
Lesson video

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Hello, you brilliant bunch.

Welcome to our final lesson in our music and movement unit, using symbols to represent pitch.

This lesson is notating four notes on our simplified musical stave.

This is really exciting because we're bringing all of our learning together and we'll still do plenty of singing.

Let's go.

By the end of this lesson, you'll be able to say, "I can identify the notes of a four note song and place those four notes on a musical stave." Let's begin by looking at our key words.


Pitch is how high or how low a note is.

Melody, that's a combination of notes to make a memorable tune.

A note is a single sound in music.

The stave, the lines on which musical notes are placed.

And lastly, notation.

That's a way of writing music down.

We're going to begin with our warmup because we do every lesson.

We know how important it is to warm up our bodies and our voices and our minds.

So we're ready to move and sing together.

We always stretch our muscles before any form of exercise.

And singing's no different because we've got much smaller muscles here, which we're going to warm up too.

Warming up, helps keep our body safe and our voice safe and protects us from injuring it.

So I'd like you to follow these warmups so that you're ready for singing.

Here they come.

(rhythmic drumming) ♪ Reach up to the sky and down to the ground ♪ ♪ To the side, to the side ♪ ♪ Turn around and clap ♪ (rhythmic drumming) ♪ Reach up to the sky and down to the ground ♪ ♪ To the side, to the side ♪ ♪ Turn around and clap ♪ (rhythmic drumming) ♪ Reach up to the sky and down to the ground ♪ ♪ To the side, to the side ♪ ♪ Turn around and clap ♪ <v ->Let's warm up all the muscles of our faces.

</v> Show me your happy face.

Show me your grumpy face.

Show me your big face! (whispers) Show me your small face.

Show me your silly face! Show me your thinking face.

<v ->Join in with these breathing exercises.

Copy me.

</v> (blows hands) (imitates a tyre deflating) ♪ Ah, ah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah ♪ She sells seashells by the sea shore.

She sells seashells by the sea shore.

<v ->Super duper.

Well done so far.

</v> Now there are three additional chants and songs that you can join in with.

We have "Two, Four, Six, Eight." "Kumala vista" and "Baby One, Two, Three." (rhythmic drumming) <v Instructor>(sings) Ready, steady.

Off we go.

</v> ♪ Two, Four, Six, Eight ♪ ♪ Meet me at the garden gate ♪ ♪ If I'm late, don't wait ♪ ♪ Two, Four, Six, Eight ♪ ♪ Kumala, Kumala, Kumala vista ♪ ♪ Kumala, Kumala, Kumala vista ♪ ♪ Oh no, no, no, no vista ♪ ♪ Oh no, no, no, no vista ♪ ♪ Ine mene decemimi ooh ah la inemine ♪ ♪ Ine mene decemimi ooh ah la inemine ♪ ♪ Stata duden raden duden ra ra ra ♪ ♪ Stata duden raden duden ra ra ra ♪ ♪ Kumala, Kumala, Kumala vista ♪ ♪ Kumala, Kumala, Kumala vista ♪ ♪ Oh no, no, no, no vista ♪ ♪ Oh no, no, no, no vista ♪ ♪ Ine mene decemimi ooh ah la inemine ♪ ♪ Ine mene decemimi ooh ah la inemine ♪ ♪ Stata duden raden duden ra ra ra ♪ ♪ Stata duden raden duden ra ra ra ♪ ♪ Kumala, Kumala, Kumala vista ♪ ♪ Kumala, Kumala, Kumala vista ♪ ♪ ♪ Oh no, no, no, no vista ♪ ♪ Oh no, no, no, no vista ♪ ♪ Ine mene decemimi ooh ah la inemine ♪ ♪ Ine mene decemimi ooh ah la inemine ♪ ♪ Stata duden raden duden ra ra ra ♪ ♪ Stata duden raden duden ra ra ra ♪ ♪ Kumala, Kumala, Kumala vista ♪ ♪ Kumala, Kumala, Kumala vista ♪ ♪ Oh no, no, no, no vista ♪ ♪ Oh no, no, no, no vista ♪ ♪ Ine mene decemimi ooh ah la inemine ♪ ♪ Ine mene decemimi ooh ah la inemine ♪ ♪ Stata duden raden duden ra ra ra ♪ ♪ Stata duden raden duden ra ra ra ♪ (piano plays joyful melody) ♪ Head and shoulders baby, one, two, three ♪ ♪ Head and shoulders baby, one, two, three ♪ ♪ Head and shoulders, Head and shoulders, ♪ ♪ Head and shoulders, baby, one, two, three ♪ ♪ Shoulders, elbows, baby, one, two, three ♪ ♪ Shoulders, elbows, baby, one, two, three ♪ ♪ Shoulders, elbows, Shoulders, elbows, ♪ ♪ Shoulders, elbows, shoulders, elbows, ♪ ♪ Shoulders, elbows, baby, one, two, three ♪ ♪ Elbows, knees, baby, one, two, three ♪ ♪ Elbows, knees, baby, one, two, three ♪ ♪ Elbows, knees, elbows, knees, baby, one, two, three ♪ ♪ Knees and toes, baby, one, two, three ♪ ♪ Knees and toes, baby, one, two, three ♪ ♪ Knees and toes, knees and toes, ♪ ♪ Knees and toes, baby, one, two, three ♪ <v ->Brilliant.

Hopefully we're all feeling ready to sing.

</v> As Alex says, his muscles are loose, so our body's been warmed up.

Aisha says her throat feels relaxed, so our voice is warmed up.

And Lucas says he's alert and ready to focus.

So our minds have been warmed up too.

Looking at today's lesson outline, we can see there are two learning cycles.

The first one, is working with our four notes, and the second one, is notating a four note song on our stave.

So let's start with working on our four notes.

We're going to sing and play "Sorida".

As you sing, you're going to notice how that song starts on a higher pitch and finishes on a lower pitch.

Watch the clip first.

Here it comes.

<v Instructor>(sings) Ready, steady, off we go.

</v> ♪ Sorida, Sorida, Rida, Rida ♪ ♪ Sorida, Sorida, Rida, Rida ♪ ♪ Da da da, da da da, ♪ ♪ Rida Rida, da da da ♪ ♪ Da da da, Rida Rida ♪ <v ->Okay, now we know how we're going</v> to be singing and playing "Sorida".

Pause the video.

You can use the audio track to sing along and do clock.

Where dos that high pitch start and the low pitch start? You are starting on a high pitch and you are finishing on a lower pitch.

Off you go.

With our song, "Sorida," we have three pitches, the high, the low, and the lower.

And we can see that when we use our pitch actions.

So hands on our shoulders for So- on our knees for ri-, and we touch our toes for da- So- ri- da-.

And the pitch is going down.

With those pitch actions, we can always feel that pitch moving to a higher or lower part of the melody.

When we sing, we can also use the Solfege syllables.

And the three that we're using are so, mi, and do.

So now we're going to sing, Sorida, using the Solfege symbols and using our pitch actions.

I'm going to put the track on in a moment.

So I'd like you to make sure you have space and be ready to join in singing so, mi, and do and showing those with our pitch actions.

Here comes the track.

<v Instructor>(sings) Ready, steady, off we go.

</v> ♪ So, mi, do, So, mi, do, ♪ ♪ Mi do, mi do, mi do ♪ ♪ So mi do, So mi do ♪ ♪ Mi do, mi do ♪ ♪ Do do do, do do do ♪ ♪ Mi do, mi do, do do do, do do do ♪ ♪ Mi do, mi do ♪ <v ->Very well done.

</v> Now if we just listen to the melody of the second part of our song, ♪ Da da da, da da da ♪ I'd like you to tell me what is it you notice about the pitch? How could you describe the pitch for that second part of the song? Have a think.

You might have said, that the pitch stays the same.

The notes are the same so the pitch stays the same.

It's not getting higher or lower.

Great answers, everyone.

Well done.

You're now going to sing and play "Ickle Ockle".

And when you do, I'd like you to notice when the pitch moves like this.

♪ So mi do ♪ Listen out for that.

<v Instructor>(sings) Ready, steady, ready go.

</v> (overlapping lyrics) ♪ Please choose me ♪ <v Instructor>(sings) Ready, steady, ready go.

</v> (overlapping lyrics) ♪ Please choose me ♪ <v ->Lovely stuff.

</v> Did you notice, did you hear that high, low, and lower pitch in "Ickle Ockle"? Where was it? Where did that come in the song? Where did we hear, So mi do? Have you got it? It was, (sings) "Please choose me." So this time when you sing, I'd like you to perform the pitch actions when you hear that pattern.

♪ So mi do ♪ ♪ Ready, steady, off we go ♪ ♪ So, so, mi mi ♪ ♪ So, mi mi ♪ ♪ So so, la la, so ♪ ♪ So, so, mi mi ♪ ♪ So, mi, so mi do ♪ <v ->Super duper, really well done.

</v> Now a quick check-in for you, which pitch action shows the lowest pitch? Is it A, our hands on our heads? B, our hands on our toes? Or C, our hands on our knees? Which pitch action shows the lowest note? You can point to A, B, or C.

Very well done.

It is hands on toes.

The lowest action we do, shows the lowest pitch.

Now then, which word in our song has the lowest pitch? So when we're singing "Ickle Ockle" and we're doing those actions, when do we sing that lowest note? What word do we sing that on? Have a think.

Have a check.

Maybe sing it through.

Do those actions.

Let's see if you are right.

June tells us we touched our toes when we sang the last word of the song.

It was mi.

Mi is our do, our lowest pitch.

Ah, thanks Lucas.

The last word of the song has the lowest pitch.

If you got that right, well done.

We're now going to sing and play "Apple Tree," and we're going to do it in a slightly different way.

Because this time there'll be an instrument in the middle of the circle, something like a drum, something that we can tap to keep a steady beat.

Because the person who goes out, isn't really out, they get to go in the middle and play the steady beat throughout the song.

So that player in the middle will change places with the next person who's out and they get to rejoin the game.

So each time you go out, you are in the middle and along to the song being sung, you're tapping the steady beat on the instrument.

Okay? It's time to pause and play and sing "Apple Tree" where you are.

Off you go.


Okay, now we're going to sing "Apple Tree" and instead of the words we'll use our Solfege syllables and pitch actions.

So just like this, you can see the pitch actions on the screen if you need them.

The track is going to come on and I'd like you to follow So so mi, so so mi and so on for the Apple Tree tune all the way through.

Here comes the track.

Let's be ready.

Ready to put our hands on our shoulders? Here it comes.

<v Instructor>(sings) Ready, steady, off we go.

</v> ♪ So, so mi, so, so mi ♪ ♪ So so la la, so so mi ♪ ♪ So so mi mi ♪ ♪ So so mi ♪ ♪ So so la la, so so do ♪ <v ->Very well done indeed.

Great stuff.

</v> You are welcome if you would like to, to pause the video and to practise that again using the audio track to help you.

If you'd like to, pause now.

Great job, everyone.

There are two questions for you, which is the highest note in our song Apple Tree? And then which is the lowest note in Apple Tree? So have a think.

Probably when your hands were highest, singing our highest pitch.

Which note was that? Have a think.

Who's going to tell us? Izzy's going to tell us the highest pitch that we sing is, la.

and we show by touching our heads to show that's our highest pitch and the highest pitch we have.

Do mi so la, the highest note is la.

So then, might have given you a clue, which is our lowest note? Have a check.

Hope I didn't give it away.

It is do, the lowest pitch in the song is do.

We touched our toes, says Laura, when we did this.


Wonderful, you are doing brilliantly.

And so we're ready for our first task.

In a moment we'll pause the video and that's gonna give you time to split into two groups.

Each group is either going to sing a line of the song or the Solfege syllables and it'll work like an echo.

One group will sing the words "Apple Tree, Apple Tree" and the other group will respond with the Solfege syllables.

So so mi, so, so mi.

Okay? You're going to pause the video.

There's an audio track to help you.


Remember the echo is the same tune, the same melody.

One is the words, the other is the Solfege syllables.

Off you go.

Crikey, well done everyone that's really good.

Let's see how you did.

Let's check in.

Did each group sing the same pitch? Did you mirror, did you echo that same pitch? If you did, super duper.

Did both groups sing clearly? Maybe you were singing at a similar volume? 'Cause an echo is probably going to be the same as much as we can be.

And did you show the pitch using actions? Did you use your pitch actions to help you? And did you use the correct Solfege syllables for each line of the song? Sometimes when I do the pitch actions that helps me say the right Solfege syllables.

You are welcome to pause here and have a second go and check that you got all of those things right.

So pause now, see how well you did, and I'll see you in a moment.

You are doing so well.

It's now time for the second half of our lesson.

We're going to notate a four note song on our musical stave.

We can notate songs using our stave.

A notation is to write it down.

Sometimes before we write it down, as Lucas says, we can use those pitch actions as we sing to help us feel, are those notes getting higher or are those notes lower? And Aisha reminds us, we can place those high and low notes on a stave to remember them for another day.

Our song, Sorida, uses three notes.

Our lower pitch, (sings) do.

Our low pitch, (sings) mi.

And our high pitch, (sings) so.

♪ Do mi so ♪ And we remember that pitch is, describing how high or how low the note is.

If we look at those, (sings)do mi so, on our stave, we can have our high note, (sings) so, on our high line, (sings) mi, on our low line and (sings) do, on our lower line.

So you can see the lower pitches are on the lower lines.

Sam points out, so, has a higher pitch than mi, and do, has a lower pitch than mi.

I would now like you to sing the first line of Sorida and using the pitch actions.

♪ Ready, steady off we go ♪ ♪ Sorida Sorida ♪ Very good.

Now I have a question for you: Which of the following shows the correct notation for that first line of, Sorida? Is it A or is it B? You'll have just done the pitch actions, so that should help you decide is A correct or is B correct? Have a think and then point to the one you think is showing the correct notation.


It is A.

(sings) High low, lower, So-ri-da.

Wonderful, well done.

There are four notes in our song Apple Tree and here they are, our lower pitch, do.

A low pitch, mi.

A high pitch, so.

And our higher pitch, la.

We can see the notes going from do, our lowest pitch, all the way up to la, our highest pitch.

And we remember that pitch is the musical word we use for describing how low or how high a note is.

You're now going to sing Apple Tree and I'd like you to use the Solfege syllables.

So when you do, you can point to each of those apples.

As you're pointing, you'll see if you're pointing higher or lower and just notice how the pitch moves up and down.

So pause the video, use the audio track to help you and sing along to Apple Tree using do mi so and la.

Off you go.

Very good.

And now that you've explored the pitches using your finger, we're now going to put that onto a musical stave.

So the four notes we're using are do, that's our lowest, then mi, next one up is so, and our higher note, la.

Remember where they sit on the stave.

La's the one that sits on the line, do mi and so are almost threaded onto the line.

And we know that do is our lowest, la is our highest, good.

Here's a check.

I'm gonna ask you to pause the video and I would like you to name each of those notes on the stave.

Pause now, and I'll see you in a moment to see how you did.

Off you go.

Let's see how you did.

Here they come.

The first note is so, and our second, mi.

Our highest note is la and our lowest note is do.

If you got all those right, really well done.

It's time now for our task.

It's our last task of this lesson and we're going to write the music for Apple Tree.

We're going to notate it on the stave.

The first line has been done for us.

You can see, Apple Tree, apple tree.

So so mi, so so mi.

What's not done is the second line, Will your apples fall on me? So your job is to write those in.

The third line's been done for us, I won't cry and I won't shout.

And then you'll do the last line, If your apples knock me out.

So pause the video here and complete the notation for our song, Apple Tree.

Off you go.

Right then, let's see how we all did.

The first line we know is done for us.

We have so so mi, so so mi.

And the second line was your turn.

This one for, Will your apples fall on me? Goes, so so la la so so mi.

If you got that right, brilliant.

You might have used your finger to check that the pitch was going in the right direction.

As you were singing, you might have used the pitch actions.

The next line was done for us.

So so mi mi, so so mi.

Same as the first and the last one, and this is the one that uses our newer lowest note so far, do, says so so la la, so so do.

And if you got that right, then that's brilliant.

Really well done.

That shows that you have notated a four line song.


And you're done.

That concludes our lesson.

So let's have a recap on what we've learned.

We know that we warm up our voices, that keeps our voices safe and we know how important that is.

We know melodies are made up of high and low notes.

We can use pitch actions as we sing to help us hear the patterns of high and low notes.

And we can show how high or low a note is, by using a musical stave.

And lastly, we know how to place do, mi, so, and la, on the stave to notate a song.

You have done brilliantly.

Great to see you all.

See you again soon.
