Hi, I'm Rebecca, your computing teacher.
Now this lesson includes some information about inappropriate online content and contact.
Some people might find these issues sensitive, and if that applies to you, then you might want to have a trusted adult nearby.
While you do this lesson, you're also going to need a pen and paper and to remove any distractions out of the way that you can.
Once you've done that we can begin in this lesson.
You will learn how to check who you are talking to online, recognise inappropriate content and contact and recognise when and how to report abuse online to CEOP.
So as a bit of a starter activity, what I want you to do is take a look at this profile and see what is wrong with Jessica's profile.
So pause the video and take a real long, look at this profile and see what you think might be wrong with it.
So here are all the parts that were wrong with Jessica's profile.
Let's take a look.
So there's quite a lot there.
That's wrong with it.
First of all, let's just start at the top.
We've got the profile is set to public.
Now this is something that you should definitely not be doing.
It should be private or friends and at a push friends of friends, but ideally just friends only being able to see a profile pictures.
You've also got a picture of Jessica's favourite park that she goes to.
So it's showing clearly her location as well, because she's got i love going to park on Sandy lane in Cambridge.
So someone could easily find her at that location.
She's got her full name on there, Jessica Mary Stevens.
So somebody could steal her identity quite easily because her middle name is also there as well.
So try to keep it to nicknames.
That's the best thing to do.
There's a picture of her, a complete full picture of her whole face, making it really easy to identify her in public.
So that's definite no, no date of birth of phone number, her email address and her home address are all public for anyone to see.
So that is really, really risky to do that.
And you should not do that at all.
You've then got the status is as well.
So if you have a look, it says me and Sophia here at the park, come meet us It's really fun.
So she said her location publicly, she's even implemented a friend in that as well.
And people, anyone can go and find that she's thinking well, maybe only my friends are going to see this, but actually anyone could see that because it's public and they just go, I'll be off to Sandy lane park again this afternoon, come and join me there.
So again, that's making it really clear what location she's at, what time.
So it's really risky for her to do that.
So what I want you to do is think about what you have learned so far about online safety and security.
So not just this lesson, but what we've done in lesson one, two and three as well.
And what do you think the risks might be for Jessica? What advice would you give her? Pause the video and write that down.
Now let's take a look at inappropriate content and contact.
The internet is a great place, for us to learn and keep in touch with our friends, with our parents or carers permission, we can video message people from across the other side of the world in an instant.
And we can find recipes for the ingredients in our cupboards in record time.
As you have learned already, the internet can also expose, you to things that you do not want to see and people that you do not want to talk to.
This is known as inappropriate content and contact.
It is important to learn how to recognise this and what to do.
If you find yourself in a situation where you experienced inappropriate content or contact.
The following slides will show you various scenarios that can happen online and offline decide if they might be inappropriate content or contact.
And here are just some definitions of content and contact.
So content something you see read or hear that is offensive and contact is unwanted messages or calls.
Here's our first scenario then.
Sarah has met a boy online that she's planning to meet up with.
She has decided that when she does meet him, she will go to his house.
So is this inappropriate content or inappropriate contact? What do you think? it's contact meeting someone that you've never met, in the non-digital world in their own home is extremely risky and you must never do it.
If you do want to meet someone online, should always do it with a trusted adult with you and in a public space.
So Jeremiah has been looking at videos of people, slapping others in the face as a prank on YouTube.
Is this inappropriate content or contact? What do you think it is? It's content.
So something that you see or hear or read that you that's offensive it's inappropriate content.
Afzal has found a cool website that shows teenagers climbing up scaffolding on building sites.
Is this inappropriate content or contact? What do you think? Inappropriate content.
So anything that you see or hear that might be dangerous online, then this is going to be inappropriate content.
A girl in year nine is receiving 10 emails per day from a stranger that she met online is this inappropriate content or contact? let's see.
Inappropriate contact.
So somebody being message 10 times a day by a stranger is very, very inappropriate.
Sometimes you might get messages accidentally, and this does happen.
But if it's happening 10 times a day and it's a stranger, then it becomes almost like harassment.
And it is something that should be reported so that it can be stopped.
Rachel has found a website that gives information about joining an extremist group that have the same beliefs as Adolf Hitler.
So is this an appropriate content or contact? Have a think.
it's inappropriate content.
So anything about extremist behaviour is going to be inappropriate content.
And then obviously those groups try to contact you.
Then that would be an inappropriate contact as well.
A girl in year eight has received several nasty emails and has replied to most of them is this inappropriate content or contact? Its inappropriate contact they are receiving messages that they don't want that are offensive.
So this is inappropriate contact and should be reported.
A girl in year 6 has accidentally clicked on a popup for a dating website containing sexually explicit images.
So is this an inappropriate content or contact? What do you think? Let's take a look, it's inappropriate content.
So something that she has seen, heard or read.
So it's definitely something she's seen that is offensive and it's not appropriate for her.
So it's inappropriate content.
A boy has met a girl online.
He's been asked to send topless pictures of himself.
Is it inappropriate content or contact? That's tricky one isn't it? What do you think? it's inappropriate contact.
So we're looking here at the request.
If someone requests this from you, it's extremely inappropriate and you should not do it.
So it's inappropriate contact, but we haven't sent any inappropriate content to anyone.
So that's where it becomes contact and not content.
so look at the next one.
Ben and Amy are in year 11 and have been going out for two months.
They have recently started sending each other pictures of themselves without any clothes on.
Is this inappropriate content or contact? What do you think? Content.
So this is very inappropriate.
If you are under the age of 18, you it is illegal for you.
Send any images of you with no clothes on to somebody else.
Now this is something that you can actually get a criminal record for, and it's very, very serious.
So you must not do it.
And even when you do reach 18, it's still a very irresponsible thing to do because those images, once you've sent them become, anyone can have them.
Somebody's phone could get stolen.
You could fall out with your partner and they could send the images to somebody else.
They really, as soon as you sent them, you've lost control over those images.
So it's really, really important to just don't do it.
And particularly under the age of 18, where it is actually against the law.
So Ross has found a social media profile that contains homophobic views.
Is this inappropriate content or contact? What do you think? It's inappropriate content.
So it's something that they have read or seen or heard that is offensive to people.
Do you know who you are talking to online? We've touched on this before in lesson three.
It's not always easy to know who that other person is on the on the other end of the conversation, they might say that they are going to school, that they're school age, that they're a boy that they're a girl and that they're into the same sports this year or the same computer games or the books that you read.
And you might think that you're, they're your friends.
But if you don't know them in the non digital world, and you have no proof of who they are, especially if you're not seeing their face and talking to them on camera, then it's really difficult to know exactly who these people are.
And this is why it's so important to really protect yourself online so that you know exactly who you are talking to, and that you keep your online world secure so that only your friends can see your profiles.
And that if you add any new friends to your online world, that you know exactly who they are so you know who you speaking to, sometimes you might get yourself into a situation where you feel you need to report something because something has made you feel uncomfortable.
This is where CEOP can be used.
CEOP is a branch of the police that deals with child exploitation and online protection.
If you are ever worried about how you've been contacted online, then you can report your experience to CEOP.
To find the website, just go onto your browser and search for CEOP on there.
You can make an online report and this will be taken seriously.
CEOP are the real police.
So be aware that making false allegations is a crime.
So make sure that any allegations that you make are as accurate as possible.
Reporting abuse on social media and gaming, nearly all social media platforms have systems to allow you to block and report offensive content and users.
You can also block users from your gaming platforms, from your phone.
Get a trusted adult to help you check the settings.
Always speak to an adult that you trust.
If you are experiencing unwanted contact, or if you have seen something online that you've, that has made you feel uncomfortable for further guidance and support, you can visit the following websites.
Now thinkuknow and Childline Pause the video to complete your task.
So good versus bad.
Create a list of good things and bad things about the internet from your list of bad things, make a note of what you could do in that situation, and then resume when you're finished.
Well done.
And if any of these issues have resonated with you today, then please make sure that you talk to a trusted adult or take a look at Childline or the thinkuknow website.
If you'd like to please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter tagging at Oak National and hashtag learn with Oak.
Cause we'd love to see what you've been getting up to see you soon.