Hello everyone.
My name is Miss Sabzvari.
And I'm really excited you decided to join me today for maths lesson.
The unit we're studying is multiplication and division.
In the previous lesson, we learned about using the division symbol when grouping.
In this lesson, we will focus on solving division problems when sharing.
So when you're ready, let's begin.
Let's have a look at today's lesson agenda.
First we'll begin by recapping division as sharing.
Then we'll move on to a talk task where you will get the opportunity to explore some word problems. Then we will move on to representing a word problems using bar models.
And finally, you will complete your independent task.
Before I begin today's lesson, you will need the following items. You will need something to write with and something to write on.
You will need some counters or cubes, alternatively, you can ask your parents or carer to cut out some small pieces of paper, and finally, you will need a ruler.
So please pause the video now and get the items that you need.
Division as sharing.
In the previous lessons, we have at both division as sharing and division by grouping, okay.
And it's important for us to know the difference.
So when we do come to look at a word problems, we know exactly what we are doing.
So we know exactly what the question is asking us to do, okay? So follow with me.
When you're dividing by sharing, we know the value of the whole, okay? So we know that total.
And we know how many parts there are, okay? So we know how many groups there are.
But what we don't know is the value of each part.
So we don't know how many are in each group.
On the other hand, when we are dividing by grouping, we still know the value of the whole, so we know the total, we know how many there are in total, but we also know the value of the parts.
What we don't know is how many parts there are, okay? So we know how many is going to be in each group.
But what we're trying to work out is how many groups there are going to be.
And today's word problems are all going to be focusing on dividing by sharing, okay? So we're going to know the whole, and we're going to know the number of parts that we have? We're going to try and work out what the value of each part is? So let's have a look at a word problem.
Follow with me.
The school cook was serving the school dinners.
She had 15 sausages left over.
There were five pupils in the line.
How many sausages could each pupil get? What I would like you to do in a second is to pause the video, and to tell you your screen if we are dividing by sharing, or if we're dividing by grouping, I would like you to justify your answer.
Give me your reason why, how do you know, okay? So I would like you to use this sentence frame to help you.
I think we are dividing by hmm because hmm.
I mean you will tell me your reason behind you answer, okay? So do that now.
Excellent work.
We are dividing by sharing because we know the value of the whole, what was the value of the whole? 15, good job.
Because we've got 15 sausages.
And we know how many parts there are.
We know how many children there are.
We know how many we are trying to share in between, okay? So we're trying to share between five children.
Good work.
But what we don't know is how many sausages each child is going to get.
So now what I would like you to do is, I would like you to use your counters or cubes to work out how many sausages each child is going to get.
Then, I would like you to draw you a array to represent the question.
And finally, I would like you to write down the division equation.
Do that now.
Excellent work.
First, I will see my 15 counters, okay.
To represent my 15 sausages.
And I would create my five groups.
Then, I'm going to add or share a counter to each group until I run out of my 15 counters.
And what I will be left with is how many counters I will have in each group.
So I know that 15 shared or divided by five is equal to three.
So each child is going to get three sausages.
Great work.
Now, we can represent word problems using a arrays or we can represent a division word problems using bar models, okay? So now we're going to learn how we can use bar models to help us work out a word problem? Follow with me.
A mum bought 15 cookies and shared between her three children.
How many cookies does each child get? The first thing I would like you to do is to pause the video and tell you a screen, are we dividing by sharing or dividing by grouping.
And how do you know? Great work.
We know that we are dividing by sharing because we know the whole and we know our parts, we know how many groups there are.
And we are trying to work out the value of each part.
We're going to try to work out how many cookies each child will get.
So what is my whole? Tell you screen.
15, excellent.
We've got 15 cookies, okay? So what I'm going to start off with? About bar models, we always start off by drawing a bar like this, okay? Then, how many parts are there? How many parts do I have? Tell you a screen.
Three, so I know there are three children, so I know I need to divide my bar into three equal parts.
So, here I've got one part, two and three, and the divided by these lines equally, okay? And here, I'm going to write my 15 because it's my whole.
The bar represents 15, and I want to know how many each part is going to be, okay? So what I would like you to do is to pause the video now, and I would like you to do this bar model on your piece of paper and once you're ready, we will continue.
Excellent work.
Okay, so now we have our bar models.
Now what we need to do is to share a 15 cookies between the three children, or our three groups.
So, you're going to choose your 15 counters, Okay.
And you're going to put one counter in each group, and you're going to do this until you run out of your 15 counters.
See that now, Okay.
So I know that a mum has bought 15 cookies and she would like to share them between her three children.
And I'm going to work out how many cookies each child will get.
The first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to draw my bar model, okay? So using my ruler, okay.
And I know that she has three children therefore, I'm going to split my bar model into three equal parts, okay.
And I know the total is 15, so I'm sharing 15 cookies between three children, okay.
So what I'm now going to do is I'm going to select my 15 counters to represent my cookies, and I'm going to share them between each group.
So, and now I'm going to add a counter to each group until I run out of counters.
So one, two, three, four, five.
One two, three, four five.
One, two, three, four, five.
So I know that they're going to be five cookies in each group.
So I could say that 15 divided by or shared into three equal groups is equal to five.
Excellent work.
So you should have one, two, three, four, five counters in each group, okay.
So now we know that 15 divided by three, so one, two, three is equal to five.
So the value of each part is five.
Excellent work.
Follow with me.
A mum bought 20 cookies and shared them between her five children.
How many cookies does each child get? So I would like you to tell me if we are dividing by sharing or dividing by grouping.
And I would like you to justify your answer.
How do you know? Excellent work.
We are devising my sharing because we know the whole, So we know how many cookies there are.
And we know how many parts there are.
There are five children.
So one, two, three, four, five, okay.
And we want to work out the value of each part.
Again, what I would like you to do is to draw your bar model on your piece of paper and you select your 20 counters and to share them equally between each child.
Do that now, okay.
So I know that a mum has bought 20 cookies this time and has shared them between her five children.
How many cookies does each child get? So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to draw my bar model using my ruler, okay.
And I know that that she shared them between her five children.
So I need to make sure that there are five equal groups.
Okay, So one, two, three, four, and five.
And she's got 20 cookies and she's sharing them between five equal groups.
So now I'm going to get to my 20 counters and I'm going to give one counter to each group until I run out.
So one.
Okay, and I can see that in each group, there are one, two, three, four counters, okay.
So I know that 20 divided by one, two, three, four, five is equal to four.
And if I was to do it pictorially, What I would do is I would have my bar model sectioned into the correct groups.
And then I would add a dot each group and count until I reached my total, which is 20.
So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
And that's where I would stop.
So now I can see that in each group, I have one, two, three, four, okay.
So there are four dots in each group.
And I know that my whole is 20.
So moving onto independent task.
Question A.
10 oranges was shared equally between two children.
How many oranges did each child get? And question B, farmer Joe shares 20 eggs between his two children.
How many eggs does each child get? So you're going to draw your bar model.
You need your counters to share them equally between the appropriate groups.
And finally, you're going to write your division equations, then we will go through the answers together.
So, I'm going to look at question A, we know that there are 10 oranges altogether.
So the first thing I'm going to do is draw my bar model, and I'm going to write 10 to represent that this bar model is equal to 10.
Then I'm going to divide or split our bar model into two because I know that there are two equal groups, okay.
And I'm trying to work out how many oranges each child is going to get.
So with my Counters, I will share onc to each group until I run out of my 10 counters.
And in each group, I have five.
So I know that 10 divided by two, or 10 shared into two equal groups is equal to five.
So if you got that correct, give yourself a big pat on the back.
Well done.
I'm looking at question B, farmer Joe shares 20 eggs between his two children.
The first thing I'm going to do again is I'm going to draw my bar model, okay? Then I'm going to split it into two equal groups because I know I have two children to represent my two groups, okay.
And I know that I have 20 eggs altogether.
So I'm going to choose my 20 counters, and I'm going to add one to each group until I run out of counters.
And I'm going to be left with 10 in each.
So I know that's 20 divided by two or shared into two equal groups is equal to 10.
Well done if you got that correct.
Now, if you would like to please ask your parents or carer to share your work on Twitter tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.
And now, it's time we get to compete your end of lesson quiz.
You worked extremely hard, you should be very proud of yourself.
And I can't wait to see next.