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Hi everybody.

My name is Ms. Panchal and I'm really excited to do the next science lesson with you.

Our lesson today is going to be learning all about predators and prey in a food chain.

So we're going to be looking at different animals and we're going to be identifying them as predators and prey.

And this lesson is part of our bigger unit of learning on food chains.

Now we've got lots of learning to do today and lots of different animals and living things to talk about.

So let's get started with the lesson.

So the outcome for our lesson today is I can identify and name predators and pray in food chains.

So we're going to talk through some key words for our lesson today.

So what I'd like you to do is pause the video here and take it in turns with your partner to read out the definitions of our keywords.

Pause the video, have a go at reading and click play when you're ready to continue.

Great reading, everybody.

Well done.

Now when we have keywords in our lesson, it's really important we learn how to say them, but also that we understand what they mean.

Now, these keywords we're going to be coming across lots in our lesson today.

Let's get started with the main part of our lesson.

So our session today is split up into two parts.

So we're first going to be looking at predators and exploring what predators are, what they mean, but also we're going to then use that knowledge to help us understand, pray.

So let's get started with the first part of our lesson today all about predators.

So Lucas and Sophia have been learning about how living things depend on each other for food in a food chain.

Lucas says, "I learned that the animals in a food chain are called consumers because they eat or consume plants or other animals to survive.

And Sophia says, "Yes, there are different types of consumers in a food chain.

Some animals only eat plants and they're called herbivores." So which animal is a herbivore in this food chain? Pause the video here and have a little think.

Great job everyone.

So let's have a look at this food chain first of all.

So we've got a grass, then we've got sheep, fox, and then a golden eagle.

So the sheep is a herbivore in this food chain, and it depends only on food from plants to survive.

Did you get the same answer? Well done everyone.

How would you classify the fox and the golden eagle in this food chain? Pause the video here, have a little think in your head and then share your idea with your talk partner.

How would you classify the fox and golden eagle as part of this food chain? Excellent work everybody.

And super ideas from everyone.

So if we have a look at this food chain here, the fox is an omnivore.

It eats a wide variety of plants and animals including sheep.

And in this example here, the golden eagle is a carnivore.

It eats small mammals such as rabbits, squirrels, and foxes.

So the fox here would be an omnivore, and the golden eagle is a carnivore in this food chain example.

Let's do a quick check of our learning.

True or false? An animal that eats only other animals is an omnivore.

Do we think that's true or false? What do you think? Hands up for true.

Hands up for false.

Super job, everyone.

The answer is false, but we need to think about why? Do we think that's because a, an animal that eats only other animals is a herbivore or be an animal that eats only other animals is a carnivore.

If you need to go back over the last few slides while we went over these key words, just to recap on the learning, click pay when you're ready to continue and we'll go through the answer.

Great job everyone.

The answer is b.

So an animal that eats only other animals is a carnivore.

Super job everyone.

So Lucas says, "I know that animals that eat other animals are called carnivores, but I think these animals are also called predators." Sophia says, "Are carnivores and predators different words that mean the same thing?" What do you think? Pause the video here.

Have a little bit of thinking time on your own and then share your idea with your partner and then share your ideas with the rest of the group.

What do you think? Excellent discussions, everybody.

Well done.

I can see you've worked really hard to show your ideas with everybody else in the group.

So a predator is an animal that hunts, kills and eats other animals, and these animals are predators.

For example, a golden eagle, for example, a hammerhead shark, for example, a tiger.

These are examples of predators because these animals hunt, kill and eat other animals.

And some carnivores do not always hunt and kill the animals they eat.

These animals are called scavengers, for example, most vultures are scavengers that eat animals that are already dead.

Hyenas are both predators and scavengers as they are known to snatch meat hunted by other carnivores.

Let's do a check of our learning.

Who do you agree with? Lucas says, "A predator is an animal that hunts, kills and eats other animals." And Sophia says, "A predator is an animal that is hunted and eaten by other animals." Based on the learning we've just done, who do you agree with? If you need to go over the last few slides to recap the learning.

Great job.

The answer is Lucas.

Lucas is correct.

So a predator is an animal that hunts, kills and eats other animals.

Super job everybody.

Well done.

So let's move on.

Some animals do not have any natural predators that hunt and eat them.

Adult polar bears have no natural predators, although walruses and wolves can kill them.

An orca is a killer whale.

It has no natural predators.

The biggest threat to orcas are actually humans.

Animals that do not have any predators are often called top predators, and these animals are placed at the end, also known as the top, of the food chain.

For example, here we've got grasses, a zebra, and then a lion.

So the lion would be classed as the top predator.

Let's do a check of our learning.

True or false? All animals have predators that hunt them for food.

Do we think that's true or false? Have a think back to the learning we've done today in our lesson.

Great job.

We know the answer is false, but do we think that's because a, only herbivores have predators or b, some animals do not have predators.

What do we think, a or b? Great job, everyone.

The answer is b.

Some animals do not have predators.

So let's do another question to check our learning.

Where are animals with no predators in a food chain? Is it a, at the top of the food chain, b, at the bottom of the food chain, or c, at the start of the food chain? If you need to go back over the last few slides of learning to recap before you answer the question, what do you think a, b or c? Super job, everyone, the answer is a.

So animals with no predators in the food chain would actually be at the top of the food chain and they're often referred to you as a top predator.

Great job.

So let's move on to the first task today.

So I would like you to identify the predators in this food chain.

So you've got dandelion leaves, caterpillar, spider, and cats.

Then I would like you to answer the next question, which animal could be added to the food chain that is a predator of a cat? Pause the video here and have a go at the task.

Click play when you're ready to continue and we'll go through the answers.

Great job everyone.

Well done.

So the predators in this food chain are the spider and the cat.

And the next question was, which animal could be added to the food chain that is a predator of a cat? So cats have many predators, including foxes, owls and hawks.

So did you get the same as these or you get some different examples? Well done by having a good go everybody.

So we've spent the first part of our lesson learning more about predators and looking at some different examples, but we're now going to think about prey.

Lucas and Sophia are talking about food chains.

Lucas says, "There are lots of tricky new words to remember when talking about future food chains." And Sophia says, "Yes, so far we have talked about producers, consumers, and predators." Can you tell a partner what each of these words mean? So pause the video here and those three key words, producers, consumers, and predators.

If you'd like to write down your ideas on a whiteboard so you can share it with your partner, click play when you're ready to continue and we'll finish off the rest of the lesson.

Great job everyone.

Well done.

I can see you worked really hard to write out the definitions of those key words.

Lucas says, "I wonder what we call animals that do not hunt and eat other animals for food." Sophia says, "Yes, there are animals in a food chain that are hunted and eaten by other animals." Do you know what these animals are called? So pause the video here, have a little bit of thinking time in your head, and then share your answers with your partner.

Do you know what these animals are called? Great job everyone.

So an animal that is hunted and eaten by other animal is called prey.

Prey are hunted by predators, which living thing is prey in this food chain.

So we've got cabbage leaves, snail and a hedgehog.

So in this food chain here, which of the living things is prey? What do you think? Excellent, well done.

It's the snail because it's being eaten by the predator and in this case it's the hedgehog.

So Lucas says, "The cabbage leaves are eaten by an animal, so they are prey." Sophia says, "No, no, no.

Prey are the animals that predators feed on.

The snail is the prey of the hedgehog in this food chain." So let's do a check of our learning.

What is prey? A, an animal that hunts and eats other animals, b, an animal that is hunted and eaten by other animal or c, an animal that only eats plants.

What do you think a prey is? If you need to go back through the last few slides to recap on your learning before you answer the question.

Great job everyone.

The answer is b.

So an animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal is called prey.

Super job.

So let's move on.

Lucas is thinking about prey.

Lucas says, "Prey are animals that are eaten by predators, but can prey be predators to?" What do you think? Pause the video here and have a think about what Lucas is asking.

So he's saying that prey are animals that can be eaten by predators, but can prey be predators too? What do you think? Can you think of maybe any examples? If they think that's true, pause the video here and maybe have a discussion with your talk partner.

Excellent ideas everybody and great discussion there.

I can see you gave some really excellent examples.

So many animals are both predator and prey.

Can you think of any predators that are also hunted and eaten by other animals? So maybe you can look at the list of examples you've just written.

Can you add any to that? Which animals are both predator and prey in this food chain? So we've got rotting fruit, fly, spider, and blackbird.

So pause the video here, have a look at this food chain, which animals are both predator and prey in the food chain below.

Have a little think on your own, share your ideas with your partner and then share your ideas with the whole class.

Did you all get the same ideas or did you get some different ones? Click play when you're ready to continue.

Excellent discussion and ideas, everybody.

I'm really impressed with all of the different keywords you've been using in the lesson today.

Well done.

So in this food chain, the spider is the predator of the fly and also the prey of the blackbird.

So we can see the spider here is going to be eating the fly, but actually the blackbird is going to be eating the spider.

So the spider here is the predator of the fly, but also is the prey of the blackbird.

Did you get the same answer? Well done everyone.

The blackbird here is the predator of the spider.

For which animal could the blackbird be a prey? So think really carefully what could be the predator? Excellent, there's lots of different options there that you could have that would eat a blackbird.

Well done everyone.

So let's do a check of our learning.

True or false? Many animals can be both predator and prey.

Do we think that's true or false? Hands up for true.

Hands up for false.


The answer is true.

And now we need to think a little bit about why.

Do we think that is because a, a mouse eats insects and is also eaten by a snake.

Or b, a snake is a predator and can eat different prey.

Which one do you think is correct, a or b? Super job everyone.

The answer is a.

So a mouse eats insects and is also eaten by a snake.

So this mouse here is both a predator and prey.

So let's move on to the next task.

I would like you to label each pair of animals predator and prey.

So pair number one, a is leopard and zebra, pair b is a slug and a frog, pair c is a heron and a fish.

So pause the video here and I would like you to tell me which is the predator and which is the prey.

Click play when you're ready to continue and we'll go through the answers.

Off you go.

Super job everybody.

Well done.

And I can see you've worked really hard to use lots of those key words whilst you're talking and in your writing as well.

So the leopard is the predator and the zebra is the prey in our first pair.

In b, the slug is the prey and the frog is the predator.

And in c, the heron is the predator and the fish is the prey.

Well done everyone for getting these answers correct and I hope that you have had a good go at using those keywords that are a big part of our lesson today.

So let's move on to the next task, using only this food chain, label the producer, consumers, predators and prey.

So let's have a look at the food chain first of all.

So we've got a grass, then we've got a grasshopper, got a mouse, snake, and an owl.

So using only this food chain, I want you to label the producer, consumers, predators and prey.

So use your knowledge of what all those keywords mean if you need to go back over the slides for the beginning part of the lesson.

So go over what all of these keywords mean, click play when you're ready to continue and we'll go through the answers.

Great job everybody.

Well done.

So let's go through the answers.

So the grass is the producer.

The grasshopper is a consumer and prey.

The mouse is a consumer, predator and prey, and a snake is a consumer, predator and prey.

And the owl here is a consumer and a predator.

So for this food chain, there are some animals and living things that were more than one of these keywords.

For example, the owl here is a consumer and a predator.

Well done everyone for having a go at this task.

I know there were lots of keywords for you to include and lots of knowledge for you to draw on, but I'm so impressed with your work.

So well done everybody.

So we've come towards the end of our lesson today all about predators and prey in the food chain.

So let's do a summary of our learning.

An animal that eats mostly meat or the flesh of other animals is a carnivore.

A predator is an animal that hunts, kills and eats of animals.

And some animals do not have any predators of their own.

And these animals are at the top of a food chain.

And remember we said those are examples of top predators.

An animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal is called prey and many animals are both predator and prey.

So we've learned lots of learning on what predators are and prey are, and we've also looked at lots of different examples.

Now, I'm so impressed with all of your learning today.

You've come up with some fantastic ideas and produced some brilliant work.

So I hope you have a great rest of the day and I'm sure I'll see you really soon in the next science lesson.
