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Hello, everyone.

It's Mr. Brown here with your English lesson for today.

And we are going to be planning.

We are gonna be planning to write a section of a non-chronological report all about Florence Nightingale.

So the report is about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, but our section that we're focusing on is just on Florence Nightingale.

So today, planning, planning a section of a non-chronological report, and our section is on the incredible, Florence Nightingale.

So let's get started.

The outcome for today's lesson is I can make a plan for writing about Florence Nightingale in a non-chronological report.

The key words which we will use in today's lesson are plan, notes, non-chronological report.

Let's say those together.

My turn, then your turn.

Plan, notes, non-chronological report.

Very good, well done.

Okay, we will start our lesson by preparing to plan, and then move on to writing the plan itself.

In this lesson, you are planning to write a non-chronological report.

The report will be about two famous people who made a huge difference in the world of medical care.

Who are those people? They're, of course, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.

Now, a non-chronological report is a type of non-fiction text.

Say that with me.

A non-chronological report is a type of non-fiction text.

It provides factual information about a subject, person, or event.

This means that the writer cannot make up the information using their imagination, like they would if they were writing fiction.

Non-chronological means that it is not necessarily written in the order in which the events happened.

Chronological is time-order.

Non-chronological, therefore, means that the events in a non-chronological report may not actually be in the order that they happened.

The sections of a non-chronological report are structured in this order.

We have an introduction to start, then section one, section two, and a conclusion.

And in this lesson, we are planning the first section, section one, which will be all about Florence Nightingale.

Let's have a look at the introduction.

We are not writing the introduction, but it's still good to have a look at an introduction just to understand where our section will fit.

So here's an introduction for a non-chronological report on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.


"Were you aware that hospitals were not always hygienic and organised like they are are today? Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole helped to improve hospitals a long time ago.

This informative report will teach you all about their lives and how they cared for soldiers during the Crimean War.

Read on to find out more about these brave women." A great introduction, something that will entice the reader to keep reading.

I make the reports sound interesting by using adjectives like informative.

And I make the women in the report, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, I make their lives sound interesting, too.

I describe them as brave women.

So that's my introduction.

And you can see it fits within the whole piece.

You have a title, introduction, section one, section two, and a conclusion.

Now, in this lesson, we'll be making a brief plan that will support you when writing a section of a non-chronological report on Florence Nightingale.

A plan helps a writer to organise their ideas, thoughts, and information that they want to include in their writing.

However, in order to plan effectively, you will need to prepare by becoming familiar with the key information you'll be sharing in the first section of your report.

To inform the reader all about Florence Nightingale, you'll need to have a good knowledge yourself.

You can't be expected to tell everyone about Florence Nightingale if you don't know about Florence Nightingale yourself, so that's what we're going to do today.

We will now revise your knowledge of Florence Nightingale, so that you are ready to write your plan.

You might have some knowledge already, which is why we'll be revising it.

If you don't, don't worry, this lesson will teach you everything you need to know.

Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in Italy, but moved to England with her family when she was still a baby.

She was born in the Italian city of Florence and was named after the city itself.

True or false.

Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in Florence, Italy.

Is that true or false? Pause the video and decide now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in Florida, Italy is true.

Well done if you said true, she was.

From an early age, she loved to read books and study, and she eventually decided that she wanted to become a nurse and devote her life to helping people.

However, many people, including her own family, thought Florence shouldn't become a nurse.

They thought she should get married, and be a wife and a mother.

After Florence finished training as a nurse, because she didn't listen to her family, she was so devoted and so dedicated to making her career out of caring for people, that she trained to become a nurse anyway.

And when she trained, she set up a hospital in London.

Now, it was clean, it was organised, and it was hygienic, and she made sure all the nurses were trained, and that the hospital was regularly clean.

Now, in 1853, a war broke out in Crimea with France, Britain, and the Ottoman Empire, it's Turkey as we know it today, all fighting against Russia.

The soldiers in Crimea were not well looked after in the hospitals, and there were very few nurses to take care of them.

The standards of hygiene were poor, and there were no proper medical care.

So a very different hospital to the hospitals that we might have seen or visited today.

True or false.

The Crimean War involved Britain, France, and Turkey, and they were all fighting against Italy.

Is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide true or false now.

Welcome back, everyone, let's see if you are right.

True or false, the Crimean war involved Britain, France, and Turkey, it did, and they were fighting against Italy.

Well, that is false, they were not fighting against Italy.

They were fighting against Russia.

Well done if you said false.

Now, Florence was desperate to travel to Crimea to help care for the soldiers in hospital there.

And that says so much about her character, about how brave and dedicated she was to helping people, because she wanted to travel such a long journey that would've taken her a long time.

And she wanted to do that to help people in somewhere very dangerous, and that shows how brave she was.

Now, she took a team of 38 nurses with her, and after a long journey, they arrived in Crimea.

Florence was shocked at the awful conditions of the hospital.

She started making changes straight away to improve the hospital.

She knew she had to make a difference.

She knew that the soldiers were not going to get better if the hospital remained the same, so she said about changing it.

Now, Florence even made sure to look after the soldiers at night, and she would often be seen patrolling the hospital carrying her lamp to help her see.

Now, this earned her the name, 'The Lady with the Lamp' and this is actually still something that people know Florence Nightingale as today.

Florence's incredible work, well, it made her famous.

The Lady with the Lamp, she used her influence to turn nursing into an important job and make hospitals better.

Florence even started a nursing school at St.

Thomas' Hospital in 1860 and she wrote books so that nurses could be properly trained to do their job.

Florence made such a difference to nursing that she was given many awards.

Now today, we remember her by awarding nurses who give the best care in war and peace, the Florence Nightingale Medal.

So even today, people who achieve highly in the area of medicine are given the Florence Nightingale Medal.

Let's check your understanding.

Which two of these did Florence do when she returns to England after the war? So we're looking for two correct answers.

Did she, A, start a nursing school? Did she, B, write books to train nurses? Or did she, C, get married? A, B, C, we want two correct answers.

Pause the video and have a go for yourself now.

Welcome back, let's see if you found the two correct answers.

So she did start a nursing school and she did write books to train nurses.

She did not get married.

Florence Nightingale never married.

Time for a task, let's demonstrate that knowledge.

I would like you to fill in the blanks using the words from the box below.

So you can see there are several blanks, and here is a box with five words.

Crimea, Florence, lamp, nurse, wounded.

These five words will fill in those five blanks, but your job is to work out which word goes in which blank.

Let me read you the sentences to see if that helps.

Florence Nightingale was born in the Italian city of.

Something what do we think? Florence always wanted to become a.

something, but her parents didn't agree.

What did she always want to become, but her parents didn't want her to? In 1853, a war started in where? Where did the war start? And Florence took a team of nurses with her to help look after the something soldiers.

What kind of soldiers were they? Florence was known as the lady with the something.

What was she known as? Because she walked around the hospital with a light at nighttime.

Okay, five blanks, five words.

It's over to you.

Pause the video, and have a go at this task now.

Welcome back, everyone, let's see how you got on.

So Florence Nightingale was born in the Italian city of Florence.

Well done if you said Florence.

Florence always wanted to become a nurse, but her parents didn't agree.

Well done if you said nurse for that blank.

In 1853, a war started in Crimea, and Florence took a team of nurses with her to help look after the wounded soldiers.

Florence was known as The Lady with the Lamp, because she walked around the hospital with a light at nighttime.

Well done if you managed to correctly fill in those blanks.

Okay, let's move on to writing the plan.

When we plan, we use notes.

Now, notes are short and capture key vocabulary and important information.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

Now, we use bullet points when we're note taking, and bullet points where they look like this.

You have a large full stop floating above the line, and then that's where you'd write your notes next to it.

Let's check your understanding, which two of these are things that notes help us to capture? A, full sentences.

B, unimportant information.

C, key vocabulary.

And D, important information.

Which two of these are things that notes help us to capture? A, B, C, D, choose two.

Pause the video now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you found the two correct answers.

So which two of these are things that notes help us to capture? Well done if you said key vocabulary and important information.

Notes are not a place for us to write in full sentences, and we definitely would not use notes to capture unimportant information.

Well done if you said C and D.

Notes are not written in full sentences, and do not require capital letters, full stops, or commas.

They can be just a few words.

The writer making the notes just needs to understand them.

The notes are personal to you, that's all that matters.

That your notes help you to be able to write.

The writer then takes the notes and turns them into full sentences.

So here's an example of some notes from a plan about Florence Nightingale.

We can see they are not written in full sentences.

We have born 1820 Florence, Italy.

Then a dash, named after city.

Another dash, moved England when a baby.

So definitely not written in full sentences, but does have key information.

Now, the writer can take those notes, and can turn them into a full sentence.

For example, "Interestingly, Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in the Italian city of Florence and her parents named her after the city.

She moved to England when she was still a baby." So you can see I've taken the notes, born 1820, Florence, Italy, and I've turned that just that little bit there into full sentences.

Interestingly, Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in the Italian city of Florence.

So straight away I've taken one, two, three, four words, and I've managed to put that into the start of my sentence.

And then I've used the rest of my notes to extend, and I've written two sentences.

Let's check your understanding.

Which notes helped the writer to write this sentence? "In 1853, a war started in Crimea and Florence took a team of nurses with her to help." So that's my sentence, but which notes helped me to write it? Is it A, Flo wanted to be a nurse, dash, parents not happy? Is it B, 1853 equals Crimea War started? Full stop.

Flo plus team of nurses went to help.

Or C, hospital in Crimea equals unhygienic, disorganised.

Pause the video and decide which notes helped me to write the sentence that you see at the top of the page.

Pause the video now.

Welcome back, let's see if you managed to find which notes helped me to write the sentence.

"In 1853, a war started in Crimea and Florence took a team of nurses with her to help." So A, Flo wanted to be a nurse - parents not happy.

Well, there's nothing about her parents in here.

And it looks like the sentence is about when Florence has already become a nurse, so it's not A.

C, hospital in Crimea equals unhygienic and disorganised.

Well, I haven't mentioned the hospital in Crimea yet, because it looks from that sentence like Florence is on her way to Crimea, not there yet, so we're thinking it could be B, let's have a look.

B, 1853 equals Crimea War started.

Flo plus team of nurses went to help.

B is the correct answer.

Now, what does Flo mean, F-L-O, Flo? of course, you are right, it's Florence.

Florence Nightingale.

It's a shortened version of her name, because notes, they're just personal to you.

And as long as you know that Flo means Florence, that works perfectly.

Well done if you said B.

Time for a task, everyone.

I would like you to write at least four sets of notes about Florence Nightingale.

Use the words in the box to help guide you.

So I've given you some words.

They are nurse, Crimea, team, unhygienic, cleaned, and soldiers.

Your job is to write at least four, maybe more if you would like, four sets of notes.

They'll be in bullet points, and they will not be in full sentences.

But these notes when we come to write will help so much.

Four sets of notes, and I'd like you to include the six words that I've put in that box.

Nurse, Crimea, team, unhygienic, cleaned, and soldiers.

If you do that, you will hopefully be capturing everything that you need to say about Florence Nightingale.

So it's over to you now.

Pause the video and write your notes.

Welcome back, everyone.

Now, if you would like a little bit of help, I'm happy to show you my first note.

So that was born 1820, Florence, Italy, named after city, moved England when baby.

That might help you.

So if you were stuck or you want to change your notes at all having seen mine, then feel free to pause the video, and do that now.

Great, welcome back.

Now, hopefully, everyone is ready to move on, and we can have a look at my notes to see how similar they are to yours.

So we've got my first note in there.

My second note was wanted to be a nurse, dash, parents didn't, dash, she trained anyway.

Then we have 1853 equals Crimea War started.

Flo plus team of nurses went to help.

And hospital in Crimea equals unhygienic, disorganised.

Flo cleaned for soldiers.

They are my notes.

If you would like to borrow my notes, be inspired by my notes, use my notes to improve yours or change yours, feel free to do so.

Okay, let's summarise the learning that we've done today.

A non-chronological report is a type of non-fiction text.

It provides information on a subject, person, or event.

Notes are used when making a plan, and they are short, and only capture key vocabulary and important information.

Notes are not written in full sentences, and do not require capital letters, full stops, or commas.

Well done today, everyone.

Fabulous work planning your section about Florence Nightingale.

I think you are ready to write it next lesson, and I hope to see you then.