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Hi, everyone.

My name is Ms. Boyle, and welcome to this lesson where you are going to be planning part one of the build-up of "The Firework-Maker's Daughter".

This lesson is based on this copy of "The Firework-Maker's Daughter" by Philip Pullman, and you may wish to refer to it.

Pause the video and get your copy of the book now.


Now, I know you have your copy with you.

During this lesson, you need to be listening and looking carefully and you'll need a piece of paper and pen or pencil for writing your plan.

I hope you're feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is: I can plan a well-structured paragraph for part one of the build-up.

Here are our keywords for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn: build-up, ambitious vocabulary, show and tell, plan.

Well done.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

The build-up in a narrative is the building of action and suspense that leads up to the climax.

Ambitious vocabulary is high-level language in writing that meets the text's purpose.

Show and tell is a writing technique for showing a character's feelings with description of their actions, body language, and facial expressions.

A plan is a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be preparing to plan and in the second part you will be writing your plan.

So let's begin with preparing to plan.

"The Firework-Maker's Daughter" can be structured like this: opening, build-up, climax, resolution.

In this lesson, we are planning the build-up.

The purpose of the build-up is to move the story forward and describe the main character's journey.

The build-up in Chapter 4 of "The Firework-Maker's Daughter" builds suspense around whether Lila will overcome challenges to reach her destination.

I am going to summarise the key moments for Lila in the build-up.

One: Lila tried to sleep but she couldn't.

She considered giving up.

Two: Lila continued.

The ground she was walking on became much steeper and she realised she was climbing the mountain.

Three: Lila slipped and fell down the mountain, losing a sandal In the process.

Four: She continued to climb higher, braving the heat with bare feet.

Five: Lila kept sliding backwards and she experienced such physical pain she felt like she might die.

Six: A huge stone rolled down towards Lila, but it missed her and the entrance to the grotto was uncovered.

You will be writing the build-up two parts.

In part one, you will be focusing on the following key moments in Lila's journey: One: She couldn't sleep and considered giving up.

We know at this point she felt tired and frustrated.

Two: She reached steeper ground and realised she was climbing the mountain.

She felt determined and optimistic at this point.

And three: Slipped and fell, caught her breath.

We know at this point she was feeling shocked and shaken.

You will be developing precise and ambitious vocabulary to describe this part of Lila's journey.

Let's check your understanding.

Order the following moments in Lila's journey.

A: the ground became steeper.

She realised she was on the mountain.

B: She couldn't sleep and she considered giving up.

C: She slipped and fell down the mountain.

Pause the video and number these one to three to show their order in the story now.

One: She couldn't sleep and she considered giving up.

Two: The ground became steeper.

She realised she was on the mountain.

And three: She slipped and fell down the mountain.

Well done for ordering these correctly.

It's important to get the chronology of the events in the build-up correct.

The use of precise and ambitious vocabulary helps to create vivid imagery in the reader's mind.

It is important we choose a range of adjectives, verbs, and adverbs that enhance the description of Lila's journey in the build-up.

It also allows us to convey Lila's emotions through show and tell.

For example, instead of saying "Lila couldn't sleep, she stood up," we could say "Lila struggled to sleep on the rough rocky ground.

Grumpily, she stood up." Here, the verb "struggled" is a very precise verb.

We have an expanded noun phrase, "rough, rocky ground", and an adverb which has been used as a fronted adverbial of manner to describe how Lila stood up.

Let's look at each moment in more detail.

For the first key moment when Lila couldn't sleep and considered giving up, we know she felt tired and frustrated.

We can use precise and ambitious vocabulary to describe the character and the setting.

Examples of ambitious adjectives we might use: we might describe the ground as sharp, rocky ground.

We might say she gave an exasperated sigh.

For precise verbs and adverbs, we could say the moon shone brightly.

That was why she couldn't sleep.

And grumpily, she pulled herself up.

Exasperated sigh is an example of show and tell.

It lets the reader know that the character is feeling frustrated without explicitly saying it.

Let's look at the key moment number two.

She reached steeper ground and realised she was climbing the mountain.

She felt determined and optimistic.

What precise and ambitious vocabulary could we use here? For ambitious adjectives: we might describe Lila's stride as purposeful.

We might say that she had tired, worn feet.

For precise verbs and adverbs: we could say the ground radiated heat.

Radiated is a very precise and descriptive verb Or determinedly, Lila powered on.

The verb "powered" is an example of show and tell.

It lets us know how Lila was walking and provides us with an understanding of the fact that she was feeling determined.

For the key moment number three: Lila slipped and fell and caught her breath.

We know she felt shocked and shaken at this point.

What precise and ambitious vocabulary could we use here? For ambitious adjectives we could say: loose, sharp rocks.

This provides detail about the setting.

And bruised, aching limbs.

For precise verbs and adverbs we might say: suddenly tumbled backwards.

Or heart pounded.

"Heart pounded" is an example of show and tell.

It lets us know that Lila is feeling shocked and shaken by describing a sensory experience she is having.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false? Using precise verbs and adverbs can convey a character's emotions.

Pause the video and select your answer now.

That is true.

Well done.

Can you justify your answer? A: Precise verbs and adverbs provide greater detail about a character's feelings through show and tell.

B: Precise verbs and adverbs form expanded noun phrases.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is A.

Well done.

Using precise verbs and adverbs can provide the reader with greater detail about how a character is feeling through show and tell.

Expanded noun phrases are very important to include in your writing.

We create those by using adjectives to describe nouns.

It's time for your task.

Fill in the blanks with precise and ambitious vocabulary.

I will read it to you now.

When she was unable to sleep on the.

ground, Lila questioned whether she even had the.

to continue.


, she stood up and let out a.

sigh, but then she reminded herself of the purpose of her.

The words are: rough, energy, frustrated, quest, grumpily and rocky.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back.

Let's take a look at the answers.

When she was unable to sleep on the rough, rocky ground, Lila questioned whether she even had the energy to continue.

Grumpily, she stood up and let out a frustrated sigh, but then she reminded herself of the purpose of her quest.

Well done for choosing precise and ambitious vocabulary to correctly complete this model right.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson where you will be writing your plan.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

Notes are concise and capture key vocabulary and information.

For the build-up, it is important you include precise and ambitious vocabulary.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

We use bullet points when note-taking.

They look like this.

Let's check your understanding.

What will you need to include in your plan? A: Full sentences with capital letters and full stops.

B: Bullet points for notes.

C: Precise and ambitious vocabulary.

D: Unnecessary information.

Pause the video and select your answers now.

In your plan, you will need to include bullet points for your notes and precise and ambitious vocabulary.

Well done.

It's now time for the first part of your plan.

Fill in the plan for the first key moment.

That key moment is: Lila couldn't sleep and she considered giving up on her quest.

You have a box to note-take for ambitious adjectives and another box to note-take for precise verbs and adverbs.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Let's take a look at some examples of note taking for the first key moment.

Lila couldn't sleep and she considered giving up on her quest.

For ambitious adjectives we have: rough, rocky ground, which describes the setting and gives detail as to why she couldn't sleep.

Exasperated sigh, which is an example of show and tell.

It lets us know that Lila was feeling frustrated.

Downbeat spirit.

This describes her mood.

For precise verbs and adverbs: Moon shone brightly.

This describes an aspect of the setting.


This is a precise verb that we could use when talking about Lila considering giving up on her quest.

We could say Lila questioned if she should even continue.

And grumpily stood up.

Here the adverb grumpily has been used to describe the way Lila stood up.

Well done for completing your plan for the first key moment.

It's now time for you to fill in the plan for the second key moment.

Lila continued on her journey.

The ground became steeper.

Develop ambitious adjectives and precise verbs and adverbs.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back.

I have loved reading your precise and ambitious vocabulary for the second key moment.

Let's share some examples.

Lila continued on her journey.

The ground became steeper.

For ambitious adjectives I saw: inclining ground.

The word inclining describes something that gets higher and steeper.

That is a fantastic precise adjective.

Sharp, jagged rocks.

This is a great expanded noun phrase to describe an element of the setting.

Tired, worn feet.

This doesn't just describe Lila's feet, but it also lets us know how her body was feeling.

For precise verbs and adverbs: Determinedly.

We can use this to describe how she continued her journey or how she walked.

Powered on.

Another precise verb to describe the way in which she walked.

And ground radiated heat.

This lets us know what Lila's sensory experiences were going through.

Well done for completing your plan for the second key moment.

It's now time for you to complete the plan for the third key moment.

Lila slipped and fell down the mountain.

Develop ambitious adjectives and precise verbs and adverbs.

Pause the video and do the task now.

You came up with such fantastic ideas that really demonstrated the shift in Lila's emotions, from that second key moment when she was feeling determined to now, when she's fallen down the mountain.

For ambitious adjectives we have: loose, crumbling rocks.

This describes the setting and gives hints about what might happen to Lila.

Rolling stone.

And injured aching limbs, which lets us know how much pain Lila is in.

For precise verbs and adverbs: Heart raced.

This describes a sensory experience for Lila and is an example of show and tell, letting us know that she's panicked or worried or shocked.

Suddenly tumbled.

This is a great example because the word "tumbled" is a very precise verb, to give us detail about how Lila fell.

And battered and bruised.

We might say the rocks battered and bruised Lila.

Really powerful verbs.

Well done for completing your plan for the third key moment.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

The purpose of a build-up is to move the main character's journey forward and build tension.

Precise and ambitious vocabulary create vivid images for the reader for each key moment of the build-up.

An effective plan has vocabulary organised concisely and neatly.

Careful verb and adverb selection can convey characters feelings through show and tell.

And the emotions of the character change through the key moments of the build-up.

Well done for your hard work creating your plan and preparing to write part one of the build-up.

I have really enjoyed teaching you this lesson.