
Lesson video

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Hello and welcome to today's spelling lesson.

I'm Mr. Ross, I love spelling and I'm really looking forward to teaching you.

With you today, you need to bring your looking eyes, your listening ears and your thinking brains.

As well as something to write with and write on and someone or something to talk to would be great as well.

Well, let's get on with today's spelling lesson then.

In today's spelling lesson we're going to practise and apply spelling homophones.

The outcome will be, I can use a range of strategies to practise spelling homophones.

So we're gonna really focus on some spelling strategies today.

Here are the key words for today's lesson.

My turn, your turn.

Make sure I can hear you saying these back to me.

Homophone, common exception words.

So what do these mean then? Our homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings or meanings.

Common exception words are those words that don't follow usual phonics or spelling patterns and cannot be sounded out easily.

They can often be trickier to remember how to spell.

So here's the outline for today's lesson.

We're going to practise and apply spelling homophones and we're also going to look at more of those homophones, applying spellings in a sentence.

Let's get on with looking at some more homophones then.

So a reminder that homophones are those words that sound the same but have different spellings and different meanings.

Homo and phone, we can break this word down.

It has Greek roots.

Homos or homos means the same, phone is to do with a sound.

So it means words that sound the same.

Andeep ate the whole cake for dessert, so he ate the whole of it.

They dug an enormous hole in the ground.

Whole, with our silent W at the beginning, whole there is as in the whole of something, all of it.

And hole, so H-O-L-E, is something you might dig in the ground or a gap in something, a hole.

Although these words sound the same, when spoken, they have different spellings and different meanings.

So we call these, my turn, your turn, homophones.

Whole and hole are an example of homophones, words that sound the same but are spelled different and have different meanings.

So true or false, homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently? Try and justify your answers for me as well.

A says homophones sound the same but have different spellings and meanings and B says homonyms have the same spelling, but the words have different meanings.

Pause the video now, true or false, homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and justify your answer, off you go.

Brilliant, this statement is true.

Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently.

They sound the same but have different spellings and different meanings.

And the example we just looked at was the word whole, which can be spelled W-H-O-L-E and mean the whole of something or hole as in a hole in the ground, which can be spelled H-O-L-E.

Homonyms, they are a thing, but they are words that look the same, they have the same spelling but different meanings dependent on the context they're used in.

And they can also be pronounced differently so that they don't sound the same.

Homophones remember, homos meaning the same, phone meaning sound, words that sound the same.

So let's have a read of some homophones.

My turn, your turn.

Weather, and this is in the weather outside.

Flower, like a flower that you might pick in a garden.

No, as in the answer no.

Be, that verb, to be.

For, you, and great, as in what a great idea.

These words are all homophones.

So there are other spellings of these words that sound exactly the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings.

They sound the same as the other words, but they have different spellings and meanings.

Lots of homophones are also common exception words, and by that I mean words that might have trickier spellings, dependent upon how they sound.

They might be spelt in a way that doesn't follow our regular spelling or phonics patterns.

So here we can see we have another form of whether, and this has a naughty H in it.

You can notice we have know here, and that's as in I know.

And that has a silent K.

We then have a double E in bee.

We have the number four, F-O-U-R, which the O-U-R is making the or sound there.

And then for yew, we have yew, Y-E-W, like a yew tree, and we have ewe spelled E-W-E, which is a female sheep, a very strange spelling.

And then we have grate, as into grate some cheese or a grate in the ground.

So the way word is spelt and it's placed within a sentence will tell us the meaning of it.

Look at these homophones.

Our team was on a winning streak.

So that's ours, belonging to this person.

We'll have lunch in an hour, H-O-U-R this time, sounds the same as our, this is as in 60 minutes, that measurement of time.

They are excited about the holidays.

This one's a near homophone, dependent on how you pronounce it.

They are excited about the holidays.

Some people might say are, some people might say our, they are excited about the holidays.

For some accents are here, I pronounce it are, might be pronounced differently to hour and our.

So they may be near homophones, are or our.

Knowing the meaning of homophones helps to spell them correctly.

So it's important that we learn them by sight.

The word our or our, for instance, indicates possession, O-U-R.

The word hour, H-O-U-R, refers to a reference of time, 60 minutes.

And are, which might sometimes be a homophone or sometimes a near homophone, A-R-E, is a present tense form of the verb, to be.

I hope you are enjoying this lesson.

Using different strategies can help us to remember these different spellings.

And we're gonna look at some of those strategies now.

Here our indicates possession.

I've run some arms around this that indicate it being possessed by someone, grabbing it, our, possessive.

Hour here, in the top of the H here, I put a little clock with one, two, three to remember that H, it means that it is that time.

And are here, are, you are happy, and I draw a little face, smiley face in the A there to show that that is that you being happy, you are happy, the verb, to be.

So we can be creative in the strategies that we use to try and help us remember these different spellings for these homophones.

Have a look here for me.

Select the correct spelling in each sentence.

They are carrying heavy bags.

The train will leave in an hour.

Our boots were covered with mud.

Pause the video, select the correct spellings.

Think about the context, off you go.

Great job, team.

They are carrying heavy boots.

It's something they're doing, that verb, to be.

The train leaves in one hour, hour or hour, H-O-U-R.

That's got that time in it, okay, 60 minutes.

And our boots were covered with mud, possessive, O-U-R, great job.

So lots of homophones are common exception words as we've looked at before.

Take your umbrella in case it rains.

We wouldn't often expect that or sound to be spelled O-U-R here.

We might expect that to make more of an our sound, but it's not your, it's your.

You're going to need a raincoat today.

This is a contraction, you and are has become you're, and we've emitted some letters and replaced them with an apostrophe.

The apostrophe in the word you're tells us it's a contraction.

The expanded form is you are.

So when you are reading a sentence containing you're, Y-O-U apostrophe R-E, you can try saying you are to see if the sentence sounds correct.

This is almost your best strategy of knowing which spelling you're going to use for you're.

If you are does make sense, you're going to use your contracted form.

If it doesn't, then you're going to use your Y-O-U-R form for possession.

Unlike many other rules that we have investigated, so if we think about different sounds, different prefixes and suffixes, there are no patterns with homophones, which can make them a little bit trickier to learn.

There's no rules that we can apply.

So if we look here at both of these examples, please write your name on the paper, you have got all of the answers right or all of the answer right, here we have a homophone right.

Now, if we look at W-R-I-T-E, as in to write something, it has a naughty silent W, doesn't it? We can come up with our own ideas to help us remember these spellings because there are no rules.

For instance here, when I write out write, I've turned the W at the beginning, that naughty letter, into a pencil to know that it's me writing.

And here with me being right, inside the H here, I've put a tick to show that that's the right answer.

That's a way that I can visualise and remember how to spell the word write and right correctly 'cause they sound the same, remember, but have different spellings and different meanings.

So select the correct spellings in each sentence.

Remember, think about write and right.

And remember you are makes you're with that apostrophe for that contraction.

Pause the video, read through the sentences, select the correct spellings in each sentence now.

Off you go.

Great job, team.

So leave now or you're going to be late.

That will make sense, wouldn't it? If you are makes sense, we know it's our contractive form.

You're, leave now or you're going to be late.

You will receive you are medal at the end of term? No way, that doesn't make sense, does it? So I know it's that your possessive, Y-O-U-R.

Be careful with that spelling.

It's O-U-R for that or sound.

I would like to write a letter to my friend.

Yeah, write a letter.

That's gonna be the silent W spelling.

And it is important to do the right thing, not the write thing, but the right thing, R-I-G-H-T.

Brilliant, everyone.

So let's identify the homophones in these sentences.

Listen carefully for the words that sound the same.

Go through the door and turn left.

He threw the ball into the hoop.

Pause the video, have a go at saying the sentences again.

Which words sound the same but are spelled differently? Off you go.

Great job, team.

So the words that we can hear that are the same are through, T-H-R-O-U-G-H, oh you grumpy hippo, and threw, as in to throw, past tense of throw.

I didn't say throw, I say threw, he threw the ball.

T-H-R-EW, ew, E-W there.

We can use a mnemonic, oh you grumpy hippo, so O-U-G-H to remember how to spell through, that grumpy hippo's swimming through the water, T-H-R-O-U-G-H.

So add the correct spelling to each sentence here.

She mm the ball, so her friend threw during the game, Dad drove the car mm the tunnel.

Paused the video, put the correct spellings now to make the sentences make sense, off you go.

Brilliant, they're homophones, aren't they? We have through and threw, but they're spelled differently and have different meanings.

She threw the ball to her friend.

That's our past tense of throw.

So think about that one throw is T-H-R-O-W.

And we're gonna make that past tense.

That O-W's going E-W, threw.

And Dad drove through the tunnel, oh you grumpy hippo, O-U-G-H.

That's going through something, I walked through the door.

Identify the homophones in these sentences.

Listen carefully for the words that sound the same, remember.

Let's go swimming in the sea.

I can't see the branches swaying in the breeze.

Say the sentences again, pause the video.

Where are the homophones? Off you go.

Great, let's go swimming in the sea, I can see the branches and it is these words here, see as in the waves in the sea, the salty sea, S-E-A, and see, what can you see, E-E.

Highlighting the difference in spellings and linking it to the meaning can really help us.

And you can see here I've created two eyes in my two E's.

What can you see with your eyes, your two eyes? And sea, I put a wave underneath it, S-E-A.

It's a really nice way and a really nice strategy to help you remember the meanings of these homophones because it can be quite tricky otherwise.

And remember, there are no rules.

So there are lots of homophones that are common exception words.

Remember, they don't follow our regular spelling patterns.

Sometimes you can link the spelling of the word to its meaning.

Look at this example, I've got my three theirs.

I've used a strategy here a little bit like our naughty letters, in the there as in over there, that direction, I've added an arrow, in the their, that possessive as in belonging to a group of people or someone, that is theirs, I've added a little person for the I 'cause it's theirs and I've written out they are 'cause I know that they're, T-H-E-Y apostrophe R-E is the contracted form.

So consider using a strategy like this to help you remember the spelling of these homophones.

So spelling rules, remember, we can't use when learning homophones but spelling rules do often help us in other ways.

Having said that, practise is going to really help us as well.

When we practise, we remember the words more easily.

We get better at recognising what's tricky about them and we become more confident in using them.

There are loads of different spending strategies that we can use, everyone.

We are going to look at one today called naughty letters, which links quite nicely for homophones 'cause then we can pick out a letter that's going to help us remember that particular spelling.

So the naughty letter strategy helps us in several ways.

But first off, we have to look at the word, paying close attention to its spelling in any tricky parts, especially when we're looking at common exception words, which many homophones are, it's very useful.

Then we copy the word, showing the tricky part of the word by writing the letter larger or by adding a silly face to it.

This helps us to pay attention to the letters or spelling that we might forget.

You could even draw a naughty face on the letter too.

And we can have lots of fun drawing silly faces.

This example of see has added eyes to each of the E's and waves beneath the sea to help us remember which E spelling we need to use.

So you can see I see with my eyes and then the wave under the sea.

Which order do these go into this strategy? Copy with a naughty letter or look carefully, pause the video and put them in the correct order, one and two, off you go.

Great, the first thing we do, A, is always look carefully and we should always do this whenever we're doing any spelling practise, whenever the strategy, and finally we copy with a naughty letter.

We can make a naughty letter larger.

We can add a silly face to it.

We should always look, remember, carefully at spellings when we're looking at 'em to consider what's tricky about them.

So I'd like you now to choose three words to practise using a naughty letter strategy with.

Choose three words that you found most difficult in the lesson so far.

This gives you a chance to take responsibility for your own learning here.

Choose three words, have a go, spot a naughty letter, write that naughty letter out larger and add a silly face to it.

Write it out a number of times, off you go.

Fantastic job, team.

So I chose the words write, their, that possessive one, and your, again the possessive one.

And I said that write, obviously I had that silent letter which is a naughty letter so I made that big.

In their, T-H-E-I-R, I thought that the I was a little bit of a naughty letter there.

And in your, it's making that O-U-R making that or sound, the U I thought was the naughty letter there.

And I copied that a number of times, making clear where that naughty letter is.

So in my mind I know exactly where it is in those words.

Great job, did you manage to spell your words correctly? Do you need to make any corrections? And did you enjoy writing them in that way? Perhaps show off your funniest or your favourite naughty letter sketch or drawing that you've done.

Share that now and make any corrections, off you go.

On to our final learning cycle for today then.

We're going to apply some spellings within a sentence.

Let's start off by looking at a curriculum word.

My turn, your turn, address, address.

What do you notice about this spelling? Pause the video and have a think.

Brilliant, I've noticed that we have a double D and a double S here.

So it's important that we know that they're there.

There's a double D and a double S.

It can be easy to forget which letters are doubled in a word.

So we have double D and double S.

No double R, no double A, no double E, double D, double S.

This is a curriculum word and it's really helpful to remember for our reading and writing.

And actually interestingly, address can have a couple of different meanings.

If I address you, I can talk to you.

He gave an address at the presentation.

So he's talking to the people, or I might ask for your address.

I wrote an address on a letter, that would be where you live.

So it's actually a homonym, a word that can be spelt the same but have multiple meanings.

So which is the correct spelling of the word address? I need your address to send you a letter.

Pause video and point to it now.

Fantastic, don't forget it's got a double D and a double S.

The context of the sentence always helps to work out, remember, the spelling of the homophone.

So thinking about the context of that sentence and which spelling would work is important.

Please read this sentence aloud to the class, A-L-O-U-D.

And the way I remember that is loud and aloud, you have to be loud to say something.

We are not allowed extra time to finish the test.

This is as in being allowed to do something, A-L-L-O-W-E-D.

They sound the same but have different meanings, don't they? We can think of the double L in the word allowed as being associated with a treat such as having lots of lollies.

So LL there, lots of lollies, lots of lollies.

It's quite a creative way of remembering the fact that it has a double L in it there.

It looks like all, but it's not all allowed, it's allowed.

So have a look with me, we have our two forms of allowed, which is the correct one? Say the sentences and select the correct spelling now.

Off you go.

Brilliant, you are allowed to choose two sweets.

That's an allowance.

Remember, we have lots of lollies, spelled with double L.

It's not aloud, as in out loud.

Aisha sang her favourite song aloud whilst cooking.

That is as in out loud, that loud in aloud, as in to sing out loud.

You are not allowed to the park.

That's as in an allowance, to do something, being given permission to do something.

You've not been given it.

You've not been allowed, A-L-L-O-W-E-D.

Great job, so we are now going to have a go at writing a sentence containing some of our focus spelling, so some of those homophones.

When we write the whole sentence, we asked you several things at once, so let's really take our time with this.

We need to remember that whole sentence.

So we're gonna say it a number of times.

We need to sound out each word to make sure we're spelling it in the most informed way.

Think of our spelling rules.

We have no rules today, remember, 'cause we're looking at homophones.

Think about our curriculum word or common exception words.

Many of our homophone member are common exception words, think about those naughty letters and the curriculum where we've looked at so far today was address.

And finally remember our sentence punctuation, capital letters, full stops and any other commas or apostrophes in that sentence.

So I'd like you to just listen to me say the sentence, first of all, use that incredible hearing of yours and listen to me.

Write your address down here so I know where you live.

Write your address down here so I know where you live.

Let's use some strategies now to help us remember this sentence.

The first one, marching it out.

Write your address down here so I know where you live.

Pause the video and match that out now, off you go.

Great, shout it out.

Write your address down here so I know where you live! Pause the video and shout it at me now.

Make sure I can hear you, off you go.

Wow, so loud, I could definitely hear you.

And finally, counting the words on our fingers.

Write your address down here so I know where you live.

Pause the video, count that sentence out now, off you go.

Fantastic, so remember to sound out each word, think about any common exception.

Think about those homophones, think about the correct spelling in the context.

Don't forget your sentence punctuation.

I'm gonna say the sentence one more time.

Write your address down here so I know where you live.

Pause the video and write that for me now, off you go.

Great job, team.

So check your work and make any corrections as we go along now.

Write, and that's that W spelling there, write as in write with a pen, your, Y-O-U-R, that O-U-R representation, a naughty letter U there, address, double D, double S, remember, down here, and that's here as in on here, that directional language, so I know, that's not no as in no, N-O spells no, it is know as in K-N-O-W, to do with knowledge, so I know where, and that's not something you wear, it's where as in here or there, where, H-E-R-E, we live.

Fantastic, so you should have a capital letter and a full stop there as well.

Write your address down here so I know where you live.

Look, we have one, two, three, four, five homophones there.

Write, your, here, know, where.

And that also that homonym, address, that was our curriculum word.

How did you do, did you manage to get the correct spellings of those homophones, did you make any magical mistakes? What success have you had? Share your learning now and make any corrections, off you go.

Great spelling today, everyone.

Today we've been looking at homophones that are words that sound the same but have different spellings and different meanings.

We can use the context of a sentence to figure out the spelling of a homophone.

Remember, there are no rules for spelling homophones, so you must learn them by sight and use some groovy practise strategies to help us remember them.

Keep up the great spelling, everyone.

Keep up the great practise and I'll see you again soon.