
Lesson video

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Hello, my name's Mrs. Cayley.

And I'm going to be working with you in today's lesson.

So in today's lesson we're going to represent the multiples of 10 using numerals and number names.

So let's have a look at today's lesson outcome.

Here's the outcome of today's lesson.

I can represent multiples of 10 using numbers and names.

Here are the key words for today's lesson.

Can you repeat them after me? My turn, tens.

Your turn.

My turn, ones.

Your turn.

My turn, multiple.

Your turn.

Well done.

You might have seen these before.

Look out for them in today's lesson.

Here's today's lesson outline.

So we're going to represent multiples of 10 using their numerals and names.

We'll start off with number names, and then we'll move on to representing tens numbers.

So let's start on the learning.

Here are some children that are going to help us today.

We've got Andeep and Izzy.

We can represent multiples of 10 in different ways.

Here are some different ways of showing the multiples of 10.

We've got some number shapes.

We've got some straws in bundles of 10.

We've got 10 counters on a 10 frame.

We've got packs of 10 pencils.

We've got 10 beads on a rekenrek.

Andeep said, "I can see groups of 10." Izzy said, "We can group objects into tens." Can you think of other objects that can be put into groups of 10? You could have a look around you.

You might be able to see some things that are already in groups of 10.

Or maybe you could put them into groups of 10.

So you might think of your fingers or your toes.

You might have an egg box that holds 10 eggs.

You might have a chocolate box that holds 10 chocolates.

Maybe you could put 10 cubes together to make a group of 10.

See what you can see around you.

Perhaps you could find some groups of 10, and they might help you with this lesson.

What do you notice here? We've got some numbers, haven't we? Can you say them with me? We've got 10, 80, 50, 70, 30, 90, 60, and 100.

What do you notice about those numbers? Andeep said, "These are all tens numbers." Izzy said, "They are all multiples of 10." That's what we call these numbers because they've been made of groups of 10.

Do you notice anything else about the numbers? All multiples of 10 end with a zero.

Did you notice that? Andeep said, "Some are made of digits like 80." That's been made of eight and zero.

Some are written as words.

I can see ten and thirty have been written as words.

Count the groups of 10 and complete the sentence.

So we're going to show you some groups of 10 pencils.

And can you see the sentence at the bottom? It says there are groups of 10 pencils.

There are pencils.

So let's count the groups of pencils as they appear.

One group of 10.

Two groups of 10.

Three groups of 10.

Four groups of 10.

Five groups of 10.

Six groups of 10.

We've got 6 groups of 10.

I wonder how many pencils that is altogether.

Let's say the stem sentence together.

There are 6 groups of 10 pencils.

There are 60 pencils.

Is that what you thought? Andeep and Izzy have six tens.

We call this 60.

There are 10 pencils in each box.

There are 6 boxes of 10 pencils.

So there are 60 pencils altogether.

This is six tens and zero ones.

We can see this on a place value chart.

Can you see the place value chart there showing the tens and the ones? So when we put the digits in, we've got six tens and zero ones.

The six means six tens.

The zero means zero ones.

There are 6 groups of 10.

The tens digit represents the 6 groups of 10.

Multiples of 10 are made of some tens and no ones.

Here's the word sixty.

Do you know how many tens it's been made of? It's got six tens.

That's why it's called 60.

The first part six means there's six tens, and the -ty means tens.

There aren't any ones in this number, otherwise it'll be 61 or 62 or 63 and so on.

This number is 60.

We have six tens.

We call this number 60.

This number has six tens and no ones.

Can you say the stem sentence with me? There are six tens and zero ones.

We write 60 and we say sixty.

Count the groups of 10 and complete the sentence here.

We are going to have some more groups of 10 this time.

So can you count them as they appear? One group of 10.

Two groups of 10.

Three groups of 10.

Four groups of 10.

Five groups of 10.

Six groups of 10.

Seven groups of 10.

Eight groups of 10.

Let's say the stem sentence together.

There are 8 groups of 10 pencils.

There are 80 pencils.

Is that what you thought? Andeep and Izzy have eight tens.

We call this 80.

Can you see the eight packs of 10 pencils? Can you see the place value chart as well? Izzy said, "Eighty is made up of eight tens and no ones." How do you think it will look on the place value chart? Perhaps you could have a go at writing it down.

There are eight tens and zero ones, so that's how it looks on the place value chart.

Let's say the stem sentence together.

Eight tens is equal to 80.

Well done.

Multiples of 10 are made of some tens and no ones.

Here's the number eighty.

Eighty means eight tens.

Andeep said, "This number is 80." "We have eight tens." We call this number eighty.

This number has eight tens and no ones.

If it had some ones it would be 80 something, like 81 or 82 or 83.

Let's say the stem sentence together.

There are eight tens and zero ones.

We write 80 and we say eighty.

How many fingers can you see? I can see the fingers are in groups of 10.

So should we count them in tens? You could show your fingers as we count them.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50.

There are 50 fingers aren't there? Let's say the stem sentence together.

There are 50 fingers.

How many people are there? So how many people do you think are showing their fingers? How many groups of 10 can you see? Let's say the stem sentence together.

There are 5 groups of 10 so there are 5 people.

You could try this with your friends, couldn't you? Five of you hold up your fingers and there would be 50 fingers.

What number is this? How many tens are there? It's the number 50, isn't it? Andeep said, "This number is 50." Izzy said, "We have five tens." Andeep said, "We call this number fifty." Izzy said, "This number has five tens and no ones." Let's say the stem sentence together.

There are five tens and zero ones.

We write 50 and we say fifty.

Andeep said, "We don't say fivety, we say fifty." Did you notice that sounds a bit different to the number five, doesn't it? Even though it's five tens, we say 50.

Izzy said, "Which other numbers sound a bit different? Let's sort the numbers.

Andeep and Izzy sort the numbers by their number names.

They're thinking about which multiples of 10 sound like the number of tens and which ones sound different to the number of tens.

Andeep and Izzy are going to pick some multiples of tens to try this with.

Andeep said, "I picked 60.

"It sounds like the number of tens with -ty on the end." So 60 sounds like six tens.

Izzy said, "I picked 20.

"It sounds different to the number of tens." So this is two tens, but we don't say twoty, we say twenty.

Andeep said, "I picked 30.

"It sounds different to the number of tens.

So we don't say threety, we say thirty.

Izzy said, "I picked 80.

"It sounds like the number of tens." That sounds like eight tens, doesn't it? So some of these sound similar to the number of tens and some of them sound a bit different.

Andeep and Izzy kept playing until only 40 was left.

So can you see that they've put 60, 90, 80 and 70 together? Because they all sound like the number of tens.

Then they put 20, 10, 30 and 50 together because they sound a bit different to the number of tens.

So they're left with the number 40.

Andeep said, "There is only 40 left.

"It sounds like four tens." Izzy has noticed that the spelling isn't the same.

It is forty with no U in it.

So the word four has got a U in it and forty has not.

Andeep said, "40 will have to stay outside." Izzy notices something different about the numbers that sound different.

So here's 20, 30 and 50.

Izzy said, "Some teen numbers sound the same at the start." So here we've got a teen number 12.

Izzy said, "12 and 20 start the same." 20 has two tens and 12 has two ones.

So they've both got a two in them, and they both start the same way.

Here's 13.

Thirty and Thirteen start the same way too, don't they? And they've both got a three in them.

30 has got three tens and 13 has got three ones.

Here's the number 15.

Izzy said, "So do fifty and fifteen.

"The 'fif' part must mean five." It looks a bit like the number five, doesn't it? Let's check your understanding.

Who is correct? Can you see the multiple of 10 here? Andeep said, "We call this number thirty." Izzy said, "We call this number threety." Who do you think is correct? Pause the video while you think about this one.

So who was correct? It was Andeep, wasn't it? We call this number thirty.

It is made of three tens, but we don't say threety we say thirty.

Let's check your understanding again.

What number is this and how many tens are there? Can you see the multiple of 10 here? And we've got a place value chart.

I wonder what the number will look like on the place value chart.

There's a stem sentence to help you as well.

Pause the video while you think about this one.

What did you think about this one? This is the number 40, isn't it? Andeep said, "This number is 40." Izzy said, "We have four tens." Andeep said, "We call this number forty." "This number has four tens and no ones." So how's this number going to look on the place value chart? There we are.

We've got four tens and zero ones.

Let's say the stem sentence together.

Four tens is equal to 40.

Here's a task for you to have a go at.

You could play this game with a friend or you could try it on your own.

Take turns to show a number card to your partner, and then ask them to say how many groups of 10 it is.

Can they find groups of 10 objects to match the number and say the stem sentence? You could use 10p coins, number shapes or cubes in tens.

Or you could find other objects to group into tens.

The stem sentence says tens is equal to.

So here we've got the number cards with the number words on.

They're all multiples of 10.

So see if you can pause the video and have a go at this task.

How did you get on with the task? You might have tried this.

I picked the number twenty.

Two tens is equal to 20.

Andeep said, "We showed our hands.

Two tens is 20." You might have picked the number forty.

Four tens is equal to 40.

Andeep said, "I used sticks of 10 cubes to show 40." You might have picked the number sixty.

Six tens is equal to 60.

Izzy said, "I showed 60 with 6 10 pence coins." How did you get on? And what did you find to represent the multiples of 10? Let's move on to the second part of the lesson.

We'll be representing tens numbers.

We can represent multiples of 10 with objects or as numerals.

Here we've got some number shapes in groups of 10.

There are four groups of 10, aren't there? So this is the number 40.

Andeep said, "I can see four groups of 10." Izzy said, "There are four tens and no ones." Let's say the stem sentence together.

This is the number 40 and there are four groups of 10.

Andeep and Izzy are ordering multiples of 10.

They've got a washing line here, haven't they? You could try this if you've got a piece of string and some pegs, and you can make some number cards to peg onto it.

So here we've got the multiples of 10.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.

What do you think is going to be next? Yes, it's 90.

Well done.

They've pegged some multiples of 10 in the correct order on the washing line, haven't they? Andeep said, "There are different ways "to represent multiples of 10." Izzy said, "How else could we represent "the multiples of 10?" Andeep said, "We could use the number names." So let's try it with the number names.

There we are.

They've hung the number names below the numbers.

So can you see we've got ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eight, and ninety in words.

Izzy said, "We could say how many tens there are." How many tens has each number got? They've hung them below.

Can you see? So now we've got 10, which is equal to one 10.

20 is equal to two tens.

30 is equal to three tens.

40 is equal to four tens, 50 is equal to five tens.

60 is equal to six tens.

70 is equal to seven tens.

80 is equal to eight tens.

And 90 is equal to nine tens.

We can match representations to the numbers.

So here are the multiples of 10.

And we are going to have some representations to match to them.

Here's the first representation.

Can you see 10 fingers? Andeep said, "There is one 10.

This is 10." So where's it going to go on the washing line? That's right, it matches up with the number 10.

Here's the next one.

I wonder how many counters there are.

I can see there are seven groups of 10.

Izzy said, "There are seven tens.

This is 70." So it's going to match up with the number 70.

Here we've got some 10 pence coins.

Can you see how many coins there are? Andeep said, "There are nine tens.

This is 90." So we're going to match it up with the number 90.

Here we've got some different coins.

This time we've got three 10 pence coins.

Izzy said, "There are three tens.

This is 30." So where's it going to go on the washing line? There we are.

It matches up with the number 30.

Now we've got some straws in bundles of 10.

There are five groups of 10.

So Andeep said, "There are five tens.

This is 50." So it's going to match up with the number 50.

Is that what you thought? You could have a go at making your own representations to match up with numbers on a washing line.

Let's check your understanding.

How else could you represent 70? Can you find it on the line? So think of a way that you could represent 70, and then match it up with the number on the number line.

You could draw a picture or find some objects.

So pause the video while you have a think about this one.

So what could we represent 70 with? Andeep and Izzy have represented 70 with the word.

Izzy said, "70 is the numeral for seventy." And they found a picture to represent 70.

It's seven 10p coins.

Andeep said, "I used coins.

"Seven tens is equal to 70." Here's a task for you to have a go at.

Can you play a matching game with the cards? Sort the cards into three piles so we've got words, numerals, or picture, and turn over two to see if they match.

You could play this with a friend or you could play it on your own.

So can you see the different representations here? We've got some counters and coins and straws, and we've got the words and the numerals.

See if you can match them up.

There are some more on the next page.

Here are some more cards for you to match.

Here we've got counters, cubes, fingers, and pencils in groups of 10.

And here are some more cards for you to match.

This time we've got 10p coins.

So see if you can have a go at that game.

Here's the second part of your task.

Now match and order all of the cards.

How many tens are there in each one? Can you say the stem sentence each time? So Izzy is helping you with the stem sentence.

She said, "This is the number and it has tens." You could find some real objects as well to match up with the cards.

So pause the video while you have a go at your task.

How did you get on with your task? Did you match the cards showing the same number and put the cards in order? So here I've matched the cards and I've put them in order.

Can you see we've got the number 10, and that's been represented with 10 fingers.

So that's one group of 10.

Then we've got the number 20, and that's been represented with two groups of 10 cubes.

Then we've got the number 30, and that's got three 10p coins.

Then we've got the number 40, and I can see four groups of 10 counters.

Then we've got the number 50.

That's got five groups of ten straws.

Then we've got the number 60, and here we've got six 10p coins.

Then we've got the number 70.

That's showing seven groups of 10 counters.

Then I can see the number 80.

There are eight packs of 10 pencils.

Then we've got the number 90, I can see nine 10p coins there.

Finally the number 100.

That's got 10 groups of 10 counters, and we've put them on a blank hundred square there.

Did you match and order all the cards? And what did you notice about them? Izzy said, "Each one has one more 10 than the last." So we're going up by 10 each time.

Well done.

We've got to the end of our lesson.

Today we were representing multiples of 10 using their numerals and names.

This is what we found out.

All multiples of 10 have a zero in the ones.

We can use the stem sentences to help us.

This is the number and the represents tens.

And we might say tens is equal -ty.

So three tens is equal to thirty.

And we can use that for all the multiples of 10, can't we? Well done, everyone.

See you soon.