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Hello, my name is Miss Crayno.

I'm so pleased you have joined me today.

Together, we are going to travel back in time to learn about an exciting time in history.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to describe the events that led to the rise of Islam.

Here are some keywords that will help you make sense of today's learning.

You might want to make a note of these words and start a word bank that would help you throughout this series of lessons.

Let's read the keywords: Islam, revelation, migration, Qur'an.

I'll read these words again, but this time, you can read them with me.

Islam, revelation, migration, Qur'an.

But what do these words mean? Let's find out.

Islam is a religion followed by Muslims, who believe that there is only one God, Allah.

A revelation is a special message to someone from a divine being or God.

A journey to a new home is called migration, and the Qur'an is the Islamic holy book.

Today's lesson about Muhammad, the Qur'an, and the rise of Islam is split into three parts.

In the first part, we are going to find out more about Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah.

Baghdad, the capital city of Iraq, has a rich and interesting history.

Nowadays, it is a busy, modern city situated on the elegant Tigris River, where traffic roars around busy high-rise buildings, but if we were to travel back in time more than 1,000 years ago, we'd find a Baghdad where goods were transported, not by cars and lorries, but by camel, where you'd be welcomed by the voices of merchants and traders haggling over the price of exotic spices from India, colourful silks from China, and delicious honey from the Mediterranean.

It was a city where you could join a debate with scholars and intellectuals about science, art, medicine, and philosophy, and where you could marvel at the city's unique circular layout and spectacular architecture.

For the next 500 years, Baghdad, which is also known as the City of Peace, was a hugely important Islamic city that grew with the spread of Islam, and in this lesson and those that follow, we will find out more about Islam and Baghdad, and why it was known as the City of Peace.

The story of Islam and Baghdad starts with the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

He was a religious leader, and he was the first person to spread the message of Islam.

Muslims, the followers of Islam, believe it is respectful to say, "Peace be upon him," which is shortened to PBUH, after saying the Prophet Muhammad's name.

And according to Islamic belief, there is only one true God, Allah.

Muslims say (speaks Arabic), which is shortened to SWT and is Arabic for the most glorified, the most high, to glorify God when mentioning his name.

The Prophet Muhammad was born in the year 570 CE in Mecca, which is near the Red Sea on the Arabian Peninsula.

He was a merchant, and was well known for being a fair and just businessman.

Let's take a moment to check our understanding of what we have just learnt.

Which two statements about the Prophet Muhammad are true? A, he was born in Mecca.

B, he was born in Baghdad.

C, he spread the teachings of Islam.

D, he spread the teachings of Christianity.

Pause the video here, and when you are ready to hear the answer, press play.

Yes, the Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca, and he spread the teachings of Islam.

If you got those two right, well done! Muhammad enjoyed spending time on his own to pray and meditate.

He often went to a cave on Mount Hira, which is a mountain near Mecca, and it is here, according to Muslims, in the year 610 CE that he received a revelation, like a special dream or message.

In the revelation, he was visited by the angel Gabriel, a messenger of Allah, and the teachings of Islam were revealed to him, and it was then, according to Muslims, that Muhammad became a prophet of Allah; in other words, a messenger of Allah to tell people about Islam and to show people how to live a good life.

This timeline shows the year of Muhammad's birth, which is the year 570 CE, and it also shows the year of Muhammad's first revelation, which is the year 610 CE.

Now let's take a moment to consolidate what we have just learnt.

Which two statements about the Prophet Muhammad are true? A, he received a revelation from Allah.

B, he lived in a cave.

C, he became a prophet on Mount Hira.

D, he was born a prophet.

You can pause the video here, and when you are ready, press play to hear the answers.

Did you say that Muhammad received a revelation from Allah and that he became a prophet on Mount Hira? Well done if you did! Well, we are now ready for our first learning task of this lesson.

Put the events in the correct order by numbering them 1 to 3.

Then add the correct date to the event.

So here are the three events: Muhammad becomes a prophet.

Muhammad is born in Mecca.

Muhammad receives a revelation on Mount Hira.

Press pause, and once you have ordered these events and added the dates, press play to check your answers.

Let's correctly order these events and add dates.

The first event is Muhammad is born in Mecca, and that happened in the year 570 CE.

Secondly, Muhammad received a revelation on Mount Hira.

and that was in the year 610 CE.

And in that same year, Muhammad became a prophet.

That was the third event.

Well done if you got the order and the date correct.

We are now ready to move on to the second part of this lesson, which is all about the Qur'an.

Following the revelation on Mount Hira, the Prophet Muhammad started telling people about the word of Allah and how to live a good life.

He received many more revelations over the next 22 years.

These messages were later written down and compiled into a holy book called the Qur'an, the sacred scripture of Islam.

The Qur'an was revealed in Arabic, and Muslims believe that it should not be translated so that its original meaning is not lost.

We will now check our understanding of what we have just learnt.

Complete the sentence: The sacred book of Islam is called mm.

Pause the video, and when you are ready to hear the answer, press play.

Did you say that the sacred book of Islam is called the Qur'an? If you did, well done! We have now come to the second learning task of this lesson, where you are asked to write one or two sentences explaining why the Qur'an is important to Muslims. You could start your sentence like this: The Qur'an is important to Muslims because.

Pause the video here to give yourself enough time to write one or two sentences, and when you are ready to reflect on the answer, press play.

Here is a model answer.

The Qur'an is important to Muslims because they believe that it is the word of Allah, as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

It also tells Muslims how to live a good life.

Well done if your answer was fairly similar to the model answer.

And that brings us to the final part of this lesson, where we will find out what the Hijra was.

At that time in Mecca, the Arabic people followed a few different religions, and one of the main ones was the practise of worshipping many gods.

So in 613 CE, when Muhammad started telling the people of Mecca to worship only one God, Allah, and to be generous with their money, some of the city's leaders became angry with him.

He was teaching new ideas that they did not agree with.

The leaders of Mecca were worried that the places where they worshipped their many gods would be destroyed, and the merchants and traders were worried that people would say that they are greedy.

Soon, Muhammad and his followers were persecuted for teaching the message of Islam.

That means that they were being treated badly by the people of Mecca.

We can now check our understanding of what we have just learnt.

Let's look at this statement.

Some of Mecca's city leaders did not agree with the Prophet Muhammad's teachings.

Is that true or false? Pause the video here, and when you're ready to hear the answer, press play.

Yes, the answer is True, but what were the consequences of this statement? Is it that Muhammad and his followers were jailed in Mecca, or is it that Muhammad and his followers were persecuted and forced to leave Mecca? Pause the video, and when you are ready to hear the answer, press play.

Yes, the answer is that Muhammad and his followers were persecuted, and they were forced to leave Mecca.

Well done if you got that right.

The Prophet Muhammad and his followers were worried that the people in Mecca who did not agree with the Islamic teachings might hurt him and his followers.

That is why they decided to leave Mecca and migrate to Medina, a nearby city.

They reached Medina in the year 622 CE, which is considered the starting date for the history of Islam.

Muhammad's migration to Medina is known as the Hijra.

Well, let's check our understanding of what we have just learnt.

Why is the year 622 CE an important date for Muslims? Choose two correct answers.

Is it A, the Prophet Muhammad received a revelation, or is it B, the year of the Hijra, or C, that it marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar? You can pause the video here, and when you're ready to hear the answer, press play.

Yes, the answers are that it was the year of the Hijra, but it also marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.

Good job.

We have now reached the final task of this lesson, and you are asked to write a short paragraph to explain what the Hijra was.

A good explanation should include the following: the Prophet Muhammad's teaching in Mecca, persecution, migrated, and Medina.

Pause the video here to give yourself enough time to write a short paragraph, and when you are ready to reflect on the answer, press play.

Well done for completing that task.

Here is an answer that you could have given.

The Prophet Muhammad started teaching his revelations to the people of Mecca in the years 613 CE.

Not everybody agreed with his messages, and soon he and his followers were persecuted by the leaders of the city.

In 622 CE, Muhammad and his followers decided to flee Mecca, and they migrated to Medina.

This journey is called the Hijra.

Well done if your answer looks similar to this model answer, particularly if you managed to get the same words and phrases that are highlighted in blue.

We have now reached the end of today's lesson, but before we go, let's summarise what we have learnt.

Baghdad, the City of Peace, was a hugely important Islamic city for about 500 years that grew with the spread of Islam.

Muslims believe Muhammad, a merchant from Mecca, became a prophet in the year 610 CE by receiving revelations from Allah.

These revelations were first spread orally, and then written down in a single text known as the Qur'an.

The leaders of Mecca rejected Muhammad's revelations, forcing him to flee to escape persecution.

The Hijra was the migration of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina, in 622 CE.

Well done for all your hard work today.

I've enjoyed supporting you on this learning journey, and I hope you join me again for more learning about the early Islamic civilization.