
Lesson video

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Hi everybody, it's Ms. Gardner.

Welcome to your next lesson from the unit, "The Man on the Moon: Narrative Writing." I'm really excited for today's lesson, I hope you are too.

So thank you so much for joining and let's get started.

In today's lesson from our unit, The Man on the Moon: Narrative Writing, we are going to be planning our final section that we'll be writing.

So your learning outcome is, I can plan precise, ambitious vocabulary to write a narrative resolution based on The Man on the Moon.

So let's get started by looking at the key words.

We'll do my turn, your turns.

I'll say the word first and then you can say it back to me or to the screen or whoever you're with.

Plan, notes, ambitious vocabulary, fronted adverbial.

Let's have a look at what these mean.

So a plan is a framework that writers create before they will write a section or a whole text.

So we're gonna be planning the resolution.

Notes are written out of full sentences.

We do not need full sentences on our plan.

Ambitious vocabulary is high-level language in writing that meets the text's purpose.

We're writing a narrative, so we want to include lots of descriptive language.

A fronted adverbial is a sentence starter followed by a comma.

There are two sections of our learning today, and the first section will be preparing to plan.

And in the second section we'll be writing the plan.

Let's start with preparing to plan.

Our narrative of The Man on the Moon can be structured like this, an opening, a build-up, a climax, and then the resolution.

We have written our opening, build-up and climax.

So today, we are planning the resolution.

So what is the purpose of the resolution? What do we need to think about, including the purpose of the resolution is to resolve a story.

So to find a solution and finish up the story.

To allow reader to reflect, to have a think about what they've seen or watched, or read and reflect on this.

Let's just recap the key moments of the resolution.

In the resolution, we resolve the story and we bring it to a close.

So the man looks at Earth through his new telescope, he locks eyes with lily, she waves excitedly at him, and then a tear rolls down his face as he realises someone's thinking of him.

That is the final moment of the resolution and that allows readers or the people watching it to reflect about everything that they've watched and have a kind of pause for a moment.

So just a little talk task here, how do the characters' actions contrast with their actions from the opening? Actions and emotions, actually, how are they different and the resolution to how they were at the beginning? Pause the video now.

Okay, I was thinking how different in particular, the man was.

The first time we meet the man on the opening, he's slumped on his bench.

He looks really, really lonely, sad and unhappy.

And then at the end, yes, there is a tear, but it's more of a happy tear, isn't it? It's that feeling of feeling so grateful that someone was thinking of him.

So it's a very different emotion.

And then the girl in the opening, she's slumped on the sofa, she's really bored.

No one's playing with her.

And then she looks so happy in the end when she's waving excitedly at the man that's very different emotions that they were feeling.

So what is the purpose of the resolution? Let's just check for understanding.

The purpose of the resolution is A, to close the story.

B, develop the characters and plot.

C, introduce the characters, or D, give the reader a chance to reflect.

Pause the video now.

That's correct, it is A to close the story and D, to give the reader a chance to reflect.

Well done.

When we plan, we log precise and ambitious vocabulary to help paint vivid pictures for our reader.

So we must include precise adjectives and verbs, and adverbs, range of nouns.

And we'll think about show and tell language we can use to describe in detail how the characters are feeling.

This helps us to develop the characters and to make the reader understand them better.

So let's just review the key moments of the resolution.

We have the moment that the man looked down at Earth through his telescope, Lily and the man waved at each other, a tear rolled down his face as he realised someone was thinking of him.

So these are the three key moments we're going to be discussing in our plan or thinking about in our plan, but of course, we'll be thinking about how we can describe these moments in a lot more detail.

Firstly, let's just check for understanding.

Can you put the key moments of the resolution in the correct order? So you've got three options there.

A tear rolled down his face as he realised someone was thinking of him.

The man looked down the Earth through his telescope.

Lily and the man waved at each other.

Pause video now and place these in the correct order.

Okay, so A, the first moment the man looked down at Earth through his telescope.

B, Lily and the man waved at each other.

C, a tear rolled down his face as he realised someone was thinking of him.

Well done.

Let's look at each moment now in more detail.

We're gonna be thinking about what we can see and what we can hear.

So in this moment, the man delicately lifted the golden telescope.

He was amazed by what he's seen, so he is been really careful with it and it shows just how precious it was.

He then zoomed in on Earth towards the shimmering lights of Lily's house.

And you can see that through his telescope that Christmas day on Earth was buzzing with excitement and colourful lights.

It looks like a really happy place, Lily's house in the town that it's in, colourful and christmassy, and joyful.

Then we go and look at Lily.

He sees a young girl looking through her own telescope.

She was waving excitedly at him with a huge smile across her face.

And then the final moment, he couldn't believe it was her who'd sent the gift and that she had been thinking about him on Christmas day, The man was overwhelmed with emotion and a tear slowly rolled down his face, and he waved greatly despite gratefully, sorry, so he's really thankful to Lily.

Despite the distance between them, the man and Lily were connected.

And it's at this moment that the reader, if they're reading the story or the watcher, the viewer, if they're watching the story, they have that moment to reflect and think about what the message of the story was.

We know the message of the story was to reach out to other people and try to connect with other people who might be lonely on special times like Christmas.

And that's exactly what Lily did.

And you can see the impact that that had on the man.

He was really moved, really overwhelmed with emotion because of this feeling and feeling so grateful that someone had been thinking of him.

So fronted adverbials of time, were gonna be place and manner, we're gonna be thinking about including on our plan.

And they tell the reader where, when or how an action is taking place.

So for example, how did he lift the telescope? He lifted it delicately, followed by a comma.

So delicately he lifted the telescope.

Where was she waving at him from? From the warmth of her home, again, followed by a comma, from the warmth of her home, Lily stood behind the telescope.

And then finally, when did he realise that someone had been thinking of him? Finally, he had a friend.

Finally, he knew someone was thinking of him.

So showing that how all this time had passed, and finally, he's realised he's not alone.

So it's time for Task A.

Fill in the blanks with ambitious vocabulary from the box below.

So in the vocabulary box, the word bank at the end, you can see we've got delicately, bright-eyed, excitement, finally and zoomed.

I'm gonna say the sentences now and I want to hear you say the word you think it might be that needs to fill in the blanks.

Don't worry, if you need a bit of time to think about this, you'll have a chance to complete it independently after, but have a go at saying and filling in the missing blanks using the words from the word blank.

Blank, the frail man lifted his precious, golden telescope.

He blank in on Earth and saw a town buzzing with blank, colourful lights and Christmas joy.

His eyes met with a young blank girl who was waving joyfully at him.

Blank, he had a friend.

A tear rolled down his face.

I wonder if you can fill in the missing words using the word bank.

So pause the video now and off you go.

Welcome back everybody.

Let's go through the answers.

Delicately, the frail man lifted his precious golden telescope.

He zoomed in on Earth and saw a town buzzing with excitement, colourful lights, and Christmas joy.

His eyes met with a young, bright-eyed girl who is waving joyfully at him.

Finally, he had a friend.

A tear rolls down his face.

Well done everyone.

Okay, it's time for the second section of our learning.

We're going to be writing the plan.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

So that means we do not need to write in full sentences.

Notes are concise capture, key vocabulary and information.

And the purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

We use bullet points when note-taking, and you can see that they look like this.

You have little dot and then a line next to the dot where you can write your note.

Which of the following would be found in a plan? A, full sentences.

B, bullet point notes.

C, ambitious vocabulary or D paragraphs.

Pause the video now.

That is correct, is B and C.

We don't need full sentences and we don't need paragraphs.

Really well done everyone.

So it's time for Task B, where we're gonna be writing the plan.

Fill in the plan with fronted adverbials, and ambitious vocabulary to describe each moment in detail.

So the first moment that we're gonna be describing is the man looked down at Earth through his telescope.

So that's a simple sentence describing the moment.

But you can see there's no adjectives, no fronted adverbials, no ambitious vocabulary.

So it's not creating a vivid picture for the reader at all.

So you need to think back to that moment.

You can even watch the moment again and think about in detail what you can see and what's happening and the motions of the character.

So fronted adverbial to start you off could be from the vast moon to describe where the man is at this moment.

He's at on the moon and from the vast moon, he can zoom in to Earth and see all that Christmas cheer.

So pause the video now and off you go filling in your plan with fronted adverbials and ambitious vocabulary.

Welcome back everybody.

Let's go through my ideas and what I've included on my plan.

Don't worry if yours not exactly the same.

Hopefully they're not exactly the same 'cause then when it comes to writing everyone will have different outcomes.

But if you do think some of the stuff I've shared are ideas that you'd want to include in your plan, feel free to jot them down.

So some fronted adverbials from the vast moon, delicately.

So how he lifted the telescope and then a subordinate clause there, as he lifted the precious telescope.

Ambitious vocabulary, the frail man zoomed slowly, shimmering lights, joyful families and describing the scene back on Earth.

Shimmering means kind of glittery lights, so very positive image, and then buzzing with excitement.

That town, the house is buzzing with excitement because it's Christmas day.

Well done everybody.

Let's now think about the next key moment.

So the next key moment is the Lily and the man waved at each other.

Again, that's just a simple sentence.

We have no idea how Lily and the man are feeling from this moment, from this sentence.

So we need to think about describing that, describing their emotions and their actions.

A fronted adverbial to start you off could be from the warmth of her home, so that's where she is from the warmth of her home.

Now you need to pause the video.

Maybe you could watch the scene again, the moment again, and then add to your plan some fronted adverbials, and some ambitious vocabulary to describe this key moment.

Off you go.

Okay, welcome back.

I'm gonna share with you my ideas.

Again, if you like some of them, feel free to add them to your plan.

And I wonder if you've got any of the same ideas as I've come up with.

So from the warmth of her home, with a beaming smile describing how happy she looks and joyfully, again that emotion she was feeling, she was so joyful.

So we could say she was joyfully, she waved.

And then some ambitious vocabulary.

The bright-eyed girl, her eyes are lit up with excitement, so she's bright-eyed, waving ecstatically, so happy and excited.

Her heart skipped a beat.

That feeling in your heart when you're so excited, it feels like it's skipping a beat.

Okay, the final moment, a tear rolled down his face as he realised someone was thinking of him.

So a fronted adverbial you could use could be finally, finally, he had a friend.

Finally, someone was thinking of him.

I want you to think now about any other fronted adverbials you could include and some ambitious vocabulary to describe the man right now and the emotions he's feeling.

So pause the video now and off you go.

Well done everybody.

I'm gonna go through some of my ideas, again, feel free to jot them down if you'd like.

Finally, silently, to describe how he was crying.

He wasn't a really loud, he wasn't sobbing loudly, it was just a silent tear.

So silently, a tear rolled down his face and then an up in the starry sky.

So a fronted adverbial of place to explain where he is.

Some ambitious vocabulary, the compassionate friend.

We can describe Lily as compassionate because she's showing compassion to the man on Christmas Day.

A solitary tear, just the one tear really poignant.

And he waved gratefully.

He's so thankful and he's waving gratefully at Lily.

All of this vocabulary will be really useful when it comes to writing our resolution, so make sure you keep your plans safe.

Really well done everyone, for working so hard on Task B.

It's the end of the lesson.

Here's a summary of everything we've done and learned.

The purpose of the resolution is to resolve a story and give the readers a chance to reflect.

When we plan, we log precise and ambitious vocabulary to help paint vivid pictures for our reader.

Fronted adverbials of time and place indicate when and where the action takes place.

And a plan includes notes, key points, and ambitious vocabulary.

Make sure you keep these plans safely for next lesson and well done everybody.