
Lesson video

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Hello, how are you today? Oh good, I'm glad to hear it.

My name is Dr.

Shorrock, and I am so excited that you have chosen to do your math learning with me today.

I'm here to guide you through the learning and help you if the going gets tough.

Today's lesson is from our unit, Measuring Length and Recording in Tables.

The lesson is called Solve Problems Involving Length, and we are going to deepen our understanding of how we can use a data handling cycle to help us answer a question that we might have posed.

These are the key words that we will be hearing throughout our lesson today.

We have data and interpret.

Let's practise those words.

My turn, data.

Your turn.


My turn, interpret.

Your turn.


So those keywords that we're going to be using today, and you will hear throughout the course of the lesson, we've got data and we've got interpret, and data is just a collection of facts or numbers.

And you will see that as we progress through the lesson, and when we interpret the data, we are going to explain its meaning.

So today we're going to start with thinking about how we can collect data to solve a problem that we might have posed.

To help us today we have Izzy, Laura, Jacob, and Andeep.

So sometimes we need to respond to a statement or a question and we can use something called the data handling cycle to help us, remember, data is just lots of information that we can collect.

So the data handling starts with us thinking about a question or a statement that we might be really interested in.

So we're going to pose that question or that statement.

We're going to make it.

Then we need to collect the data.

After we've collected the data, we are going to show it in a graph and then we can interpret or explain the data.

And once we've explained the data, it will answer our question or statement.

So you can see why it's called a data handling cycle, because it cycles round, it goes round in a cycle.

We start with a question or a statement and we finish by answering that question or statement.

So we, today, are going to work through this data handling cycle.

So we need to start by posing a question or a statement.

Andeep has made a statement.

He is saying, "Every child in my year three class can jump more than one metre in length." So he has made a statement, and we are going to use the data handling cycle to help us answer that statement.

Is he correct? Can every child in his year three class jump more than one metre in length? So we need to think about now, how can we check if Andeep is correct? That's right, we need to collect data, so the information on how far each of the year three children in Andeep's class can jump.

So we posed our statement.

How far Andeep thinks that all children in his year three class can jump more than one metre.

Now we need to collect the data to help us, and we can collect this data by measuring jump length.

So how far can the children jump? So let's check your understanding so far.

Our question was about year three children.

Can they all jump one metre? So we are going to collect data on how far they can jump.

What could you collect? What data, what information could you collect to find out if this statement is true? Every child in my year three class has an arm span that is more than one metre in length.

So an arm span is if you have your arms out wide from your fingertips to your fingertips, how long is that? So the question is, or the statement, sorry, is, every child in a year three class has an arm span that is more than one meet in length.

Pause the video.

Maybe you would like to discuss this someone and think about what would you collect to help answer that statement.

When you are ready, press Play.

Okay, what did you discuss? Did you discuss that you would need to collect data on the arm spans of all year three children in Andeep's class? And then, once you've collected that you can interpret it and see if it's true or not, well done.

So first, by reasoning, we need to decide which equipment to use.

So Laura is saying that she thinks year three children will jump further than a 30-centimeter ruler.

So she suggests we use a metre ruler to measure their jumps.

And we also need to think about which unit to use to measure.

Are we going to measure how far they jump in metres? Do you think, from a standing jump, a year three child could jump lots of metres, or do you think we should measure in centimetres, or won't they jump very far at all, and have a very short jump, so we need to jump measure in millimetres? What do you think? Well, Laura is saying it doesn't really matter as long as we keep the unit the same.

But although we're saying it doesn't matter as long as for each charge you keep the unit the same, there is a unit that would maybe be more efficient for us to use, more appropriate.

So let's use centimetres, Izzy is saying, because millimetres will be too small, everybody I think will jump more than what we could measure in millimetres.

Millimetres tiny remember and metres will be too large.

From a standing jump, it's unlikely that most people, especially year three children would jump more than, I don't know, what do you think? Two metres, three metres? So I think we are right with Izzy's suggestion.

Let's use centimetres.

It will be more appropriate, more efficient.

Okay, let's check your understanding again so far.

Which measuring equipment would you use to measure the arm span of a year three child? So remember that statement that Andy made, every child in my year three class has an arm span that is more than one metre in length.

What measuring equipment would you use to measure the arm span? Press pause and maybe have a discussion with someone, and when you're ready, press Play.

Okay, what did you decide? Did you decide that you would use to use centimetres on a metre ruler, because arm spans are longer than a 30-centimeter ruler.

So it'd be more efficient to use metres.

But then to measure, the measuring unit to be centimetres.

Okay, so once we've decided which measuring equipment and units to use, we can take those measurements.

Ah, stop.

Easy as saying, first we need to prepare a table to record our results in.

We need somewhere to write all these measurements down, don't we? And a table is an appropriate place to record them in.

So when measuring, it's important to have somewhere to record the data.

And this is an example of the table that we could use.

We're going to write the children's names in one column and the length of their jump on the next column along the same row as their name.

So before we start to collect that data, we need a table where we can write the information down.

So once we've drawn our table ready, we can then take the measurements.

Let's see how far these children jump, shall we? Oh, but remember Izzy is saying we need to make sure we're measuring from zero on our chosen measuring equipment.

So if we are using a metre ruler, we need to make sure where we measure from and where the children are standing to do their standing jump is at zero.

So here we go.

We've got Izzy.

Izzy has jumped 60 centimetres, so I can record that in my table.

You can see I've written 60 centimetres along the same row as Izzy down the length of jump column.

Let's have a look for Andeep, shall we? There we go, Andeep has jumped 120 centimetres, and Laura, Laura has jumped 130 centimetres.

So again, I can record that in my table in the column for length of jump in the same row as Laura.

And lastly Jacob, we can see Jacob has jumped 90 centimetres.

So I have recorded that in my table.

And now we have a full table of results for the children in Andeep's class and how far they can jump.

Ooh, time to check your understanding so far.

These are the instructions from the part of the data handling cycle that we have looked at so far, but they have been mixed up.

Can you put them in the order that they should be? So we've got decide what data to collect.

Collect the data and record in the table.

Decide what measuring equipment to use.

Decide on a statement or question to investigate.

Draw a table to record the data in.

Decide which units to use.

So pause the video.

You might want to have a chat with somebody and think about which order should these statements be in if we're going to put the part of the data handling cycle that we have looked at so far in order.

When you are ready, press Play.

Okay, how did you get on? Did you decide that first we have to decide on that statement or question to investigate? If we don't have a statement or a question, there's nothing for us to investigate, so that had to come first.

Then we're going to decide on what data to collect.

So jump length, arm spam, we're gonna decide on what measuring equipment to use.

So centimetre ruler, metre ruler? We're gonna decide which units to use, so centimetres, metres, or millimetres? Then we need to draw a table to record the data in.

Then we can collect the data, and we can record it in our table.

Did you get that order? Fantastic, well done.

So, it's your turn to practise now.

With this task, question one, I'd like you to work with a partner if possible and think of a question or a statement related to length that you might want to explore.

Something that you can measure.

And then once you've thought of your question or statement, I would like you to decide which data you will collect to explore this.

Then what measuring equipment and units of measure are you going to use? And finally, I would like you to take your measurements and record your results in this table.

Add more rows, if necessary.

So I want you to have a go at this question one in all its parts, pause the video, and when you've finished and are ready to check your answers, press Play.

Okay, how did you get on? So you might have thought of a statement.

Yeah, three children have a hand span shorter than 10 centimetres.

You might have decided to collect data on the width of the hand span of some year three children, and you might have decided that that would be appropriate to use a 30-centimeter ruler and use centimetres when measuring.

Your table then might have looked like this, you might have children's names in one column, and the measurements for their hand span in the other column.

So I measured Jacob's hand span and he was 13 centimetres.

Laura had a hand span of 15 centimetres.

Izzy had a hand span of 12 centimetres, and Andeep had a hand span of 14 centimetres.

Well done if your table looks something like that.

Let's move on to the second part of our learning today.

We are going to look at how we can interpret data to solve a problem.

So that's explain the data, the information that we've got, and we're gonna solve that problem, we're going to give an answer to the statement that Andeep set.

Or if a question you had asked yourself, you're going to be able to answer the question.

So once we've collected the data, we can represent it as a bar graph so that we can easily interpret it.

Bar graphs are very visual, and it makes explaining the data much easier.

So we have posed a question, or in this case Andeep made a statement about all children in his class being able to jump at more than one metre.

So we've posed that statement, we've collected the data and we've recorded that in a table.

Now we're going to show that data in a bar graph so that we can really easily explain the data and then answer that question.

So when we create a bar graph, we have to think about how to present the data.

So we've got our table with our results recorded in it about how far each child jumped.

And Laura is reminding us that we need to think about about the axis, the numerical axis, on the bar graph, and what's the highest value that that should go up to? And Laura is saying the greatest value in our table is 130 centimetres.

So the numerical axis needs to go up to at least 130 centimetres.

What would happen if we didn't, what would happen if we just said, oh, I'm going to stop my axis at 100 centimetres? What would happen? Hmm, that's right.

We wouldn't be able to show the top of Laura or Andeep's bars on the bar graph because the bar graph would stop at 100.

But Andeep has jumped 120 centimetres and Laura has jumped 130 centimetres.

So it's really important that we look at the greatest value in our data and ensure that our numerical axis goes up to at least that.

So thank you Laura for the reminder.

And Laura is also reminding us a very important point, that that numerical axis always starts at zero.

So it needs to go up to at least that maximum value, but it does need to start at zero.

For children, so there will be four bars, one bar for each child.

So the data that we've collected is now shown here as a bar graph.

So this is a bar graph comparing the length the children jumped.

What do you notice just by looking at the bar graph? Yeah, it's a little bit easier to understand than the table, isn't it? 'Cause we can see straight away who has jumped the furthest 'cause that's got the longest bar, that's Laura.

And we can see straight away who jumped the shortest, that was Izzy, because she has got the shortest bar.

So collecting data and then presenting it in a bar graph, it makes it much easier for us to interpret the data, to be able to explain it.

So we can use that bar graph to explain the data, to interpret the data, and then we can then respond to that statement or the question that was posed.

And when we've done that, we have completed the whole cycle.

We started with a question, we're collecting data, representing the data, interpreting the data, and then answering that statement or question.

So we can use this bar graph then to respond to Andeep's statement.

Remember, his statement was, every child in my year three class can jump more than one metre in length.


But what do you notice about the bar graph? Do you notice something? Hmm.

I've noticed the units are different, Andeep is talking about one metre, but our numerical axis is in centimetres.


Wonder what we need to do.

Ah, thank you Andeep for reminding us.

Remember, one metre is equal to 100 centimetres.

So how can we use this bar graph to help us answer the statement about whether all children jumped more than one metre? That's right, I could add a line to the bar graph at 100 centimetres, which is equal to one metre, and straight away, by adding that line I can see that Izzy and Jacob jumped less than one metre.

Their bars do not reach that line.

What else can you tell? Yeah, that's right, Andy and Laura jumped more than one metre.

So just by adding that line at that 100 centimetres, we can very clearly interpret the data.

And so Andy is saying his statement was incorrect.

Not all children could jump more than one metre, could they? So your turn is to check your understanding so far.

I wonder if you can think of some questions we could answer using this bar graph.

So this bar graph, the title is, "Bar graph comparing the distance a football was kicked." So I would like you to pause the video and see if you can come up with at least two questions that you might be able to answer using this bar graph.

You might like to talk to somebody about it and share your questions.

When you've done that, press Play.

Okay, what questions did you come up with, I wonder? I've had to think of some, these are some examples of questions that you might have said that we could answer using the bar graph.

You might have just said, who can kick a football the farthest? And can all three year three children kick a football further than 50 metres? So those are some questions that I thought about that we could have answered using that bar graph.

I wonder what you thought of.

So it's your turn to practise these skills that we've been learning now.

I would like you to use some squared paper, and represent the data you collected in task A as a bar graph, or maybe your data is a little bit tricky, so you might like to use the data that I've got here from some year three children and represent that as a bar graph.

You can see I've got the children, Izzy, Andy, Laura, and Jacob, and I've measured the length of their feet.

So you choose.

If you are happy with the data you collected in task A, use that.

If not, you can use my data.

And for the second question, I'd like you to interpret your data from Task A to help answer the question you posed.

So explain it, answer your question, or if your data was too tricky, I'd like you to interpret the data given to you to answer the question about year three children's feet, are they all longer than 20 centimetres? So you choose depending on the data that you collected, and then have a go at explaining it.

When you finished with questions one and two, so pause, sorry, pause the video when you've finished with questions one and two, press Play.

Okay, so how did you get on? So if you use the data that I gave you, your graph may look like this, and I can see very clearly from looking at the graph that Andy's feet are the longest and Izzy's feet are the shortest.

So I would love to know what your graphs look like if you analysed or if you represented your own data in a bar graph.

For question two, if you interpreted the data regarding the year three children's feet being longer than 20 centimetres, you will have noticed that some children's feet were longer than 20 centimetres, but some were not.

So we can say no, not all year three, not all year three children's feet are longer than 20 centimetres.

Fantastic if you manage to interpret your data, and fantastic if you manage to interpret this data.

Very well done, fantastic learning everybody.

I am so happy that you chose to do your math learning with me today.

I am really impressed with the progress that you have made on our lesson related to solving problems involving length.

We have learned that data can be collected to help solve a problem involving length.

We know that when we collect data, we need to decide which units to use, millimetres, centimetres, or metres, and it's very important that we choose the most effective unit.

We also know that representing data as a bar graph can help us interpret the data.

It can help us explain it in a really clear and visual way because it's really clear which bars are shorter or longer than the others.

So really well done, everyone today, really impressed with the progress that you have made in the learning that you have done.

I will see you soon.