
Lesson video

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Hi everyone, and welcome to our lesson today.

My name is Ms. Mullins.

We are coming to the end of our unit now, so today, we're going to be planning the conclusion of our non-chronological reports.

In today's learning, you will be planning the conclusion of a non-chronological report about tigers.

Here's some key words we will use.


General information.


Cohesive devices.

Well done.

A conclusion is the closing paragraph of a non-fiction text.

General information is the most basic and necessary information.

Purpose is the aim of the text.

Cohesive devices are language structures that develop text cohesion.

Today, we're going to be planning the conclusion of a non-chronological report about tigers.

Firstly, we will be learning about the structural and linguistic features of the conclusion, and then we will move on to planning the conclusion.

Non-chronological reports often follow the same structure.

They have a title, an introduction, sections, and a conclusion.

The introduction is the first paragraph that encourages the reader to read on.

The sections contain paragraphs of information related to a particular aspect of the subject.

And finally, the conclusion is the last paragraph that summarises the key information of the text.

So far in this unit, we have written our introduction.

Section one, which was about diet.

Section two, which was about adaptations.

And now, we are planning our conclusion.

The purpose is the aim of the text.

The purpose of the conclusion is to summarise the key information of the report, and gives the reader summarising general information.

In our sections, we kept our facts specific when we were writing about the diet or the adaptations of tigers.

In our conclusion, however, we keep these facts general.

The purpose of the conclusion is to.

Pause the video while you decide.

Well done, if you spotted that the purpose of the conclusion is to give the reader general information and also summarise the key information of the text.

We save the specific information for the sections and the introduction on other sections really want make the reader want to read on because the conclusion is the final paragraph, so the reader doesn't have any further reading to do.

The conclusion is the final paragraph of a non-fiction text that summarises the key information in the report.

The conclusion follows a clear structure.

We have a subheading, an introductory sentence, general information, and a concluding sentence.

The introductory sentence introduces the paragraph and summarises the key information.

General information gives the reader some necessary information about the topic, and the concluding sentence ends the report.

Match each section of a conclusion to its function.

Pause the video while you do that.

Well done, if you spotted that the introduction introduces the paragraph, general information gives the reader some necessary information about the topic and the concluding sentence closes the report.

Throughout this report, we have learned to use a range of cohesive devices which help our writing flow, keep our reader engaged and makes us or helps us to achieve the text purpose.

Fronted adverbials.

Subject-specific vocabulary.

Relative complex sentences.

Parenthesis in brackets.

Well done.

Each of these cohesive devices enhances the text's flow, keeps the reader engaged and helps achieve the text's purpose.

Now, match each cohesive device to its definition.

Pause the video while you do that.

Great work, everyone.

Well done, if you spotted that the fronted adverbial is a sentence starter followed by a comma.

Subject-specific vocabulary is vocabulary used when writing about a particular subject.

A relative complex sentence is a sentence formed of a main clause and a relative clause and parenthesis is additional information that can be removed without compromising grammatical accuracy.

Now, match each cohesive device to its example.

Pause the video while you do that.

Well done, if you've spotted that the fronted adverbial is in spite of this.

The subject-specific vocabulary is habitat.

Relative clause is which enable the tiger to remain camouflaged, and the parenthesis is India, Asia.

And I can see here that this parenthesis is enclosed within brackets.

Now, it's time for your task.

Read the model conclusion paragraph and identify the following cohesive devices.

First of all though, let's read the model together.

Conclusion: "To conclude, it is evident that the tiger's feeding habits and unique adaptations make it a truly intriguing animal.

However, these incredible felines are currently facing multiple threats to their survival, including habitat loss, poaching, illegal hunting of wild animals, and conflict with humans.

As a result of this, tigers, which are facing a rapidly declining population, are classed as the most endangered wild cat species in the world.

In order to combat this reduction in population, it is vital that humans raise awareness of the impact of mass deforestation and poaching, and campaign for these creatures to be protected." Pause the video now while you answer the four questions.

Great work, everyone.

Well done, if you spotted, you could have written down either of these examples, either however, or as a result of this.

You may have written down any of these examples of subject-specific vocabulary, adaptations, felines, habitat loss, poaching, endangered or population.

You could have written down this relative complex sentence.

So as a result of this, tigers, which are facing a rapidly declining population, are classed as the most endangered wild cat species in the world.

And the relative clause here is which are facing a rapidly declining population.

And an example of parenthesis marked using brackets is illegal hunting of wild animals.

Well done, everyone.

What a great start to our lessons so far, everybody.

Now, we're going to move on to planning the conclusion.

The purpose of a plan is to prepare ourselves for writing.

If we give enough thought to the planning process, our writing outcomes will be more successful.

We can build on ideas from our plan during the writing process.

When we plan, we use notes.

Notes are concise and capture subject-specific vocabulary and information.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

We use bullet points when note-taking and they look like this.

Pause the video now while you decide what is in a plan? Well done, if you spotted that.

In a plan, we use bullet points for notes, subject-specific vocabulary and concise information.

We do not write in full sentences with capitals letters and full stops.

The only capital letters we would see in a plan would be for proper nouns such as India or Asia.

Let's review the structure of the conclusion of a non-chronological report.

We have our subheading, our introductory sentence, our general information, and our concluding sentence.

In our plan, we will use the same structure so that when we come onto writing, our writing follows an appropriate structure.

Here's the model again that you read in more detail for your first task.

We're not gonna reread the whole thing again now, but instead we'll just focus on this first sentence, which was my introductory sentence that introduces the paragraph and summarises the key information.

Let's read it through together.

"To conclude, it is evident that the tiger's feeding habits and unique adaptations make it a truly intriguing animal." Now, it's time for you to plan your subheading, which just needs to be the word conclusion.

And write down some bullet points for key words and phrases you would like to use in your introductory sentence.

Use the questions to guide you.

What is your sentence opener and what was discussed in the report? And also remember, you're keeping your information general.

Pause the video while you complete the task.

Well done, everyone.

Hopefully, you've written down your subheading, which is just the word conclusion.

I went for a couple of openers here.

I decided to put down two.

And then when it comes to writing, I'll make a final decision on which one I use.

But I wrote down either to conclude or in conclusion as my opener.

I've also given myself some variation with language here.

I might write that it is evident that or I might use, it is apparent that tiger's diets are varied and that their adaptation supports survival in their habitat.

So with this introductory sentence, I referred back to the previous sections, which were tiger's diet and tiger's adaptations.

And I've summarised what we learned in those sections.

Now, let's go back to my model, but this time we'll focus on my general information.

Let's read this section again.

"However, these incredible felines are currently facing multiple threats to their survival, including habitat loss, poaching, illegal hunting of wild animals, and conflict with humans.

As a result of this, tigers, which are facing a rapidly declining population, are classed as the most endangered wild cat species in the world." There's my general information, I've decided to inform my reader about what the threats to tigers survival are? Now, it's time for you to plan your general information.

So write down bullet points for keywords and phrases you will use in your general information sentences.

Use the question prompt to help you.

So have you written interesting, general facts? If you would like to find out a little bit more information about what threats tigers currently face to their survival, you could take this as an opportunity to go off and do some of your own research.

Pause the video while you do this.

Excellent work, everyone.

Here are some ideas that I jotted down.

So I've written down that tigers currently face multiple threats to their existence.

We could also write that as a multitude of threats or a great range, or a great many threats to their survival, or their existence, or their population numbers.

I'm definitely going to refer to the fact that they are facing habitat loss due to deforestation.

If anyone doesn't know what deforestation is, it is the cutting down of forests.

Poaching which is the illegal hunting of wild animals and conflict with humans.

This is when tigers unfortunately are killed by humans.

If tigers intrude upon human settlements or areas or if tigers kill farmers' livestock when hunting.

I'm also gonna refer to the fact that tigers are the world's most endangered cats.

Now, these endangered cats belong to the world, so there's only one word, so it's a singular possession.

So it goes world apostrophe s.

And now, we're onto the final part of our conclusion, which is our concluding sentence.

Let's read my example together.

"In order to combat this reduction in population, it is vital that humans raise awareness of the impact of mass deforestation and poaching, and campaign for these creatures to be protected." In my concluding sentence, I have referred to, or I've used this as an opportunity to call from my reader to take some action about against the threats that tigers are facing.

So I've told my reader that tigers are facing threats to their populations due to deforestation and poaching, and conflict with animals or conflict with humans.

Now, my final sentence is going to give some suggestions for how humans can help overcome these issues.

Now, it's time for you to jot down your bullet points for key words and phrases you will use in your concluding sentence.

Think about how you're gonna open your sentence and have you included language that looks to the future? Have you included some suggestions for your reader for what they can do to help overcome these issues faced by tigers? Pause the video now while you do that.

Well done, everyone.

Here are my ideas.

So I've written down a potential opener, which is in order to address conservation issues.

So conservation means to look after or preserve a particular animal or plant.

So in this situation, we're talking about conserving tigers.

Humans must campaign, so I've used that language like must quite strong language.

Humans must campaign for an end to poaching.

They must make environmentally-friendly lifestyle choices like reducing palm oil to reduce deforestation.

This brings us onto the end of our lesson.

Today, we have been planning the conclusion of a non-chronological report about tigers.

The conclusion is the final paragraph of a non-chronological report.

The purpose of the conclusion is to summarise the key information in the report.

Information shared in the conclusion is general, not specific.

The purpose of a plan is to record and structure ideas.

And plans should be written in note form.

Well done, everyone.

Today, I feel like we've really drawn together so many of the writing skills we've been working on throughout this unit.

We've been thinking about our different cohesive devices and how to use them, and also we've been considering some really challenging information and content here in our conclusion.

So, well done.