
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone.

My name is Miss Voyle and welcome to today's lesson, where we are going to be sequencing and retelling the story of "The Iron Man." "The Iron Man" is one of my favourite stories and I am really excited to teach you this lesson.

During the lesson, you will need to be listening and looking carefully, and there will also be tasks where you need somebody to talk to.

I hope you are feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is: I can sequence and retell the story of "The Iron Man." Here are the keywords for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn.




Great job, well done.

Sequencing refers to putting the events that occur in a story in order, from the beginning to the end.

Structure is the order of events within a narrative that gives it a coherent and engaging flow.

And summarise means to pull out the key events and ideas from the text.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be sequencing the story.

And in the second part, you will be retelling the story.

So let's begin with sequencing the story.

"The Iron Man" is written by Ted Hughes.

Let's learn a bit about the author and the text.

Ted Hughes was an English poet and children's writer.

He was born in 1930 and died in 1998.

"The Iron Man" is a fiction text, which was first published in 1968, and it is Ted Hughes's most widely read children's story.

Since its publication, "The Iron Man" has been adapted into a film and stage productions.

"The Iron Man" is a science fiction novel.

Science fiction is a genre of fiction that involves imaginative and futuristic concepts linked to science and technology.

The protagonist in "The Iron Man" is a robotic giant named the Iron Man.

A protagonist is a main character or central figure in a story or narrative.

The opening of "The Iron Man" introduces the protagonist and sets the scene.

The story is set in an unknown part of the world on a clifftop by the sea.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false? "The Iron Man" is a science fiction novel.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is true.

Well done.

Now can you justify your answer? A, the protagonist is a robot named the Iron Man.

Or B, the story is set in outer space.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is A.

Well done.

The protagonist in "The Iron Man" is a robot named the Iron Man.

Story structure refers to the order of events in a story that gives it a flow from beginning to end.

It is important for stories to have a clear structure so that readers can understand and enjoy them.

There are four main parts of a story structure: the opening, the build-up, the climax, and the resolution.

Sometimes with longer novels, stories might go through a few cycles of this structure.

In this unit, you are going to be retelling the first three chapters of "The Iron Man." We will use this structure to help write the narrative in a clear and coherent way.

I am going to summarise the first three chapters of "The Iron Man." Chapter one.

The Iron Man stood on the very edge of a cliff in the middle of the night, staring out at the sea below him.

The Iron Man fell off the cliff and crashed onto the beach below.

His body broke apart and his parts were scattered all around.

One of the Iron Man's hands found one of his eyes and he gradually reassembled his body.

He was just missing one of his ears.

The Iron Man's attention was drawn back to the sea.

He walked deep into the ocean until he disappeared under the surface of the water.

Let's check your understanding.

What happened to the Iron Man when he fell off the cliff? A, his body landed right in the middle of the ocean.

B, his body broke apart and the pieces scattered across the beach.

Or C, he landed on his feet and bounced back up.

Pause the video and select the correct answer.

The answer is B.

Well done.

When the Iron Man fell off the cliff, his body broke apart and the pieces scattered across the beach.

He then gradually reassembled his body before walking into the ocean.

Let's take a look at a summary of chapter two.

A young boy named Hogarth spotted the Iron Man and told his parents.

His father went out in search of the giant.

The farmers of the land grappled with the news and Hogarth's father made a close escape from the Iron Man.

The following morning, the residents of the farms found all of their machinery missing or half-eaten and they knew it was the Iron Man.

The farmers dug a huge hole to trap the Iron Man, but he never came.

Eventually, he reappeared and Hogarth lured him into the hole with the sound of clinking metal.

The farmers were overjoyed and rallied to fill the hole.

After they buried the Iron Man, Hogarth's feelings shifted to sorrow and guilt.

Let's check your understanding.

How did Hogarth get the Iron Man into the hole? A, he lured him with straw and grass to eat.

B, he put a tractor in the hole to entice him in.

Or C, he lured him with the sound of clinking metal.

Pause the video and select the correct answer.

The answer is C.

Well done.

Hogarth lured the Iron Man into the hole with the sound of clinking metal.

However, we know that Hogarth's feelings shifted to sorrow and guilt after the farmers buried him.

Let's take a look at a summary of chapter three.

By spring of the following calendar year, the mound over the Iron Man was covered in fresh grass and flowers.

People picnicked there.

While a family had their picnic one day, the ground beneath them began to shake.

Then, the ground began to split and a huge crack grew.

First, the Iron Man's hand reached through the crack, causing the family to run away.

Then, the Iron Man rose out of the ground.

The farmers wanted to respond by calling in armed forces to destroy the Iron Man, but Hogarth had a different idea and they agreed to try it.

Hogarth explained to the Iron Man that there was a way for him to have unlimited metal and he led him to a scrapyard, protecting everyone.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false? Hogarth found a solution that protected the Iron Man and the farmers.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is true.

Well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer.

A, he did what the farmers wanted and called in the armed forces to destroy the Iron Man.

Or B, he understood the Iron Man's needs and found a way for him to have metal, meaning he wouldn't need the farmers' machinery.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is B, well done.

Hogarth understood the Iron Man's needs, and he found a way for him to have metal, meaning that the Iron Man wouldn't need the farmers' machinery.

It's now time for your first task.

Number the following events, from one to four, to correctly sequence the first part of the story.

I will read these to you.

The Iron Man ate all of the farmers' machinery and they responded angrily by trapping and burying him.

Hogarth felt sorrow and guilt.

The Iron Man resurfaced.

The farmers wanted to destroy the Iron Man, but Hogarth had a different idea and started to befriend him.

The mysterious Iron Man fell off a cliff and his body broke apart.

He gradually pieced himself back together and went into the sea.

Hogarth befriended the Iron Man and led him to a scrapyard full of unlimited metal.

This protected everyone.

Pause the video now and number these one to four to show the chronology of events.

Welcome back.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

One, the mysterious Iron Man fell off a cliff and his body broke apart.

He gradually pieced himself back together and went into the sea.

Two, the Iron Man ate all of the farmers' machinery and they responded angrily by trapping and burying him.

Hogarth felt sorrow and guilt.

Three, the Iron Man resurfaced.

The farmers wanted to destroy the Iron Man, but Hogarth had a different idea and started to befriend him.

And four, Hogarth befriended the Iron Man and led him to a scrapyard full of unlimited metal.

This protected everyone.

Well done for demonstrating your understanding of the chronology of events in the story.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson, where you are going to be retelling the story.

You are going to be retelling the first three chapters of "The Iron Man" using this story structure: opening, build-up, climax, resolution.

Let's consider the purpose of each part of this narrative structure.

The opening of a narrative normally introduces the main character and sets the scene.

The build-up of a narrative builds suspense for the reader leading up to the climax.

The climax is the point in a narrative that describes the main action and takes the suspense to its highest point.

And the resolution in a narrative resolves the problem encountered in the story.

Let's check your understanding.

Match each part of a narrative to its purpose.

A, opening.

B, build-up.

C, climax.

D, resolution.

The purposes are: describes the main action and takes the suspense to its highest point, resolves the problem encountered in the story, builds suspense for the reader leading up to the climax, and introduces the main character and sets the scene.

Pause the video now and match each part of the narrative to its purpose.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

The purpose of the opening is that it introduces the main character and sets the scene.

The build-up builds suspense for the reader leading up to the climax.

The climax describes the main action and takes the suspense to its highest point.

And the resolution resolves the problem encountered in the story.

Well done for demonstrating your understanding of the purpose of each part of a narrative.

Let's look at how the first three chapters of "The Iron Man" fit into this narrative structure.

For the opening.

In chapter one, the protagonist is introduced and a mysterious atmosphere is conveyed.

For the build-up.

In chapter two, the Iron Man eats the farmers' machinery.

They respond angrily by burying him.

Hogarth then feels guilt and sorrow.

For the climax.

In chapter three, the following spring, the Iron Man resurfaces.

The farmers want to call in the army to destroy the Iron Man, but Hogarth protests.

He says he has another solution and befriends the Iron Man.

And for the resolution.

At the end of chapter three, Hogarth leads the Iron Man to a scrapyard full of unlimited metal, which becomes his home.

Let's check your understanding.

Match the parts of the narrative to the correct events from the story.

For the narrative parts, we have opening, build-up, climax, resolution.

I will read the different parts of the story to you.

The Iron Man resurfaces.

The farmers want to call in the army to destroy the Iron Man.

Hogarth says he has another solution and befriends the Iron Man.

The protagonist is introduced and a mysterious atmosphere is conveyed.

Hogarth leads the Iron Man to a scrapyard full of unlimited metal, which becomes his home.

The Iron Man eats the farmers' machinery.

They respond angrily by burying him.

Hogarth then feels guilt and sorrow.

Pause the video now and match the parts of the narrative to the correct events in the story.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

In the opening of "The Iron Man," the protagonist is introduced and a mysterious atmosphere is conveyed.

In the build-up, the Iron Man eats the farmers' machinery.

They respond angrily by burying him.

Hogarth then feels guilt and sorrow.

In the climax, the Iron Man resurfaces.

The farmers want to call in the army to destroy the Iron Man.

Hogarth says he has another solution and befriends the Iron Man.

And in the resolution, Hogarth leads the Iron Man to a scrapyard full of unlimited metal, which becomes his home.

Well done for showing your understanding of how the events in chapters one, two, and three fit into this narrative structure.

When retelling a story, it is important we convey the appropriate tone at each point of the story.

Your voice, language choices, and expressions change throughout each part of a narrative to meet their purpose.

You can do this by ensuring you do the following things.

Choose the appropriate language to meet the purpose.

Use an expressive voice, include emphasis or changes in volume.

Pause where appropriate.

This is great for building suspense.

Consider speed.

This can help to heighten suspense.

And use facial expressions.

This helps to convey feeling and emotion.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false? When retelling a story, I should use the same voice and expressions throughout.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is false.

Well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer.

A, my voice, language choices, and expressions should change throughout each part of a narrative to meet their purpose.

Or B, my voice should gradually get louder over the course of retelling the narrative.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is A.

Well done.

Your voice, language choices, and expressions should change throughout each part of a narrative to meet the purpose.

It's now time for your final task.

Retell the key moments from the first three chapters of "The Iron Man." For the opening, introduce the protagonist and convey a mysterious atmosphere.

For the build-up, describe what the Iron Man did to the farmers' machinery.

Build suspense leading up to the Iron Man being buried.

For the climax, describe the resurfacing of the Iron Man and the farmers' response.

Heighten the suspense, leading up to Hogarth's different solution and his attempt to befriend the Iron Man.

And for the resolution, describe the Iron Man arriving in the scrapyard and convey how this resolves the problem.

Pause the video and retell the key moments with your partner now.

Welcome back.

I loved listening to you retelling the story and hearing all of the different voices and language choices and expressions that you used for each part.

For the opening, did you introduce the protagonist and convey a mysterious atmosphere? Let's take a look at a good example.

Izzy said, "In the dusk of night, on the edge of a cliff, a mysterious iron giant appeared.

Suddenly, he stepped out and tumbled to the ground.

His body broke apart and his pieces scattered everywhere.

Eventually, he found a way to piece his body back together.

Then he walked deep into the ocean and disappeared under the waters." For the build-up, did you describe what the Iron Man did to the farmers' machinery? Did you build suspense leading up to the Iron Man being buried? Let's take a look at an example.

Yoon said, "One day, a local farmer's son spotted the Iron Man on the nearby cliff.

Terrified, he ran home to tell his parents.

The following day, the farmers awoke to find their machinery missing or half-eaten.

They decided they had to trap and bury the Iron Man.

Eventually, Hogarth lured the Iron Man into the hole and the overjoyed farmers buried him.

However, Hogarth suddenly felt a sense of sorrow and sadness." For the climax, did you describe the Iron Man resurfacing and the farmers' response? Did you heighten the suspense leading up to Hogarth's solution? Alex said, "The following spring, a family was having a picnic on the grassy hill.

Suddenly, they felt the ground tremble and it cracked open.

A huge iron hand reached through and the Iron Man rose out of the ground.

When the farmers heard the news, they wanted to call in the armed forces to destroy the Iron Man, but Hogarth protested and said he had a different solution.

Hogarth earnestly apologised and told the Iron Man that he had a way to give him unlimited metal." And for the resolution, did you describe the Iron Man arriving in the metal scrapyard? Did you convey how this resolved the problem for everyone? Laura said, "The Iron Man was intrigued by Hogarth's offer.

Hogarth slowly led the Iron Man through the town until they arrived at a scrapyard full of unlimited metal.

The Iron Man was overjoyed by what he saw.

He no longer needed the farmers' machinery because he had all of the metal items he desired.

The scrapyard became his home and he feasted endlessly." Well done again for retelling the story of "The Iron Man," focusing on the purpose of each part of the narrative.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

"The Iron Man" is a science fiction novel about a robotic giant named the Iron Man.

A narrative can be structured into four key sections: the opening, the build-up, the climax, and the resolution.

Each part of a narrative has a specific purpose.

Sometimes with longer novels, stories might go through a few cycles of this structure.

And you can use your voice, language choices, and expression to retell a story effectively.

Well done again for all of your hard work in today's lesson.

I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you.