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Hello, and welcome to your second lesson in this unit titled, prescription drugs and legal highs.

I'm Mr. Clarke, and I'm really glad to be back here, teaching you for today's lesson.

Now, we must remember that we will be covering some quite sensitive topics, therefore, it's advised that you have a trusted adult nearby or make them aware before you start taking part in this lesson.

Now that we've covered that, it's time to start today's learning, and I'm sure, you are just as excited to start as I am as well, so let's begin, shall we? To be able to fully participate in today's lesson, you're going to need to have with you an exercise book or a piece of paper and a pen.

So if you haven't got that near you or you haven't got it with you currently, then just pause this video, go and grab it, and when you've got it and you're ready to start to learn, just press play and we'll begin.

Today's lesson has already started by you taking part in the introduction quiz.

Throughout today's lesson, we'll also be covering over-the-counter medication, buying medication online and finally, legal highs.

At this point, you'll be then be ready to take on the exit quiz, which I absolutely have no doubt, you're going to do amazing at.

Today's keywords are the following.

Drugs which are defined as a medicine or other substance which has a psychological effect when ingested, or otherwise, introduced into the body.

It's always a good idea here to make sure that you've got these keywords wrote down on your piece of paper or exercise book.

That way, you'll be able to look back on them throughout today's lesson.

Our second keyword is substance misuse.

Now, this refers to any substance used for purpose other than that of intended, and it can be dangerous and can also lead to death.

Before moving on with today's lesson, let's a quick recap about the legal consequences of illegal drugs.

Now, we covered this last lesson, so I'm going to ask you here to pause the video, draw out this graph and complete the boxes that I've covered up, and see if you can remember what the consequences are for possession and supply and production of class A, B, C drugs.

When you got the answers or got everything down that you can remember, just press play and we'll see if you are right.

Class A possession could land you seven years in prison and an unlimited fine.

Supply and production for that could be an up to life in prison or an unlimited fine.

How did you do with class A? Let's see about class B.

What did you think then for possession? It's five years in prison or an unlimited fine.

Same with supply and production, it's now 14 years and a prison or unlimited fine.

And what about class C then? What did you put for that? It's two years in prison or an unlimited fine and an unlimited fine as well for supply and production or up to 14 years in prison.

Now, if you did make any mistakes or you weren't too sure on any of the boxes, make sure you pause video now, correct what you weren't sure of, so you remember for next time.

Today's first section, we'll look at over-the-counter medication.

This refers tot medication that you can buy as in the title, over the counter at a pharmacy or perhaps, at a local supermarket.

Now, I was trying to think of a way to share this information, but as I was writing down this information, I seem to have left out just a few blanks.

So this is what I've got so far.

There are still, associated with prescription and over-the-counter drugs such as, antidepressants and steroids, particularly, when misused.

People should only take drugs, to them personally by their doctor and at the, specified.

It's often unsafe to mix prescription drugs with other medicines or.

So the task is pause this video now and see if you can use the words I put at the bottom of the screen to fit in those blanks and write out the full paragraph without the blanks and words missing.

When you've done that, just press play and we'll go through what the answers are.

How did you do? Struggled or not too bad? Well, let's see if you're right.

And if you got any of them wrong or you weren't too sure, make sure you just correct the answer with what I've got up on the screen so that you remember for next time.

Let's go through this.

There are still, well, then, if you got dangers, there are still dangers associated with prescription and over-the-counter drugs such as, what'd you get? Painkillers, antidepressants and and steroids when misused.

So painkillers are things such paracetamol or ibuprofen as an example.

People should only take drugs prescribed to them personally by their doctor and at the dose specified.

For example, it might say, take two pills twice a day or take once daily.

It is often unsafe to mix prescription drugs with other medicines or, the last one left, of course, alcohol.

The question on the slide for you says, when should you speak to your doctor about your medication? Which of these do you think is a time you would go speak to your doctor? Is it when you experienced side effects or if you feel your condition has worsened, or is it perhaps, if you take too much and instructions say to tell the doctor? What do you think? I want you to point to the answer that you think is correct in three, two and one.

Point now to the answer that you think is correct.

Should we see if you're right? Of course, the answer is all of them.

All of those are reasons when you should absolutely, definitely speak to your doctor.

And if you're ever feeling unsure or you don't know, it's always best to speak to your doctor and find out.

A few never for you now.

You should never take drugs that have been prescribed for someone else.

They have been carefully prescribed and given by a doctor who's a medical professional, who knows exactly what is right for that person.

And what is right for one person may not be right for you.

You should never share the medicines with someone else.

And if someone takes medicine that has not been prescribed to them, they could get very ill or have a dangerous reaction.

And ultimately, that dangerous reaction could lead to fatalities and death.

Over-the-counter medication and legal drugs can be just as addictive as illegal drugs.

Do you think the answer is true? Or do you think the answer is false? Point now to the answer that you think is correct in three, two, is it true, is it false, one.

What do you think? Point now to the answer.


The answer that is in fact, true.

Some legal drugs can also be highly addictive if they're misused, and it's vitally important that you always follow medical advice that's often, sometimes, why some of these drugs are subscribed because they can be really addictive, so you must listen to your doctors or medical professional's advice.

Buying medication online.

Pause this video now and I want to complete the following task.

Always take a moment to think about what the problems might be attached to buying drugs online.

Write these down and we'll compare answers afterwards.

Now, the reference we're making to drugs here is legal prescriptions or legal drugs.

Why do you think it might be a problem buying them online? Gather your thoughts, write them down, and when you've got them, press play.

That's because some reasons then.

So potential risks of buying online include, that not all pharmacists who sell online are licenced, so it's potentially unsafe.

They may not have an understanding of what the drugs are or even know the correct dose.

Some drugs can be brought online that would normally need a prescription.

So to get that prescription, you'd have to have medical guidance from a medical professional.

Therefore, that means you might be buying drugs that are not right for you.

And medicines from an unregistered website can be dangerous to your health because it might be out of date, diluted or fake.

You've no idea if what you're buying is actually what it says it is.

So if in doubt, go online and self-diagnose yourself.

If you're feeling really ill, and you think you need medication, should you just go online and self-diagnose yourself and get that medication.

Do you think, should you? Is it true or is it false? What do you think is the correct answer? Point to what you think is correct in three, two and one.

What'd you think? Should we see if you're right? The answer is false.

Problems often arise when people diagnose their own condition, and what they then do is, some people then obtain they try and get that own prescription medicine online without speaking to a doctor.

If you check your symptoms online, which is absolutely fine, and you feel you need medication, you should always go and seek medical advice first from, perhaps, your doctor, your GP, just a medical professional who can legally prescribe those drugs to you.

They'll also be able to tell you if they are the right ones for you.

And I really must stress that the consequences of taking a medicine that is not right for you could be fatal.

So it's really important that we follow medical advice and guidance on any form of medicine we need to take.

Top tips.

You should always get your medicine from a pharmacy or a reputable outlet.

So somebody that you know is a 100% authentic.

Don't be tempted by any emails that you might get advertising cheap medicine.

It's always good to remember that with any emails or spam we get or advertisement we see, if it looks too good to be true, it usually is, so always have that in the back of your mind.

And the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, the MHRA has a register of authorised online sellers of medicine.

So if you do, and you've been advised to go online and buy your medication, then make sure you look at the MHRA first before doing so, so you know, which websites are the best ones to go to.

Legal highs, we'll explore now.

Now, before we go into legal highs, it's actually important to look at what the definition of that word is.

So an extra keyword of pronym for you today.

Legal highs it's a inaccurate term describing a range of synthetic drugs, so they were made.

They are often referred to as NSD, so we'll use that 'cause it's much easier for the rest of today's lesson.

And they came into the drug scene around 2008 and 2009.

And then, from may the 26th, 2016, the legal highs, as they're still kind of known today, became controlled under this substance act of 2016.

So the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 meant that they then became banned and no longer legal like they used to be.

So why then do you think they were created? That's emphatic, they were, they were made, they were put together.

Why do you think anybody would want to create a drug? Have a think about that.

Pause this video, write down a few thoughts, so when you've got that idea, just press play and we'll explore some of these ideas together.

Got some answers? Well, they were designed to replicate the effects of illegal substances, like cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy, we explored these last lesson, whilst remaining legal, hence that previous name, as I explained, of legal highs.

So they wanted to create that buzz and that effect, and that adrenaline, and those neurons firing around your brain that we talked about previously.

They wanted to recreate that, and that's why they made them.

But actually, they were really dangerous and they still exist around today, but it's really important to remember that they are not legal.

So, could you buy these legal highs in shops? Do you think they were able to be brought in shops? Do you think that's true or do you think I'm just telling you a lie, and that's false? What'd you think? Point now to the answer you think is correct in three, and one.

What do they think? It's true.

The NDS, they are sold online and you can still get them illegally today.

And until recently, they were available in shops as well.

They would come in brightly coloured packaging under a variety of names.

Remember, they want to attract people to buy them, so they made sure that they stuck out on the shelves.

And the packaging might describe a list of ingredients, but it was absolutely, and it is still absolutely impossible to be sure that what's inside is actually what it says it is.

Quite often, sometimes, the packaging wouldn't put the food ingredients or they would change because they were being made and manufactured and not using the same quantities all the time.

So every week, it could be saying different that is actually in them.

And that's what makes them really dangerous because you have no idea what it is that you're putting into your own body.

I want you to pause this video now to complete the following tasks and our last task for today.

We've covered loads of information of last two lessons about legal highs, the law, drugs, and so much more.

So I want you to create a drug awareness poster.

Pick out some of the key information of what's been covered and create a poster that might help educate others.

Now, remember this poster should be informative yet also eye-catching.

We want people to stop and look at it, and take the information in and learn something from it.

So imagine it's supposed to that you might see in your school, for example, or in the local community, wherever it might be.

So pause is the day to complete that task and when you've got your amazing design poster that's going to teach everybody and tell everybody about drugs, press play and we'll finish up today's lesson.

Well done on another amazing lesson.

You've worked super hard.

I really hope now that you're going to take your poster and you're going to share it with your local school or community or wherever it might be.

Make sure that you spread the message of what you've learned so far.

Remember, we also have the exit quiz to complete and once you've finished that, why not take the opportunity to explore all the other amazing RSHE lessons on Oak Academy? Until then, all the best, see you soon.
