
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello, everyone.

Can you say hello to my friend, Reggie? Say hello, Reggie! Reggie and I have been having a great day.

Reggie's been busy telling me all about the different math skills that he's learned.

He's learnt quite a lot.

I've got an idea! How about we practise some of the math skills that you may have learned? What do you think about that? So, I think there's lots of children at home who want to tell us about the math skills that they've learned! What do you think, Reggie? Reggie thinks that's a great idea too.

Let's start.

Let's start with some shapes! I'm going to hold up some 2D shapes and you can shout out what they're called.

Are you ready? Let's go.


I could hear a lot of you shouting out what they're called.

Let's say them together.





Give yourselves two claps, if you want, for joining in.

That was great.


That was our 2D shapes.

Now, let's move on to 3D shapes.

I'm going to hold them up to the screen and you can shout out what they're called.

Are you ready? Let's go.


I could hear a lot of you shouting them out.

Let's try that together.

Are you ready? And.

Cube Cuboid.




Well done, everyone.

That was great.

Give yourselves a pat on the back for great joining in.


Now, that we've had a look at some of our shapes, I think we're ready to have a look at some shape patterns.

Let's take a look and start with this one.

Here we are.

Your job is to tell me what shape is missing.

What shape is missing and what colour is the shape? Take a look and shout your answer out to the screen when you're ready.


I can hear a lot of you shouting out the missing colour and the missing shape! Let's take a look.

Green triangle.

Yellow square.

Green triangle.

Yellow square.

Green triangle.

And the answer is.

Yellow square.

Well done, everyone.

Now, let's take a look at the next pattern.

What shape is missing and what colour is it? Shout your answer out to the screen when you know.

I can hear a lot of you shouting out the answer.

Let's take a look.

Pink cuboid.

Blue cone.

Blue cone.

Pink cuboid.

Blue cone.

And the missing colour and shape is.

Blue cone.

Well done, everybody.

Now, let's move on to the next strip.

Here we are.

What shape is missing and what colour is it? Shout your answer out to the screen when you know.

I can hear a lot of you shouting out the right answer! This is great! Let's do it together.

Red cube.

Red sphere.

Red cube.

Red sphere.

And the missing shape is a red.


Great job, everybody.

And our final pattern is this one.

What shape is missing? What shape goes here? Shout your answer out to the screen when you know.

You are doing so great at this, everybody.

I can hear a lot of you shouting out the answer.

Let's take a look together.

Small, green triangle.

Small, green triangle.

Big, green triangle.

Small, green triangle.

And the missing shape is a small, green triangle.


You've done a great job at this.

Give yourselves two pats on the back.

Amazing job, everybody.

Now, let's take a look at some numbers.

I'm going to hold some numbers up to the screen and you're going to say what they are.

Shout your answers out when you know.

Are you ready? And.

Excellent job, everyone.

Let's see if we can do that a little bit quicker.

Are you ready? And.

Well done.

Give yourselves two claps.

That was great quick number recognition.

Now, let's have a look at the screen.

We're going to do something a little bit different.

I'm going to put some numbers down here and you're going to tell me what number you think is missing.

You're going to have to think really carefully.

Two, four, six, eight.

What's the next number? Shout the answer out to the screen when you know.

Oh, I can hear a lot of you shouting out the answer.

Let's do it together.

Two, four, six, eight, and the missing number is ten! What do you notice about these numbers? Shout the answer out to the screen if you know it.


I can hear some of you shouting out the answer.

The numbers are going up in twos.

Two, four, six, eight, ten! We're adding two every time.

Well done, everybody.

Now, we're going to have a look at some more numbers.

This time, you're going to tell me the number that is one less than the number that I show you.

Are you ready? One less.

Have a think.

The first one's coming up.


One less than twenty is.

One less than ten is.

One less than eleven is.

One less than nineteen is.

One less than fourteen is.

And one less than eighteen is.

Excellent, everybody.

Great job.

Now, we're going to have been thinking about what's one more than the numbers that I show you.

One more.

Have a think, the numbers are coming up.

Get ready! And.

Great job, everybody.

You were great at that and that was super speedy maths.

Give yourself two claps.


Now, I'm going to hold up some fingers and you're going to shout out how many fingers I'm holding up.

But, be ready because I'm going to be very, very quick.

Are you ready? Let's start.

Well done, everybody.

That was great and really quick counting.

Give yourselves a fantastic.

You're doing great at revising all of our maths skills.

Now, let's take a look at these bowls.

I've got two bowls here and I'm going to show them to you.

Here they are.

I've got a yellow bowl and I've got a green bowl.

Your job is to tell me which bowl has more and which bowl has less or whether they have the same.

So, which bowl has more, which bowl has less, or do they have the same? Are you ready? Let's take a look.

Which bowl has more? Great.

I could hear a lot of you shouting out the answer.

Let's take a look again.

Which bowl has more? You're doing a really good job at this.

Now, the question's going to change.

Listen carefully.

Which bowl has less coins in it? Which bowl has less coins in it? You are doing a great job.

I could hear a lot of you shouting out the answer.

Listen very carefully! Which bowl has less coins in it? Is it the green one or is it the yellow one? Shout your answer out to the screen! Great.

And now, the final question.

Listen very carefully! Which bowl has more? Which bowl has more? Or, which bowl has less? Or, do they have the same? That's the question.

Which bowl has more, or which bowl has less, or do they have the same? What's the right answer? Great.

I knew I couldn't trick you.

They have the same amount in them.

Well done, everyone.

You've done a great job at revising maths today.


I'm going to give you a fantastic.

Keep up the good work and I'll see you again next time.