Hello, thanks for joining me today and I'm really pleased you picked this lesson.
And today we're going to be making tuna canapes.
Wow, they sound delicious, don't they? Let's get started.
So what we're going to learn, what we're going to do today, can we read this one together? So what's the outcome? I can make tuna canapes for a party.
Wow, can't wait.
So what are the keywords that we're going to be covering in this lesson? Well, the first one is canape.
And you may not have heard that before, but it's a small piece of bread or pastry or cracker with some food on top.
And usually it's decorated.
So it's arranged to look pretty.
Another word is tuna.
I'm sure that might be quite familiar to you.
But tuna is a type of fish and often you probably know it as tuna fish.
And the last word is party.
And that's a special occasion to celebrate something.
Often it might be things like a birthday party, for example.
So let's get started with the first part of the lesson, which is exploring party food.
Now a party is a special occasion to celebrate something and there are lots of different parties such as birthdays and anniversaries.
And often special types of foods are served at these parties.
Have you been to a party? Did you have any food? Hmm, I remember I gained to a party and I had lots of special food, it was delicious.
Now, party food can include a wide variety of food.
Here's just some examples.
You could have sandwiches, for example, lots of different types of bread and fillings.
You could have fruit kebabs.
Hmm, delicious my favourite.
You could have some cake, maybe a small slice of cake or a mini muffin or you might have canapes.
And do you remember those were the small pieces of bread, pastry or cracker with food decorated on top.
Now what other food might you have at a party? What food have you had at a party before? Can you tell me? Wow, that sounds amazing.
I would love to be at that party.
So there are lots of different types of food that we have at parties.
Now, canape, as I've mentioned, is a small piece of bread, pastry or cracker decorated with food.
Can you see the examples here? Don't they look amazing? They're really colourful, aren't they? And it's thought of a canape originated from the country, France, hence the name canape.
And there are lots of different types of canapes.
I mean, again, just look at those images on the screen.
They're amazing, aren't they? Now true or false? A canape is a plain piece of bread, pastry or cracker.
Is that true or false? That's false isn't it? And why? Well, a canape is a small piece of bread, pastry or cracker, but it is decorated with food.
So the food is arranged on top to look pretty and amazing.
So well done if you got that one correct.
Now there are lots of different types of fish in the world and we're going to be using certain type of fish in this recipe.
And the fish look, smell and taste different depending on the type.
And tuna is one type of fish.
Can you see them on the screen? And tuna is caught, it's caught at sea and it's good to know what type of fish that you're eating.
Can you think of any other names of fish? Now tuna can be eaten in different ways.
The first way is it can be eaten raw or uncooked or it could be cooked and fresh.
It could be a fresh piece of tuna which is cooked or it could be canned.
Canned tuna fish, which is often very, very popular thing for like things like sandwiches for example.
And tuna is using lots of dishes around the world.
It's very popular type of fish.
And we're going to use canned tuna fish in our canapes.
So we've got raw fish like used on sushi.
We've got freshly cooked fish like with this delicious salad and potato and little sauce or we've got canned tuna fish, lots of different types of fish.
Now tuna fish is one of the five most popular fish eaten in the UK.
And other fish include cod, prawns, salmon and haddock.
Can you think of any more of the fish? But these are the top five fish and they make up 80% of all the fish that we eat.
And it's advised that we try and eat different types of fish.
So which two fish are the most popular in the UK? A, B, C.
That's right, it's A and C.
It's haddock and prawns.
They're two of the top five fish eaten in the UK.
Well done if you got that correct.
So here's a little challenge for you.
Alex and Aisha here are making some canapes and using the food below, I want you to create four delicious canapes that they could serve at a party.
Pause a video, get creative, and we'll come back very soon.
Good luck.
Okay, so how did you get on? Shall we look at some examples of what you could have done? So here's some that Alex did.
He's got a tuna and he's got some cucumber and some low fat cream cheese, hmm.
Or you could have had egg, tomato and cucumber or perhaps cheese, onion and apple.
That's a nice combination, isn't it? And lastly, mushroom, sweet corn and pepper.
Lots of delicious toppings for wonderful canapes and I'm sure you were really creative too.
So well done.
Let's now move on to the second part of the lesson, which is all about making your tuna canapes.
So to make them, you're going to be measuring ingredients.
So you're going to be using weighing scales and you can be using measuring spoons.
So we're going to weigh the tuna and we will measure the sweet corn and we need to do this accurately.
Also, we're going to be cutting, we're going to be using a knife to cut.
So we're going to cut the bread into four equal quarters and we're going to slice the spring onion using the claw grip.
So let's have a look and see the claw grip in action.
So the pupil is holding the ingredient carefully, making a claw with one hand and then carefully slicing down with the knife using the other hand.
So it's a very safe cutting technique.
So which of these shows the claw grip, A, B, or C? That's right, it's C.
C is showing the claw grip.
You can see by the position of the hand it looks like a claw.
Well done.
So also to make our canapes, we're going to be rolling out, we're going to be using a rolling pin to flatten the pieces of bread.
And once you've rolled these out and put them in your tin, the teacher will take them away and bake them for you.
'Cause remember the oven is very, very hot.
We're also going to be mixing, we're going to mix everything together and we're going to use a spoon to mix.
And lastly, we're going to be spooning.
We're going to use two small spoons to equally spoon the mixture into the bread cases or the bread canapes.
They're gonna look absolutely amazing when you're finished.
So which of these are we not going to use when we're going be making our tuna canapes? Is it A, a baking tray? B, A rolling pin? Or C, a knife? That's right, we are not going to be using a baking tray, but we are going to be using a rolling pin and a knife.
Well done.
So here's your task.
So I want you to follow the recipe and make the tuna canapes.
But before you cook, I want you to make sure you are ready to cook.
So tie up any long hair, remove your jumpers, wash your hands, and wear an apron.
Plus make sure you have your ingredients and equipment ready.
And then while you are cooking, I want to make sure that you're safe so you don't have any accidents and hygienic.
So you work and it's lovely and clean.
But also I want you to think about using your food skills.
So the things that we've just talked about, like cutting and mixing and spooning.
So these are the ingredients and equipment you need to make your tuna canapes.
Look at the picture of the canapes there.
Don't they look amazing? And this is the method.
So good luck, pause the video and come back when you've made them.
Good luck.
See you soon.
Welcome back.
So how do you get on? Are your canapes good? Do they look amazing? I bet they do.
So to make your canapes, we followed these steps.
Let's quickly go through them together.
So we cut the bread into four quarters.
We rolled out the bread quarters or the bread pieces.
We then press these inside the patty tin, the teacher then took them away and baked them so they were lovely and crisp, a bit like toast.
We then sliced the spring onion using the claw grip, that's correct.
And we placed the spring onion with the tuna fish in a bowl.
We then added the sweet corn and mayonnaise and then we mixed everything together with a spoon.
And lastly, we divided or spooned the mixture evenly between each of the canapes.
Well done, I bet it came out brilliantly.
Okay, so now I want you to rate how you worked.
So while you were cooking, think about these things and rate whether you were really happy with the way you worked.
It was okay or it wasn't so good.
So look at the smiley faces.
I want you to tick under the smiley face for each thing how well you did.
So read them carefully, tick the box and we'll come back very shortly.
Plus, I also want you to rate how your canapes look, smell and taste.
So again, under the smiley faces, tick which one is best for your canapes.
And very lastly, think about what you might change in the future if you made them again.
Pause the video and we'll come back shortly.
Good luck.
How did you get on? Let's look at this example together, shall we? So this is somebody that's rated how well they worked.
So I measured correctly a big tick, big smiley face they used the knife safely.
They mix the tuna well.
Well it's so-so the face is in the middle.
But they got a very unhappy face about spooning the tuna carefully into the canape.
Probably the tuna fell over the side, I would imagine.
But they did say that they worked safely and hygienically.
So from this we can think about how we could do better in the future.
And when they rated how their canapes look, smell and taste, they said they looked good, they were smelled kind of okay, but they tasted good too.
And would they change anything for the future? Well, they've put, I would add some red and green peppers instead of sweet corn plus some grated cheese.
Mm, that sounds delicious.
What did you put? I bet you come up with some really creative ideas, didn't you? Well done for making these today.
You've done brilliantly.
I'm really, really proud of you.
So I hope you enjoyed that.
But let's have a quick summary, shall we? So the first one is that a party is a special occasion to celebrate something and we all like a party, don't we? And a canape is a piece of bread, pastry or cracker decorated with food.
And we could have these as a party food, can't we? We also talked about tuna being a fish that is popular to eat in the UK and that we'll use different types of food skills to make the tuna canapes, such as cutting, rolling out, measuring, mixing and spooning.
And lastly, we can rate how we worked to help us think about how we might improve what we do in the future.
Well done, you've done brilliantly and I really hope you enjoyed this lesson and hope you come back for more cooking and nutrition lessons in the future.
Thanks a lot.
See you soon, bye.