
Lesson video

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Hi there and welcome to today's spelling lesson.

I'm Mr. Moss.

I love spelling and I'm really looking forward to teaching you.

With you today, you need to bring your looking eyes, your listening ears, and your thinking brains.

As well as that, something to write with and write on and someone or something to talk to would be great as well.

Let's get right into today's spelling lesson then.

In today's lesson we're going to be spelling words with the prefixes, dis-, non-, mis- and un-.

The outcome is: "I can change the meaning of a word by adding the prefixes, dis-, non-, mis- and un-." Here are the keywords for today's learning.

My turn, your turn.

And then we'll have a little chat about what they mean.

Make sure I can hear you saying these back to me: prefix, root word.


So a prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the start of a root word to change its meaning.

A root word is the base word from which other words are formed, often by adding prefixes or suffixes.

And remember today we are going to be adding prefixes.

So letters at the beginning of our root words.

Here's the outcome for today's learning.

We're gonna be spelling words with the prefixes, dis-, non, mis- and un-.

And we're gonna begin by looking at them, what they mean, whether they change the spelling of the root word or not.

And then we're gonna have a go at spelling some words using those prefixes.

Let's have a look at the prefixes dis-, non, mis- and un-, then.

A prefix is a letter or a group of letters added to the start of a word and that changes its meaning.

So, I have here my root word "kind".

I add un at the beginning and it becomes unkind.

A new word that has a different meaning.

I have the root word "happy" here.

I've added the prefix un to the beginning of it to create a new word, unhappy, which has a different meaning.

Here I've got pre.

Yes, the letters pre itself are a prefix.


View is my root word.

I can preview something, which means to view it ahead of time.

Understanding prefixes can help us to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words.

So if we know what the meaning of the prefix is, then we can figure out the meaning of the new word.

'Cause we might know the meaning of the prefix and the root word, joining them together will then understand the meaning of that new word.

So let's have a look at the word "prefix" itself.

We split into two parts, pre and fix.

This word Pre-, prefix meaning before.

Latin is where this is rooted in.

From the Latin prae, or prae.

Fix, itself, is a root word, meaning attach.

So we've got our prefix, pre, meaning coming before and then fix.

So it is something which is attached to or fixed to the beginning of a word before the word.

So, and we get this again from Latin.


So, prefix: to attach something before a word.

A prefix then is a letter or group of letters added to the start of a word.

And this changes the meaning of that word and creates a new word.

Let's have a read of some words.

My turn, your turn.

Unfriendly, unusual, nonsense, nonfiction, disappear, dishonest, misbehave, miscalculate.

We're gonna have a chat about what some of these words mean.

So don't worry if you don't know the meanings of them for now.

Just have a look at them though for me.

I noticed that we have prefixes in all of these words.

I can see the prefixes, un-, non-, dis- and mis-.

And these are the prefixes that we are gonna concentrate on looking at today.

They all begin with prefixes.

Remind me again, what are the prefixes we're looking at today? What prefixes can you see here? Pause the video and say the prefixes you can see.

Good job, team.

So we are gonna investigate how these prefixes change the meaning of the words that they have been attached to.

So, see how these words are changed when we use the prefix un-.

Here's my root word, friendly.

Here's my root word, usual.

Friendly means to be kind.

Usual means normal.

Now I add un before it, unfriendly, unusual, to create new words.

Unfriendly means not kind.

Unusual means not normal.

The prefix un, then means not.

And when added before a root word, it means not that root word.

Let's see how then the words change when we add the prefix non.

Say that for me.


Here we have the root word, "sense".

Here we have the root word, "fiction".

Sense means sensible, has meaning, is understood.

Fiction means made up or imaginative story.

We are adding the prefix non.

Let's see what happens to these words then.

Nonsense, nonfiction.

This means not sensible.

Nonsense means the opposite of sensible then.

Not sensible.

And nonfiction, the opposite of fiction.

Not made up.


So the prefix non means not.

Un- and non- are both prefixes, meaning not.

They change the meaning of that root word to mean not that thing.

We can now look at the prefix dis-.

Let's see how the words change when we add it to the beginning of those words.

Here I have the root word "appear".

Here I have the root word "honest".

Appear means visible, can be seen, Honest means trustworthy, telling the truth.

Let's see what happens if I add dis ahead of them.

Disappear means not visible.

Dishonest means not trustworthy.

Again, the prefix dis means not.

Un-, non-, and dis- as prefixes added to the beginning of root words, changes the meaning that root word to mean not to that thing.

So which prefix will go with each of these? You can see I've got A, B, and C.

A is un-, B is non-, C is dis-.

Check what sounds right.

So say the prefix before the word each time and see which one sounds correct.

So let's have a look.

We have here the root word agree.

I'm gonna say the prefix before the word, not after.

I'm not looking at suffixes here.

I'm not gonna say agree-un or agree-non, or agree-dis.

They would not be words.

I'm gonna try saying the prefix before the word.

Let's have a go.






Well one of those sounds right, doesn't it? Yes, it is disagree.

So I'm gonna show you some more root words now and you are gonna have a go adding the prefixes and saying which one would the new word would be.

Here's the word: pleasant.

Have a go.

Say this word now with the prefixes and see what new word you can create that makes sense.

Pause the video.


Let's have a look then.


Yes, that is a word, isn't it? Meaning not pleasant.


Not a word.


not a word.

So my correct word there is unpleasant.

I add the prefix un-.

Here's my root word: stick.

Think about something sticking to something.

Hmm? Pause the video.

Have a go at adding the prefixes.

See which one works.

Off you go.

Good job.

Let's have a look then.


Hmm? Perhaps.


Like a non-stick pan? Yes, that would certainly work.


That's not going to work, is it? So our prefix we'd add here is non-stick.


Remember the prefixes un-, non- and dis- mean not.

They change that root word, meaning not what that root word is.

So agree becomes disagree, pleasant becomes unpleasant, the opposite and stick becomes non-stick.

Let's now have a look at the prefix, mis-, then and see how the root words change.

Here are some root words.

Behave, calculate, which means to work something out in maths.

Behave means to act properly.

To act rightly, on your best behaviour.

Calculate means to work an answer out mathematically.

Doing a calculation.

See what happens to these words when I add the prefix, mis- then.



It means to act wrongly.

So not act properly, but act wrongly and to work out the wrong answer.

So that prefix mis- means wrongly or wrong.

What happens to these words when we add the prefix mis- then? Place becomes misplaced.

To put something in the wrong place and not be able to find it.

If I place something over there, I know where it is.

If I misplace something, it means it's in the wrong place and I don't know where it is.


What we're doing right now, we're doing a spelling lesson.

If I misspell something then, that means I spell it wrongly.

Notice here with all of these root words that we've added these prefixes to today, the root words have not changed.

Here we have a double S because the root word starts with an S.

We don't often see double Ss like this, but we are gonna keep it here.

It works 'cause we don't change the spelling of our root word here.

We have our double S in "misspell".

So here, for our practise task, we have a table.

I'd like you to put the root words below into the correct column and show what will happen when we add the prefix meaning not or wrongly.

We have the prefixes un-, non- and dis-, meaning not.

And the prefix mis- meaning wrongly.

We have the root words below: sense, behave, friendly, appear, calculate, fiction, honest, and usual.

Have a go, remember, at saying, okay? The prefix before the root word to see what sounds right.

And remember the spelling of the root word is not going to change at all when adding the prefix.

Even if there's a double S.

So I for instance, might say unsense.

Doesn't sound right.


That sounds right.

Dissense, not a word.

Missense, not a word.

Oh, it's nonsense.

So have a go at saying the prefixes before the root word to work out which one's correct and then have a go change them into the new words.

Pause the video.

Off you go.

Brilliant job, team.

Let's see how you've done then.

I've sorted them like this.

Friendly has become unfriendly, which means not friendly.

Usual has become unusual.

Nonsense, nonfiction.

appear has become disappear.

Honest has become dishonest.

Behave has become misbehave, and calculate has become miscalculate.

Remember, the spelling of the root word has not changed.

We've just added the prefix.

Pause the video, check and see how you did now.

And remember, un-, non- and dis- mean not, and mis- means wrongly.

Each of the root words now change meaning.

Pause the video and check and see how you did.

Onto then our next learning cycle, which is going to be spelling words using prefixes, and the prefixes we're looking at today, remember, are dis-, non-, mis- and un-.

So let's read the following word: My turn, your turn.



What do you notice about this spelling? What's maybe interesting about the way it's spelt compared to how it sounds? Let's say it one more time.


Pause the video.

Have a think about what you notice about this spelling.


So I've noticed it has this T-I-O-N at the end, the "tion".

The suffix tion is used at the end.

It sounds like a "chun", doesn't it? C-H-U-N.

But we know that "tion", T-I-O-N.


Also, it has the word quest in it, doesn't it? The word quest is at the start.

Spotting a word in a word is a really useful way to help us remember how to spell this word.

Question has quest in it.

And then we know it's that "tion", "chun", question, T-I-O-N spelling suffix at the end.

With that in mind, which of these is the correct spelling of the word question? Think about what we know.

Question has quest in it, doesn't it? Pause the video.

Point to either A, B, or C now.

Good job, team.

So it's got quest in it, has it? I can see two that have quest in them.

And then I know it's my T-I-O-N, "chun" suffix.

So it's the correct one is this one here.



The spelling of the root word does not change when we add the prefix un-.


Sense becomes nonsense.

Mis becomes misplace, and dis becomes disagree.

So it's not actually just when we add that prefix un-, it's when we add any of these prefixes, un-, non- mis- and dis-, the root word does not change its spelling.

If you know the spelling of the root word, then you can work out the spelling of the new word.

It doesn't change at all.

We just add the prefix.

So how am I going to spell unfair? Oh, just gonna add un.

How am I gonna spell fiction? Pause the video and have a go at spelling nonfiction now.


It's not going to change.

I'm just gonna add non fiction, join them together.


How am I gonna spell that? Pause the video, add it.

Well done.

Now this one's a slightly interesting one, isn't it? It's gonna become misspell and end up creating that word "miss" in it, don't I? Now remember, this might have a double S, but we're going to keep it.

We're not going to change the spelling of that root word.

And disappear.

How am I going to spell disappear? By adding the prefix dis to the root word appear.

Pause the video and have a go now.

Okay, let's have a look.


Just add the prefix to the root word.

The root word doesn't change.

This can help remembering single or double letters.

Because look, you might think misspell, maybe it's just only one S, but no it's not.

Because my preface spelling's not going to change.

My root word's not going to change.

So remember when adding a prefix, un-, non-, mis- and dis-, the spelling of the root word will not change.

So choose the correct spelling.

My root word is spell.

How am I going to spell misspell? Pause the video and point to the correct answer now.

Okay, let's see how you've done then.

So misspell.

Now, some of these do seem to make sense to me, but I think one of them's only correct, obviously.

A, "misspell".


Now there's something weird that's happened there.

I would've changed my root word or changed my prefix and I know I don't want to do that.

B, the root word's going to definitely have changed.

I've taken an L off, which I know I wouldn't need to do.

So my correct spelling is this one here.

It's mis spell and join together.

M-I-S and then S-P-E-L-L.

Spelling of the preface and the root word don't change here.

My root word is appear.

Point to the correct spelling of disappear.

Great job.

So remember, spelling of my root word's not going to change.

I'm not gonna add an extra S, am I? Dis is just spelt D-I-S.

So correct spelling is this one here, disappear.

So I'm gonna give you some words now that I'd like you to have a go at writing for me.

Just listen carefully.

The words are: misspell.

I accidentally misspelt a word wrong.


Next word, disappear.



I ate a very unhealthy meal.

So not healthy.

And misbehave.


So I'll say the words one more time and you're gonna have a go at writing them, okay? Remember, think about the spelling of the root word.

If you know the spelling of the root word, then you're going to know the spelling of the new word.

'Cause the spelling of the root word won't change when we add that prefix remember? So misspell, disappear, unhealthy, misbehave.

Pause the video and have a go at writing them now.

Fantastic job, team.

Excellent work.

So what we're going to do now is we're gonna have a look at each of these spellings.

I've seen them written in a number of different ways.

We're gonna have a look, think about which ones are correct and then make any corrections as we go along.

So, misspell.

Now my root word here is spell, isn't it? S-P-E-L-L.

And I'm adding the mis- prefix to it.

My root word's not going to change.

So I know it's gonna have a double S in it because mis has an S and spell has an S.

So my correct spelling is this one here.

The next word was disappear.

So I've got that dis.



D-I-S is my prefix there.


That's A-P-P-E-A-R.

Now I'm not gonna pull an extra S out of anywhere, am I? 'Cause the root word's not "sappear", it's appear.

So my correct spelling is this one here.

The spelling of the root word doesn't change.

Here we had unhealthy, so not healthy.

Healthy is an interesting spelling, but watch out for this one.

It's H-E-A-L-T-H-Y.


It's that "eh", "elth", spelled H-E-A-L-T-H.

So the correct spelling is this one here.

And the last one was misbehave.

Mis is our prefix there.


Behave is our root word.


Is that A, split, E at the end, I think.


Or that long vowel sound, not "misbehav", "hayve".

So the correct spelling is this one here.

Really well done, everyone.

What successes did you have? Did you make any magical mistakes? Share them with those around you and make any corrections.

Pause the video now.

Really great job today, team.

Today we've been looking at spelling words with the prefixes dis-, non-, mis- and un-.

A prefix member is a letter or group of letters added to the start of a word, which creates a new word.

The prefixes un-, non-, dis- and mis- can be added to the beginning of a word without changing the spelling of the root word.

The prefixes un-, non- and dis- usually mean not, and the prefix mis- usually means wrongly.

Great job.

Keep up the great spelling and I'll see you again soon.