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Hello, my name is Mrs. Mehrin and I'm really excited to be learning all about nutrient-rich meals with you today.

And today we are going to be doing and reviewing.

Let's begin.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit Healthy Eating.

Your learning outcome is I can follow a plan to make a nutrient-rich meal and review the outcome.

Now, I know that learning can sometimes be a little bit challenging, but that's okay because it just means that we are going to be learning some fabulous new things together and we are going to work really, really hard.

Now, I am going to be referring to the previous lesson as well.

So if you have done that lesson already, that's fantastic.

That's really gonna help you with today's lesson.

So let's begin.

Here are your four keywords for today's lesson and alongside these are the definitions.

I am going to be referring to these throughout today's lesson.

However, if you find it helpful, you can pop the video on pause and you can jot these down.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So our lesson is split into two parts today.

Let's begin with the first part, processed food.

So Jacob's favourite meal is pizza, chips and chocolate cake.

And Jacob says, "I have used the Eatwell plate and nutrition information on the food packaging and notice that these foods do not contain the nutrients needed for a healthy meal.

Now, if you did the previous lesson, we went through the Eatwell plate and how the Eatwell plate really helps us to have a balanced, healthy diet.

It allows us to have those treats sometimes, but it really helps us to balance out our food and what we're eating each day so that we are making good choices.

Now, if you're not sure what the Eatwell plate looks like, you can always go back to the previous lesson and have a look at it.

So it's important to plan healthy meals to make sure that your body is getting the nutrients that it needs.

And Jacob asks, "I wonder if there is a way to make my favourite meal healthier?" What do you think? What could Jacob do to make his favourite meals healthier? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So Jacob uses secondary sources and finds a recipe for an alternative healthy pizza meal.

And Jacob says, "I found this recipe on a website.

I will use a tortilla app, cheese and some tomato puree.

I will also add peppers as a topping." Jacob says, "I'm also going to swap chips for a baked sweet potato and swap the chocolate cake for a fruit salad.

I can't wait to make this for my dinner this evening." Those sound like some fantastic alternatives that Jacob has come up with and they sound delicious as well.

So let's do a quick check-in of your learning before we continue.

What can we use to help us make sure that our body gets the nutrients that it needs, is it A, a plan, B, a method, or C, a conclusion? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, off you go.

Fantastic, well done, the answer is a plan.

Now Laura says, "I don't need to know how to make my own food.

I can buy and eat ready-made meals and also food from fast food takeaway shops." Now ready-meal or takeaway meals are a type of processed food.

So do you know what a processed food is? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So processed food is any food that has been altered in some way during preparation.

So this chicken has been processed to make chicken nuggets and the potatoes have been altered to make chips.

Now processed foods often have added sugar, salt, or fat used to improve the flavour or to make the food stay fresh and edible for longer.

So chicken nuggets are fried in oils and can contain high amounts of fat and salt, whereas fresh chicken breasts contains high levels of protein and just a small amount of fat.

Now, people are often unaware of how much sugar, salt, and fat there is in processed foods.

This means they may have more sugar, salt, and fat in their diet than what's recommended.

So you can use nutrition information on food labels, such as this one in this picture here, to find out about nutrients in food, including how much fat, sugar and salt these food contains.

So for example, this nutritional information label here is telling us that per biscuit there are 84 calories, which is 4% of what an adult should be having daily.

It contains 6% of the fat that an adult is allowed per day and it is got a lot of sugar and saturates as well.

So overall, this is not the healthiest option to go for because just eating one biscuit is having a massive impact on the daily allowance that you are allowed.

Now, one-off treats here and there, that's okay, but if you were to be having these every single day, they would not be good for you.

So let's do a quick check-in of your learning.

So true or false, humans should regularly eat a lot of processed foods.

What do you think? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, off you go.

Fantastic, well done, the answer is false.

Now why do you think that is? Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

That's because processed foods often have added salt, sugar, and fat.

So now we are on to the first task of your lesson today and it says, "Order the cards for these foods and drinks from least processed to most processed, and use the information on the worksheet to help you." So here we have got our fruits, so you've got fruit juice, you've got jams, you've got strawberries, and then you have got some dried fruits as well.

You've got carbohydrates, you've got chips, you've got crisps, potatoes, and some more chips as well.

So what you're going to do is I want you to order the cards for these foods and drinks from the least processed to the most processed.

And you can use the information on the worksheet to help you with this as well.

So I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go at doing this activity, off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So here we've got fresh strawberries, these are the least processed because these are completely natural.

And then you've got a homemade strawberry juice.

So again, if you're making it at home, you're probably most likely just blending the strawberries.

You might add a little bit of some other flavours into it, but it's not gonna be super unhealthy.

You're not going to be adding loads of salt and loads of sugar into it, especially when you're making it at home.

Your shop bought dried strawberries are next, and then finally the shop bought strawberry jam.

So in order to make jam, a lot of sugar is often used and it can be quite unhealthy if you were to have a lot of it.

So the boiled potatoes in the carbohydrates are the least processed, those are natural.

And so if you were to have those, you would not be eating processed food.

Homemade oven chips are next.

You've got your shop bought chips, and then you've got your potato crisps.

So now we are on to the second part of our learning today, which is making and cooking healthy food, let's begin.

So Jacob says, "I told my teacher that I planned and made a healthy meal.

They were very impressed with me and told me that this is an important life skill, but I'm not sure what this means." Do you know, do you know what a life skill means? Okay, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So a life skill is a skill that's useful or important in life.

For example, cleaning or tying your shoelaces.

Do you know any other life skills? Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So you might have said things like cooking, for example, which we've already looked at.

You might have said reading, writing, all of those are life skills that you need.

So when we make food, we prepare it to be eaten.

We can prepare foods in different ways such as washing, chopping, slicing and peeling.

And when we cook food, we heat it up.

And this can be done in different ways such as by heating in a microwave, baking in an oven, boiling in a saucepan or frying in an air fryer.

Now let's do a quick check-in of your learning before we continue.

So true or false, being able to make and cook our own food is an important life skill.

Is that true or false? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, off you go.

Fantastic, well done, the answer is true.

Now, Jacob prepares and cooks food to make the tortilla pizza.

So he's got one tortilla, two tablespoons of tomato puree, 25 grammes of cheese, one pepper, one onion, two tablespoons of tinned sweetcorn and one tomato.

And Jacob says, "My pizza was really delicious and I enjoyed making it.

I think I should review my meal." How do you think Jacob can review his meal? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So to review something is to give your opinion about it and consider if it could be improved.

So Jacob says, "This pizza was quick and easy to make, which is great.

It tasted delicious.

I would improve it by adding other healthy toppings such as roasted vegetables." I think that is a fantastic idea, Jacob.

Now let's do a quick true or false before we continue further.

So a nutrient-rich meal can be reviewed and improved, is that true or false? So can you go back, can you review and improve it or do you think a nutrient-rich meal should just be left as is and not be changed or reviewed? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, off you go.

Fantastic, well done, the answer is true.

Now here is task two.

It says, "Follow the plan that you've made." So this will be from the previous lesson when we were planning our healthy meal.

So follow the plan that you've made to create a healthy meal.

Now, if you didn't do the previous lesson or you didn't get a chance to create a plan, that's okay because you can use this recipe here.

And then once you've made it, I want you to have a taste, think about what you liked about it, what you might improve.

And I want you to write a review just like Jacob did, it doesn't have to be really, really long, but just a review of what you thought about your meal, what made it healthy, what kind of things did you use to make it healthy? Maybe you could even challenge yourself and have a go, have a look at the Eatwell plate and see whether or not you have got a nice balance there of things from the Eatwell plate as well.

And then I want you to really think about what improvements you might make next time.

Here is the plan that we made last time.

Now remember, you may have a different plan, that's okay.

So place the tortilla on a baking tray.

Use a spoon to spread a thin layer of tomato puree on the tortilla.

Chop up the vegetables and spread across the tortilla.

Sprinkle a thin layer of cheese over the top of the vegetables and puree.

Bake in a fan oven at 200 degrees until the cheese has melted and the edge of the tortilla looks a golden colour.

So I want you to pause the video here and have a go at doing that, off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So here we have a picture of the tortilla pizza looking absolutely delicious.

So I asked you then to review your meal.

So remember Jacob's one said, "The healthy pizza I made was quick and simple to make.

It's tasted delicious.

I would improve it by adding cherry tomatoes.

I could also try adding some chicken breast as that has lots of protein in it." So I can tell that Jacob has been using the Eatwell plate to help him with this, it's fantastic, and he's decided to make a lot of the changes that I think I would make as well.

Now, is your review similar to that or different? Did you have some protein in yours already when you made your plan, or do you think you might add some in next time? So all of these questions for you to think about for next time.

So now we are onto the summary of our learning.

It's important to plan healthy meals to make sure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs.

Some processed food may have added salt, sugar, and fat that should be avoided.

Being able to make and cook healthy food is an important life skill and a nutrient-rich meal can be reviewed and improved.

Now you have worked really hard and I hope that you really enjoyed your nutrient-rich meal and that next time you make it, you are going to add in some of the improvements that you did in your review and I hope that you continue to make really good choices and use the Eatwell plate to help you.

Well done.