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Hi everyone, my name is Miss.


I'm really excited and glad you decided to join me on this science lesson.

So our lesson today is going to be focusing on legal and illegal drugs.

And this lesson is part of our bigger unit of learning on keeping healthy.

Let's get started with our learning.

So the outcome for our lesson today is I can identify how legal and illegal drugs can affect our bodies.

So here on the screen here, we've got some keywords that we're going to be using in our lesson.

So what I'd like you to do is pause the video here and firstly, I would like you to read the words and definitions in your head on your own and what you've done that I'd like you to turn to your partner and take in turns to read out the definitions.

Once you've done practising reading, I'd like you to click play with the lesson and we'll continue with the rest of the learning for our lesson today.

Off you go.

Great job everybody, well done.

So we are going to be coming across all of these key words in our lesson today.

Now, some of you may be familiar with some of these words already and may have heard them before and some of you might not be so sure on some of them, but don't worry too much 'cause we're going to cover them all in our lesson today.

So our lesson today is split up into two parts.

And so the first part of our lesson we're going to be learning and understanding more about legal drugs and we're going to be talking through some examples.

And the second part of our lesson is we're going to be learning about illegal drugs.

We're going to be thinking about some examples but also learning more about illegal drugs and the effects that they have.

So let's get started with the first part of our lesson.

So some children are talking about drugs.

Aisha says, "I think all drugs are bad for you".

Jun says, "I think some drugs can help your body and some can harm it".

Sofia says, "I think all drugs are good for us because they make us better." What do you think? So pause the video here.

Have a read over the different thoughts of the three children on the board.

What do you think? Do you agree with Aisha, Jun or Sophia? Or do you have some different thoughts about drugs? Have a little think on your own in your head.

And then I want you to share your idea with your partner.

Once you've finished having a little think and discussing, click play and we'll continue.

Great ideas, everybody, well done.

So a drug is any substance which changes the way your body, including your mind works.

And different drugs can have different effects on our bodies and they can be helpful or harmful.

Some drugs are illegal, which means it is against the law to take them, but there are lots of other drugs that are legal.

So that's the whole point of our lesson today, we're going to be learning about legal drugs, which are ones that we can take and are allowed to take.

And there are ones that illegal, which means they are against the law to take them.

So let's do a check of our learning.

What is a drug? Is it A, any substance that you take in your body which changes the way it works? B, any substance that makes you feel better and heals you if you are ill.

Or C, any substance that is against the law to take and causes significant harm to your body.

So have a little think about what is a drug.

If you need to, go back over the last few slides to recap on the learning before going through the answer.

Off you go.

Great work everybody, well done, the answer is A.

So a drug is any substance that you take into your body which changes the way it works.

Let's move on.

Which of these products do you think contain drugs? We've got cigarettes, coffee, wine and painkillers.

So pause the video here and I'd like you to have a little think in your head on your own, which of these products do you think contain drugs? So once you've had a think on your own, I want you to share what you think with your partner and then share what you think together with the rest of the group.

Did you have similar ideas or did you have different ones? Which of these products do you think contain drugs, cigarettes, coffee, wine, painkillers.

Excellent discussion everybody, well done.

So actually, all of these products contain drugs.

So first let's look at cigarettes.

So cigarettes and other products used for smoking such as pipe tobacco and vape pens contain a drug called nicotine.

And you may have heard that word before, nicotine.

So nicotine is highly addictive, and that's a key word for our lesson today, which means your body craves more of it once it has had some.

And this makes it very difficult for someone to stop taking nicotine once they have started.

So within cigarettes and other smoking things such as pipe tobacco and vape pens all contain a drug called nicotine.

And we've learned here that nicotine is very addictive.

That means once you start having it, you want to crave more and you want more and more, which makes it a lot more difficult to also stop.

'Cause once you've started having it, then it's very difficult to then stop.

Let's move on.

So coffee contains a drug called caffeine and caffeine can also be found in tea, energy drinks and some other types of soft drinks.

Wine contains a drug called alcohol and there are many different kinds of drinks that contain alcohol including beer and spirits.

Although nicotine, caffeine and alcohol are legal drugs, they should be used with care as they can cause harm.

Nicotine and alcohol in particular can cause significant damage to your circulatory system and brain if taken in large amounts or used over a long period of time because they can be so harmful.

There are age restrictions on who can buy products containing alcohol, nicotine or large amounts of caffeine.

So let's go over what this slide is saying.

So although nicotine, caffeine and alcohol are legal drugs, it's still really important that they need to be used with care as they still can cause harm to your body.

Let's do a check of our learning.

Alcohol, nicotine and caffeine are examples of A, healthy drugs, B, illegal drugs or C, legal drugs.

Which is the correct answer? Excellent, the answer is C, legal drugs.

Let's move on.

Some types of legal drugs can be purchased in shops and used to treat a range of illnesses and symptoms. Many people use products like painkillers, antacids or cold and flu medications to help treat minor injuries and illnesses.

These are often called over the counter drugs because you don't need to visit a doctor to get them.

So for example, if you had a headache and you needed to get some paracetamol, for example, you could visit your local supermarket or pharmacy and you'd be able to buy some painkillers and you wouldn't have to visit the doctor and the doctor would not give you them from there.

You can buy them in the supermarket or pharmacy.

It is very important to take over the counter drugs carefully, following all instructions on the packaging.

When taken correctly, they can help you feel better, but taking too many or taking them incorrectly can cause serious damage to your body.

So if you do take or get medication from over the counter, it's really important that you read the instructions carefully on the packaging.

It will tell you how many tablets or how much of your liquid medicine to take and that if you go over a certain amount, it's important that you go and speak to a doctor because that means you're not getting better.

So types of legal drugs can only be taken if prescribed by a doctor and these types of drugs can be very harmful if not taken correctly.

If you are prescribed drugs by a doctor, you should always follow their instructions exactly to avoid harm and you must never take drugs that have been prescribed for someone else.

See if you yourself are unwell, the medicine will be put in your name and it's important that you are the only person that takes that medicine.

And it's important you follow the instructions given by the doctor, but also by the instructions on the medicine to make sure you take it correctly so that it does not cause you any harm and that actually it helps you.

Let's do a check of our learning.

Some drugs can only be taken with a prescription from a doctor.

Why is this? A, they are too expensive to buy in shops.

B, only doctors know how to make them and C, they can be harmful if not taken correctly.

Which do we think is the correct answer? A, B or C? Excellent, the answer is C.

They can be harmful if not taken correctly.

There are thousands of different types of legal drugs, each with different effects on our bodies and we can find out more about these drugs and their impact on our bodies by carrying out research using secondary sources.

Let's do a check of our learning.

How can we find out more about drugs and how they affect our bodies? A, carrying out a survey of our friends.

B, carrying out research using secondary sources or C, carrying out an investigation into fiction texts about drugs.

So how can we find out more about drugs and how they affect our bodies? Do we think the answer is A, B, or C? Excellent, the answer is B.

So carrying out research using secondary sources.

So we can use books, videos, websites to help us learn more about different drugs and the effect they have on their bodies.

So let's move on to the first task of this lesson.

So I would like you to carry out research using secondary sources to find out more about legal drugs and complete the table below.

So here we've got a table, we've got the drug name, we've got products it is found in, prescription needed and effects on the body.

So we've got salbuterol, we've got alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, paracetamol and penicillin.

So what I'd like you to do is you can either print this slide off or you can draw your own table.

It's completely up to you and I'd like you to use a range of different websites, books and videos to do some research about these different drugs.

Now pause the video here and have a go at this task.

When you're ready, click play and we will go through the answers.

Off you go.

Brilliant research everybody, well done.

I can see you've worked really hard to find out the specific effects on the body for each of these different drugs.

So let's go through the answers.

So salbuterol, the product is found in is inhalers.

A prescription is needed and the effects on the body is it opens up passageways inside the lungs and to help you breathe.

Alcohol, it's found in beer, wine, and spirits.

And no, a prescription is not needed.

The effects on the body is that it makes you feel dizzy or sick, affects your mood, causes headaches and impairs your judgement.

The drug was caffeine.

The products it's found in is coffee, tea, chocolate and energy drinks and there is not a prescription needed.

The effects on the body are it makes your heart beat faster and makes you feel more energetic.

Let's go onto the next drugs that we looked at.

The next drug is nicotine and the products it's found in is cigarettes and vape pens.

And no, a prescription is not needed.

The effects on the body is that it increases your heart rate and your blood pressure.

Paracetamol was the next drug.

The products it's found in is painkillers, cold and flu medicine and a prescription is not needed.

You'd be able to get paracetamol over the counter.

The effects on the body is that it blocks messages in your brain that signal pain.

And lastly, penicillin.

The products it's found in is antibiotics.

And yes, a prescription is needed from your doctor and the effects on the body is that it kills harmful bacteria inside the body and when it kills the harmful bacteria, you will start to feel better once taking the antibiotics.

Well done for having a good go at this task everybody.

I know there was quite a lot of different drugs for you to research, but I'm so impressed with your work.

So we finished the first part of our lesson where we've learnt about legal drugs and we're now going to move on to illegal drugs.

So some drugs are illegal due to the negative impact they have on our bodies and it is against the law to make, sell or use these drugs.

It is not safe to take illegal drugs.

And there are many different types of illegal drugs including cannabis, ecstasy, which also is known as MDMA, cocaine, speed and nitrous oxide.

Jacob says if these drugs are harmful and against the law, why do some people still take them? What do you think? Have a think about Jacob's question.

Can you answer it? Excellent ideas everybody, well done.

So some illegal drugs are addictive, which makes it very difficult to stop taking them once you have started.

Most people take illegal drugs because they have short-term effects that make them feel good, such as feeling more relaxed, happy or confident.

However, these drugs also have significant negative impacts and can cause serious permanent damage to your body or even death.

Unlike legal drugs, illegal drugs do not go through checks and tests to make sure they are safe for humans to take.

This means that you can't be sure of which substances are inside of the drug nor how much you are taking.

This makes illegal drugs even more dangerous.

Let's do a check of our learning.

Illegal drugs are A, not safe for children.

B, not safe for anyone.

C, safe to take if instructions are followed carefully.

D, safe to take as part of an otherwise healthy lifestyle.

Which do we think is correct? A, B, C, or D? Great, the answer is B.

Illegal drugs are not safe for anyone.

So let's move on to the next task.

Are these statements always, sometimes or never true? So let's read the statements together.

Drugs change the way our bodies work.

Drugs are illegal, drugs are harmful, illegal drugs are safe.

Legal drugs do not cause harm.

Drugs should be taken with care.

So with each of these statements, I'd like you to put a tick in the box whether it's always true, sometimes true or never true.

So if you'd like to, you can ask an adult to print this slide for you or you can write out the statements yourself and write always true, sometimes true or never true next to it.

Pause the video here, have a go at this task and we'll talk through the answers really soon.

Off you go.

Brilliant job everybody, well done.

So let's go through the answers.

So drugs change the way our bodies work, and that is always true.

Whether we are talking about legal or illegal drugs, all of those drugs can change the way our bodies work.

The next one, drugs are illegal.

Now that's sometimes true because we know earlier in the lesson we spoke about legal drugs, for example, nicotine, alcohol and caffeine, those are all legal.

Drugs are harmful.

We know that that's sometimes true because we know that some are harmful and some are helpful.

The next statement, illegal drugs are safe and we know that that is never true.

The next statement, legal drugs do not cause harm.

And we know that is sometimes true.

Drugs should be taken with care and we know that is always true.

Well done for having a good go at this task everybody.

I know you had to remember quite a lot of the learning that we've done in the lesson today.

So we've come towards the end of our lesson today.

So let's do a summary of our learning.

Drugs are substances that change the way our bodies work.

Some drugs are legal such as alcohol, nicotine and paracetamol.

Some legal drugs can only be obtained with a prescription from a doctor and all legal drugs should be taken with care and according to any instructions given.

Some drugs are illegal and are never safe to take, such as cocaine, ecstasy and LSD.

So we've come towards the end of the lesson now and I hope this has given you a really good summary of the difference between legal and illegal drugs.

Now I'm so impressed with all of the work you've done today.

You've come up with some great ideas and you've worked really hard and focused really, really well.

Have a great rest of the day and I'm sure I'll see you soon in the next lesson, bye-bye.