
Lesson video

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Hi everyone.

My name is Ms. Royalle, and welcome to today's lesson where you are going to be planning the climax for your narrative based on "The Iron Man".

During this lesson, you'll need to be listening and looking carefully.

There'll be tasks where you need somebody to talk to, and you will also need a piece of paper and pen or pencil for writing your plan.

I hope you are feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is, I can plan the climax of "The Iron Man".

Here are the keywords for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn.



Ambitious vocabulary.

Show and tell.

Direct speech.

Great job.

Well done.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

The climax is the point in the narrative that describes the main action and takes the suspense to its highest point.

Suspense is when you are feeling anxious or excited about what may happen.

Ambitious vocabulary is high level language in writing that meets the text purpose.

Show and tell is a writing technique for showing a character's feelings with description of their actions and expressions.

And direct speech is the term used for a character speaking out loud in a text.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be preparing to plan and in the second part, we will be writing the plan.

So let's begin with preparing to plan.

"The Iron Man" can be structured like this.

Opening, build-up, climax, resolution.

You have already written the opening and the build-up.

In this lesson, you will be generating precise vocabulary to plan the climax.

The purpose of the climax is to describe the main action and take the suspense to its highest point.

In the climax, you will be planning and writing about the Iron Man resurfacing from the ground and how humanity responds to him this time.

Let's check your understanding.

What is the purpose of the climax in a narrative? A, to set the scene and introduce the main characters? B, to describe the main action and take the suspense to its highest point? Or C, to create an atmosphere that gradually builds suspense? Pause the video and select the correct answer.

The answer is B.

Well done.

The purpose of the climax in a narrative is to describe the main action and take the suspense to its highest point.

Let's summarise and recap what happened in the build-up.

Hogarth encountered the Iron Man and he informed his parents.

His father alerted the other farmers and had a close escape from the giant.

The following day, the farmers found all of their machinery missing or chewed, and they knew that it had to be the Iron Man.

The farmers hatched a plan to trap the destructive giant.

They dug a huge hole and placed metal bait around it, but the Iron Man never came.

One day, Hogarth finally spotted "The Iron Man" again and he used the clinking sound of metal to lure him into the hole.

The farmers rallied together to bury the Iron Man and they were overjoyed, but Hogarth's feelings shifted to sorrow and guilt.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false? Everyone was happy with the solution of burying "the Iron Man.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is false.

Well done.

Now, can you justify your answer? A, Hogarth felt guilt and sorrow for what had happened to the Iron Man.

Or B, the Iron Man's family was sad.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is A.

Well done.

Hogarth felt guilt and sorrow for what had happened to the Iron Man after the farmers buried him.

The climax of your narrative will skip forward in time to the spring of the following calendar year.

Here is a summary.

"By spring of the following year, the mound over the Iron Man was covered in fresh grass and flowers.

People picnicked there.

While a family had their picnic one day, the ground beneath them began to shake.

Suddenly the ground began to split and a huge crack grew.

First the Iron Man's hand reached through the crack causing the family to run away.

Then the Iron Man rose out of the ground.

The farmers wanted to respond by calling in armed forces to destroy the Iron Man, but Hogarth protested.

He said he had a different idea and he began to befriend the Iron Man with the offer of unlimited metal." Let's check your understanding.

Put the key moments of the climax in order.

I will read them to you.

The ravenous Iron Man rose out of the ground desperate for metal.

The farmers wanted to respond by calling in the army to destroy the Iron Man, but Hogarth protested.

By spring the following year, the mound over the Iron Man was covered in fresh grass.

Hogarth apologised to the Iron Man and offered him unlimited metal.

The ground began to shake and then the Earth split open.

Pause the video and number these one to five now to show their order in the climax.

Let's take a look at the answers together.


By spring the following year, the mound over the Iron Man was covered in fresh grass.


The ground began to shake and then the Earth split open.


The ravenous Iron Man rose out of the ground desperate for metal.


The farmers wanted to respond by calling in the army to destroy the Iron Man, but Hogarth protested.

And 5, Hogarth apologised to the Iron Man and offered him unlimited metal.

Well done for showing your understanding of the chronology of events in the climax.

We need to generate precise and ambitious vocabulary to describe each moment in detail.

Nouns are people, places, or things.

Adjectives describe nouns.

Verbs are doing, being or having words.

Adverbs describe verbs.

And show and tell language describes the character's emotions by describing their body language and facial expressions.

Let's look at the first moment in more detail.

"As a family picnicked on the hill, the ground split open.

The Iron Man's hand emerged." We need to generate adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and show and tell language.

Let's take a look at some examples.

Fresh grass, blossoming flowers, glorious day, happily eating their picnic, earth trembled and shook violently.

So the suspense starts to rise substantially here.

Fled in terror, hearts beating fast.

This is a great piece of show and tell for the family.

Monstrous iron hand thrust into the air, rumbled and roared loudly.

This is a great piece of show and tell for the Iron Man.

Let's now look at the next moment in more detail.

"The Iron Man emerged and the farmers wanted the army to destroy him, but Hogarth protested." Let's take a look at some examples of precise and ambitious vocabulary you could use to describe this moment.

Tortured ravenous giant.

This is a great way of referring to the Iron Man to show his feelings.

Slowly dragged his body.

Enraged farmers shook heads in horror.

That's a great piece of show and tell.

Determined to take him down.

Hogarth confidently protested.

This is a great verb and adverb to describe how Hogarth opposed the farmer's desire to destroy the Iron Man.

We could also say that Hogarth presented an alternative solution.

Let's check your understanding.

Which adjectives convey how the farmers felt about the Iron Man and what they wanted to do with him? A, enraged.

B, pleased.

C, determined.

D, relaxed.

Pause the video and select the correct answers.

The answers are A and C.

Well done.

The farmers were enraged by the Iron Man and they were determined to destroy him.

At the end of the climax, you will write direct speech for Hogarth as he befriends the Iron Man.

What might he say and how might he say it? Let's remind ourselves of this key moment.

Hogarth apologised to the Iron Man and began to offer him unlimited metal.

I'd like you to pause the video and discuss with your partner what words you think Hogarth would use.

What would he say to the Iron Man and how would he say it? You had some great ideas.

Let's take a look at some examples together.

He might say, "We are so sorry for tricking you." "I know a way for you to have all the metal you need." "I promise you can trust me." We might say that Hogarth gently approached the Iron Man, that he said his words with sincerity and that he appealed to the Iron Man persuasively.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false? I can only convey meaning through the words that Hogarth says.

Pause the video and select your answer That is false.

Well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer.

A, I can use fronted adverbials before Hogarth's speech.

Or B, I can use precise vocabulary in the reporting clause to convey how Hogarth spoke.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is B.

Well done.

You can use precise vocabulary in the reporting clause to convey how Hogarth spoke and felt.

It's now time for your first task.

Fill in the blanks for the following model of the climax.

I will read it to you.

"The following spring, the mound over the Iron Man was covered in fresh grass and flowers.

One glorious day as a family picnicked on the hill, they felt the earth beneath them.

Terrifyingly, the ground cracked wide open and a huge iron hand into the air.

With a and roar the Iron Man clawed his way above ground.

When the farmers heard the news, they wanted the army to destroy him." The words for you to choose from are, thrust, enraged, tremble, vibrant, rumble, happily and ravenous.

Pause the video and select the correct piece of vocabulary to fill in the blanks now.

Welcome back.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

"The following spring, the mound over the Iron Man was covered in fresh grass and vibrant flowers.

One glorious day, as a family happily picnicked on the hill, they felt the earth beneath them tremble.

Terrifyingly, the ground cracked wide open and a huge iron hand thrust into the air.

With a rumble and roar, the ravenous Iron Man clawed his way above ground.

When the enraged farmers heard the news, they wanted the army to destroy him." Well done for showing your understanding of how different types of precise and ambitious vocabulary will support you in writing your climax.

We've now come to the second part of the lesson where you will be writing the plan.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

Notes are concise and capture key vocabulary and information.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

We use bullet points when note taking.

They look like this.

Let's check your understanding.

What will you need to include in your plan for the climax? A, precise and ambitious vocabulary.

B, full sentences with capital letters and full stops.

C, ideas for direct speech For Hogarth.

D, unnecessary information.

Pause the video and select the correct answers.

The answers are A and C.

Well done.

You will need to include precise and ambitious vocabulary and ideas for direct speech for Hogarth in your plan.

You do not need to include unnecessary information and you will write your plan in a note format, which means you do not need full sentences.

It's now time for you to fill in the plan for the first key moment of the climax.

"As a family picnicked on the hill, the ground shook and split open.

The Iron Man's hand emerged." You need to develop fronted adverbials.

A good example of this is the following spring.

This lets the reader know when it's happening.

You need to develop ambitious vocabulary and show and tell building suspense.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back.

Well done for completing the plan for the first key moment of the climax.

Let's take a look at some examples together.

For fronted adverbials, one glorious day.

We could use this to begin the sentence explaining that a family was picnicking on the hill.

And, with a great thrusting motion.

I really love this fronted adverbial.

It is a fronted adverbial of manner that can be used to describe how the Iron Man's hand appeared in the air.

For ambitious vocabulary, fresh grass, vibrant flowers, earth trembled violently, monstrous iron hand appeared.

And for show and tell building suspense, hearts pounding, fled in terror.

These are great pieces of show and tell for the family.

Rumbled and roared, a great piece of show and tell for the Iron Man.

It's now time for you to complete the plan for the second key moment of the climax.

"The Iron Man emerged and the farmers wanted the army to destroy him, but Hogarth protested." You need fronted adverbials.

A good example of this is ravenous for metal.

You need ambitious vocabulary and you need show and tell building suspense.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back.

Well done for completing the plan for the second key moment.

Let's take a look at some examples together.

For fronted adverbials, enraged by the news.


These two fronted adverbials show the contrast between how the farmers and Hogarth responded.

For ambitious vocabulary, tortured, starving giant, batter and destroy, determined to find solution.

And for show and tell building suspense, slowly dragged his body, eyes widened in horror, shook his head profusely.

It's now time for you to complete the plan for the third and final key moment of the climax.

"Hogarth apologised to the Iron Man and began to befriend him with the offer of unlimited metal." For this part of your plan, you need to develop ideas for Hogarth's speech and for the reporting clause, which describes how he said it.

An example of direct speech for Hogarth could be, "We are really sorry for deceiving you!" Pause the video and complete the task now.

Welcome back.

Well done for completing the plan for the third key moment.

I loved seeing your different ideas for Hogarth's speech.

Let's take a look.

"I know a way for you to have unlimited metal!" "You can trust my word!" For the reporting clause, "Hogarth appealed persuasively." "The kind boy offered sincerely" And, "Hogarth bellowed so the Iron Man could hear him." Well done for completing your plan for the climax of your narrative.

We've now come to the end of our lesson.

So let's go over a summary together.

The purpose of the climax is to describe the main action and take the suspense to its highest point.

In the climax, the Iron Man resurfaces from the earth and Hogarth persuades the farmers not to harm him.

Precise and ambitious vocabulary, as well as show and tell help take the suspense to its highest point in the climax.

Direct speech is used to convey Hogarth's intentions to the Iron Man.

And a plan includes notes, a sequence of events, and ambitious vocabulary.

Well done again for all of your hard work in today's lesson.

I hope you are feeling really excited to write your climax in the next lesson.