Hello, everybody.
My name is Mrs. Franson.
Welcome to Computing.
I'm really happy that you're here learning with me today.
Our lesson today is called Painting with Computers, and it's from the unit all about digital painting.
By the end of today's lesson, you will be able to use digital tools to draw a picture.
Now, don't worry if you haven't used a painting programme before because I will be here to help you every step of the way.
Let's look at the keywords for today's lesson.
So, we're going to use my turn, your turn for this, and then I want you to listen really carefully as I explain what the keywords mean.
Our first keyword is, my turn, painting programme.
Your turn.
That's great.
A painting programme is what we use to make digital artwork.
The next word is, my turn, tool.
Your turn.
A tool is something that you select in a programme to help you do a task.
My turn, erase.
Your turn.
That's great.
Erase is a tool that removes marks.
My turn, fill.
Your turn.
To fill up a closed shape with colour.
The first part of our lesson is all about using digital painting tools.
Are you ready? Let's go.
How do you think that this picture was made? Pause the video here to have a little think and maybe a little chat if there are people nearby about how you think this picture was made.
Now, there are lots of clues in this image.
Especially up at the top in the blue section, there are lots of clues about how this picture was made.
Have you you seen any of these symbols before? There are three symbols here, and they're really important in this lesson.
We'll be using them a lot.
What do you think they mean? You can pause this video here and have a little think.
I'll be waiting here for you.
Painting programmes are used to create digital artwork and pictures.
These are tools that can be used in painting programmes.
Did you hear some of our key words there? I said painting programmes and tools.
How do you choose which tool you want to use? Lucas says, "I use my finger to tap on the touch screen of my tablet." Aisha says, "I use a mouse to point and click on my computer." Lucas says, "I use my finger to tap on the touch screen of my tablet." And we've got a photo here and you should be able to see that there is someone in the photo using a tablet.
They are tapping on the touch screen with their finger.
Aisha says, "I use a mouse to point and click on my computer," and we've got a photo here and there is someone using a mouse.
They've got their finger on the buttons of the mouse, so they can click on the mouse.
Now, here's a little question for you to check if you've been paying attention.
True or false, all devices are controlled by using our fingers to tap on a touch screen.
Pause the video now and have a think.
The answer was false.
Well done if you got that correct.
Why? Not all devices use a touch screen.
Some devices are controlled by a mouse, or a track pad, or a different way.
This is a paintbrush tool.
Are you ready to see it? Here it is.
This is the symbol for a paintbrush tool.
It is used to make marks in a painting programme.
What kind of marks could you make in your painting programme? Here are some marks that you can make in your painting programme.
You can see that I've made an animation here.
I'm drawing a green line.
I'm making some blue dots, and we've got a curvy purple line too.
When you paint using the paintbrush tool, you can choose different colours.
You can change your colours by clicking on the one you want.
This is how it looks in my painting programme.
So in my painting programme, I've got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12 different colours and the big circle on the side is the colour that I have chosen.
This is an erase tool.
Ah, that was two of our keywords.
Did you hear them? Erase tool.
Here it is.
This is the symbol for an erase tool.
This is used to remove marks in a painting programme.
When do you think it would be helpful to remove marks? The erase tool is used to a, draw, b, change colour, or c, remove marks.
Pause the video and have a think about that, and come back when you're ready.
Well done.
The answer was c, remove marks.
Right, we are gonna get onto our first task now.
I'm gonna explain the task for you, and then I want you to pause the video and go and try out the task.
There are two parts of this task, so I'm gonna explain part one.
Painting three shapes.
I wonder what shapes you are going to choose.
Use the paintbrush tool to paint three shapes.
Use the erase tool to remove the shape.
Paint the shape again using a different colour.
Now, it's time to pause the video so you can go off and work on that task and I'll see you when you get back.
This is how I did the task.
Chose my colour.
I'm painting my circle.
There we go.
Choose a new colour.
What shape do you think? That is my red triangle.
I'm gonna select blue, and do my blue square.
Now I need to remember, I've got to erase something.
I need to choose the erase tool and erase my square.
I'm erasing the square with the erase tool.
I'm using it to remove all the blue marks in my painting programme.
And now that that's done, choosing a new colour, choosing the paintbrush tool, and drawing my shape again.
What shape was it? That's right, the square.
Just like that.
Now, we're on the second part of the task.
It says match the way that painting programmes are controlled.
And we have three photos here.
We've got tablet, phone, and mouse, and we also have got tap, point and click, and tap.
Pause the video now and see if you can match the images and the words on this slide.
Well done for giving that a go.
I matched tablet to tap, I matched point and click to mouse, and I matched phone to tap.
Well done forgiving that a try.
The next part of our lesson is called creating a digital painting.
Are you ready? Let's go.
This is the fill tool.
Two of our keywords.
Are you ready? This symbol is the fill tool.
The fill tool lets you colour in.
The fill tool will let you fill in a solid shape with colour.
Now, what do I mean by a solid shape? Let me show you.
Now, these images are gonna help you understand the solid shape.
A solid shape has aligned all the way around the shape with no gaps.
Can you see that both of my squares are solid shapes? I've got one solid unfilled shape and one solid filled shape, because both of them have got a line that goes all the way around it.
What if the shape has a gap? So I've coloured in my yellow circle, but when I try to colour in my square, let's see what happens.
Oops, there's a gap there.
I need to fill in that gap with some blue paint.
So, I'm gonna go to my blue paint, paint brush, and fix that gap.
So that when I go back to my fill tool, I can fill it in.
Now, which one is the fill tool? Is it a, b, or c? Pause the video and have a little think.
Well done, it is c.
The tools on our painting programme help us create all kinds of artworks.
You are going to use all of the tools that you have learned to create a digital painting of a person.
A person I bet you are already thinking of who you could paint.
And I have put here on this page some different painting faces that I have made to give you some ideas.
This is the next task.
Your task is to create your own digital painting.
Try and use all of the tools from this lesson.
When you are both ready, talk about your painting with a partner and I want to hear all of those key words.
I want to hear painting programme, tool, erase, and fill.
See how many of those words you can use when you talk about your painting.
It's time to pause the video now to go off and create your painting, and then talk about it with a partner.
Welcome back.
I'm sure you made something really interesting.
Let's see if you have followed all the steps.
Did you use the paintbrush tool? Did you use the erase tool? Did you use the fill tool? And did you try and change the colours like I did to choose different colours in your painting programme? when you talked about your painting with a partner, you might have said like Izzy, "I drew myself in my painting programme.
I used all of the tools." Well done, Izzy.
June said, "When I used the fill tool, I made a mistake so I used a raise to fix it.
Did you hear how much they were using those key words? I hope that you used some key words when you had your chat.
Let's summarise what we've learned today.
You've worked really hard and I'm sure you are proud of all those skills you've developed.
A painting programme is what you use to make digital artwork.
You can select digital tools in a programme by using a mouse or a touchscreen.
You can use the paintbrush tool to make marks and the erase tool to fix mistakes.
The fill tool lets you colour inside a close shape.
Well done on all that learning and I hope to see you back here with me soon.