
Lesson video

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Hello, everyone.

My name is Mrs. Riley, and you've made a great choice today to come to this lesson and learn some new vocabulary.

Today we're going to be focusing on some words that can describe a beautiful things.

I hope you enjoy today's learning.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is to use the words chiselled, dazzling, and impeccable effectively in multiple contexts.

So that's what we're aiming to do by the end of today's lesson.

Here are key words for our learning today, I'm going to say each one, and when I do this, I would like you to repeat it back to me.

Ready? Off we go.

Noun, adjective, synonym, word pair.

Well done.

Here are the definitions for our key keywords, and noun is a naming word for people, places, or things.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun.

A synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning to another word.

And word pairs are words that often appear together.

So in today's lesson, we are focusing on rich vocabulary associated with beauty.

So we are going to be using words that are synonyms of beautiful.

Now, beautiful is an adjective, a describing word.

So we'll be learning today three new adjectives.

We've got our first new beautiful word, our second new beautiful word, and our third new beautiful word.

There are three learning cycles.

So we're going to start off by looking at our first new beautiful word.

Before we do, let's think about something that you find beautiful.

I would like you to pause the video and have a think about something that you find really beautiful, it could be a place, it could be a thing, it could be a person.

Any of the nouns that we just spoke about is one of our keywords.

So have a think, pause the video now to something you find beautiful.

Off you go.

Well done.

I was thinking of something that I find beautiful, and I find sunlight shimmering on water really beautiful, it could be the sun shimmering on the sea, or it could be the sun shimmering on a canal or a river, it could even be the sun shimmering off a puddle, but that, I wonder if you can picture it when the sun kind of makes the water look like it's sparkling or shimmering, and that for me is something that I find really beautiful.

I'd love to know what you found beautiful when you had a think as well.

Now there's a very famous saying, that is, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

And what's important about that saying is that things aren't just beautiful or they're not beautiful, it's up for each individual person, so the beholder, to decide what they find beautiful.

For example, there might be a dress that I think is very beautiful, but you might not like it at all, so that's where the saying comes from, that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

It's up to each individual person to decide whether they think something is beautiful or not.

So here is our first Mrs. Wordsmith illustration.

Now, it's really important that we spend some time looking at this picture before we reveal what the word is.

So could you please pause the video now and describe what is happening in this picture? Do you know which character is this, and how would you describe them? How do they look, and how do they feel? Pause the video now.

Okay, well done.

Now, this character is Brick the Hippo, and we know that Brick the Hippo loves sport.

He's very competitive.

He looks like he's dressed in a superhero costume here.

I can see that he has got a cape on, he's got one arm up in the air, which we quite often associate with superheroes.

And he looks to me to be very strong and quite angular, his jaw and his muscles.

He's not sort of soft and round, he's quite an angular, has quite an angular physique.

So let's find out what this word is, this word is chiselled.

My turn, your turn.



Well done.

Chiselled is an adjective, a describing word, and it means perfectly carved or sculpted, like the square jaw of a handsome superhero.

Okay, so I was right, he does have quite a perfectly carved or a sculpted jawline there.

So these words are synonyms of chiselled, they're going to help us understand a bit more about this word because synonyms mean the same thing, more or less the same thing.

Well-defined, sculpted, and perfectly carved, so sculpted and perfectly carved, that's making me think of someone making a statue and carving or sculpting away.

So that's gonna be something that's gonna help us to understand this word.

Here's the word in a sentence, Brick thought his chiselled chin made him look like a superhero.

So if a word is a synonym, we should be able to replace it in that word, and it should normally work.

Brick thought his well-defined chin made him look like a superhero.

Brick thought his sculpted chin, or Brick thought his perfectly carved chin made him look like a superhero.

So that's a good tip.

If you are unsure if it's a synonym, take out the word and replace it, and see if the sentence still flows.

Now these words are word pairs, remember, they're words that often appear together.

So if you were to find the words chiselled in a book or in the newspaper, it would often be paired with one of these words.

I'm going to read them to you.

A chiselled face, like Brick has, a chiselled jaw, chiselled abs.

Abs is a shortened version of abdominal muscles, they're the muscles that help us to have good posture in your tummy.

So chiselled abs, imagine what they look like.

Chiselled cheekbones, these are your cheekbones.

So now that I have read those word pairs to you, I would like you to have a go, reading them out loud.

The reason we do this is that when we're learning new vocabulary, it's quite difficult just to remember it.

So if you say the word out loud lots and lots of times, you are more likely to remember this word and use this word.

So could you please pause the video and read the words, but word pairs out loud, chiselled face, chiselled jaw, and so on? Have a go at that now.

Okay, excellent.

Well done.

Let's have a look at some more word pairs.

A chiselled chin, chiselled marble, so maybe a marble statue might be chiselled, oh, a chiselled statue, and chiselled features, features, the different part of a person.

So if you had chiselled features, you, a bit like Brick here, you are going to have quite sculpted or perfectly carved features.

So you might have a chiselled nose, a chiselled chin, chiselled cheekbones.

So just as before, please could you now pause the video and read those word pairs out loud? Excellent.

Well done.

So a quick check for understanding, which of these words is a synonym for chiselled, is it A, sculpted, B, jaw, or C, statue? Remember, a synonym is a word that has nearly the same meaning.

Pause the video if you'd like to have a think about that.

Well done for giving that a go.

The correct answer is A, sculpted.

Sculpted is a synonym for chiselled.

Now it's time for your first task.

Have a look at this word map, the word chiselled is written in the middle, and around the word chiselled, we have got some synonyms and some word pairs.

I would like you to first of all decide which of these words are synonyms. If there are synonym, please could you circle it? If it's a word pair, I would like you to draw a line, so from the word chiselled up to the, or up or down to the word pair, okay? Now, here's the sentence to help you decide if it's a synonym.

Brick's chiselled abs made him look especially strong.

Now, remember, if it's a synonym, we should be able to take out that word chiselled and replace it with the synonym.

So you can use that trick to help you if you are unsure.

Could you please pause the video now and have a go at your first task for today? Well done.

Let's go through the answers.

So first of all, the synonyms for chiselled are sculpted, well-defined, and perfectly carved.

Well done if you spotted those.

That means the rest of our words are word pairs, I'll read them to you now, and you can check your answers.

Chiselled face, chiselled jaw, chiselled abs, chiselled cheekbones, chiselled chin, chiselled marble, chiselled statue, and chiselled features.

Now it's time for your next task, which is to write a sentence using the word chiselled.

Use the word pairs to help you.

You could pick a word pair, for example, chiselled jaw, and then you can build your sentence around those two words.

Try to remember to make your sentence ambitious, and remember all the things that you've learned in English and grammar, and try and apply those things to this sentence.

The most important thing though is that you include the word chiselled.

Pause the video and have a go at this task now.


Well done.

Here is a sentence that I have written using the word chiselled.

My gran says my grandpa had a very chiselled jaw when he was younger, just like me.

And here's another one, Lord Rama's chiselled features represent his moral and physical strength, Lord Rama is a Hindu deity.

So his chiselled features represent his moral and physical strength.

Using the word pairs can help us to use the word appropriately.

So if you really want to use this word chiselled, but you are a bit worried to use it, then remember those word pairs will really help you to use this word correctly.

Let's have a look at our second new beautiful word.

So just as before, let's start off by looking at this Mrs. Wordsmith illustration.

What's happening here? Who can you see? How do they look, and how do they feel? Pause the video and have a think about that now.

Well done.

These two twins are Yin and Yang, and they're dressed very smartly in this picture, I can see that they've got a lovely dress on and a bow tie.

They look like they're striking a pose, and Grit and Army are taking photos of them, and the flash of the light looks really quite bright.

Okay, so this word is dazzling.

My turn, your turn.



Well done.

Dazzling is also an adjective, it means sparkling or amazing, like the glittering lights of a hundred cameras.

These words are synonyms of dazzling, amazing, brilliant, blinding, and sparkling.

Okay, so we've got two different things happening here, we've got the idea of it being dazzling in terms of it being very bright, so blinding and sparkling, but also amazing and brilliant, okay? So it doesn't always have to be blinding and sparkling in order to be dazzling, we can use it in different contexts, and the word pairs will help us to understand that more.

Here's the word in a sentence, Yin and Yang gave a dazzling performance.

So a performance, that doesn't necessarily mean that it was really bright.

If it dazzled you, if it was dazzling, then it means that you found it to be really brilliant, really amazing performance, okay? And you heard that, I turned the word dazzling into a verb, dazzled, you can be dazzled by the lights.

So that's interesting.

We are learning the adjective form, dazzling, but there is also a verb form, the blinding lights dazzled me.

Here are the word pairs of dazzling, dazzling lights, dazzling smile, dazzling beauty, dazzling sunshine.

Okay, so I would like you to now pause the video and read those word pairs aloud.

Off you go.

Well done.

Let's have a look at some more word pairs.

Dazzling fireworks, a dazzling performance, dazzling flash, and dazzling white teeth.

Pause the video and read those word pairs aloud.

Well done.

So a check for understanding, which of these words is a synonym for dazzling, is it A, sparkling, B, sculpted, or C, perfectly carved? Which of these words is a synonym for dazzling? Pause the video and have a think about that now.

Well done.

The correct answer is A, sparkling.

Sculpted and perfectly carved were both synonyms for chiselled, but sparkling is a synonym for dazzling.

Time for another task, just as before with chiselled, you have another word map with dazzling in the middle, and synonyms and word pairs are written around the word dazzling.

Could you first identify the synonyms and circle them? Once you've done that, you can draw lines from the word dazzling to the word pairs.

Here's the word in a sentence to help you.

Yin and Yang gave a dazzling performance.

Remember, if the word is a synonym, we should be able to replace it in that sentence.

Pause the video and have a go at this task now.

Well done.

Let's go through the answers.

The synonyms of dazzling are amazing, brilliant, blinding, and sparkling.

All the other words are word pairs, dazzling lights, dazzling fireworks, dazzling flash, dazzling performance, dazzling sunshine, dazzling beauty, dazzling smile, and dazzling white teeth.

Now I would like you to have a go at writing a sentence using the word dazzling.

The word pairs, such as fireworks, performance, and flash, are there to help you.

And I've also given you a sentence stem.

You don't have to use that sentence stem, but if you are wondering how to start your sentence, you could use that if you like.

Yin and Yang looked umm when they umm.

You could fill in the blanks there.

So pause the video and have a go at this task now.

Well done.

Let's have a look at some sentences that I've written.

Yin and Yang looked very pleased with themselves when they were applauded for their dazzling performance.

As the mist lifted, the dazzling sunshine bathed the African landscape in a golden glow.

These are both adverbial complex sentences.

I can see that they both use subordinating conjunctions when, in the first sentence, when they were applauded, and as in the second sentence, as the miss lifted.

In the first sentence, though, the subordinating clause becomes after the main clause.

The main clause is, Yin and Yang looked very pleased with themselves, and the subordinating clause is, when they were applauded for their dazzling performance.

In the second sentence, I start with my subordinating clause, as the mist lifted, comma, the dazzling sunshine bathed the African landscape in a golden glow.

So in that second sentence, because the subordinating clause came first, I have to have a comma after it, okay? So, hopefully, those are things that you have been learning in grammar.

And can you remember, at the beginning of the lesson, I said, "When we write sentences, we want to try and be really ambitious and use the skills and show off the skills that we have learned in our other lessons." Okay, it's time to look at our third new beautiful word.

So we've learned chiselled and dazzling, I wonder what the next one's gonna be.

Okay, so time to look at our last picture.

So who can you see here? We have got Grit and Plato.

Grit is the dog.

Now, how does he look? How would you describe him? Pause the video and have a think about that now.

Okay, well done.

So Grit the Dog here, I think, is looking extremely smart.

And Plato, it looks like he is sorting his moustache out and has got some kind of spray in his hand.

So I think maybe he's had a bit of a makeover here, Grit.

He's got a very smart outfit on, smart shoes, and his hair looks very smart as well, he looks very well-groomed.

Let's take a look at what this word is, impeccable.

My turn, your turn.



Well done.

Impeccable is an adjective that means elegant and perfect, like a well-groomed dog.

Here are the synonyms of the word impeccable, spotless, flawless, perfect.

Now, flawless, a flaw is like a mistake or an error, so flawless means that there are no mistakes, okay? So we are going to look at that word actually in a future lesson, but for now, flawless is a synonym for impeccable, okay? So Grit looked impeccable after his visit to the groomers.

If the word is a synonym, remember you can replace it in that word.

Grit looked spotless after his visit to the groomers.

Grit looked flawless.

Grit looked perfect.

These words are word pairs of impeccable, impeccable timing.

If you were a magician, you would have to have impeccable timing, or if you were a comedian, making jokes all the time.

Impeccable taste, so if somebody had impeccable taste, perhaps they might dress very well, or their house might have, be very fashionable.

An impeccable reputation, so your reputation is what other people think of you.

So if you had an impeccable reputation, would that be a good thing or a bad thing? What do you think? Yeah, it would be a good thing.

If it's impeccable or flawless, it would mean that nobody has said anything bad about you at all, that everyone just thinks that you are absolutely marvellous.

Impeccable style, that one's a bit like having impeccable taste.

You would be very well dressed if you had impeccable style.

So could you now read these word pairs aloud? Pause the video.

And off you go.

Well done.

Here are some more word pairs for impeccable, impeccable service, hmm, a service.

Imagine if you had your car, you took it to be serviced, you had to have your car fixed.

If there was impeccable service, that means that you would've not had to wait around, everyone would've been very kind and polite to you, it wouldn't have been too expensive, all those things you might then make, describe that as an impeccable service.

Impeccable posture, ooh, should we all try and sit with impeccable posture? Not slouched over, but sitting upright using those ab muscles that we learned about earlier in the lesson? Impeccable manners, ooh, always saying please and thank you, holding the door open for people.

I hope that I've got impeccable manners.

Impeccable logic, ooh, logic is how you solve a problem.

So it would be a really good thing if you had impeccable logic.

Could you pause the video now and read these word pairs aloud? Well done.

Here's a check for understanding, which of these words is a synonym for impeccable, is it A, taste, B, spotless, or C, manners? Pause the video if you want to have some time to think about that.

Okay, well done.

The correct answer is B, spotless, is a synonym for impeccable, taste and manners are both word pairs.

Okay, so here is your next task.

Just as before, you have the word impeccable in the middle and then a group of words around that word.

You have to identify if the words are a synonym.

If it is, could you circle it? Or if it is a word pair, if it is word pair, draw a line from impeccable to the word pair, okay? Here's the word in a sentence to help you.

Grit looked impeccable after his visit to the groomers.

Remember, if it's a synonym, you should be able to replace it in that sentence.

Okay, pause the video and complete this task now.


Well done.

So let's go through the answers.

The synonyms are spotless, flawless, and perfect.

The rest of the words are word pairs, impeccable taste, impeccable style, impeccable posture, impeccable service, impeccable reputation, impeccable logic, impeccable manners, impeccable timing.

I would now like you to try and use the word impeccable in a sentence.

Remember the word pairs are there to help you.

So, for example, you might pick impeccable logic, and then you can build your word around that.

Perhaps you might have a go at using one of those adverbial complex sentences we looked at earlier using as or when.

Pause the video and write your sentence now.


Well done.

Here's a sentence I've written, not only did Grit have impeccable taste, but he also had impeccable manners.

What impeccable timing it was to arrive at the park just as the ice cream van pulled up.

Ooh, that is impeccable timing.

That sentence is an exclamation sentence, it's got, it starts with what, and it has an exclamation mark at the end, and it has the verb to be, it was in, what impeccable timing it was to arrive at the park just as the ice cream van pulled up.

Okay, it's time for your last task for today's lesson.

I have three sentences, and I would like you to try to fill the gaps with either the word chiselled, dazzling, or impeccable.

The first sentence is, during Diwali, the night sky comes alive umm lights.

Diwali is a Hindu festival, okay? And you say Diwali, even though it sounds like it would be, it's written down as Diwali.

The next sentence is, the chef had umm taste, and her flavours transformed a simple meal into a culinary masterpiece.

And the third sentence is, in the museum, the visitors marvelled at the lifelike umm marble statues.

Pause the video and see if you can place each word in one of those sentences now.

Okay, let's go through the answers.

During Diwali, the night sky comes alive with dazzling lights.

The chef had impeccable taste, and her flavours transformed a simple meal into a culinary masterpiece.

In the museum, the visitors marvelled at the lifelike chiselled marble statues.

I wonder how you got on with that task.

Well done if you got any of those correct.

So here's our summary of what we have learned today, we have learned three new adjectives, and they're all different ways of describing something as beautiful.

The first one was chiselled, which means perfectly carved or sculpted, like the square jaw of a handsome superhero.

The second word was dazzling, sparkling or amazing, like the glittering lights of a hundred cameras.

And lastly, we learned impeccable, which means elegant and perfect, like a well-groomed dog.

I really hope you enjoyed today's learning.

You've worked really hard, and you should feel very proud of yourself, and you should feel even more proud of yourselves if you can remember these three new words and use them either in your writing or when you are talking, anyone would be very impressed, I'm sure.

If you would like, you could now have a go at the exit quiz.

If not, I'll see you next time.

Thank you so much.
