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Hi everybody, I'm Miss Gardner.

Welcome to your next lesson from our unit, King Tut, a non-chronological report.

I'm really excited for today's lesson 'cause we're gonna start learning all about the Egyptian Pharaoh.

So let's get going.

In today's lesson from our unit, King Tut, a non-chronological report, we are going to be learning all the facts that we want to include in our non-chronological report.

So your learning outcome is I can learn and recall facts to use in a non-chronological report about King Tut.

Let's start by looking at the keywords.

We'll do My Turn, Your Turn: pharaoh, mummification, archaeologist, artefacts, tomb.

Let's have a look at what these mean.

A pharaoh was a ruler of ancient Egypt.

Mummification is an old-fashioned method of preparing a dead body so that it doesn't decay and it can be preserved for a really long time.

An archaeologist is a scientist who studies the history of humans by looking at what man-made objects were left behind.

Artefacts are objects made by humans that provide evidence of past human activity.

And a tomb is a place in which a person may be buried when they die.

So in today's lesson, there are two sections of our learning.

In the first we'll be learning about the life of King Tut, and in the second full section we'll be learning about the death of King Tut.

So let's start by learning about King Tut's life.

We are writing a non-chronological report about King Tut in this unit.

So this means we are going to be informing the reader about these aspects of King Tut: how and when he became the King of Ancient Egypt, what he achieved as king, how and when his death happened, his mummification.

It's important that we have a really good understanding of these facts so that when we come to informing other people, we are really knowledgeable.

So let's start by learning about some of these facts.

King Tut is also known as Tutankhamun.

Let's do My Turn, Your Turn.


He is a very famous Egyptian pharaoh and he ruled over Ancient Egypt approximately 3,000 years ago.

So a really, really long time ago.

So archaeologists actually only discovered his tomb only 100 years ago.

So the tomb in which he was buried was discovered in 1922.

So it had been sitting there preserved for a really, really long time.

Through studying his tomb and his mummified body and the artefacts that he was buried with, archaeologists have been able to learn more about this renowned pharaoh.

So checking for understanding.

How many years ago was King Tut discovered? When was his tomb discovered? A, 10 years ago.

B, 1,000 years ago.

C, 100 years ago, or D, 40 years ago? Pause the video now.

It was 100 years ago in around 1922.

So just over 100 years ago.

Well done! So King Tut is often called the Boy King.

And that's because that when he was nine years old, his father, King Akhenaten, died and Tutankhamun was the heir.

So he immediately became king.

If you are the heir to the throne, you are the next person to become king or queen when the current king or queen dies.

Can you imagine ruling the country at your age? He was only nine years old and suddenly he had all this power and he had to make a lot of big decisions.

And so because he was so young, he had a big team of advisors, people who helped him make decisions.

If you are an advisor, your job is give advice to people.

And I think probably King Tut was very grateful for all these advisors because he was only nine years old when he had to make all these decisions.

So true or false? Check for understanding.

King Tut was known as the Boy King.

Pause the video now.

That is true.

Can you use A or B to justify your answer? A, King Tut became king when he was only nine years old so he was known as the Boy King, or B, King Tut was known as the Boy King because he was the first boy to become pharaoh.

Pause the video now.

That's right.

That is A.

Well done.

So King Tut made lots of changes to Egypt when he was ruler.

His father, King Akhenaten had made many unpopular decisions when he ruled Egypt.

So King Tut wanted to fix this.

He wanted to undo the changes that his father had made to Ancient Egypt.

Now interestingly, he was actually originally called Tutankhaten, which you can see is a bit more similar to his father's name.

But he changed his name as he wanted to separate himself from his father.

He wanted to distance himself.

He didn't want people to associate him with his father.

So he changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun.

Now the most significant, the most important decision that King Tut made was actually when he changed the religious beliefs in Egypt.

So when his father was in power, the religious belief in Ancient Egypt was monotheism.

Let's do My Turn, Your Turn: monotheism; that means they believed in one god.

But King Tut changed that and he changed the religious beliefs in Ancient Egypt to polytheism.

Polytheism; that means belief in many gods.

King Tut successfully undid the changes his father made to how they worshipped.

So everyone was really pleased to go back to believing in many gods.

Because he returned Egypt back to its traditional religion which had a mix, many different gods.

So that was a really popular decision that King Tut made.

Checking for understanding.

What did Tutankhamun change his name from so he could distance himself from his father? Was it A, King Tut, B, Tutankhaten, C, King Akhenaten, or D, Pharaoh? Pause the video now.

That's right.

It was B, Tutankhaten.

C was the name of his father, King Akhenaten.

And A is what King Tut is just also known as, or Tutankhamun is also known as, and D, Pharaoh, that is the name of the job when you're ruling the country.

Well done.

So it's time for Task A.

You need to decide if each statement is true or false.

So here are your five statements.

King Tut ruled Egypt around 100 years ago.

King Tut was 15 years old when he became King.

Tutankhamun was originally called Tutankhaten.

King Tut had a big team of advisors to help him.

King Tut changed the religious beliefs from monotheism, belief in one god, to polytheism, belief in lots of gods.

So pause the video now and put a tick in whether you think the statement is true or false.

Off you go.

Well done, everybody.

Welcome back.

Let's go through the answers.

King Tut ruled Egypt around 100 years ago.

That was false.

It was about 3,000 years ago.

His tomb was discovered about 100 years ago.

King Tut was 15 years old when he became king.

That was false.

He was nine years old.

Tutankhamun was originally called Tutankhaten.

That is true.

King Tut had a big team of advisors to help him.

That is true.

And King Tut changed the religious beliefs from monotheism, belief in one god to polytheism, belief in lots of gods.

That is true, and that was a really popular decision that he made.

Okay, now we need to recall these facts by saying them aloud and hopefully this will make them stick in your head a little bit better.

So here are the facts written correctly.

King Tut ruled Egypt around 3,000 years ago.

King Tut was nine years old when he became King.

Tutankhamun was originally called Tutankhaten.

King Tut had a big team of advisors to help him.

And King Tut changed the religious beliefs from monotheism, belief in one god, to polytheism, belief in many gods.

So you're going to get into pairs and name yourselves A and B.

You'll need to take it in turns to say each facts.

So you're both going to have a go at saying the facts because then you get to hear it and you get to say it, which will hopefully mean it becomes embedded in your memory even more.

Remember to use clear diction, so to say it really clearly and to use good eye contact.

So to look at your partner in the eye when you say the facts.

So pause the video now and off you go.

Well done, everybody.

Welcome back.

I hope you enjoyed that.

So did you use clear diction? Did you use good eye contact? Can you memorise? Can you remember at least two of these facts? If you need to, you can pause the video now and have another go at saying these facts out loud and listening to your partner saying them, otherwise, really well done.

It's time for the second section of our lesson where we are going to be learning all about the death of King Tut and what happened when his tomb was discovered.

Unfortunately, King Tut only ruled over Egypt for 10 years.

Very sadly, he died when he was only 19 years old.

When he died, King Tut was mummified.

So his body was preserved for over 3,000 years until it was discovered in his tomb 100 years ago, just over 100 years ago in 1922 by the archaeologist Howard Carter.

So checking for understanding.

How old was King Tut when he died? A 15 years old, B, 35 years old, C, 19 years old or D, 21 years old? Pause the video now.

It's C.

He was only 19 years old when he died.

Tutankhamun's tomb was found surrounded by approximately 5,000 treasures and artefacts.

These included a golden throne, a crown, toys, jewellery, and a big chest.

You can see in the photo here some of these artefacts.

So just having a think, what do these items tell us about King Tut? What can we learn? We know the job of an archaeologist is to learn about the past through looking at artefacts.

What can we learn about King Tut through this? Tell the person next to you or to a partner or whoever you are with.

Pause the video.

Okay, I hope you had an interesting chat.

I think the fact that there was a golden throne, a crown, jewellery, a big chest, shows that he was a man of wealth and power and status because he had this crown, he had a throne.

So those artefacts and these treasures show that he was a powerful and wealthy man.

Egyptians were buried with artefacts because they believed that they would be useful for them in the afterlife.

So when they died and they entered the new world and started a new life, these artefacts would be really helpful for that.

So checking for understanding.

True or false? Ancient Egyptians were buried with artefacts so they could not be stolen.

Pause the video now.

That is false.

Can you use A or B to justify your answer? A, Egyptians were buried with artefacts as they believed they would be useful in the afterlife.

B, Egyptians were buried with artefacts to protect them in their tombs.

Pause the video now.

It is A, Egyptians were buried with their artefacts because they might have been useful for them in the afterlife.

Well done.

So if archaeologists also discovered, in his tomb, two mummified bodies of King Tut's unborn children, as they were never born, King Tut was never able to pass the throne onto his own children.

So he didn't have an heir.

As a result, they meant the next pharaoh was not part of King Tut's family.

Tutankhamun's death was unexpected.

He was 19 years old.

People didn't expect him to die.

It is not exactly certain how he died, but scientists have conducted lots of DNA tests and they now believe that he died of an infection from a broken leg or from the disease malaria.

But as I said, they don't know for sure.

But the DNA tests indicate it was probably one of these two things.

Checking for understanding.

Which two options do scientists believe King Tut must have died from? A, an infected leg, B, pneumonia, C, malaria, or D a fall? Pause the video now.

That's right.

It was A, an infected leg or C, malaria.

Well done.

It's time for Task B.

You need to decide if each statement is true or false.

So I'll read the statements out and you can be thinking, are they true or false? King Tut ruled in Egypt for 10 years.

Tutankhamun died when he was 21 years old.

Howard Carter discovered his tomb 100 years ago.

Two unborn mummified babies were found in the tomb.

Scientists believe King Tut died from pneumonia.

Pause the video now and off you go.

Welcome back, everybody.

Well done.

So let's go through the answers.

King Tut ruled Egypt for 10 years.

That's true.

King Tutankhamun died when he was 21 years old.

That is false.

He was 19 years old when he died.

Howard Carter the archaeologist, discovered his tomb 100 years ago.

That is true.

Just over, it was in 1922.

Two unborn mummified babies were found in the tomb.

That is true.

Scientists believe King Tut died from pneumonia.

That's false.

They believe it was either from malaria or an infected leg.

Well done.

Okay, so now here are the facts written correctly.

King Tut ruled Egypt for 10 years.

Tutankhamun died when he was 19 years old.

Howard Carter discovered his tomb 100 years ago.

Two unborn mummified babies were found in the tomb.

And scientists believe King Tut died from malaria or an infected leg.

So we now need to recall these facts by saying them out loud.

So you're going to get into pairs again and name yourselves A and B.

You'll need to take it in turns to say each fact and making sure you are saying the fact and listening to your partner say the fact.

So you are really trying to make sure you're remembering it.

And you need to remember to use clear diction, so saying it clearly.

And good eye contact.

So looking at your partner in the eye.

So pause the video now and off you go, saying and listening to these facts out loud.

Off you go.

Welcome back, everybody.

Well done.

I hope that was useful.

Did you use clear diction and did your partner use clear diction? Did you both use good eye contact? Can you memorise, remember at least two facts? If you need to pause the video now and have another go at saying them again, you can.

Otherwise really well done.

Okay, here is a summary of everything we have learned today.

King Tut was nine years old when he began ruling Egypt 3,000 years ago.

King Tut changed the religion of Ancient Egypt from monotheism to polytheism.

King Tut died aged 19 after ruling For 10 years.

He was mummified, so his body was preserved for 3,000 years.

The archaeologist Howard Carter discovered his body surrounded by artefacts in 1922.

Two unborn mummified babies were found in the tomb, so King Tut never passed the throne onto his family.

Well done, everybody.

Great job.