
Lesson video

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Hi there, my name is Mr. Tilstone.

I'm a teacher.

I teach all of the different subjects, but my favourite one just has to be maths.

So, it's my great pleasure and great delight today to be teaching you a lesson all about time.

Time can be quite a tricky concept.

There's a lot to know, there's a lot to know, there's a lot to remember, there's a lot to think about.

But don't worry, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Remember, practise makes perfect.

So if you're ready, I'm ready.

Let's begin.

Our lesson outcome for today is I can read the time on a 24-hour digital clock.

And we've got some keywords.

So, my turn, 24-hour clock, your turn.

My turn, AM, your turn.

And my turn, p.


, your turn.

I'll bet you've heard those words before, but let's have a look at what they mean.

So, a 24-hour clock is a way of expressing the time using the numbers 0 to 23 for hours.

AM is the hours between midnight and midday.

And p.


is the hours between midday and midnight.

Our lesson today is split into two cycles.

The first will be 12-hour digital times and the second 24-hour digital times.

So if you're ready, let's begin by looking at 12-hour digital times.

In this lesson, you're going to meet John.

Have you met John before? He's here to give us a helping hand.

The times between midnight and midday can be shown on an analogue clock.

A clock just like the one you can see on the screen now and described using AM.

So, that's our keyword AM.

So you can see there, we've got 12 a.


, 1 a.


What do you think is coming next? 2 a.


Will you say this with me? 3 a.


, 4 a.


, 5 a.


, 6 a.


, 7 a.


, 8 a.


, 9 a.


, 10 a.


, 11 a.


, and then 12 p.


So, just be careful with that one.

It's not 11 a.


, 12 a.


It's 11 a.


, 12 p.


The times between midday and midnight can be shown on an analogue clock, just like before, but this time using p.


So we're starting at midday this time, so p.


So we've got 12 p.


, then 1 p.


, 2 p.


Will you do this with me, please? Let's go.

3 p.


, 4 p.


, 5 p.


, 6 p.


, 7 p.


, 8 p.


, 9 p.


, 10 p.


, 11 p.


The time on an analogue clock can also be expressed in digital form.

This is the lock screen on John's tablet, which shows the time.

Have you got a tablet? Does it look anything like this when it's got the lock screen on? So you can see it's got lots of information, for example the date, although we're not looking at that today, but it's got a time on as well.

So, can you see here the number 12 in this case? What do you think that could mean? What's the 12? Well, the 12 is the number of hours that have gone past, and what about this number, the one after the colon? What could that be in this case, it's seven could it mean? That's how many minutes have gone by.

So in this time, 12 hours have gone by and seven minutes as well.

And then on this clock, we've got p.


as well.

And in this case, it's showing a.


or p.


and we're going to investigate that in a bit more detail.

So, o'clock times can be expressed digitally alongside a.

m and p.


So back to our analogue clock then.

We've got 12 a.


, just like before, but have you noticed a difference? This time it's not just the number 12 and the words AM.

There's a colon and two zeros.

So that's how we write it in 12-hour digital form.

And then we've got 1 a.


Now, have you noticed, I'm still saying it the same way as before, but it's written differently.

We've got 2 a.


Right, will you read with me, please? Let's go.

3 a.


, 4 a.


, 5 a.


, 6 a.


, 7 a.


, 8 a.


, 9 a.


, 10 a.


, 11 a.


And remember this next one where we have to be careful it's not 12 a.


Can you remember what it is? 12p.


So, these times all happen between midday and midnight.

So just like before then, except we've got the colon and the two zeros so we've got 1 p.


, 2 p.


Come on do it with me 3 p.


, 4 p.


, 5 p.


, 6 p.


, 7 p.


, 8p.


, 9 p.


, 10 p.


and 11 p.


The analogue clock, so that's the one on the left, is showing 25 minutes past 2.

And I'm sure you've had lots of experience with analogue clocks.

I'm sure you're getting very good at telling the time using analogue clocks.

So, you probably knew that that's showing 25 minutes past 2.

So the hour hand on an analogue clock is the first number on a digital clock.

So, this is a 12-hour digital clock.

So that hour hand is the first number, the two.

The minute hand on an analogue clock is the second number on a digital clock, so the one after the colon.

So here look, we've got 25 past on the analogue clock, and that's showing as 25 on the digital that's how many minutes have gone past.

You might read this analogue time as quarter to three, or even 15 minutes to three because I'll bet you're getting good at doing past and two, but digital clocks don't know how to do two; they just stick to past, and this clock showing 45 minutes past two, we wouldn't say that.

That's not how people would tend to say that, but that's how digital clocks think of it.

So, here look we've got 2 just like before showing that 2 hours have gone by and after the colon 45, showing that 45 minutes have gone by.

So, it's not saying how many minutes to it always shows how many minutes past.

They don't show how many minutes to or use language like quarter to or half.

Just the minutes past.

So it's quite easy in a way.

When telling the time on an analogue clock, you would say the minutes first and the hours second.

So here, look, I'll just say here, you'd say 20 minutes past two or 20 past two.

But on digital clocks, you show the hour first and the minute second, and that's also how it's read.

So, you would read that as 2.

20 or 2.

20 p.


in this case.

We've got a stem sentence.

M minutes past M is the same as M.

Will you say that with me, please? Let's do it together.

Mm minutes past mm is the same as mm mm.

Now just you, just you say it.

Off you go.


Let's have a practise.

So, let's start with 20 minutes past.

So, it's going to be 20 minutes past a certain hour.

Let's say 20 minutes past two.

So, 20 minutes past two is the same as two.

What do you think the last number is going to be? Twenty, right? Let's say that together.

Let's go.

Twenty minutes past two is the same as 2:20.

Do you think you've got that? Well, let's do another one.

This time it's 40 minutes past two.

What do we think that's the same as? 2:40.

It's as easy as that.

Let's read that together.

40 minutes past two is the same as 2:40.

Shall we do another one, okay? What about 10 minutes past? 10 minutes past 7 is the same as, what do you think? 7:10.

Let's do it together.

10 minutes past 7 is the same as 7:10.

I think you're getting the hang of this.

Let's do another one.

50 minutes past.

So, 50 minutes past 12.

What's that going to be the same as? 12:50.

Together, please.

50 minutes past 12 is the same as 12:50.

Let's do one more practise.

Ready? This time it's 57 minutes past.

So, it's not a multiple of 5 or 10 this time.

57 minutes past 12 is the same as what? What do you think? 12:57.

Say it with me.

57 minutes past 12 is the same as 12.


Do you think that's pretty easy? I think it is.

But let's find out.

Let's do a little check.

So, you've got two stem sentences to complete.

They're partly finished.

So we're going to start with twenty-five minutes past eight is the same as mm-mm.

And then mm-minutes past mm is the same as 11.


Pause the video.

Give it a go.

How did you get on? Let's see.

25 minutes past 8 is the same as 8:25.

Same numbers in reverse.

And 52 minutes past 11 is the same as 11:52.

So if you got those two right, very well done.

You are on track in today's lesson.

You're doing amazing.

Lucas is describing his day using the digital times alongside a.


and p.


So we've got a clock on the left, an analogue clock, just to help you see what the times are.

But it's going to say them in digital form.

So he says, I usually wake up at 6:45 a.


So you can see that 6:45 a.


on the clock.

What time do you normally wake up? Before that? After that? About the same time? And then he says, I usually have breakfast at 7 a.


Now, did you notice again how I said that? I said 7, I didn't say the zero part, you don't need to say the zero part.

So, 7 a.


And then I usually have a shower at 7:30 a.


And you might see that that's also half past seven, you might recognise that from the digital, from the analogue clock, but we don't say minutes two or we don't say half or quarter on digital clocks.

So, that is 7:30 a.


The school day at Oak Academy starts at 9 a.


That's 9 a.


in analogue form and that's how to say it.

And that's how it's written digitally in 12-hour form.

There is an assembly most days at 9:25 a.


Have a look at both of those times.

Lunch is at 12 p.


So remember that one.

That can be quite tricky, what time midday is.

So midday is at 12 p.


and that is what time Lucas has lunch at Oak Academy.

I walk home with my dad at 3:15 p.


Have a look at both of those times.

I do my homework about 4 p.


Well done Lucas, that's a good time to do it I think.

So 4 p.


Have a look at both of those times.

Are you getting the hang of this? After that we take our dog Oakley for a walk.

It's usually about 4:15 p.


That's both of those times.

Have you got a dog? What time do you take your dog for a walk? Have you got a special set time? Mum usually gets in from work at about 5:20 p.


That's when we have dinner.

So, have a look at 5:20 on an analogue clock and digitally.

I brush my teeth at about 7 p.


And bedtime is usually 7:30 p.


So, that's Lucas's day.

Let's have a little check.

Look at the analogue clock, which is showing a morning time.

So this is something in the morning, okay? What's that in digital time? Remember, you need to say a.


or p.


Okay, pause the video.

Have a go.

How did you get on? Let's have a look.

It is 7:50 a.


It's time for some practise.

Match the analogue clock to the correct digital time.

So you've got three clocks there, three analogue ones and three digital times.

So draw a line from each one.

Number two, complete the stem sentences.

So some of them have already got some information on.

or lots of information you've got to fill in the blanks.

Number three, write or draw, if your teacher's happy with that, a story about a typical day for you.

It could be a weekday or it could be a weekend day, and you're going to use a.


and p.


alongside the digital time, just like Lucas did.

So, for example, I wake up around 6:45 a.


Now, if you don't want to talk about yourself, you're feeling a little bit creative, you might want to make up a little story about a day for Jun or maybe Pedro the panda.

Have fun with all that.

Good luck.

And I'll see you in a bit for some feedback.

Welcome back.

How did you get on with that? Do you think you're getting the hang of this? Let's have a look.

Let's find out.

So the analogue clock.

So, the first one is 7:20.

So, you can see that seven is how many hours have gone by.

You can see that on the analogue clock and 20 minutes passed.

So, that's 7:20.

And then the second clock is the middle option.

That's 3:40.

Three hours have gone by and 40 minutes.

And then the final one is the first option from the digital options, and that is 10:30.

So you might have seen that as half past 10, but it's 10:30.

30 minutes have gone by and 10 hours.

And the stem sentences are as follows.

20 minutes past four is the same as 4:20.

40 minutes past 11 is the same as 11:40.

So the numbers are just reversed around, you see.

36 minutes past 7 is the same as 7:36.

And then 48 minutes past 10 is the same as 10:48.

And then you'll have all sorts of different stories or drawings here.

But here's just an example of a typical Saturday.

It might be, I set my alarm at 6:45am.

I have my breakfast around 8:15am.

I usually have a shower about 9 a.


Football practise starts at 9:30 a.


My son goes to football practise, do you? And finishes at 11 a.


We go to have lunch at Gran's house, usually about 12:15 p.


I have an art class at 2.

45 p.


My daughter goes to art class.

Dinner is usually about 5 p.


Often we watch a film as a family at about 6 p.


and bedtime on a Saturday is a bit later than usual at 8:30 p.


at the latest.

Are you ready for the second part of the lesson? I think you are.

I think you're doing very well.

So, that was 12 hour digital times.

Let's have a look at 24 hour digital times, a different way to show the time.

So, there are 12 hours between midnight and midday or a.


You know this already.

And there are 12 hours between midday and midnight or p.


You know that already.

12 hours plus 12 hours equals 24 hours, and that's a whole day.

The time and the settings have changed on John's digital clock on his tablet.

Do you notice anything? Has anything changed? The date's not changed.

The minutes past haven't changed either, but something has.

Have you spotted it? It's the hours 13.

Before it didn't go past 12, did it? Now it's got 13 on it.

So, it no longer shows a.


or p.


So, that's gone.

And secondly, the hours have gone beyond 12.

John's clock is showing the time in 24 hour digital form.

So the next time that we're going to look at is this, which is 1 in the morning or 1 a.


And in 24 hour digital time, that's how it looks.

And it's read as 01:00 hours.

This is 2 in the morning or 02:00 hours, 03:00 hours.

Keep reading with me.

04:00 hours, 05:00 hours, 06:00 hours, 07:00 hours 08:00 hours, 09:00 hours.

10:00 hours, 11:00 hours.

So, that's 11 in the morning.

These times all happen between midday and midnight.

So we've had 12:00 hours, which is no hours after 12 p.


, zero hours.

And then we've got 13:00 hours.

How many hours is that after 12 p.


? It's one.

One hour after 12 p.


What's next? 14:00 hours.

So 2 p.


or 2 in the afternoon is 14:00 hours.

How many hours after 12 p.


is that? It's 2.

2 hours after 12 p.


And then we've got 15:00 hours, which is 3 hours after 12 p.


Do you think you could do this with me now? 16:00 hours, that's 4 hours after 12 p.


What's next? 1700 hours, that's 5 hours after 12 p.


And then we've got 18:00 hours, which is 6 hours after 12 p.


We've got 19:00 hours, which is 7 hours after 12 p.


We've got 20:00 hours, which is 8 hours after 12 p.


We've got 21:00 hours, which is 8 hours after 12 p.


We've got 22:00 hours, which is 10 hours after 12 p.


And we've got 23:00 hours, which is 11 hours after 12 p.


Can you see a link? Let's have a little check for understanding.

Let's see how you're getting on.

Complete the 12 and 24 hour digital time.

So, we've got the first one done for you.

That's 6 p.


, which in 12 hour time is 6 p.


That's how we say it, but we write it as 6:00 p.


And in 24 hour digital time is 18:00 hours.

which is written as 18:00.

Can you do the same for 7 p.


, 8 p.


, 9 p.


, 10 p.


, and 11 p.


? I'm sure you can pause the video, and let's find out.

How do you get on, let's have a look.

So 7 p.


, 7 p.


with a colon and two zeros, and that's 1900, that's 19:00.

8 p.


, that's how we write that, that's 2100 hours.

9 p.


, that's how we write that, that's 2100 hours.

10 p.


, that's how we write that, that's 2200 hours.

And 11 p.


, that's how we write that, and that's 2300 hours.

If the hour on a 24-hour digital clock is 12 or greater, it's a p.



It's after midday.

So here look, 1300 hours.

That's after midday.

That's in the afternoon.

And we know that by the 30.

We don't need to look at the minutes.

It's the hours that tell us whether it's after midday or not.

Again, 13:07, look, that's in the afternoon.

We look at the hours to tell us that.

And again, 13:53.

So these are all times in between 1 p.


and 2 p.


And then let's have a look at another one.

This is 1500 hours.

That 15 is greater than 12, so we know straight away it's after midday.

It's an afternoon time.

So, it's 15:30.

So, it's 15:42.



Again, that number is greater than 12, so it has to be after midday.

That's an evening time.

That's 24 minutes past 7.

Here we've got 21:01.

Again, we look at the hours to tell us and that's after 12.

So it's got to be in the evening or night in this case.

And finally, 23:45.

That's greater than 12.

The 23 is.

So it must be after midday and that is a night time, time and that's quite close to midnight.

That's 45 minutes past 11 or quarter to 12.

Which of these are p.


times? Let's check to see if you've got that.

18:00, 11:13, 13:11 and 00:00.

Or 0 hundred hours.

Pause the video.

Have a go.

So if the hour number is greater than 12, it must be after midday, meaning A is after midday, that is, that's 6 p.


And C is, that's greater than 12, look, the 13 is, so that is actually 11 minutes past one in the afternoon.

Let's do some practise, so complete the table the first one's been done for you.

So, can you give those analogue clock times as 12 and 24-hour digital times? And number two, sort the following times into the correct boxes.

So we've got a table in the left-hand column before midday, the middle column midday, and the final column after midday.

Can you sort all of those times? They're given in a mixture of formats there, so can you sort them out? Pause the video and give that a go.

Welcome back, how did you get on? Let's have a look.

So the first one was already done.

2 a.


, 2 a.


, 02:00 hours.

2 p.


, 2 p.


with the colon and two zeros, and 14:00 hours.

3 a.


, 3 a.


, two zeros, 03:00 hours.

7 p.


, that's 07:00 p.


, so that's 7 p.


, and that's 19:00 hours, so 19:00.

11 a.


, that's 11 a.



That's how we write that.

And that's 11:00 hours.

And 11 p.


, that's 11 p.


with a colon and two zeros.

And that is in 24-hour time, 2300 hours, so 23:00.

Number two, sort the following times into the correct boxes.

So the before midday ones were 5 a.


, 10:17, 9 a.


, and midnight, which is 00:00.

The midday times were 12 p.


, and then 1200 hours, so 12:00.

And then the after midday times were 18:00 hours, 19:04, 20:00 hours, 6 p.


, 23:59.

That's one minute before midnight at 5:28 p.


, and 16:10.

We've come to the end of the lesson.

So our lesson today has been reading the time on a 24-hour digital clock.

All times can be expressed in three different ways on an analogue clock, which is something I'm sure you've had a lot of practise out before as a digital time using a.


or p.


, or on a 24-hour digital clock.

So, we see all three forms of those times every day.



times on a 24-hour digital clock use 12 to 23 to represent the hours.

You've been absolutely amazing in today's lesson.

I really do hope that I get the chance to spend another maths lesson with you.

But until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

Well done on today's achievements.

Take care and goodbye.