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Hello, this is Lomas here and I am a primary school teacher who really, really, really, really loves geography.

So I'm super excited to be joining you for your geography lesson today.

So let's find out what we're going to do, shall we? Today we are going to be looking at "Revealing the UK's global links" as part of our "The UK who are we?" unit.

The outcome for today's lesson is that you will be able to describe the UK's global links and explain how these contribute to the character of your local area.

We have three keywords for today's lesson.

They are character, multicultural, and international.

Let's try my turn, your turn, ready? Character, multicultural, international, and let's find out what they mean.

The character of a place means what it is like and how it feels to be there.

Multiculturalism is having people from many different places and cultures living in an area and sharing their ways of life.

And international means something that involves two or more countries.

So look out for those keywords in today's lesson.

Today's lesson about revealing the UK's global links is split into two parts.

We have "What global links do we have in the UK?" And "How can we find global links in our local area?" Let's start with "What global links do we have in the UK?" The UK is not separate from other countries.

Although we are an island nation, we have always been connected to other parts of the world.

We have lots of international connections.

How are we connected to other places around the world? Pause the video, have a class discussion and then come back and we'll have a look together.

How did you get on? So we are connected to other parts of the world in lots of ways, including through: the music we listen to, the food we eat, what we buy, and the buildings we see and visit.

Did you get all of those? Maybe you got some extra ones as well.

So let's do a quick check.

True or false? The UK is connected to countries around the world.

When you've decided if that is true or false, I want you to justify your answer using either A, "The UK is connected by land to lots of other countries." Or B, "The UK is connected to other countries by things like music, trade and fashion." Pause the video, have a go and come back when you're ready to check the answers.

How did you get on? If you said that the UK is connected to countries around the world is true, because B, the UK is connected to other countries by things like music, trade and fashion.

You would be correct.

So that's true, and B, well done.

Popular food dishes have been created in places all around the world.

What food dishes can you think of that come from other countries? Pause the video, have a class discussion and come back when you're ready.

How did you get on? Did you get lots of different foods? One of my favourites, Pizza is in the photo there.

Music can come from all around the world.

It may well have originated in other countries.

Can you think of bands and artists from around the world? Pause the video, have a close discussion and come back when you're ready.

How did you get on? Did you all have similar, bands and artists from different countries or did some of you have some very different ones? Clothes that we wear may be made in other countries.

The brands may be based in a different country, and the style may be from a different country.

So let's do a quick check, shall we? Choose two correct answers.

Clothes show the UK has global links because A, they may be made in different countries.

B, all our clothing gets made abroad, or C, similar fashions can be seen in different countries.

Pause the video, have a go and when you're ready to check your answers come back.

How did you get on? If you said A, they may be made in different countries and C similar fashions can be seen in different countries.

You would be correct.

Well done.

Religions have followers from all around the world.

Religious buildings are examples of our global links.

Can you think of any religious buildings near you? Pause the video, have a class discussion and come back when you're ready.

How did you get on? Do you have lots of religious buildings near you or not very many? Many different groups of people have migrated to the UK over the years, such as the Saxons, the Vikings, and the Normans.

More recently, people have migrated to the UK from other parts of the world, such as from Caribbean Islands and Europe.

Let's do a quick check.

True or false? Over the years, lots of groups have moved to the UK from other places and made it their home.

Once you have decided if this is true or false, I want you to justify your answer with either A, "Britain is an island nation which makes it impossible for people to move here." Or "B Britain has had people move to it for thousands of years, including the Normans, Saxons and Vikings?" Pause the video, have a go, when you're ready to check your answers come back.

How did you get on? If you said that it was true Because B, Britain has had people move to it for thousands of years, including the Normans, Saxons and Vikings.

You'd be correct.

Well done.

All areas have a character, which is the result of a number of factors that make a place look and feel the way it does.

These factors include: the age of the population, the age and use of buildings, the types of shops and services, the types of jobs and housing.

The global links of an area will affect the character of a place because it will influence the population, buildings, shops, and jobs.

So it's time for task A.

I would like you to list ways that you are connected with the rest of the world.

Try to include: food that you eat that comes from other countries, people you know who live in other countries, and music you listen to that comes from other countries.

Pause the video, have a go and then we'll have a look at some ideas I have had.

How did you get on? Here's an example of what you might have written.

Food that you eat that comes from other countries: Pizza originated in Italy, fajitas originated in Mexico and the USA.

People you know who live in other countries: an uncle and aunt that live in Pakistan.

And music you listen to that comes from other countries: Dua Lipa is from Albania and now the UK, and Taylor Swift is from the USA.

Now it's your chance to make any changes to the work that you have done.

So pause the video and come back when you're ready.

So we've had a look at "What global links do we have in the UK?" Now let's have a look at "How can we find global links in our local area?" Now that we know some global links, we are going to investigate the local area to see what global links we can find there.

You'll be given a recording sheet to help you.

Here's an example that shows what you might be able to find.

So if you have a look at this map, okay? What clues, what hints can you see that show connections or global links in this area? You might want to have a look at the types of buildings or you might want to think about what there might be on the road as well.

Pause the video, have a class discussion, come back when you're ready.

So we can see Mill Road, can't we there? And there's a Health Centre and maybe there's some shops near the Health Centre or maybe there's some shops along Mill Road and they would be able to help us find some global links wouldn't.

And there's also the Cambridge Central Mosque.

So let's continue to our investigation.

Here's a photo of Mill Road.

This is Mill Road in the city of Cambridge.

It is a multicultural part of the city.

This means that there is evidence of the culture of lots of groups in this area.

This is shown by the international character of the area.

Pause the video, explore the photo, and have a class discussion about the international character that you can find in this photo.

Come back when you're ready.

How did she get on? Some global links that you could see in this location include: restaurants from a wide range of countries, including Asia, Africa, and Southern Europe.

The Cambridge Mosque.

Cafes serving coffee grown in South America or Africa.

Buskers, who are musicians playing music in the streets.

And in this case it is of South American origin.

And students from around the world wearing clothing from American brands.

So let's do a quick check, shall we? Global Links can be seen on Mill Road Cambridge, because A, it has houses, B, of the type of shops and restaurants, or C, it is a road? So one more time, pause the video, have a go and come back when you're ready to check your answers.

How did you get on? If you said that Global Links can be seen on Mill Road Cambridge because of the type of shops and restaurants, so B, you would be correct.

Well done.

Now it's time for task B, which is in two parts.

So this practise task involves field work in your local area.

Use the questions below to make notes of the global links that you can find in your local area.

Write down the products that have global links being advertised on billboards, or the sides of passing buses.

Are there any shops or restaurants with global links? Are people wearing clothes from different countries? Can you see or hear any other global links? This is where you will label the world map to show the countries your local area has links with.

So part one is carrying out the field work, and part two is labelling the world map to show the countries your local area has links with.

So pause the video, have a go and come back when you're ready to check your answers.

How did you get on? Doing field work is really good fun, isn't it? So some global links that you could see in Mill Road Cambridge include: if we were looking at the products being advertised on billboards or the sides of passing buses, we saw some McDonald's, KFC and films on Disney+.

Any shops or restaurants with global links? There was a Turkish and a Greek food takeaway.

And are people wearing clothes from different countries? So I saw lots of young people wearing American clothes from companies like Levi and Nike and people going to the mosque wearing salwar kameez and hijabs.

And could I see or hear any other global links? Some people were speaking different languages.

I heard Spanish.

I've then taken that information and I've labelled my map.

So overall we discovered that Mill Road Cambridge is linked to North America.

So we have clothing from the USA, we have fast food from the USA and we have films from the USA, as well as South America.

We have people from South America speaking Spanish words, and Islamic place of worship from Saudi Arabia and people from Afghanistan speaking Arabic words.

So how did you get on? If you think, "Oh, I've missed a bit out." Now's your chance to pause the video, add anything in that you need to, and then come back when you are ready.

How did you get up? So here's our summary for "Revealing the UK's global links." The UK has links with lots of other countries, all areas develop their own character and this sometimes includes influences from other countries.

Carrying out field work can help provide us with evidence of the global links in our local area.

Well done on all your hard work in today's lesson.

I hope you enjoyed the field work.

That is one of the best bits of geography, isn't it? And hopefully you found lots of interesting global links in your local area and maybe some that you hadn't realised before.

Hopefully I'll see you for another lesson soon, bye.