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Hi, everyone.

My name is Ms. Voyle, and welcome to this lesson where you will be planning part one of the climax of "The Firework-Maker's Daughter." This lesson is based on this copy of "The Firework-Maker's Daughter" by Philip Pullman, and you may wish to refer to it.

Pause the video and get your copy now.

Great, now I know you have your copy of the book with you.

During this lesson, you'll need to be listening and looking carefully.

There'll be tasks where you need somebody to talk to, and you'll need a piece of paper and pen or pencil for writing your plan.

I hope you're feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is: I can plan a well-structured paragraph for part one of the climax.

Here are the keywords for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them, my turn, your turn.


Ambitious vocabulary.

Show and tell.


Great job, well done.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

The climax of a story is the point in the narrative where the suspense and excitement reaches its highest point.

Ambitious vocabulary is high-level language in writing that meets the text's purpose.

Show and tell is a writing technique for showing a character's feelings with description of their actions, body language and facial expressions.

And a plan is a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be preparing to plan, and in the second part you will be writing the plan.

So let's begin with preparing to plan.

"The Firework-Maker's Daughter" can be structured like this: Opening, build-up, climax, resolution.

In this lesson, we are planning the climax.

The purpose of the climax is to describe the main action and take the suspense and excitement to its highest point.

The climax in Chapter 5 continues to build suspense and causes the reader to question whether Lila will succeed and survive.

Summarising the key moments for Lila in the climax: Let's remind ourselves what happened.

"Lila entered the Grotto hopeful, but she found only silence and darkness." "A flicker of light became a thousand fireflies who lit up the cave." "The great fire spirit Razvani emerged from the centre of the light." "Razvani was furious and mocked Lila for coming empty handed." "Razvani instructed Lila to enter the flames anyway, and she did." "Lila couldn't cope with the agonising heat.

Then Chulak arrived, she drank the magical water and survived the flames." You will be writing the climax in two parts.

In part one, you will be focusing on the following key moments in Lila's quest: First, she entered the Grotto, and all she found was silence and darkness.

We know that at this point she felt disappointed and deflated.

Second, she saw a flicker of light that turned into a thousand fireflies.

She was stunned and mesmerised by what was before her.

Third, the fire spirit, Razvani, emerged.

She was terrified by his presence and anxious about what would happen next.

You will be developing precise and ambitious vocabulary to describe this part of Lila's quest.

Let's check your understanding.

Order the following moments in Lila's journey.

A, a flicker of light became a thousand fireflies who lit up the cave.

B, Lila found only silence and darkness when she entered the Grotto.

C, the great fire spirit, Razvani, emerged from the centre of the light.

Pause the video now and number these one to three to show the order in which they happen.

Let's take a look at the answers.

First, Lila found only silence and darkness when she entered the Grotto.

Second, a flicker of light became a thousand fireflies who lit up the cave.

And third, the great fire spirit, Razvani, emerged from the centre of the light.

Well done for ordering the key moments.

The use of precise and ambitious vocabulary helps to create vivid imagery in the reader's mind.

It is important we choose a range of adjectives, verbs, and adverbs that enhance the description of the climax.

It also allows us to convey Lila's emotions through show and tell.

For example, instead of saying: "Lila entered the cave.

She found silence and darkness." We could say: "As Lila ventured deeper into the rocky chamber, she heard only stark silence and the darkness of the sheer walls began to crush her spirits." Let's take a closer look at this sentence.

I will read it to you again.

"As Lila ventured deeper into the rocky chamber, she heard only stark silence and the darkness of the sheer walls began to crush her spirits." Let's take a look at the precise and ambitious vocabulary used within this sentence.

Ventured, is a great example of a precise verb to describe Lila's movements.

Chamber, is a good example of an alternative noun.

We don't want to repeat the word, Grotto, too many times, so you may choose a word like, chamber or cave.

Then, there are words, like rocky, stark, and sheer.

These are all examples of ambitious adjectives that have been used to describe nouns.

And the phrase, "Crush her spirits," conveys Lila's emotions and lets the reader know how the setting was impacting her feelings.

Let's look at each moment in more detail now.

For the first moment, Layla entered the grotto, and she found silence and darkness.

we know she felt disappointed and deflated.

We can use precise and ambitious vocabulary to describe the character and the setting at this key moment.

Let's take a look at some examples.

For ambitious adjectives, we might say: stark, deathly silence, and hollow chamber.

Both of these provide vivid imagery for the reader and help them imagine what the setting was like.

For precise verbs and adverbs we might say, ventured deeper, and crumpled to her knees.

Stark, deathly silence is a good example of an expanded noun phrase, because more than one adjective has been used to describe the noun.

And crumpled to her knees is a great example of show and tell.

It doesn't explicitly tell the reader how Lila is feeling at this moment, but if she crumpled to her knees, it gives the reader clues that her feelings are low, and she's feeling disappointed and deflated.

Let's look at the next key moment.

Lila sees a flicker of light which becomes a thousand fireflies.

She feels stunned and mesmerised.

What precise and ambitious vocabulary could we use for this moment? For ambitious adjectives we might say: crackling, crimson flame.

This provides vivid imagery to the reader about what the flame looks like.

It uses an adjective to describe the sound, and an adjective to describe the colour.

And, excitable creatures: This would be a great way to describe the fireflies.

For precise verbs and adverbs: We might say, eyes bulged with wonder, to describe Lila.

Or, danced around the cave chaotically, to describe the movements of the fireflies.

Excitable creatures, is a good way of referring to the fireflies differently.

Creatures is an alternative noun.

And, eyes bulged with wonder, is a great example of show and tell.

It lets the reader know that Lila is feeling mesmerised by what she can see.

Let's take a look at the third key moment.

The fire spirit, Razvani, emerged.

We know there is another shift in Lila's emotions here.

She becomes terrified and anxious.

What precise and ambitious vocabulary could we use for this key moment? For ambitious adjectives, we could say, "Monstrous ball of fire," to refer to Razvani.

And, "Racing pulse," this would be a good example of show and tell for Lila.

If her pulse is racing, this lets the reader know that she is feeling scared or anxious.

And for precise verbs and adverbs, we might say, "Emerged with fury," to describe the way Razvani appears.

And, "Fearingly bowed her head," to describe what Lila does when she sees Razvani.

This is another example of show and tell.

Let's check your understanding: true or false? Using precise verbs and adverbs can convey a character's emotions.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is true, well done.

Now, it's time to justify your answer.

A, precise verbs and adverbs provide greater detail about a character's feelings through show and tell.

Or, B, precise verbs and adverbs form expanded noun phrases.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is A, well done.

Using precise verbs and adverbs to describe a character's movements can give the reader clues about how a character is feeling, and we call this show and tell.

It's time for a task.

Fill in the blanks with precise and ambitious vocabulary.

I will read this to you.

As Layla.

deeper into the.

chamber, she heard only.

silence and the darkness of the.

sheer walls concerned her.

There was nothing there.

Her spirit felt.

and she fell to her knees.

The words you have to fill in the blanks are: Hollow, deathly, ventured, crushed, harsh, and despairingly.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

As Layla ventured deeper into the hollow chamber, she heard only deathly silence, and the darkness of the harsh, sheer walls concerned her.

There was nothing there.

Her spirit felt crushed and she fell to her knees despairingly.

Well done for using the correct ambitious vocabulary to fill in the blanks.

I hope you're feeling nice and ready to develop your own plan for your writing.

It's now time for the second part of the lesson where you will be writing your plan.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

Notes are concise and capture key vocabulary and information.

For the climax, it is important you include precise and ambitious vocabulary.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

We use bullet points when note-taking.

They look like this: Let's check your understanding.

What will you need to include in your plan? A, full sentences with capital letters and full stops.

B, bullet points for notes.

C, precise and ambitious vocabulary.

D, unnecessary information.

Pause the video and select your answers now.

The answers are: B, bullet points for notes, and C, precise and ambitious vocabulary.

Well done.

It's time for the first part of your planning.

Fill in the plan for the first key moment.

The key moment is: Lila found only silence and darkness when she entered the Grotto.

You have a box to develop ambitious adjectives for this moment and precise verbs and adverbs.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Well done, you were so creative and ambitious when developing your vocabulary for your notes.

Let's take a look at some examples.

Lila found only silence and darkness when she entered the Grotto.

For ambitious adjectives, we could have: stark, deathly silence.

This is a great expanded noun phrase.

Hollow chamber, and crushed spirit.

For precise verbs and adverbs, we could have: ventured deeper, crumpled to knees, despairingly.

This is a great adverb that would describe how Lila made a movement or action.

It's now time for you to fill in the plan for the second key moment.

A flicker of light became a thousand fireflies who lit up the cave.

Pause the video now and develop ambitious adjectives and precise verbs and adverbs for this key moment.

Wow, I have seen so many more impressive pieces of vocabulary.

Let's take a look at some examples for the second key moment.

For ambitious adjectives, we have: crackling, crimson flame, excitable creatures, stunned, mesmerised.

For precise verbs and adverbs, we had: danced and dashed.

I loved these verbs as a way to describe the movement of the fireflies around the cave.

And, chaotically.

This is a great adverb to describe how they moved.

And, stared with wonder.

This is a great example of show and tell.

It's now time for you to fill in your plan for the third and final key moment.

The great fire spirit, Razvani, emerged from the centre of the light.

Pause the video now and develop ambitious adjectives and precise verbs and adverbs for this moment.

Welcome back and well done for completing your plan for the final key moment.

Let's take a look at some examples for this.

Ambitious adjectives could be: monstrous fireball.

Monstrous is a great adjective, and fireball is a great alternative noun to refer to Razvani.

Racing pulse.

This is great show and tell for Lila's emotions.

And, terrified, anxious.

This explicitly states how Lila was feeling.

For precise verbs and adverbs: emerged furiously.

The adverb, furiously, lets us know how Razvani was feeling as he emerged.

Fearingly bowed, and, panic surged.

You might say, "Panic surged through Lila's body." You now have a complete plan for writing part one of the climax.

Well done.

We've come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

The purpose of the climax is to describe the main action and take the suspense and excitement to its highest point.

Precise and ambitious vocabulary create vivid images for the reader for each key moment of the climax.

An effective plan has vocabulary organised concisely and neatly.

Careful verb and adverb selection can convey characters' feelings through show and tell.

And the emotions of the character change through the key moments of the climax.

I have really enjoyed teaching you this lesson and reading the ambitious vocabulary you have developed for your writing.

Well done, again.