
Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Mrs. Chowdry.

What's your name? Well, it's lovely to have you here today because we're gonna be doing lots of learning together.

Some of the learning is brand new.

It's things you haven't learn before, but that's okay because I'm here to help you.

So let's get started.

So in this unit, we're gonna be learning about Elizabeth II, who was a very important woman.

We're gonna find out about why she was so important throughout lots of lessons, but we're gonna start at the very beginning of her life and we're gonna be learning about what she was like when she was a, when she was a baby.

That's right, we're going to be learning about what Elizabeth II was like when she was a baby.

And by the end of this lesson, you'll be able to talk about and describe Elizabeth's very early life.

So let's get started.

In all of our lessons, we'll always have something called key words.

Key words are words that we are going to be learning throughout our lessons and that are really important for us to know.

In this lesson, we have five key words.

Five key words.

So let's find out what they are.

And we'll do some my turn and your turn so that we can get to know these words really well.

So the first one is royal family.

I'll do that again.

My turn.

Royal family.

Your turn.


The second word is duke.

My turn, duke.

Your turn.


The third word is duchess.

My turn, duchess.

Your turn.


The fourth word is king.

My turn, king.

Your turn.


And the last fifth and final word is queen.

My turn, queen.

Your turn.


So our five keywords today are royal family, duke, Duchess, king and queen.

So let's find out more about these keywords.

So our lesson today is split into two parts.

There are two parts to our lesson today.

The first part will be all about Elizabeth's family, and the second part will be about the early days of Elizabeth.

So what she was like when she was a baby.

Let's begin by learning about Elizabeth's family and who they were.

Can you see the woman in this picture? Who do you think she is? Take a close look at what she's wearing and how she's sitting.

I can see a crown on her head and she's wearing very beautiful jewels around her neck and even on her wrist.

Her name was Elizabeth II and we'll be learning all about her life.

This is a timeline, so we're gonna be learning about some important parts in Elizabeth's life.

In 1926, so that's a really long time ago, around a hundred years ago, Elizabeth was born.

Many years later, in 1952, Elizabeth became queen.

And a long, long time later, after many, many, many years, Elizabeth died in 2022.

But our lesson is going to be about Elizabeth's early life.

So this was just after she was born in 1926, and her early life is about when she was a baby.

So let us start at the beginning of her life.

Elizabeth was born in Mayfair, London on the 21st of April, 1926.

So like I said, nearly a hundred years ago, that's a really long time ago.

Do you know anything or anyone who's a hundred years old? A hundred years might even be older than your grandparents.

It's a very, very long time ago.

This was before I was born and before your parents were born too.

Elizabeth was born at her grandparents' home.

So she was born in a house.

And even though she was born at her grandparents' home, there were still lots of doctors and nurses around and midwives as well.

They were all around to help.

I was born at a hospital.

How about you? Where were you born? This is a picture of Elizabeth's grandparents' house.

So this is a house in Mayfair that Elizabeth was born in.

It's quite a big house, isn't it? This is what houses used to look like a very long time ago.

Elizabeth was born into the royal family.

That's one of our keywords today, royal family.

The royal family is a group of relatives who rule a country.

The relatives are aunts and uncles, grandparents, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers.

They're what we call relatives.

And the royal family is a group of relatives who ruled a country.

This is a picture of the British royal family.

You can see them all sitting and posing for the picture.

We have the king and queen in this picture as well.

You can see how important the men and women are by the way that they're standing and sitting.

The men have these very heavy medals on their jackets and the women are wearing special hats and jewellery, and the queen even has a sash across her dress.

So that's a picture of the British royal family over a hundred years ago, Elizabeth's parents with a Duke and Duchess of York.

This picture shows the Duke and Duchess of York, with baby Elizabeth.

Their hair looks really different and all the photographs we've seen so far are in black and white.

And that's because they're so old.

They're almost a hundred years ago, and they weren't colour photographs then.

All of the photographs from over a hundred years ago are black and white.

And that's how we can tell sometimes that a photo is very old.

Duke is one of our key words today.

So let's find out what it means.

A duke is an important man who owns a lot of land.

In the past they ruled a small area.

And duchess, which is another one of our keywords today, a duchess is an important woman who owns a lot of land.

A duke and duchess are usually married.

This photograph shows the Duke and Duchess of York, who wore Elizabeth's parents.

Look at this picture of the royal family.

Can you spot Baby Elizabeth? Where is she? There she is Baby Elizabeth.

And she's being held by her mother, who is the Duchess of York.

This is a photograph from Elizabeth's christening and a christening is a celebration when a baby is born.

And all of the people in this photograph are from the royal family.

So they're a group of relatives.

You can see the women all wearing very special hats.

And you can also see that the photograph is in black and white, which tells us that this is a photograph from a very long time ago.

So we've done a bit of learning so far.

Let's check for understanding to see how we're doing.

The royal family are.

You think they're a, group of relatives who rule the country? B, a group of friends who rule the country.

Or c, a group of children who rule the country? Who do you think the royal family are? Pause the video.

Have a think and I'll be waiting right here.

Oh, the royal family are a, a group of relatives who rule the country.

Okay, let's have another check for understanding.

What title was Elizabeth's father given? Was he a, the Duke of York or was he b, the Duchess of York? Pause the video and have a think.

Elizabeth's father was given the title of the Duke of York.

He was the Duke of York because he was a man.

Elizabeth's mother was the Duchess of Your.

Great, we've done some learning about the royal family so far.

And I'd like you to take a look at this picture now and work with your partner to label who the people in this picture are.

So I've labelled two already for you.

We can see the king standing at the back there and we have the queen sitting at the front, but two are the three other people in this photograph.

I've got some words at the bottom to help you.

We've got the Duke of York, the Duchess of York, and of course Elizabeth.

So pause the video and have a think.

Talk to your partner and think about who the people are in the photograph.

So let's take a look at this photograph together.

Let's take a good look and try to figure out who these people are.

So at the top we have the Duke of York.

Yes, he's a man who owns a lot of land and he's Elizabeth's father.

Then we have sitting down with a hat on her head.

We have the Duchess of York and she's Elizabeth's mother.

And finally, the baby that's being held in the arms of the Duchess of York is Elizabeth, the baby Elizabeth.

This is a picture of the royal family that we've just annotated.

Good job having a go at that.

Now we've learned all about Elizabeth's family, the royal family and the Duke and Duchess of York.

Now it's time for us to learn about the early days of Elizabeth and what she was like as a baby.

When Elizabeth was a baby, her parents had to go on an official visit to Australia.

Members of the royal family had to visit other countries as part of their job.

This photograph shows the Duke of Duchess of York visiting Australia to see them meeting with the local people.

The Duke and Duchess had travelled to Australia by ship.

This took a very long time as Australia is quite far away.

It took many, many months for them to get to Australia.

And this photograph shows the ship they travelled on.

It's a very long ship that travelled on seas and oceans to get to Australia.

During that time Her parents were away Elizabeth stayed with her grandparents who were the King and queen Of England.

They were King George V and Queen Mary.

This photograph shows the King and Queen of England who were also Elizabeth's, that's right, grandparents.

They were also Elizabeth's grandparents.

So what exactly is a king? The male head of the royal family is called a king.

He's the leader of the country.

And the female head of the royal family is called a queen.

She's the leader of the country.

So a king is a man and the head of the royal family.

And a queen is a woman and the head of the royal family.

Let's take a closer look at this illustration of King George V and Queen Mary.

What clues from the illustration tell us that they're the king and queen? What things are they wearing that tell us that the people in this illustration are the king and queen? Well, the first thing is on their head they're wearing crowns.

So they're both wearing crowns.

And the king is wearing very royal robes.

He's wearing a very special robe that only kings wear.

Around their neck they're wearing these beautiful necklaces which have lots of emeralds and diamonds and rubies on them.

They're very, very expensive and very special.

And finally, they are wearing long and heavy gowns.

So very special clothes that only kings and queens wear.

They're very expensive.

They took a really long time to make and they're very, very heavy.

So those clues tell us that they are the King and Queen of England.

Because Elizabeth's parents were so far away in Australia, the Duke and Duchess stayed in touch with them by telegram.

Telegrams were a way of sending messages to other countries through electric wires.

And you can see the electric wires that I'm talking about in this illustration here.

And you see up there, all of the wires.

And the way that telegrams work are that when the message was sent, someone like the man in this picture would listen to it, write it up, and then give it to the person who wants to get the message.

You can see the man in this illustration is listening very carefully to the message being sent through the electric wires and he'd write it up and then give it to the person who needs to get it.

And telegrams were used mainly when people were very, very far away and you couldn't get letters to them.

So because Elizabeth was still a baby, what do you think Elizabeth's parents and grandparents would've telegramed about? What do you think? perhaps they telegramed about Elizabeth's first steps that she took as a baby.

Or maybe even Elizabeth's first word? What was the first word she said? Or maybe even Elizabeth's first tooth.

Maybe they telegramed and sent a message to her parents about her first tooth.

'Cause remember, Elizabeth was still a baby when her parents went away to Australia.

And this photo shows Baby Elizabeth in a carriage in what used to be a pushchair almost a hundred years ago, very long time ago.

Have you seen a pushchair or bogie like that? Probably not because this is a very old one from a nearly a hundred years ago.

So let's check for understanding to see how we are doing so far.

Complete this sentence.

Elizabeth's grandparents were England's.

A, Duke and Duchess.

B, King and Queen.

or c, grandma and grandpa.

Elizabeth's grandparents were England's.

Pause the video and have a think.

Elizabeth's grandparents were England's King and Queen, but remember they were Elizabeth's grandma and grandpa.

So let's do our our last and final task in our lesson today.

I'd like you to write or say something about these pictures of Elizabeth's early life.

So we've got three pictures here, three very important photographs from her life.

And I'd like you to write or say something about these photographs.

You might want to think about who are in these pictures.

You might want to talk about what is happening in these photographs.

You may even think about where these photographs were taken and more importantly, when these photographs were taken.

Pause us the video and have a think.

Welcome back.

Have you written or said something about these pictures? Oh, let's see what you might have written or said about these pictures of Elizabeth's early life.

Perhaps you said this is baby Elizabeth with her parents, the Duke and Duchess of York and grandparents, the King and Queen of England.

The next photograph you might have said, this is baby Elizabeth in a baby carriage.

That is very different to prams we have now.

However, the final photograph you might have said, this is a photograph of the Duke and Duchess of York on an official visit to Australia.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth stayed with her grandparents.

Did you say any of those things for these photographs? Great, well and really well done for having a go at our task today.

So let's summarise what we've learned today because we've come to the end of our lesson.

We've done some brilliant learning together.

So let's summarise what we've learned.

The first thing we learned was that Elizabeth was born into the royal family.

So she was born into the royal family and the royal family are a group of relatives who rule country.

Her parents were the Duke and Duchess of York.

Elizabeth's grandparents were the King and Queen of England.

So they were the rulers of the country.

When Elizabeth was still a baby, her parents went away and Elizabeth stayed with her grandparents.

And her parents went to Australia.

The king and queen sent telegrams to her parents while they were away telling them how Elizabeth was.

So we learned a lot of things in our lesson today, and I think you did amazingly well concentrating, listening, checking for understanding, and completing all of the tasks.

So I can't wait to see you again in our next lesson where we're going to be doing lots of fun learning together all over again.

But goodbye for now.
