
Lesson video

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Hello everybody, and welcome to lesson three, which is part of your unit all about melody.

So today we're going on a magical adventure and we're exploring stories.

We're going to be covering all sorts today.

So to start with, we're recapping previous lessons, and then we're going on a musical journey.

And through this magical journey, we will discover what themes and motifs are in music.

We'll then learn about tone poems, and do some listening with creative writing.

So in this lesson, you will need some headphones so you can concentrate on the sound.

Don't worry if you don't have any, just find somewhere you can work while focusing without background noise.

You'll also need a pen and paper to make some notes.

And of course you will need your singing voice.

Let's recap what we've done so far.

In lesson one, we learnt about melody and we learnt that it consists of two things, of pitch and of rhythm, and you put them together and you create a tune.

We learnt that melodies might be really catchy and singable.

They might try and sound like an object or an animal.

They might try and make us feel an emotion or tell a story.

So they have lots of different purposes.

And then in lesson two, we learnt about the C major scale.

I wonder if we can sing the scale.

So the first thing we learnt was singing it with numbers.

Can you try with me? ♪ Off we go, ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight ♪ And then we learnt it with the letters, do you remember? So we start on C, have a go.

♪ C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C ♪ And from there we learnt our tune on the xylophone, and you had to go on the website to play xylol, and the tune went like this.

♪ C, D, E, C, G, G, G ♪ ♪ C, D, E, C, D, D, D ♪ ♪ C, D, E, C, G, G, G ♪ ♪ C, G, F, E, D, C ♪ We're going to start our musical journey by waiting for the bus on a dreary day.

Can we listen to the music to help us imagine that's where we are? To find that feeling of being cold, miserable, we're cold and the sky is grey.

I'd now like you to imagine that you spotted something on the floor and it looks like a rolled up map.

So can you push past people, and crouch down and pick it up.

And can you roll it out and see what's inside.

You found a magical adventure map.

Can you step inside so we can hear what it's all about.

I could see all sorts of things on this map.

Can you see the butterflies? Can you hear the butterflies? and can you hear the Golden Path and the Golden Forest? And can you hear the castle? And I can also see dragons.

Let's listen to the Flying dragon theme and try learn it's melody.

And maybe you can also hear the Butterflies, Castles and Golden paths and Forests to the music too.

I'd like to put the words to the melody of the Flying dragon theme.

So I will sing the whole melody round once, you can join in with me, if you'd like or if you prefer mine your words so you can listen to the tune.

♪ I want to fly away on dragon's wings ♪ ♪ Fly to the moon and back again in spring ♪ ♪ Fly to the castle, hear the butterflies sing ♪ ♪ When I'm home again on Saturday, your present I'll bring ♪ Now it's not easy to make sure you're standing up tall or sitting up straight so you can get a really good breath into your lungs.

Let's try together.

♪ I want to fly away on dragon's wings ♪ ♪ Fly to the moon and back again in spring ♪ ♪ Fly to the castle, hear the butterflies sing ♪ ♪ When I'm home again on Saturday, your present I'll bring ♪ I'll like us to put some actions to our Flying dragon theme so we will start going, I want to fly away on dragon's wings Fly to the moon and back again in spring Fly to the castle where the butterflies sing When I'm home again on Saturday your present I'll bring Have to go with me and then rewind and try again if you like.

Of we go ♪ I'd like to fly away on dragon's wings ♪ ♪ Fly to the moon and back again in spring ♪ ♪ Fly to the castle where the butterflies sing ♪ ♪ When I'm home again on Saturday, your present I'll bring ♪ ♪ I want to fly away on dragon's wings ♪ ♪ Fly to the moon and back again in spring ♪ ♪ Fly to the castle where the butterflies sing ♪ ♪ When I'm home again on Saturday your present I'll bring ♪ Well, I hope that you had a great time Flying on the dragon and that you got home safely and you didn't come back by bus.

Let's cover some of our key words.

So that journey that we just went on, was to demonstrate to you something called a musical theme.

And also how we have Motifs.

Now, a theme reminds us of a character or object, for example, a dragon.

So this was the Flying dragon theme.

So every time you hear that and that melody you think of the Flying dragon, and then our Motifs they're short repeating patterns of notes.

They indicate a character or place, for example the butterflies.

So every time you hear that you think of the Butterflies.

We're going to move on now to something called a tone poem.

Now, a tone poem is a story, an experience or a scene set to music.

First I'd like to ask you, melodies are used within a piece of music to help express a mood or feeling.

Do you think the statement is true or false? Let's find out.

It is true, well I don't know if you got that right.

So a tone poem is a story perhaps from a poem or a diary or a letter, that inspired the composer, the person that writes the music, to bring that story to life through music.

And it might make us feel an emotion or feel a certain mood or even pitch of the story in our minds.

So we're going to listen to 'Salut d'amour' by Edward Elgar.

And I'd like you to do creative writing task.

While listening to this music, consider why the composer was inspired to write it.

If it was a letter or a diary extract what would it be about? Can you write it for me? And as a bonus question, listen out for the melody and the piano part.

Does it appear at the beginning, the middle or the end? If you do need more time just rewind the video and listen again to complete the tasks and then resume once you're ready.

Well, I don't know about you but I think that music is so beautiful and I really liked the melody line and the violin part.

I wonder if you spotted, when the melody line was in the piano part, it was at the end.

Well, if I don't know if you got that right.

Let me tell you about this music then.

So, Elgar wrote this piece of music as a response.

A reply to a poem that he received from his love.

She would write in poetry and he would respond with pieces of music.

It was their way of letting each other know that they loved each other, that they cared for each other and that they were thinking of each other.

I'm really intrigued to find out what you wrote down while listening to this music.

You've done a brilliant job today.

We've covered lots of different things.

So we recapped our previous lessons and then we went on a musical journey, where we discovered our map with dragons and butterflies and castle with a moon and Golden Paths and Forests.

And from this we learnt about themes, like the Flying dragon theme and Motifs like that little butterfly motif.

We also learnt about tone poems, and we listened to a tone poem while doing some creative writing.

That is it for today.

I hope you'll join me for lesson four.

In the meantime, please share your work with Oak National if you'd like to, for example, the creative writing.

By doing so you must ask your parents or carer to share it on Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.

I'll see you next time.
