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Welcome to today's lesson on metal oxides and non-metal oxides.

This is part of the unit acids and base.

My name's Mrs. Mytum-Smithson, and today's lesson is about metal and non-metal oxides.

Maybe you know something about these or maybe not, but don't worry because we're going to work through this lesson step-by-step.

By the end of the lesson, you should be able to describe the properties of metal and non-metal oxides, and write equations to represent reactions of metal oxides with acid.

Here are the key words for today's lesson.

Metal oxide, non-metal oxide, adding to excess.

On the next slide, there's some sentences that contain these keywords, so pause that slide and then when you're ready to start the lesson, press play.

Today's lesson consists of two learning cycles.

Firstly, we're going to do about metal oxides, and then we're going to take a look at non-metal oxides.

So first of all, let's get going with metal oxides.

A metal oxide consists of metal atoms bonded to oxygen atoms. There are many metal oxides that exist.

So here's some calcium oxide, this is a white powder.

We've got chromium oxide, this is a greenish colour.

We got iron oxide, this is a reddish brown colour.

You might have seen this, this is rust.

And finally, we've got mercury oxide, which is this yellow colour.

So these are some examples of many of the metal oxides that exist.

What I'd like you to do for this check for understanding is select all correct statements.

So the ones you've got to choose from are, a metal oxide is where metal atoms are bonded to oxygen, a metal oxide is where a metal atom is mixed with oxygen, carbon dioxide is an example of a metal oxide, silver oxide is an example of metal oxide.

Pause the video for some thinking time.

Press play and we'll go through the answers together.

Well done if you said, "A metal oxide is where metal atoms are bonded to oxygen," and "Silver oxide is an example of a metal oxide" 'cause silver is a metal, and that is bonded to oxygen making silver oxide.

So well done if you've got both of those correct.

Metal oxides are bases, and this means that when they're dissolved in water, they will turn universal indicator of blue colour because it will form an alkaline solution.

So let's watch a video to show this happening.

So what we're going to do in this experiment is firstly, we're going to create a metal oxide.

So we're going to take some magnesium and react it with the oxygen in the air.

Just needs a little bit of heat from the Bunsen burner to get this going.

So we'll just warm it up until the reaction starts and we'll take it out the Bunsen burner flame.

You can see this is a very bright white light showing that the reaction's taking place.

And you should be able to see the magnesium oxide forming.

So it's gone from being a silvery metal colour to a white colour.

So we're going to place the magnesium oxide that we've just made there into that watch glass, sometimes called the clock glass.

It's very big.

You then put some distilled water on there, and then some distilled water in the other watch glass.

Then what we're going to do is we're going to play some universal indicator and we're going to see what colour it goes.

So here's some universal indicator solution going into the water there to see what colour the solution of magnesium oxide and water makes.

So you can see it's a bluish kind of colour, purple in places.

Just mix it up a little bit.

And you can compare that to the neutral pH7 of the left-hand side watch glass.

So during that video you should have seen that magnesium oxide was being formed when a reaction of magnesium and oxygen took place.

So that was that bright burning.

And the white powder produced was magnesium oxide.

That magnesium oxide was then dissolved in water and tested with universal indicator.

And because it turned a blue colour, showed that that was an alkaline solution formed.

What colour will universal indicator turn when a metal oxide is placed in water? So here we've got three images and we've got a piece of universal indicator placed in that metal oxide solution and we've got, A, turns red, B, turns green, C, turns dark blue.

Pause the video while you choose one of those, and then press play and we'll go through the answer together.

Well done if you said C.

The universal indicator would turn dark blue because an alkaline solution has been produced when the metal oxide is dissolved in water.

Well done if you got that one right.

Metal oxides are bases and can react with acids to neutralise them.

So if we take a look, if we've got a conical flask and that's got some acid in it, you can see that the universal indicator paper is red showing that we can then react to metal oxide with the acid to neutralise it.

And once it's neutral, we'll have a neutral salt solution, and that universal indicator paper will turn green.

So a neutral solution is green and that shows pH7.

The general equation for the reaction between a metal oxide and acid is metal oxide plus acid makes metal salt and water.

Here's a specific example.

So this time we're using magnesium oxide plus hydrochloric acid, and that's going to make magnesium chloride and water.

The name of the salt produced during the neutralisation reaction will depend on the type of acid used.

So here we've got a table summarising this.

So if we use hydrochloric acid, the name of the metal salt ending will end in chloride.

So if we use sulfuric acid, we're going to make metal salts and the ending for that will be sulphate.

And if we use nitric acid, the end of the name of the metal salt will be a nitrate.

So let's have a look at some examples.

So here we've got lead oxide plus hydrochloric acid, makes lead chloride and water.

So you can see there that the hydrochloric acid has made lead chloride.

Then if we've got the same oxide, but this time we reacted with sulfuric acid, instead of making lead chloride like we did with the hydrochloric acid, we're going to make lead sulphate and water.

And finally, lead oxide plus nitric acid makes lead nitrate and water.

So you can see there we can make lead chloride, lead sulphate, or lead nitrate, and we can change those depending on that name of the acid that we use.

What I'd like you to do now is name the acid used when zinc oxide reacted to make zinc sulphate.

So was it hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, sulphate acid, on nitric acid? Pause the video, select one of those, then press play and I'll tell you if you're right or not.

So, well done if you said that the name of the acid used was sulfuric acid.

So sulfuric acid when it reacts with zinc oxide would make zinc sulphate and water.

So, well done if you got that one correct.

What type of reaction takes place between metal oxides and acids? Is it an oxidation reaction, an acidification reaction, or is it a neutralisation reaction? Pause the video, pick one of those, press play, and I'll tell you if you're right.

Well done if you said neutralisation.

So because metal oxides are bases, you can then neutralise an acid by using a metal oxide.

So it would be a neutralisation reaction.

Well done if you got that one correct.

So what we're going to do now is we're going to carry out an experiment.

And there's three parts to this experiment.

Firstly, we're gonna neutralise the acid and we are going to use sulfuric acid with a metal oxide base, and we're going to use copper oxide.

So the first part of the experiment is neutralising the acid.

The second part we're going to carry out filtration.

So we're going to filter to remove the excess insoluble base.

So we're going to filter out the copper oxide from the reaction mixture.

And finally, we're going to crystallise this copper sulphate product.

So that'll be the final part of the experiment.

So three parts, neutralising the acid, filtering it to remove the excess, so excess means too much, so the excess, the extra insoluble base that we'll have added, and then crystallising the copper sulphate product, so crystallising that metal salt formed.

The first step we're going to do is we're going to neutralise the acid with a metal oxide base.

So we're going to gently warm the sulfuric acid just until you start to see bubbles forming at the bottom of the beaker, and then turn off the heat.

You're going to add one spatula of copper oxide and give it a stir with a stirring rod, and you're going to stir it until the fizzing stops.

So you should see bubbling or fizzing.

And when that stops and you cannot see any more black copper oxide, you're then going to add another spatula of copper oxide to that solution of sulfuric acid.

And you should start to see the colour of your solution change as the copper sulphates formed.

So you're going to repeat that again.

You're going to stir until the fizzing stops, and you cannot see the copper oxide.

Then you're going to repeat steps four and five, so you're gonna continue adding a spatula full at a time until no more bubbles are seen and the black copper oxide remains.

And this means that you've added enough copper oxide for the reaction to take place, and a little bit more so the copper oxide has been added in excess.

Here's a quick true or false.

When reacting copper oxide with sulfuric acid, all the copper oxide should be added at once.

Is that true or is that false? Pause the video while you decide and then press play for the answer.

Well done if you said false.

Now I want you to tell me why you said false.

So should it be added one spatula at a time until all the copper oxide has been added? Or it should be added one spatula at a time until the copper oxide is in excess? So pause the video, select one of those justifications, and then press play and I'll go through the answer with you.

Well done if you said, "It should be added one spatula at a time until the copper oxide is in excess." So once all the fizzing stopped, all the bubbling stopped, and you've got a little bit of copper oxide there at the bottom of your reaction mixture, and that means that the copper oxide is in excess.

Well done if you've got that correct.

Here's step two of your reaction that you're going to carry out today.

So now what we're going to do is we've got excess copper oxide at the bottom of that copper sulphate solution and we want to filter that out.

So we're going to use a filtration setup here.

So we've got a conical flask with a funnel and some filter paper in the top.

You're going to pour in your copper sulphate solution with that excess copper oxide in and that should then filter.

You should remove all the excess copper oxide.

You're going to dispose of the excess copper oxide safely.

So you're going to listen to your teacher and they will tell you how to do that safely.

And then you're going to make sure that you keep the right thing.

So you need to keep the copper sulphate solution that's in the conical flask for the next stage.

After filtration, what should you keep for the part of the experiment? So in the diagram I've circled three different parts of the diagram.

So three different parts.

What I want you to tell me is what are you going to keep for the next part of the experiment? Pause the video while you decide, and press play and let's go through the answer together.

Well done if you said C, you're going to keep that copper sulphate solution.

We should have got rid of the impurities of the unreacted copper oxide that was placed in that reaction mixture in excess.

So you should now have a nice turquoisey blue, clear, so no little particles in there, solution.

Well done if you got that one right.

Now let's look at step three.

So here, what we need to do is we need to evaporate the water from the copper sulphate solution, and we should form some nice copper sulphate crystals.

So you're going to pour the copper sulphate solution into an evaporating basin.

Now, this second part, this is going to take some patience.

You're going to place a copper sulphate solution in a warm room, and you're going to leave it until the water evaporates, and this might take a few days.

We've got 24 hours plus, so it's not gonna happen immediately.

You're going to place it somewhere safe, and your copper sulphate crystals should form in the evaporating basin.

Here's some that I made, and you can see that there's still a little bit of copper sulphate solution there, so we just need to wait maybe another day for that water to evaporate and leave us with copper sulphate crystals.

What I'd like you to do now is name the process used to obtain copper sulphate crystals from copper sulphate solution.

Is it filtration, evaporation, or neutralisation? So pause the video while you decide, and then press play and I'll tell you the answer.

So, well done if you said evaporation.

So evaporation is used to obtain the copper sulphate crystals from copper sulphate solution.

You just let the water evaporate off and left behind will be those nice copper sulphate crystals.

What I'd like you to do now is carry out the practical to make copper sulphate crystals from copper oxide and sulfuric acid.

Then what I want you to do is write the word equation for the reaction of copper oxide and sulfuric acid to make copper sulphate and water.

So pause the video while you do that, and then press play and we'll see how you got on.

Your results might look something to these.

So here's a class that I taught and these are the copper sulphate crystals that they made.

See, nice turquoisey blue, nice big crystals, 'cause they've been evaporated over a long period of time.

Hopefully yours looks something like these.

And the word equation is copper oxide plus sulfuric acid makes copper sulphate plus water.

So, well done if you got that correct.

For this part of the task what I'd like you to do is complete the missing reactants and products showing the reactions between metal oxides and acids.

So here's A, lead oxide plus hydrochloric acid, makes something chloride plus water.

Lead oxide plus sulfuric acid, makes lead something plus water.

Zinc oxide plus something acid, makes zinc chloride plus something.

Something oxide plus something acid, makes zinc nitrate and water.

And finally, silver something plus nitric acid, makes something nitrate plus water.

Pause the video while you complete that task, and then press play and we'll go through the answers together.

Well done for completing that task.

Let's see how you got on.

Lead oxide plus hydrochloric acid makes lead chloride plus water.

So the metal salt name comes from the metal oxide name and also the acid that was used.

So a hydrochloric acid makes chlorides, and we used lead oxide as the metal oxide, so that makes lead chloride and water.

Next one, we've got lead oxide.

Again, this time we're reacting with sulfuric acid.

So sulfuric acid makes sulphates, so we've got lead sulphate and water.

Zinc oxide plus something acid makes zinc chloride plus something else.

So we're going to have a look and we've got a chloride made, so that means that we must have had hydrochloric acid and we always make water.

So water is the other product there.

And then we have a look at D, so for this one, we need to look at the products made.

So zinc nitrate must be made from zinc oxide, and it also, because it's a nitrate, we must have used nitric acid.

Nitric acid makes nitrate salts plus water.

And then we've got silver something plus nitric acid, makes something nitrate plus water.

So silver oxide, because remember these are metal oxides, plus nitric acid is going to make silver nitrate plus water.

Well done for completing all of those.

I'm sure you've worked really hard and got them right.

Now we're going to move on to our second learning cycle, non-metal oxides.

A non-metal oxide consists of non-metal atoms bonded to oxygen atoms. For example, carbon dioxide, 'cause carbon is a non-metal, when it's bonded to oxygen, it becomes an oxide.

So that's carbon dioxide is a non-metal oxide.

So carbon dioxide is used in fire extinguishers, and also organisms in lakes can be affected by acid rain and that's caused for by pollution from sulphur dioxide.

So sulphur dioxide is another non-metal oxide, because sulphur is a non-metal.

A quick check for understanding.

A non-metal oxide is.

Is it a metal atom bonded to oxygen atoms, non-metal atoms bonded to oxygen atoms, non-metal atoms bonded to nitrogen atoms, non-metal atoms bonded to metal atoms? What I want you to do now is pause the video while you have a bit of a think, then press play and I'll tell you the answer.

Well done if you said, "A non-metal oxide is non-metal atoms bonded to oxygen atoms." Non-metal oxides in water make acidic solutions.

So here's our non-metal and water.

And you can see we've got our universal indicator paper, and it's turned red.

and red shows that that is an acidic solution which could contain a non-metal oxide in water.

We've put the universal indicator paper in, and A has turned red, B has turned dark blue, and C has turned green.

Pause the video while you decide which one it is, and then press play and I'll tell you if you're right.

Well done if you said red.

Indeed, a non-metal oxide in water will make an acidic solution, so that will turn universal indicator paper red.

Well done if you got that correct.

Now you're going to carry out a little bit of an experiment here.

So you're going to use universal indicator to test the pH of three non-metal oxides that have been placed in water.

So here's what you'll be using, nitrogen oxide in water, phosphorous oxide in water, sulphur dioxide in water.

And you're going to complete the results table.

So we've got results table here with the name of the non-metal oxide in water.

So nitrogen oxide, phosphorous oxide, sulphur dioxide.

And then we've got the space for you to write the colour of the universal indicator solution or paper, depends on what's given to you.

And then you're going to say, is that acidic, is it neutral, or is it alkaline? So you're going to say acid, neutral, or alkaline.

And you're going to write a conclusion about the pH of the non-metal oxides in water using results from your experiment.

And you may use this sentence data below.

So it says "Some, all, or none of the non-metal oxides in water turned universal indicator.

." And you're gonna say what colour it turned them or colours it turned them, and you're going to give me a reason for that.

So you're gonna write "because.

." and then complete that reason.

So pause video while you carry out that little experiment and those tasks, and then press play and we'll go through the answers together.

So, well done for completing that experiment.

So your results may look similar to this.

So colour of the universal indicator, the nitrogen oxide is going to make it either red or orange, and that means it's acidic, so it's an acid.

Phosphorous oxide, again, is going to turn them red or orange, and that's also going to be an acid.

Sulphur dioxide is going to turn it red or orange, and that's also going to be an acid.

And then you're going to write this conclusion, so "All of the non-metal oxides in water turned universal indicator red or orange because they're all acidic." So, well done if you got all of that correct.

Here's a summary for today's lesson about metal oxides and non-metal oxides.

A metal oxide consists of metal atoms bonded to oxygen atoms. Metal oxides are bases and can react with acids to neutralise them.

Metal oxide plus acid makes metal salt and water.

And non-metal oxide consists of non-metal atoms bonded to oxygen atoms. And non-metal oxides in water make acidic solutions.

Well done for working really hard during this lesson.

I hope you're feeling more confident now about metal oxides and non-metal oxides.

I hope you enjoyed making copper sulphate crystals and testing those non-metal oxides to see if they were acidic or not.

So, well done for working really hard this lesson, and I hope to see you again sometime soon.