
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello, everybody.

It's Mrs. Franzsen here.

It's really good to see you.

Welcome to computing.

I hope you're ready for a really great lesson all about information technology.

You ready? Then let's go.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to recognise that choices are made when using information technology.

Let's look at our keywords for today.

We are going to do my turn and then your turn for this.

That means that I'm going to say the keyword, then I want you to say the keyword and then I want you to listen carefully while I explain the meaning of that keyword, okay? So here we go, first word, my turn.


Your turn.

That's great.

Variety means lots of different things.

Next word, my turn.


Your turn.

That's great.

Making decisions about something, thinking about what we want to do.

Next word, my turn.


Your turn.

That's great.

Being responsible means making sensible, positive decisions.

In the first part of the lesson, we are going to look at making IT choices.

Let's go.

Why do you have different lessons and activities in school? Have a look at these images here.

There are lots of different activities and lessons at school.

Why do you think that? You can pause the video here to have a think about that question.

You should not only do your favourite thing.

It's important that you do a variety of different activities to keep your brain working and learning.

Did you hear that keyword there? Variety.

Different lessons give you lots of different learning experiences.

I wonder if any of these pictures help you think of a favourite activity that you like to do at school.

What is your favourite activity to do using information technology? So in this lesson, I might say information technology or I might use the short version, which is IT.

So what's your favourite activity to do using IT? You can pause the video here and have a think about that.

We use IT to learn and to work.

We use it to talk to people far away.

We use it to play and have fun.

Information technology is all around us every day.

Are there some things you dislike about using information technology? You could pause the video here and have a think about that question.

I wonder if there are any things that you dislike about using IT.

Izzy said, "IT can stop feeling fun.

It can make you feel tired." I know that I have sometimes felt quite tired when using IT quite a lot.

Andeep says, "Sometimes IT is tricky to use." I know that I have certainly tried to use a new app or a new device and found it quite tricky sometimes.

Jacob says, "Not everyone can use IT at the same time." So quite often we have to share IT with other people and that can be tricky as well.

True or false? There is nothing to dislike about using IT.

Pause the video and see if you can think what your answer would be.

The answer was false.

Why? Everybody feels different about using IT.

IT can be tricky to use and it can make you feel tired sometimes.

Well done if you've got that answer right.

When you use information technology, you make choices.

That's another one of our keywords for today.

What are some choices that you make? Well done for thinking about that question.

Let's look at that in a bit more detail.

You choose whether to use IT or not.

You choose what device to use.

You choose which apps or software to use.

You choose how long to spend using it.

Aisha says, "What if someone spends all their time using IT?" If you spend too much time using information technology, it is not good for your brain.

You would also miss out on other important activities.

Good choices help us use information technology responsibly and for the right reasons.

Andeep says, "I am choosing to take a break from my device." Responsible choices mean that you are making decisions that are good for you, good for others and good for the safety of the IT devices.

Make sure to get permission from your adult before using IT.

Let's do a check here.

Which is a responsible IT choice? We've got A, playing digital games all day, B, only using apps your trusted adult allows, or C, ignoring age restrictions on apps.

Pause the video to have a think about your answer.

Good job thinking about this question.

Which is a responsible IT choice? The answer was B, only using apps your trusted adult allows.

All right, we're gonna work on a task now.

The instructions say, "Decide if you agree with each statement.

Draw a smiley face if you agree and a sad face if you disagree." So this is an activity about your opinions, what you think.

So we've got four statements and for each one you should show that you agree or disagree.

I'm going to read the statements for you.

Using a drawing app is better than drawing with paper and pencils.

Now, you might agree with that or disagree and it's okay to have your own choice about that.

Using a search engine is better than asking a parent or teacher for help.

Typing a story on a computer is better than writing it by hand.

Listening to music on a device is better than playing a musical instrument.

So for each one, I'd like you to mark if you agree or disagree.

The second part of the task is once you've filled in your table, I want you to talk with a partner about your answers.

Where do you agree or disagree with your partner? Right, it's time to go and work on the task now.

Off you go.

Welcome back, I could hear lots of discussion about the different choices and which one was better and agreeing or disagreeing.

Let's look at what you could have said here.

Izzy said, "I think that typing a story on a computer is better than writing it by hand, because it is faster for me." And Andeep said, "I like writing a story on paper, because I can add drawings easily." So in this task it was okay if you and your partner had different opinions as long as you explained if you agreed or you disagreed.

The next part of the lesson is all about using IT responsibly.

Here we go.

Information technology can be used in many different ways.

For some activities, you might choose to use IT to help you.

Other times, you might not use any IT.

So in these photos, we've got examples of someone reading a book and someone using a tablet.

How can you make responsible decisions? You could be mindful about what apps and software you use, including other people in what you do with IT and you could make sure you include your trusted adults in what you are doing.

Let's do a check here.

Which activity shows being responsible with IT? We've got A, taking a break to rest your eyes, B, watching videos when you are supposed to be asleep, C, only playing digital games and not watching videos.

Pause the video here to think about your answer.

Well done for thinking about that question.

Which activity shows being responsible with IT? The answer was A, taking a break to rest your eyes is a good example of being responsible with IT.

Good job if you got that right.

The digital five a day helps you balance your digital activities.

So the digital five a day uses five categories to help you think about ways of balancing your digital activities.

So we have connect, which is talking to people using IT, be active, which is taking breaks from IT to move and play.

Get creative, which is using IT to draw, write or build.

Give to others, which is using IT to be kind or helpful and be mindful, which is taking time to think and manage your IT use.

So I think those five categories could be really helpful in helping you use IT responsibly.

Okay, let's do a check here.

True or false? A balanced digital life means using IT every day.

Pause the video here to think about your answer.

The answer was false.

Why? Balanced means making responsible choices in the ways that you use IT.

Well done if you got that one right.

Okay, we're gonna do a task now.

The instructions say, "Draw or write one idea for how you can do each of the following." So these are the digital five a day categories and they're a really good way to help you use IT responsibly.

I want you to think of an idea for each category.

So they are connect, be active, get creative, give to others and be mindful.

So I want you to share one idea for each category.

You can pause the video now and go and work on your task and I'll be right here when you get back.

Well done for all of your hard work on that task.

I loved seeing all of your ideas for using IT responsibly.

Here are some examples of what you could have wrote.

So for connect, my example was video call my grandma.

For be active, I wrote, "Go on a walk with my dad." For get creative, we could create a comic strip on the computer at school.

For give to others, we could make a birthday card using IT.

That would be a lovely gift.

And for be mindful, it was to think about drawing on paper instead of with a device.

So balancing our time on technology.

Well done for all of your hard work in that task.

We have worked so hard today and learned a lot about making good choices when using information technology.

Let's summarise our learning.

It's important to make thoughtful and responsible choices when using IT.

Spending too much time on devices is not good for our brains, so it's important to take regular breaks.

Taking part in a variety of activities such as playing, talking with friends and being creative helps us choose to use IT in a healthy way.

The digital five a day reminds us to connect with others, stay active, be creative, help others and take time to reflect on how we feel.

Thank you for joining me in my lesson today.

I hope you've enjoyed it and I hope to see you again soon.