT, I've got shoe, lamp, clock, fish, and flower.
Well done for working on your labels.
We're going to go onto the third part of the task now.
For part three of the task, it says tell a partner two examples of information technology.
So you can look at your drawings and your labels, and choose two of the examples you wrote or drew for information technology, and share them with your partner.
Pause the video and work on that now, and I'll be here when you get back.
Well done for all of those conversations that I heard.
I heard people using all different information technology words.
I heard some people using information technology, and I also heard some people using the short version, IT, to talk about their devices.
So Andeep said "A printer is information technology.
"It works with a computer," and Jacob said "A smart speaker is IT too." Well done for sharing your ideas with your partner.
For the next part of the task, we are going to look at what information technology can do.
Off we go.
What activities can you use information technology for? There are probably some ideas popping into your head right now.
How can information technology help us? So IT can help us learn and work, to talk to people far away, to play and have fun.
IT, information technology, is all around us every day.
Information technology can help us learn and work.
With IT, we can type stories, research on the internet, so research means looking up information, we can organise information, and we can print photos.
Those are just some examples of how IT can help us learn and work.
Information technology helps us to talk to people far away.
So we could send typed emails or messages, we can video call family and friends, we can share information online, and we can send sound, photos, and videos to people.
What can we use information technology for? Let's listen carefully to the choices here.
We can use it to A, type a story, B, to perform in a play, or C, play netball.
You can pause the video here to think about what the answer might be.
Well done for thinking about that question.
What can we use information technology for? The answer is A, to type a story.
Well done if you got that one right.
Aisha says, "I love playing video games on my gaming console." I wonder if some of you really enjoy doing that.
Izzy says "I use my tablet to create digital artwork.
"It's lots of fun." Oh, I wonder if some people enjoy doing that.
How do you have fun using information technology? You can pause the video here and share about this question.
Maybe you want to talk to a partner, or maybe you can have a discussion in a bigger group about this question.
You can pause the video here, and I'll be here when you get back.
Information technology is used for having fun.
With IT, we can play games, we can watch videos, we can create digital artwork, we can enjoy songs and music, and so much more.
These are just some examples of how we can use information technology to have fun.
Information technology is all around us in daily life.
We can use IT to help us remember things we've done by taking photographs using a camera or a phone.
We use IT in shops when we pay for things.
Okay, we've got a check here.
Let's listen carefully.
It says which one does not use information technology? And we've got some choices here.
The choices are A, taking photos using a phone, B, creating digital artwork on a drawing programme, or C, drawing with pencils on paper.
Which one does not use information technology? Pause the video here, and I'll be here when you get back with your answer.
Welcome back.
Well done for working on that question.
The answer was C, drawing with pencils on paper does not use information technology.
Well done if you got that one right.
Okay, time for a task now.
We are going to be thinking all about the ways that we use information technology.
It says I can use information technology to.
Write down or draw five ideas.
So you can use these pictures to give you some ideas as well.
What ways do we use IT? We've just gone through some different choices.
You can see in the first picture, we might be using it to have fun.
In the second picture, it looks like someone is looking on a map to go somewhere, and in the third picture, this can be all sorts of things, but it looks like this person is researching information.
So those are just some clues to help you come up with your ideas.
So I want a total of five.
It's time to pause the video now, and fill up your page with your five ways that we can use information technology.
Welcome back.
I can see that people were working really hard on that task, thinking of all the ways that they use information technology in their lives, and let's look at some examples now of what you might have.
So I can use information technology to.
So here are some examples of what people said for this answer.
The first one says I can use information technology to write stories on a laptop and print them out.
Someone else said I could have a video chat with my uncle on a tablet.
Someone else said I could take photos with a camera.
This person said I can play video games with my sister on a gaming console.
And the last example here, I can dance to music playing from a smart speaker.
Well done for thinking about all the ways that we can use information technology.
You have worked so hard today.
Well done for all of your effort in this lesson.
Let's summarise our learning.
A computer is a machine that can follow programmes.
There are different types of devices that are called a computer, such as a laptop or a tablet.
Information technology is anything that is a computer, or anything made to work with a computer.
We use information technology to help us learn, to talk to each other, and in lots of other ways.
Thank you for coming to my lesson today.
I really enjoyed learning with you, and I hope I get to see you again soon.