
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone.

My name is Ms. Voyle, and welcome to today's lesson where we are going to be planning the resolution of your narrative based on "The Iron Man." During this lesson, you'll need to be listening and looking carefully.

There'll be tasks where you need somebody to talk to, and you will also need a piece of paper, and pen, or pencil for writing your plan.

I hope you're feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is, I can plan the resolution of "The Iron Man." Here are our keywords for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn.





Show and tell.

Great job, well done.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

The resolution is the part of the story that resolves the problem and allows readers to reflect.

Exaggeration is overstating for dramatic effect.

Emotions are strong feelings that results from a person's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.

A synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning to another word.

And show and tell is a writing technique for showing a character's feelings with description of their actions and expressions.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be preparing to plan, and in the second part you will be writing the plan.

So let's begin with preparing to plan.

"The Iron Man" can be structured like this Opening, build-up, climax, resolution.

You have already written the opening, the build-up, and the climax of your narrative.

In this lesson, you will be generating precise vocabulary to plan the resolution.

The purpose of the resolution is to resolve the problem encountered in the story and allow readers to reflect.

In the resolution, you will be planning and writing about "The Iron Man" arriving at the metal scrapyard and having all the metal he needs.

Let's check your understanding.

What is the purpose of the resolution in a narrative? A, to set the scene and introduce the main characters.

B, to describe the main action and take the suspense to its highest point.

Or C, to resolve the problem encountered in the story.

Pause the video and select correct answer.

The answer is C.

Well done.

The purpose of the resolution in a narrative is to resolve the problem encountered in the story.

Let's summarise and recap what happened in the climax.

By spring of the following year, the mound over the Iron Man was covered in fresh grass and flowers.

People picnicked there.

While a family had their picnic one day, the ground beneath them began to shake.

Suddenly the ground began to split, and a huge crack grew.

First the Iron Man's hand reached through the crack causing the family to run away.

Then, the Iron Man rose out of the ground.

The farmers wanted to respond by calling in armed forces to destroy the Iron Man, but Hogarth protested.

He said he had a different idea and he began to befriend the Iron Man with the offer of unlimited metal.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false.

The climax ended with a clue about the possible resolution.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is true.

Well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer.

A, Hogarth persuaded the Iron Man that he didn't need to eat metal.

Or B, Hogarth persuaded the Iron Man that he had a way to provide him with unlimited metal.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is B.

Well done.

Hogarth persuaded the Iron Man that he had a way to provide him with unlimited metal.

This would mean that he would no longer need the farmer's machinery.

Let's summarise what happened in the resolution.

Hogarth led the Iron Man through the town and the farmers curiously followed.

They arrived at a metal scrapyard full of all kinds of scrap metal.

The Iron Man could not believe his eyes.

The Iron Man feasted on all of the wonderful metal.

He ate old trains, fridges, bike chains and more.

The Iron Man was happy in his new home and he had everything he needed.

The farmers felt safe in the knowledge that the Iron Man would no longer need their machinery.

Let's check your understanding.

Put the key moments of the resolution in order.

I will read them to you.

The Iron Man was happy in his new home and he had everything he needed.

Hogarth led the Iron Man through the town and the farmers followed.

The farmers felt safe because the giant no longer needed their machinery.

They arrived at a metal scrapyard and the Iron Man was mesmerised.

The Iron Man feasted on a variety of different metal.

Pause the video now and number these one to five to show their order in the resolution.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

First, Hogarth led the Iron Man through the town and the farmers followed.

Second, they arrived at a metal scrapyard and the Iron Man was mesmerised.

Third, the Iron Man feasted on a variety of different metal.

Fourth, the Iron Man was happy in his new home and he had everything he needed.

And fifth, the farmers felt safe because the giant no longer needed their machinery.

Well done for showing your understanding of the chronology of events in the resolution.

Exaggeration can be used in a resolution to convey the positive emotions felt by characters.

Exaggeration is overstating for dramatic effect.

We know that the Iron Man did the following, looked at the scrapyard in front of him, ate a variety of tasty metal.

We are going to use a range of synonyms to describe how the Iron Man did these things and exaggerate his positive emotions.

A synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning to another word.

Let's check your understanding.

What is a synonym? A, a naming word that needs capitalization.

B, a word that has the same or similar meaning to another word.

Or C, a word that has the same spelling but different meaning to another word.

Pause the video and select the correct answer.

The answer is B, well done.

A synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning to another word.

What synonyms could we use for the following verbs to convey the Iron man's positive emotions? We know he looked at the metal scrapyard and he ate the metal, but we want to develop exaggerated verbs to describe how he did this.

Pause the video and discuss with your partner what synonyms you think we could use instead of these verbs.

I loved your different ideas.

Let's take a look at some examples.

Instead of looked, we might say that the Iron Man gazed, admired, examined, or stared.

Instead of ate, we might say that he gobbled, devoured, guzzled, or demolished.

We can also use adverbs to enhance our description.

For example, we might say that he excitedly gazed or quickly devoured.

What synonyms could we use instead of the following adjective and noun to convey the Iron Man's positive emotions.

We know that he found the metal tasty, but we want even more exaggerated adjectives and we also don't want to repeat the noun metal.

We want to be able to refer to it in different ways.

Pause the video and discuss with your partner which synonyms we could use instead of these words.

Let's take a look at some examples together.

Instead of tasty, we could say irresistible, scrumptious, delicious, or moreish.

And instead of just saying metal, we could refer to the metal as delicacies, goodies, treats, or delights.

We can create ambitious expanded noun phrases using these, for example, scrumptious, moreish goodies or irresistible, delicious treats.

Let's check your understanding.

Which of the following used vocabulary that exaggerates? A, looked at the appetising scrapyard.

B, gazed longingly at the wondrous metal heaven.

C, impatiently devoured the sensational crunchy delights.

D, ate the big metal scraps.

Pause the video and select the correct answers.

The answers are B and C, well done.

Gazed longingly at the wondrous metal heaven.

Impatiently devoured the sensational crunchy delights.

These phrases exaggerate just how wonderful the Iron Man felt in the scrapyard.

Let's look at the first moment in more detail.

We should use vocabulary that exaggerates and show and tell language to convey the Iron Man's positive emotions.

In the first key moment, Hogarth led the Iron Man to a metal scrapyard.

We might say that Hogarth carefully led the starved, iron giant, they came to a stunned halt, they stared at the heavenly, metal scrapyard, the Iron Man's eyes shot wide open, he longingly gazed at the irresistible treats.

There was a variety of tantalising metal.

Let's now look at the next moment in more detail and what vocabulary we could use to describe it.

The Iron Man feasted on a wide variety of metal.

We could say he excitedly grabbed a gigantic lorry.

He gobbled and crunched with joy.

He dangled metal chains into his wide mouth.

He rubbed his stomach in delight.

That's a great piece of show and tell.

And he was spoiled by the unlimited choice.

Let's take a look at the next moment.

The Iron Man was happy in his new home.

We could say, he lay gleefully among the endless goodies.

That's a great piece of show and tell.

He felt like he belonged.

His new home was like heaven.

He had everything he could ever wish for.

His eyes glowed the brightest colours.

Another great piece of show and tell conveying just how happy the Iron Man is.

And he ate endlessly.

Let's check your understanding.

Put the following descriptive phrases in order from one to three to show the order they would appear in the resolution.

A, excitedly grabbed a bed frame and demolished it.

B, felt like he belonged in his new heavenly home.

C, came to a stunned halt and longingly gazed.

Pause the video and number these one to three now.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

First, we would say that he came to a stunned halt and longingly gazed.

Second, we might say that he excitedly grabbed a bed frame and demolished it.

And third, we would say that he felt like he belonged in his new heavenly home.

Well done for demonstrating your understanding of the order these descriptive phrases would come in.

It's now time for a task.

Fill in the blanks for the following model of the resolution.

I will read it to you.

Hogarth slowly guided the, iron giant through the town and the farmers eagerly followed.

When they finally arrived, the Iron Man was by what he saw.

He was stood in front of the most metal scrapyard.

It was full of all varieties of irresistible with no time to waste, he forwards and grabbed a handful of brass doorknobs.

As he them like popcorn, he cackled with a joy.

The words for you to choose from are, stunned, delicacies, crunched, surged, exquisite ravenous, gleefully, delights.

Pause the video and fill in the blanks now.

Welcome back.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

Hogarth slowly guided the ravenous, iron giant through the town and the farmers eagerly followed.

When they finally arrived, the Iron Man was stunned by what he saw.

He was stood in front of the most exquisite metal scrapyard.

It was full of all varieties of irresistible delights.

With no time to waste, he surged forwards and gleefully grabbed a handful of brass doorknobs.

As he crunched them like popcorn, he cackled with joy.

Well done for demonstrating your understanding of how we can use different types of precise and ambitious vocabulary to exaggerate just how happy the Iron Man is in the resolution.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson where you are going to be writing your plan.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

Notes are concise and capture key vocabulary and information.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

We use bullet points when note taking.

They look like this.

Let's check your understanding.

What will you need to include in your plan for the resolution? A, precise and ambitious vocabulary.

B, full sentences with capital letters and full stops.

C, exaggeration to show how the Iron Man felt.

D, unnecessary information.

Pause the video and select the correct answers.

The answers are A and C.

Well done.

You will need to include precise and ambitious vocabulary and exaggeration to show how the Iron Man felt.

You will write your notes in bullet point format, which means you do not need full sentences and you don't need to include unnecessary information.

Is time for your first task.

Fill in the plan for the first key moment.

Hogarth led the Iron Man through the town to a metal scrapyard.

You should develop precise and ambitious vocabulary.

An example of this is slowly guided.

And you should also develop, show and tell.

Pause the video and do this now.

Well done for completing your plan for the first key moment.

Let's take a look at some good examples together.

For precise and ambitious vocabulary, eager, starved giant, wondrous, metal scrapyard, full of tasty metal delights.

And for show and tell.

Farmers curiously followed, came to a stunned halt, could not believe his eyes, gazed in amazement.

It's now time for you to fill in the plan for the second key moment.

The Iron Man feasted on a wide variety of metal.

You should develop precise and ambitious vocabulary.

An example of this is scrumptious delicacies.

Remember to use a range of synonyms in your vocabulary and you also need to develop show and tell.

Pause the video and do this now.

Well done for completing the plan for the second key moment.

Let's take a look at some examples together.

For precise and ambitious vocabulary.

Neglected cars, lorries, motorbikes, chains and more.

These are examples of what the Iron Man could eat.

Dangled and slurped.

Very precise verbs.

Chewed and crunched delightedly.

And for show and tell.

Surged forwards.

Excitedly grabbed and gobbled, cackled with joy, rubbed his belly with delight.

This lets us know just how happy the Iron Man was feeling about all that he could eat.

It's now time for you to complete the plan for the third and final key moment of the resolution.

The Iron Man was happy in his new home.

Develop precise and ambitious vocabulary.

An example of this is new, blissful residence.

And develop show and tell.

Pause the video and do this now.

Well done for completing the plan for the third key moment, Let's take a look at some examples together.

For precise and ambitious vocabulary.

Ate endlessly, crunched delightedly, stomach constantly full.

And for show and tell.

Lay happily, breathed a sigh of complete contentment, felt like he was in heaven, eyes glowed the brightest of colours.

All of these examples of show and tell show us just how happy and content the Iron Man was in his new home.

Well done for completing your plan for the resolution of your narrative.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

The purpose of the resolution is to resolve the problem encountered in the story and allow readers to reflect.

In the resolution, Hogarth leads the Iron Man to a metal scrapyard and he no longer needs the farmer's machinery.

In a resolution, exaggeration can be used to convey the positive emotions felt by characters.

Using a range of synonyms for simple verbs, adjectives and nouns supports exaggeration.

And show and tell language can be used to convey the Iron Man's emotions.

Well done again for your hard work planning the resolution.

I hope you are feeling really excited to write it.